Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Mayako heard a trace of reluctance in Anther's voice, and she gave him a reassuring smile. "It'll be fun," she said to him. Just when Mayako was going to keep looking at the panels, a voice was calling out. "All people in character! Gather up if you wanna play our dare game?" Mayako glanced over to where the voice came from, and it was a person cosplaying as Ichigo from Bleach, trying to grab people's attention. There was a circle of cosplayers, gathering around and sitting down on the carpet. Mayako turned to Anther. "Hey, it sounds kinda fun. Want to join?"
"It does sound pretty interesting, sure why not." With Mayako's hand in mine, we sat in the now growing circle of fellow coseplayers with amazing costumes. I couldn't help but have thoughts race through my mind of what this could be, maybe a best costume contest or something?
Mayako smiled, and 'Ichigo' who had gathered this number of people was also accompanied by Rukia. "Alright, cool. I didn't expect this many people. You guys must secretly love us or somethin'," Rukia chuckled, and she got some people to laugh as well. "So our dare game, who shall be the first!" Rukia pointed to Anther. "You and Yoko over there are pretty cozy together. Ichigo, what do you think?" Rukia asked him. "Sure, but I don't even have a dare yet," he answered, tapping his chin.

"Pretend a marriage proposal!" an Axel called out.
My facial color must have turned to a solid white as I quickly jerked my head to look o er at Mayako, and under the slightest whisper. "Oh god.." I swallowed the lump in my throat as I took Mayako's hand and lifted us up. Then I proceeded to get down on my knee, surely my face still trembling as my words were too. "Well Maya- YOKO, will y-you marry me?" I have never been so nervous in my life.
Mayako's face was a crimson tone when she watched Anther get on one knee, both of their faces were practically matching the color to this Yoko wig she was wearing. The people in the circle saw them both blushing because they were smiling. "Yes!" Mayako smiled and hugged Anther, despite how much heat so she was feeling on her face from this moment. Even if it was a pretend proposal, it somehow still made Mayako's heart jump. The people applauded and she heard a unison of some girls going 'Awww!'. Mayako released Anther, chuckling at bit at themselves.
I couldn't help but smile at the moment, even if it was a fake one. I leaned up a bit to her ear. "If only they knew right?" I chuckled a bit and as I was backing away I gave her a kiss in the cheek. "There, to cool down your face at least." I smiled as our hands were in front of us, being held together.
Mayako smiled at him when he kissed her cheek, and it did help cool her down. "They're so cute!" Mayako heard that from two cosplayers down from them, someone dressed as Sailor Moon it looked like. "Alright Kamina," Ichigo spoke up. "After that dare, you get the honor of picking the next dare victim," hessaid. "Yeah, so who's it gonna be? You have a huge range," Rukia added.
I put on a rather devilish smile at his request. "You know what Ichigo, after that dare I'm going to make you go next, and as for your dare, you must go up to a random non-cosplayer and ask them out for a date, fake or real, depends how brave you are." I crossed my arms, quite satisfied with my dare.
Most people in the circle made this synchronized 'Oooh,' noise. "Ah, I like your style, Kamina. Fair play," Ichigo replied. Mayako pulled her knees to her chest and watched with curious eyes, wanting to see how this would turn out. "Well, I can take on that challenge, since she's isn't even my girlfriend," he gestured to Rukia, and Mayako heard some people sigh in disappointment. Somehow, this guy's face and voice sounded...familiar. Ichigo observed outside the circle, looking for someone. He found a non-cosplayer girl outside the circle but not far, so everyone would hear them talk. "Hey, you! Girl with the Black Butler shirt!" Ichigo called out to her, getting her attention. Mayako still couldn't help but think if she has known this Ichigo cosplayer from somewhere before. The thought was going to bug her.
[ @weirdobraxto @moonlitdream Thanks for roleplaying in this thread for quite awhile now! it's really an honor. you guys reached 1000+ posts now xD , i 3/4 of it are both of you ! ]
(Thanks man, didn't think this rp would get so popular with just two people practicly xD Also we were wondering about 'hot' in the tags, is it one of thoseeeee types of roleplays :P )

I leaned over to Mayako as I got on to the ground. "Well, I didn't think he would actually do it at first." I looked over at her and she seemed to have something on her mind, something confusing. "Hey, what's up? What''s on your mind." I was pretty curious she didn't do these kind of things often.
((Thoseeee xD ))

"I've seen him somewhere before..." Mayako said into Anther's ear, nodding her head toward Ichigo. As he was flirting with the girl in the Black Butler shirt, her mind clicked. "You're that guy who was a jerk to me at the arcade!!" she exclaimed it out loud purely on accident. Her hand flew to her mouth, and the cosplayers gave her confused grins at response to the sudden outburst. "You're that score-breaker?? Damn, the hell did you even recognize me?" Ichigo replied. "Yoko and Ichigo know each other? What is this madness?!" Grell called out. Some laughed.

"Well would you look at that, small world I guess." I whispered a bit in her ear. I didn't really notice it before but now that it was said I could peace together the looks.I did cup my hand over my mouth, laughing a bit. "That was a little loud mis Yoko."
"I know, it was an accident," Mayako smiled sheepishly. "So, you're also the guy who was with her?" Ichigo gestured to Anther. "He is," Mayako nodded. He shrugged his shoulders, and turned back to the girl who was about Mayako's age. "Hey, you're pretty. Do you want to hang out sometime?" Ichigo asked the girl. As he got politely turned down, some cosplayers said out their disappointment but Ichigo looked unaffected. "Ah, doesn't hurt. Anyway, for the next dare...Haruhi! Dance the Caramelldansen with, hmm, Axel, Link, Yoko, and...Kamina," he smirked.
I smiled with a more devilish look on my face as I pulled me and Mayako up. "What's your beef with me huh?"I laughed as I looked back up at him, ready to dance as I guess I would ever be, except for one thing. I leaned over to Mayako and whispered "Oh god, more dancing."
Mayako giggled when she heard Anther. "I know, I know," she smiled, and squeezed his hand before releasing it and standing in a row with the people Ichigo had called out before. Since there wasn't a stereo or anything, Sailor Moon started the song by singing out the melody. Then more of the people in the circle joined in on it, some on the lyrical side, and some on the musical. They had great teamwork, and they didn't even have to plan this out. Mayako raised her hands up with Axel, Haruhi, Link, and Anther and began to dance the Caramelldansen. It was tough to forget the moves---it was simple and easy. She smiled.
As the dance began to go into motion I quickly picked up on the movements since I have seen it before and it was also pretty simple to do. At first I thought I would be embarrassed but I knew that these people were like me, so I decided just to go with it. After a few more seconds or so they stopped singing and me and the other dancers let out a sigh of relief that it was over.
Everybody sitting in the circle cheered, for those who danced and for themselves because they were all in sync. "Great job!" Grell exclaimed. "Nothing to it!" Mayako said enthusiastically, and she took back her spot sat down with Anther. "That was kinda fun," she smiled. "Alright, Haruhi. Who's your victim?" Rukia asked her. Haruhi looked around the circle for a brief moment, and pointed at Ichigo. "The person who's dressed as your most favorite character in this circle is the one you have to walk up to and say, 'You're the only one for me'!" Haruhi smiled. "Now that's harsh," he replied, rubbing his shoulder. "You gotta do it!" Axel exclaimed.

"Alright, fine..." Ichigo muttered. Mayako thought he was going to walk ahead, but instead he went to his right, toward the spot were Mayako sat. She was sure it was going to be her, since they made direct eye contact. What? His favorite character HAD to be Yoko?? she thought, not liking this one bit. Ichigo folded his arms, letting out a brief sigh. "Yoko. You're the only one for me,"
When I heard him say those word I couldn't help but just get the slightest bit jealous but then I remembered that it was just a little dare so I shrugged it off pretty easily. I did however laugh a little bit, guessing that Mayako would probably say something against it.
"Denied," Mayako answered, and she got some people to laugh. "Ichigo got turned down twice! How cold!" Sailor Moon said. Ichigo shrugged his shoulders again, not really caring again. "No skin off my nose. Besides, I never liked this sort of girl anyhow. A lot of remarks with this one, he said. Mayako chuckled. "Says the guy who underestimated our gaming skills," when she said 'our' Mayako put her hand on Anther's shoulder.
I smiled as she put her hand on me, remembering those moments back then. "She's got a point you know." I laughed a little,bigot the situation, this guy was just a bit grumpy at us and didn't want to admit it, pretty typical of some people.
The guy rolled his eyes at them, and as Mayako saw that she turned to Anther and smiled. 'We're making him mad,' she silently mouthed to him. "I'll want a rematch sometime today then. There is an arcade," Ichigo said. "Save the chit chat for later! Back to the dare game," Rukia cut in. "Right...let's see,"

Everyone called it quits after a few more dares with smiles on their faces, and the circle of cosplayers had dissipated and went back to their activities. "Well, that was fun and interesting," Mayako stretched after getting up. "Do you want to buy merchandise? I bet there's snacks like pocky there too," she smiled. She was going to forget about the guy until they had to pass each other again. And as Rukia was trying to drag Ichigo along in a different direction, he gave them both an almost ridiculing smile.
As soon as she said pocky it's all that could run through my mind. "Mhhh, pockyy..." I shook my head back into reality. "O-Oh Yeah let's go check it out." As I fully stood up with her, I took her hand and we started to look at the signs above to TE shopping area of the building.
Mayako smiled when she saw his reaction to the word 'pocky'. They were always a pretty addictive snack that was her top favorite. Once they got to a shop they went in and there was so many things to choose from. From scroll posters to, shirts, figurines, and plushies. And most importantly, the snacks. She was about to pick up a box of chocolate pocky, but a voice got her attention. "Yoko, Kamina! You both are awesome," someone dressed as Alice from the video game Madness Returns had a camera. "If it's okay, can I get a picture of you two?" she questioned. "Sure!" Mayako nodded, hugging Anther's arm as her pose. "Alright, three two..." just before Alice took the photo Mayako kissed his cheek.

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