Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

I was a mixture of blushing and surprised, blushing because of her just being in this outfit, then surprised about the tattoo. "Well well well isn't this a nice surprise, I like it. Yeah, let me get this for you here quick." I didn't have a shirt on but I had slipped on the pants. I walked over to her and got behind her back as I took the straps and tied them together. "T-There you are, now I'm about done too." I was still a bit red and shuddering from the fact that she was in that top, and if i had let go she wouldnt have had a top on, my mind is going to get me in trouble on day I swear.
"T-Thanks," Mayako said, turning around and facing Anther. They were both blushing, and a little timid smile rose into her lips because of the fact. "That tattoo you just saw was an effect of me being rebellious against my parents," Mayako told him as she put her hand on her bare arm. She remembered the day as clearly as any other too. "So you want me to help transform your hair into Kamina's now, right?" she questioned.
My face began to glow at the sound of that."Yes I do! But let me throw on the vest first." I walked back into my room and threw the vest on. I grabbed all the hair products and set them inside the bathroom. "Alright, I think I'm set for this now." I smiled quite largely, Im actually going to get to look like Kamina.
"Alright, let's see how this'll be done..." Mayako tapped her chin as she looked at Anther, pulling him to the view of the bathroom mirror. She saw how excited he seemed to be fully transformed into looking like Kamina, and Mayako didn't want to let him down. She picked up the brush, and started to separate his locks a bit---which proved to be difficult since they were falling back into place, but that was why the gel or hairspray was useful.

((Time skip?))
"Okay, Anther, so what do you think?" Mayako said as she was finished. Looking up at him she thought to herself that she did a pretty great job on this task. She glanced over at the mirror, seeing both their reflections beside each other. They really looked like Kamina and Yoko. Well, except for the fact Mayako was still wearing her glasses, and her eyes were purple and they stood out. But Mayako was far-sighted without the glasses and plus, she didn't want to put anything in her eyes like contacts. They sounded like they would irritate the eyes too much. "Do you think I did well?"
I looked over into the mirror, seeing the work she had done to my hair. "Woh... It looks amazing Mayako. Almost like its the real deal." I stood up and gave her a large thank you hug in my now Kamina looking body. "Well it starts in a little more than an hour, want to do something to pass the time." With my one hand I started to slowly stroke her arm, teasingly.
"Maybe~" Mayako giggled when he ran his hand up and down her arm, then she pulled Anther out of the bathroom. She put her arms around him and as she stood on her toes Mayako also drew Anther close. She set her lips on his and held the kiss, not able to really resist him and Mayako knew it. She pulled back and chuckled a bit at what she was doing. "Do you have a suggestion?" Mayako asked.
I smiled softly. "Nothing in particular, surprise me." I laughed a bit at us, we can never keep our hands off of each other and I liked it. I took my other hand and placed it in her other arm, moving them both now as I stared into her deep purple eyes that seemed to drown me into them.
((Why does it say hot in the tag xD ))

Mayako looked into Anther's eyes, returning the gaze. "I love your eyes, Anther. Reminds me that I'm safe with you," Mayako smiled. And they really looked like two ocean pools that always calmed her down with their cerulean shade. "There are many great things about you Anther, even if you don't realize it or think it's true, it really is," she told him. "Being around you makes me feel cared for, calm, and reassured that everything is fine," as Mayako said this she didn't break her gaze from Anther's eyes.
(cause why not? xD )

"I could say the same thing Mayako, though it's a bit different for me. You kept me alive." I gave her a more passionate kiss then usual, it was because I was thinking about before I met her, what I was thinking, what I was going to do, it almost tore me to pieces even to this day, but she is here and then it all changed, something in particular changed, my reason for being here.
((Maybe because of Anther and Mayako's relationship? xD ))

Mayako returned the passionate kiss to Anther, glad to have met him and to fall in love with him. If he hadn't been there at the music store, Mayako still would've been struggling and alone. She held him tighter, her mind was on nothing else but Anther and the memories they shared. Mayako pulled back, the tips of their noses touching. "I love you," Mayako smiled.
"Me too, I love you. Now let's not get too emotional, don't want our makeup to run." I chuckled a bit, I never really had to worry about that before, price of looking amazing I guess. With our noses so close I rubbed them a bit then put my arms underneath her, one by her knees, the other behind her back. In a swift movement I pushed her over on her back and I scooped her up, holding her in my arms like a cradling baby which wasn't too hard since she was smaller then me.
Mayako blushed when she was being carried by Anther as if she were a baby---or princess, depending on how a person saw it. Mayako felt a smile rise into her lips. Mayako raised her arms and wrapped them behind his neck. "My knight in shining armor," she giggled. This was kind of like what people did in movies or anime, and she was honestly liking it. "Or my Prince Charming," Mayako grinned.
"I could be either I guess, but prince Charming is overrated, I'll just be your Anther, if you want it that is." I took my hand that was by her back and reached it over to her side which had no cloths on them and tickled them, seeing her laugh also made me chuckle a bit at her cuteness.
Mayako chuckled, the side of her head at his chest as she did so. She managed to quiet down her laughter to speak. "Okay, you're my Anther," she smiled affectionately at him. "So that means I'm your Mayako," she said. Mayako liked the sound of it, and as she looked in Anther's eyes she was lost in them again.
"Of course." I let go of my tickling, let out my last dying laugh as I began to stare into her eyes, they seemed to sparkle endlessly as I held her in my arms. "My Mayako, it has a nice ring to it no?" I started to swirl around with her in my arms, her hair flowing.
Mayako softly chuckled when Anther swirled around a bit. She managed to pull his face down a bit and she kissed his cheek. "I can't resist you for too long," she giggled. Anther was just being really sweet at this moment, well, he always was.
I chuckled a bit. "Yeah, it's pretty hard to resist you for too long either." I returned with a kiss on the cheek as well as I stopped my swirling about. I looked up at the clock, just a little while until the convention center was open. "Come on, we better get going. Don't want to be late." With her still in my arms I opened the door and walked us outside, I placed her back on her feet on the sidewalk.
Mayako nodded. "Yeah, let's go to this convention," she smiled. She got on the motorcycle, and started the engine, and once Anther was ready like she was, Mayako drove off.

She pulled up to the building, there were many people in costume and still entering the place. A giddy smile appeared on her face, as she was holding the camera that she also brought with her. There could be a lot of people dressed as their favorite characters walking by, and Mayako liked to take photos---just like many others in the convention. "Are you ready, Anther?" Mayako said.
"Yeah, let's get inside before I have a heart attack." I popped on Kamina's glasses since I didn't wear them under the helmet as I took Mayako's hand and walked inside the convention center doors. Every direction I looked there was just reference after reference and costume after costume, it was near heaven.
"Whoa...where do we even start first?" Mayako smiled, and she slightly squeezed Anther's hand. Even though she's been to a couple conventions before out of town, they always left her in a indecisive place where she didn't know where to go first, because there were so many fun things to do already. Mayako heard somebody from their right. "Yoko, Kamina!" a voice exclaimed. Two cosplayers, Sakura and Hinata, came up to them with a smile, and a camera in Hinata's hand. Mayako's was used to being called by a character's name when she was dressed up as them. "Can I we get a picture of you two?" Sakura questioned.
I looked over at 'Yoko' at their request. 'Sure, why not." With my hand in her I struck a rather heroic smile as they snapped the photo of us, emitting little fan girl squels. "Thank yo so much!" The two of them walked away, still grinning at their new photo. "Ths is going to be fun, won't it mis 'Yoko'." I laughed a little bit and nudged her shoulder.
"Sure will, 'Kamina'," Mayako grinned, and nudged back at him. "Hey there are the pamphlets. It shows the panels are on there," she took one from a table and looked them over. Her eyes landed on the bolded words 'Rave Party' at eight thirty p.m. and she smiled. "Look, a rave tonight!" Mayako pointed at it on the pamphlet. "You wanna go there? If you're worried about the dancing part, just think of how we did Dance Dance Revolution before," Mayako encouraged.
"Oh um sure I guess, why not." When I heard rave party I started to instantly hated myself for saying yes because I was pretty sure that I would do something there that would end up screwing me over terribly, but I guess I can just take the chance.

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