Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

"Pfff, I'm like a master at that game, easy peasy." I truly didn't have a clue of what it was. "We'll play that I guess." I threw the game into the station and started up the tv, handing out our controllers as it loaded up.
As the screen got to the character selection of the game, Mayako browsed through her choices. "His weapon looks promising enough," she chose a guy with a pair of dual blades and in the short information below it said his specialty was necromancy or commanding the dead. With her thumb, Mayako pressed select on her controller, ready to begin as Anther was still choosing. "May the friendly round begin," she smiled.
I took a big gulp as it seemed Mayako knew what she was doing and yet I knew nothing. Scrolling through the characters, there were many that reminded me of anime characters that I had seen and loved to just replace the picture and name with one. Then one in particular showed up, it was a magic user that specialized in the summoning and manipulation of sand, to me this sounded just like Gaara, but sadly since he is so powerful they made him highly immobile but gave him great wisdom and sorcery, just my type of character. I pushed the enter button hard and let up a determined fist. "Yeah, let's do this!"
"Alright! Dual blades guy, don't let me down," Mayako said. The game had begun and Mayako started with a demon summon, this imp creature that had darkness oozing out from the body, nearing the appearance of a Shadow enemy in Kingdom Hearts but more...intimidating. Mayako made her character run with it's undead companion, the dual blades guy performed a jump attack from above, making her character have his blades directed right to Anther's magic user's head. While the imp was heading in front of Anther's magic user.

((I know a way you can avoid getting his character hit, so I hope you can guess xD ))
I let out a small laugh, I didn't know much about this game but I did know know Gaara worked, I figured it would play the same. I surrounded him in a case of sand, blocking her head strike and then after he fell down and needed to recover I turned the ball into a wave, pushing forward and killing the imp. Where the wave ended my guy teleported with the sand. 'Not bad, not bad'.
"Aww," Mayako said after getting hit. And Hunter, her character, had gotten up now, wall jumping over Gaara's clone and onto a slightly higher level. Hunter summoned a demon from underneath Gaara-like character, a creature who only showed it's big hand---sharp claws to match, it dragged it's claws across his feet. "Go, my creature~" Mayako encouraged.
I grunted a bit in anger, I knew it would be hard to dodge this attack. My character jumped in the air and did weird hand signs, making him vanish in a plum of sand. He re-appeared in a pile of sand next to her character, farther away from the demon claw he summoned. While next to her character, mine created giant hands of sand, two of them, and lifted him far into the air where the let go and slapped their hands together with him inside. But I noticed my character was taking bleed damage, probably from being nicked by that claw.
Mayako's character took damage as he was inside the two giant hands, then he was dropped to the ground after that spell attack had worn off. With the two swords, she got Hunter to uppercut Anther's sand summoner and as he was in mid-air, Hunter bicycle kicked him into the wall at the opposite side of the screen.

((Gahh I forgot to check when you passed 800 comments D: Now I'm late for the congrats))
After that attack it took a second to recover, my character wasn't the most damage taking type. He did his hand sign again and teleported to another pile of sand right next to the guy, while there he slashed sand from side to side, trying to build up a combo, and after about eight or so hits he took a large bit of sand and slammed it on the other guys head. "Sand coffin!" He encased the man in sand to the head up. "Sand Burial!" The sand began to squeeze tight and take him under the surface, emerging a second later, still alive but just barely.
"Sandwich..." Mayako mumbled, laughing as she remembered that as Gaara's moves. After her character was dropped she knew she had to avoid contact, so Hunter got into the tree trunks and summoned two demons, both of them about the same size. Though she knew she could only use them at least once every round, Mayako took the chance. Every time those two demons are hit, their health goes to the summoner and heals them.

((Time skip soon? I'm better at actually describing a real fight instead of a video game one xD ))
"Good game, Anther," Mayako said after the last round was over. She won by using the power move during the last five seconds. "Now I think I could use a nap probably. But still...I want to reward you anyway," Mayako leaned toward Anther and planted a kiss on his cheek. She turned his chin and kissed Anther on his lips and held it for a good moment then pulled back and smiled.
I kept my eyes closed and smiled a bit. "Well, I guess that I should lose a bit more then." I stretched out my arms and let out a large yawn, throwing my arm around Mayako. "I'm so tired too,.. let's get (yawn) go to bed..."
Mayako put her head on his shoulder after Anther put his arm around her. "Yeah..." she smiled and took his hand as she stood up. She walked to Anther's room and got to the left side of the bed, hiding herself under the covers and laughed. Mayako pulled down the cover a bit to reveal her eyes and look at him. "You're so cute," Mayako said, her voice slightly muffled because her mouth was still concealed.

((Whoaa new pic :3))
(Yeah :) This is one I drew :3)

I laughed at bit at her, hiding under the covers. I rustled my hands through my hair, blue felt a bit different for some reason but I liked it. "Geeh, I wonder where she went, I guess I'll just have to jump on the covers to find out." I said it rather loudly to play around.
((Wow nice 0.0 I couldn't put that much detail in what i draw to save my life xD ))

"Nooo, don't do it!" Mayako laughed, curling up under the covers to somehow protect herself. From the outside Mayako's hidden body looked like a small balled up form that morphed from the mattress. She poked her head out again. "Are you planning to tackle me with a hug?" she giggled. Though she was joking that might have put an idea in Anther's head.
"Hmm, let me think. Nahh!" I stuck my tongue out and walked out right at the end of the bed where she was curled up. Then, almost with not motion, I tipped myself forward, my body landing OK with my head right in the curl where Mayako's arms and head were. Then I turned mine a bit to the side. "Hi there," With a goofy look on my face.
Mayako giggled, seeing that smile of his. "Hello, handsome," she smiled at him, stretching her arms to rest on Anther's shoulders. She scooted a little closer toward him, feeling warmth emanating from his body as she cheerfully yet tiredly cuddled up to Anther. "Love you," Mayako closed her eyes.
I curled up like she did, only it was the opposite to her so that we were facing each other. "Love you too." I couldn't help but smile, and took one of my hands and rubbed her side from the shoulder down to her waist before I took it and placed it over her next, watching her smile and shiver a bit.
Mayako smiled when Anther made contact with her shoulder and down to her waist. She reached out and took Anther's free hand, gently holding his fingers. With her other hand Mayako playfully traced the outline of his jaw, all the while getting sleepier with each moment that passed. " flirt. Who am I kidding we both flirt with each other sometimes..." Mayako chuckled. "But I guess I don't mind," she kissed his forehead.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with that. You know you like it too." I made a rather devilish smile, and I took my free hand and playfully poked her stomach a bit, just for the fun of it and also to be a bit of a tease. "You've never been much of a dirty girl but you do tease a lot, meanie" I was just joking around with her and gave her a little bit of a playful face, my tongue sticking out a bit.
Mayako slightly giggled from the uncalled for poke in the stomach, and looked up at Anther. "Hey, I'm not THAT mean," Mayako giggled, playing along. "Yeah, it's true that I've never been like the type of flirty girl, but with you it just happens," she smiled, resting her head on his chest now. "But you're pretty flirty too, y'know. With that devilish smile you have sometimes," she pointed to the corner of Anther's lips to gesture about his lopsided smile. But it's not like she minded it, she loved every part of Anther's personality.
"Yeah I guess that's true, but then you always have this grin on." I put my hand and cuffed her cheek. "Such an innocent and cute little girl smile, one that can even warm my heart." I took her hand from my mouth and cuffed it in my hand that was on her next, now in between us.
"And your smile...always makes me smile and remember good things," Mayako honestly said, feeling even warmer as they held hands. "Plus, I'm just happy to be near you..." after that being said, she fell into her placid dreams. Even as Mayako was asleep, her body still curled up a little more automatically.
Before I could say a response I heard Mayako's heavy breathing kick in and she started to curl, I could tell she was asleep by that time. "Hmhm, goodnight baby girl." I leaned in and gave a soft kiss to her, her face looking so innocent and sweet. I moved so that I was laying on my back, and she continued to curl on me, one of her legs over and under me, and the same with her arms. It felt really good and was nice and warm, just the way I liked it. Slowly but surely I fell asleep as well, my hand still holding Mayako's.

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