Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Mayako woke up in the middle of the night, her body curled up to Anther and their faces pretty close. She wanted to say something but stopped herself when she was thinking how peacefully cute he appeared. Mayako chuckled softly. She didn't really want to wake him, but felt like she needed some fresh air. Mayako didn't have the chance to stand on the balcony earlier today. Mayako slowly uncurled herself away from Anther, getting up and stepping to the balcony. "All these lights..." she muttered, inspired by their glow. She was sure by now Anther would've noticed she wasn't sleeping by his side anymore.
Silently in my sleep, I started to re-position myself, rolling over to were I would have cuddled with Mayako, but instead I fell of the side of the bed, though it wasn't very loud. "Ow..." I looked over outside the bedroom doors, seeing the fabric around the balcony fluttering. "Guess I forgot to close it..." I stood up and began to walk over there, putting my hand on the handle to pull it shut but then I saw Mayako standing their. Slowly, I put my arm around Mayako, looking at the lights with her. "Can't sleep baby girl?"
"Well, it's just that I wake up randomly in the middle of the night like that..." Mayako replied, touching the hand that was around her. "This view...I'd really want to draw it or something, but I don't have my journal for drafts," she sighed, and rested her elbows on the railing. It really was a pretty sight, seeing the city lights glow within the darkness of night along with the outlines of buildings now shaded in silhouettes. "Street lights are like...stars but only on the earth ground. And well, man-made," Mayako leaned against her beloved's shoulder. "But it's all still pretty..." she grinned.
"Yeah it is... This is where I usually come to think, but lately I've been doing that with you." I grasped her hand that was touching mine, feeling its warmth and comfort. I looked over to her and planted a kiss, one with deep meaning and passion that we hadn't really had in a while, I missed the feel that it gave to me.
Mayako pulled Anther's head down a bit more, welcoming the kiss because they hadn't had one like this in a while. The last time they did was before the anime convention, and it felt like a lot of things had happened---and it has. Mayako had her arms around Anther's neck now as they shared this kiss. Somehow it felt a little different than the rest, she noticed but wasn't sure why or how to explain. Mayako was just happy to be with Anther.
After a moment I leaned back, breaking the kiss, but our lips still not far apart. I took my other hand and put her hair over her ear, it's just something I've always wanted to do. I couldn't help but smile a bit, the darkness with faint light brought out Mayako's beautiful eyes, they almost seemed to sparkle.
Mayako returned the smile at Anther. Looking into his cerulean eyes that she adored so much, she also saw how his face looked kind and affectionate as it always did when Anther was looking at her. But right now Anther seemed to hold more depth to those two emotions on his face. She went nearer to hug as her head was resting his shoulder. "Shall we go back to sleep? Or do you want to stay out here a little more?" Mayako softly smiled.
I thought for a second. "Can't we stay out here a second longer, there's something about being out here that just makes me feel, right I guess." I put myself in front of Mayako and landed a kiss, placing my hand on her chin. Then I took the bottom of her legs and pulled her up, carrying her. I then slowly walked back inside were I laid us down on the bed, making sure not to break the kiss.
Mayako held one of Anther's arms as they kissed, she slightly grinned too. Mayako leaned her head back a bit to speak. "That was smooth, my Anther," she giggled, knowing in her head that she liked to be carried that way, it was beginning to become another one of those special feelings they shared from being around each other. Mayako went in for a quick kiss, one not on Anther's lips but very close as if to tease him.
I saw what Mayako was doing and decided to play along. "So you're going to be like that huh? Well two can play at that game," I gave her a kiss on the neck, trying to tease her as well since I know she usually sequels and jumps around a bit since it tickles.
A small squeak emitted from Mayako, from her neck being sensitive to the touch. "O-Okay, you win!" she chuckled as she said it, pushing her bangs away. "Hmm, you always get me with that kiss on my neck. I have to learn how to be ready whenever you do that, huh?" Mayako leaned forward and set her lips on Anther's this time, because she wanted to.
After her lips made contact I slowly placed my hand behind her head, pulling her closer but then for a split second pulled away. "I guess so," Me and Mayako had not shared a moment like this in a while, its electric feeling coursing through my body. I rolled over to my stomach, my arms outstretched. "Hmm, now it's sleep time baby girl." She was still sitting on top of me on what was now my lower back.
Mayako felt Anther's warmth run to her bare arms and legs, and she smiled softly when she curled up on Anther. She always loved to do this, cuddling up by him and seeing Anther's face right before going into her dreams. "Yeah...g'night again, my Anther," Mayako said sweetly, then closed her eyes to welcome sleep.
"Goodnight baby," She had begun to fall fast asleep, the sweet warmth of her body always made me calm and happy, even in the worst of situations. I followed her lead and closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep. All I could think of was her, and it almost kept me up, but slowly my inne rme took over and made me fall fast asleep.
It was morning when Mayako next woke up. Sunlight streamed past the window, offering a little more warmth to Mayako. She stretched, sighing happily. "Ah, good morning, baby boy," she briefly kissed him on his lips as their usual greeting when the day begun. She was pretty comfortable relaxing like this with Anther.
With the kiss, I awoke in a stretching motion. "Mhhh, good morning baby girl." I returned with another kiss of my own before I laid back down and let out a large yawn. The morning rays coming in seemed different, as if it felt warmer then other times. I stepped out of the bed quickly and opened the blinds to the window and my jaw almost dropped. "No way... SNOW!" Over night, the air got extremely cold and the snow plastered the ground, almost untouched by people except for the roads of course. The glistening light reflecting from the road and making the most beautiful sights. "Got to love Japans weather... but I love snow even more,"
"Wow..." Mayako said as she looked out the window, seeing a perfect blanket of snow that concealed the grass. "That's crazy!" she said. It was a decent amount of snow, but enough to imagine herself sledding in it or building a snowman like she used to do when she was little. Well, like every kid did. "We could even go snowboarding if we wanted," Mayako giggled but wasn't sure what that was like.
My eyes lite out like stars at the sound of snowboarding and just snow itself. "Yes...." I have always loved the snow, and the cold in general. It was just a perfect combination for me. I fell back on to the bed, playing around a bit. "But a'las, I am to lazy to get out of bed..." I made a fake sleeping face.
"Hmm, then what will it take to get you up then?" Mayako asked, resting her arms crossed against Anther's chest, and placing her chin there as well. She knew he was joking though, but decided to join in on it too. "I know you like the cold, so we should go outside and enjoy it, huh? Do you need a kiss to get you motivated?" Mayako giggled playfully.
"Hmm. That could work, but it would have to be a pretty good one." I started to make a joking face after I said that, I loved playing around with her like this. I began to bring up my arms and rap them around her. "Know where I can get one of those?"
"Maybe," Mayako smiled. "I'm thinking you can get one from a girl who's name starts with M. Oh, right...her's name's Mayako," she giggled, and brushed away a tendril of her hair before leaning down on Anther and set her lips on his, allowing more of a passionate kiss which was something she rarely did herself first, Mayako's noticed. She lifted her head a little bit, smiling.
I smiled a bit devilishly. "Well that wassssss pretty good, but I don't think it was enough." I leaned my head forward this time, continuing the kiss. Mayako was pretty flirty when she wanted to, and I loved that side of her, it made things more fun and interesting.
Mayako tilted her head a little when they continued the kiss, putting her small hands on Anther's shoulders now. She held the kiss a bit more because it always gave her that electric feeling that never got old and she was thinking Anther felt the same way. She slowly broke the kiss and opened her eyes to meet his blue ones. "Is that enough now?" Mayako chuckled.
"Hmm, yeah I guess that works for now, but don't be surprised is I come back for more later." I chuckled a bit and started to stand up from the bed, bringing Mayako up with me at the same. I stretched my arms a bit and let out a large yawn, signalling that I was waking up.
"Well now that you're 'fully awake' do you want to go outside and do something? Like make a snowman?" Mayako asked him, feeling like a kid again. But it's not like it was a bad thing, it was fun to remake childhood memories. Living in a strict house, Mayako didn't get many chances to go outside and play in the snow as much during the time when it was winter. "C'mon, let's get a coat and all that. Afterwards we could make some hot chocolate, right?" Mayako smiled and playfully tugged at Anther's arm.

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