Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Mayako observed the snowman, trying to imagine it with different types of things on. "A clown wig..." she said, then laughed at herself for suggesting it. "Now where are we gonna find something like that?" she let the question be left as a rhetorical one. "Maybe a fedora, or a skirt that I don't wear anymore," Mayako suggested. The only reason why she didn't wear that certain skirt anymore was because she accidentally shrink it in the washer. "But this is a snowman, so how about badass shades?" her artistic side was already beginning to reveal itself and was making more visual ideas inside her head.
"Yeah yeah, some shades and I might be able to round up like and old hoodie or something like that of mine. He's a very special kind of snowman, the badass kind." It was fun to see Mayako's more fun loving creative side come out, it was really something to see.
"Then let's see...what other kinds of things says 'badass'?" Mayako said it out loud but it almost sounded like to was to herself. Artists who were in their creative zone tended to do that, as far as she knew. "A skull bandanna to go around his neck?" Mayako included and she grinned. So far they came up with a fedora, hoodie, shades, and a skull bandanna as clothing ideas for their snowman. "Shall we start gathering the clothing, deary?" Mayako said jokingly.
"Yes we shall, missy." I chuckled a bit and started to walk back to my house. I started to walk backwards, yelling to Mayako. "I'll get the shades and the hoodie alright?" I waved at her goodbye and started to dash for my house
Mayako cupped her gloved hands around her mouth. "And I'll get the fedora and bandanna!" she called back to him. Since she was already close to the apartment building, all she had to do was unlock the door, climb up those flight of stairs like always, and search in her closet. Which is what Mayako did. Oreo was trailing after her, rubbing his head against her shin. "S-Stop," she giggled, the sleek fur tickling. He meowed. Mayako got out the fedora, then the black bandanna. She walked out the building again, waiting for Anther.
(Sorry, home sick today :(

As I entered my home I stomped my feet on the rug, knocking off all the snow as I walked through. I grabbed an old, warn out hoodie from the closet and found a pare of sunglasses that seemed to fit the badass look we were going for. With those items in hand, I ran back out to see Mayako had already gotten her stuff as well.
((Aww, hope you get better :/ ))

Mayako smiled when she saw Anther. "Beat ya," she said jokingly, and lifted the fedora to place it on top of the snowman's head. She pushed the hat down a little, to make sure it was secure enough not to be blown away by wind. "Hmm, we should name this guy, huh?" Mayako asked, glancing at her beloved. It felt like every time she looked at him Mayako was reminded of a memory they shared spending together and she loved it. "Mr. Badassery is all I've got," she giggled at the sound of it.
I started to do my cheesy gentlemen voice to play around. "Hmm, that is quite good madam, but I believe that Sir Badassery fits this gentleman quite better don't you believe hmm." I couldn't help but giggle under my breathe at the voice, it sounded so cheesy but yet oh so fun at the same time.
"Hmm, yes, yes. Quite an interesting choice---pfftheheheh," Mayako couldn't suppress her laughter anymore after that. "You can last longer in that voice more than I can," she smiled. Mayako lifted the bandanna that was covered with the design of skulls on it and carefully wrapped it around Sir Badassery's neck. "You're silly, Anther. But I always love that about you," her lively smile turned into a more gentle one.
My laugh slowly started to drift away after Mayako's comment, turning into a soft smile."Yeah, I love that about you to Mayako... Say, want to make Sir Badassery jealous? I know just how to do it." I stepped over to Mayako and stared into her deep eyes, the snow seeming to make them shine their purple color.
As Mayako gazed back into the endless bright blue of Anther's eyes, her little dream-filled sigh escaped from her lungs and out her breath, then melted into the cold air. "Mmmaybe," Mayako responded. She stood on her tiptoes and brought her lips to Anther's. Again, it brought a warm feeling to her. It was like they weren't standing in snow at all.
I couldn't help but smile a bit during the kiss, some times it was just fun to mess around in different way. The cool air didn't even seem to be their anymore, only the warm feeling of Mayako. After a moment I broke the kiss and continued to stare into her eyes, brushing her hair over her ear.
Mayako lightly touched the hand that went by her ear, and holding his fingers. She looked right back into his eyes, not wanting to turn away. Anther's very precious to me...and I love him so much, she thought happily. Her playful side was revealing itself again. "Think we've made Sir Badassery jealous enough now?" a smile grew in her lips.
I giggled a bit. "Yeah, I think we made the guy suffer enough." I quickly leaned and gave Mayako a quick kiss, but pulled away and started to laugh a bit. I couldn't take my eyes off of hers, there's just something about them that could just drive me crazy. "I love you...Mayako."
((Sorry for the late reply, someone needed to print stuffs))

"I love you more, Anther..." Mayako wrapped her arms around him more and hugged him tight, her head on his shoulder. "Heh...Hearing you say that never gets old..." she smiled softly, lifting her head back up to face Anther and to gaze in his eyes. Such a distinctive blue.
"Yeah, I don't think it ever will really..." After a moment I finally shot back to reality, though I couldn't break our stare, it was just too much for me. "The snows gonna melt before we even stop staring..." I laughed a little bit.
"Do you want to go back inside now? We can have hot chocolate or something," Mayako suggested. Her arms were still around the back of his neck, it felt so usual to place them there and she liked being close to Anther like this. "I'm in the mood for s'mores too," she smiled. Mayako hasn't had s'mores in quite a while, in a long while really.
I put a thinking look on my face. "Hmm, hot chocolate, warm s'mores, great girlfriend. I guess we can do that then,"I smiled a bit and took her hands from around my neck and held them in mine and started to walk back to my house. On the way there I turned around quickly and waved goodbye to Sir Badassery, and then walked back with Mayako in hand.
Mayako squeezed Anther's hand a little like they always did together. They entered his house and Mayako smiled, unzipping her white vest. Though it was warm, holding Anther's hand outside in that cold had already given her a good amount of warmth. Mayako caught her reflection in the mirror and giggled. "I've got Rudolph's nose," she smiled.
I laughed a little bit after she said that, noticing that it was really red. "Oh, here let me help with that." I leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the nose. "There, I hope that helps a little bit." As we stepped in the house I stomped my boots on the ground, knocking off all the snow.
"Yeah, it'll help," Mayako smiled after receiving the kiss on her nose. She made the snow fall from her boots as well, and she slipped them off to reveal black socks. Mayako put her earmuffs around her neck, and put her hand behind her head. "Let's get out what we need, hm?" her other hand was still encased by Anther's and she fiddled with his fingers.
I started to mess around with Mayako's fingers as well, teasing each other was always sort of fun. "Yeah, let's go." I chuckled a bit and tightened my hand as we walked to the kitchen. The sound of hot chocolate was starting to get at me, I had always loved hot chocolate no matter what time of year.
"I'll take out what we need for s'mores," Mayako said, curiously looking in the food cabinets. " chocolate bars...sheesh, if you told me sooner you had these I'd finish them off for you," she chuckled. It just so happened the graham crackers was placed on a higher shelf in the cabinet. She stood on her toes, and stretched out her fingers but just barely touched the box since it was far back. "Aw. It's mocking me up there," Mayako said.
I saw Mayako struggling to get the box on the top shelf and I couldn't help but giggle at her. I walked up behind her and stretched over her, grabbing the box and her hand, and pulled them both down. "I've always liked shorter girls...." I started to laugh a little bit as I saw her go a bit red.
"Your flirty side is showing again," Mayako giggled even if she had felt the heat rise in her cheeks. "You knew I was going to react like this didn't you?" she grinned as she placed Anther's hand on her cheek, showing him that she warmed up a little more. Even if they were dating and Mayako knew his feelings toward her, she still managed to blush with the things he said or did.

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