Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

As Anther's fingers were with Mayako's, she had an idea. She took his hand, and pulled him close, landing a kiss on him. Mayako let it last until she broke away and smiled. "That's a thank you for making me laugh and always catching me by surprise," she winked then chuckled at her own flirtatious side.
I laughed a bit at Mayako. "I just remembered, you still have to surprise and make me blush at some point. I've probably done it to you a million times by now." I chuckled a bit at the thought of Mayako trying to do that, she was just too innocent at times to at times but I knew she wanted to.
"Aww, but that's difficult," Mayako answered, leaning against his shoulder as she looked at the television screen that played the episode. "You only blush when you accidentally do things," she poked Anther's cheek playfully. Mayako smiled. "Like the time you suggested the idea of us going to the pool and not wearing clothes while doing it," she said.
After she put that memory back into my head I went instantly red, taking my arm from around her shoulder and rubbing the back of my head. "I didn't mean anything by it, come on you know." I was getting unbelievably red. "It's just that, well you know that but, well you see." I wasn't going to win this, and I knew I wasn't.
Mayako smiled at Anther. "Gotcha," she said. "You turned super red! Finally~" she giggled as she sang. Anther looked very cute when he was embarrassed, and especially in this moment.

"I knew you didn't mean anything by it, you probably just got really nervous back then and words spilled out," she grinned. " look incredibly cute right now,"
I closed my eyes, still frustrated and blushing. I couldn't quite speak, I knew I had lost this time, and I probably just seemed like a huge pervert to Mayako, it 's happened a few times. I still had my hand on the back of my head, trying to somehow stop myself from blushing though I knew I couldn't.
"...Sorry for putting that in your head," Mayako said, smiling less playfully now and more into a soft apologetic grin. She looked at him. "Anther, you know I don't think you're a pervert. You're a sweetheart," Mayako corrected, squeezing his other hand.

"You already knew that," she smiled.
My face started to let up from being red, hearing Mayako trying to calm me down. "Thanks.." Slowly I started to lay myself over Mayako, my head on her lap just to play around a bit. "Hi there~" I stuck out my tongue a bit as I laid there.
Mayako smiled when Anther put his head on her lap and he was being playful again. "Hello there~" she played with his hair, combing her finger through his soft locks. "I can let you on a little secret," she said, and leaned down close enough for their noses to touch, just not quite. "I'm in love with someone named Anther Lanque," Mayako's smile grew as she looked into his eyes.
I started to make a fake mad face. "Oh really, who's this Anther guy, I need to tell him that you're mine, not his." I couldn't help but start laughing about half way through. I loved it when Mayako would mess with my hair, I don't truly know why though, I guess it's because I like to mess with hers as well, it's just something I like.
Mayako laughed along with Anther, brushing her nose against his just for the fun of it. She gave him a quick kiss in the space between his eyebrows. She smiled, and unknowingly started giving Anther a head massage. But she realized it she wouldn't have stopped unless Anther wanted her to.
When Mayako started to kiss my forehead I started to giggle a bit since it tickled a little. But I liked it though since it felt pretty good, so I didn't say anything about it. I smiled a bit and closed my eyes, taking in the full feeling.
Mayako smiled gently at Anther, seeing the look on his face and knowing that he was liking the massage. She gazed into his peaceful daydreaming face, and she slightly tilted her head. She was going to try something, but wasn't sure how Anther would've reacted to it. Mayako leaned down further and gave a little peck of a kiss to his neck.
I sort of filched as I felt the kiss apply to my neck, so this is what it felt like huh? I guess maybe it was some sort of payback to her, maybe. Whatever it was to her I liked it, it was more of an odd sensation but still enjoyable.
"I didn't know you'd flinch from that, I was just curious," Mayako chuckled, continuing the head massage on Anther. Her index and middle finger softly drew circles on his left temple, and her other hand was running through the back of his hair.
I sort of regained my calmness as she started to mess with my forehead again. "It's okay, it was just something different ya know? I kinda liked it though I'll admit." I had started to become almost mesmerized by Mayako, her massage really felt amazing.
((Sorry, had to do chores :P ))

"Hm, really? Now do you want me to do that more often?" Mayako giggled. She paused the process of giving Anther a massage for a moment. "Heh, your face is so cute when you look like this. Well, it always does," Mayako smiled, playfully tapping his nose.
I chuckled a bit. "Yeah, I do kinda like when you do that, but you better bet that I'm going to get to you first." I went cross eyed while looking at Mayako's finger tapping my nose, and then couldn't help but laugh. I looked back up at her, a large grin crossing my face.
Mayako smiled back at Anther. "Is that a promise, I hear?" she asked. "Hmm, I'll keep my guard up but I know you'll end up surprising me with a kiss as usual," but it wasn't like she minded the fact that it was true. Mayako had liked it whenever Anther caught her by surprise.
"Yes, that's promise, I promise." I let out a small laugh before I just laid there and smiled, looking up at her, being mesmerized by her beautiful eyes, she was always amazing looking to me, especially with her curly hair."Say, I want to see you with strait hair." I put my arm up and started to twirl my fingers around her curls.
"Hm? Straight hair...?" Mayako repeated, having her thinking face on. "Honestly, I don't think I've tried that in a very long time, but I think I can make it happen," she smiled. "For you, of course," Mayako added. Her hair always managed to cur back to it's normal style the next day whenever she straightened her hair. Though it's not like Mayako wanted to permanently change it, she simply didn't find much use in her straightener though she kept it anyway.
"You can if you want, I just wanted to see what it would look like or how it would feel, you know that I like messing with your hair" I made a little smirk on my face as I still played with her curls, trying to imagine what she would look like without them.
Mayako smiled from the feel of Anther's hand going through her hair. "Heheh, and I like messing with your hair too," Mayako said. "And cuddling with you," she nuzzled her cheek against Anther's. "Hmm, and kissing you," she added. "But there are a lot of things,"
"Hmm I see, well I can get just about all of those things for you. How about this for starters." I put my hand that was messing with her curls behind her head, and gently pulled her down to my lips. After a moment a let go of the kiss, and started to laugh a bit as I talked. "Well, was that enough for you? Or do you need more?"
"Hmmaybe one more," Mayako grinned, and landed another kiss on Anther's lips. When she pulled away she opened her eyes, now looking into his. "You make me like the color blue even more. Because of your eyes," Mayako said honestly.

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