Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

"Oh really, well I guess I'm already ahead since my hair is blue now too" I didn't think really think about it but my hair felt kind of weird being blue, not the color itself but just the fact of it being cut a bit so that I could make it look like Kaminas.
"True," Mayako shrugged her shoulders. "But I still love both your eyes and hair," with that said, she sat up straight, and stretched her arms, similar to what a cat would do almost. Oreo affected her in that way without her noticing. "Hmm..." she took off her glasses, and after she put them on the bridge of Anther's nose she looked at him curiously.

"Cute," Mayako said.
I continued to lay there even though Mayako had gotten up and started to blink rapidly when she put her glasses on me. "Woh, this looks so weird. You look so different without glasses, sometimes I forget you even wear these, they just sort of fit you ya' know?"
Mayako smiled. "I do? I've had glasses for a long while, so I guess it's like a part of my looks now," she said. "I can't get over how cute you are in glasses," she giggled, rubbing her cheek against Anther's again just to be playful.
"I don't know, I think I would look pretty weird with glasses, but if you say so I guess I can take your word for it." Even though I never wore glasses, it didn't seem very odd to wear these, though my vision was a bit blurred.
Mayako returned the glasses back to where they belonged. She didn't want to mess up Anther's vision, if looking through someone else's glasses for long meant it affected your eyes. "Hmm," Mayako tilted her head a bit, thinking again. She reached her hand under his chin and lightly drummed her fingers there, trying to see if Anther himself was ticklish.
I started to quickly blink my eyes, recovering my vision. I noticed that Mayako was trying to tickle me, so I kept trying to not laugh or flinch but I eventually gave in, twitching and laughing. "Hey! Stop it you." I took her hand and pulled her on top of me, stopping the tickling onslaught. I slowly stopped laughing, regaining my breath. Without me noticing, I started to wrap my arms around her.
Mayako relaxed a little, grinning softly. "So you're ticklish too, hm?" she said playfully. She rested her cheek on Anther's chest. "Heh...expect more tickling then, my Anther. Besides, I have to make for all the times you made me laugh by doing that," plus Mayako enjoyed the sound of his laughter.
I continued to laugh a bit but then it soon died out. "Well I guess I'm just going to have to step up my game huh?" Just as a tease, I took my fingers and gave a quick tickle on her neck where I knew it was really ticklish, but I soon returned my hand to around her.
Mayako flinched away and giggled when Anther tickled her, then she managed to quiet down and afterwards she got herself more comfortable as she was so close to Anther in this position. They have done this many times, whenever they were going to sleep and cuddled with each other---which Mayako really liked. She smiled, closing her eyes. "Can we stay like this for a bit? You're so warm," she said.
I let out a small sigh of satisfaction. "Yeah, but I don't think that we should stay right here." I started to stand up, but I moved Mayako around and started to carry her, one arm under her knees and my other behind her back. I started to walk into the bedroom where I softly placed her on the bed, and crawled in next to her. "Ahh, that's better."
"Much better," Mayako wrapped her arms around one of Anther's and moved herself closer to him. She was so accustomed to cuddling with Anther that it was like their normal routine, a routine that she always liked to do and never got tired of. Mayako smiled gently. "I love you," she closed her eyes, letting her head sit on his chest as well, to feel the way he breathed.
I felt Mayako's comforting head on my stomach, and let in a large breathe of air to make her head raise before letting it back down. "I love you more Mayako." I closed my eyes along with her, not to fall asleep, but to just embrace the moment of being with her.
Mayako grinned, having a daydreaming look to her face. "Love you more," she opened one eye, smiling at Anther when she saw that his eyes were closed. He looked very peaceful, and content. "Mm...remember a little while after we knew each other? Going to that amusement park?" Mayako smiled from the thought of the memory. She remembered racing against him in go-carts, getting scared on the haunted house ride, and then Anther giving her their first kiss shared at the end of their day at the park.
I laughed contently. "Oh yeah, I remember that day pretty well. You could say it was a-a special day, for both of us." The memories of that day started to flow through my mind again, the weird twist of emotions I felt that day were almost overwhelming. But everything was resolved at the end of the day with that kiss, and that sealed the deal for all the things that came after.
((Makes me want to actually go back to the pages where that amusement park date happened xD ))

"Ah, and the arcade?" Mayako giggled as she remembered it all. It was the time when she was trying to know more about Anther. "And that Dance Dance Revolution we played? We were amazing at that," she smiled. "We had great times. I'm sure there's more to come, right?" Mayako asked him.
(I know right? :3)

I opened my eyes and gently looked down at her on my chest. "Of course there will be, there will always be more." I tilted my head back to where it was and closed my eyes again, bringing my hand up and slowly moving up and down Mayako's side, comforting her and feeling her warmth sort of glow off of her, calming me even further.
Mayako relaxed herself more than she already was when Anther decided to travel his hand up and down her side. It gave her a soothed feeling. Just being with him gave Mayako the most tranquil emotion she could ever experience. "Much more memories..." Mayako mumbled, sounding half-asleep though she actually wasn't.
I could tell her voice was trailing off into a sleepy tone. "Hey, don't fall asleep yet baby girl, I need to know something, what's the best thing that's ever happened to you, and don't say me or anything like that. Not to flatter myself or anything." I let out a small laugh before silencing myself.
"So if you don't want me to say 'you' as an answer, I'd say falling in love," Mayako grinned. "Or more like the time we went to the special place, under that cherry blossom tree," she added. Mayako had felt a lot of emotions during their first time there, when Anther said that he loved her. She giggled a bit. "I remember passing out," she blushed.
I took my other hand and nodded my head no. "No no no, it can't be anything related to me or you and me together, something completely different like for me the best thing that's happened besides you would have to be the time I was outside after I had snuck out of the house and I saw my only friend I have had when I younger, and he gave me his board, the same on I have today." My tone started to change. "But he died the next day, apparently he was beaten to death trying to save a kid at the skate park." I quickly brushed off the emotion with a smile. "He died a hero, the best way. Now, what about you?"
Mayako had an apologetic expression on her face, though knew Anther probably didn't want to talk too much about it, so she answered. "Then it'd have to be when Aunt Saika let me in her home. It was a huge relief, to be away from all the arguing from both my parents and Daichi..." she smiled softly. "She's the kind of person who puts herself before others, and she's a caring woman with good humor. Though I bet you already knew that, huh?"
"Yeah, I could see that she was a nice lady from those few times I've seen her, I guess I should thank her one day for taking care of my Mayako for me." I looked down at her with a gentle smile, seeing that she was still pretty tired. "Hey, you want to catch some sleep?"
Mayako nodded as she smiled. "Yeah, a little sleep sounds good..." she answered. "G'night---sorry, bad habit. It's still morning, isn't it?" she loved being in Anther's arms like this. Soon enough Mayako's breathing got more quiet and long, meaning she was now asleep. She held him a little tighter, curling up as she dreamt.
"G'night baby girl." Her way of saying goodnight got contagious, it just had a nice ring to it. Slowly, I could tell she had fallen asleep, her breathe changed, and she curled up the way she does, it's adorable really. I could tell I had started to fall asleep, but before I did I took one of Mayako's hand and held it with mine, pulling it down in between us and fell asleep with her hand in mine.

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