Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

I still laughed a little bit. "Yeah, I knew you would. But you know you like it when I'm flirty, you can't hide it." I continued to keep my hand on her cheek as I went in and gave her a kiss. Sometimes she was just too adorable for me to handle, and I can't deny that I love it.
Mayako closed her eyes when they kissed, that special feeling and warmth beginning from her lips then to her fingertips. She gladly held the kiss until pulling back and then smiling at Anther. "Okay, fiiine. Maybe I do like it when you get all flirty," Mayako played with his hair a little bit, the new shade of blue within her fingers. "Heheh, it's too easy for you to make me blush," Mayako smiled.
"Yeah maybe, but I love it that way. And as you can see I make myself blush easily sometimes too when I mess up and accidently say or do dirty things." I was looking back on all those moments a long time ago, I messed up so many times it wasn't funny.
Mayako's mind backtracked to those memories and she smiled. "I think it's cute when you stutter and blush," she answered. She spun on her heel and twirled as she held Anther's hand above her head. Kind of like the time when they sang karaoke at the anime convention together. "I want to see you embarrassed more often," she giggled, and got a skewer to put the marshmallows on over the electric burner.
"Oh, and why do you want to see more embarrassed hmm, meanie." I stuck out my tongue and used a playful voice with her, I knew she liked it when I got embarrassed and I couldn't really blame her. I took another skewer and planted a marshmallow on it over the burner. "Mhh, I like my marshmallows burnt to a crisp."
"I always like one side burnt and the other kept the same for texture. I'm weird like that," Mayako grinned softly. The marshmallow caught fire then Mayako waited for a brief moment, at least three seconds, then blew it out. Part of the marshmallow was crispy like she wanted and raised the skewer. "Perfect~" she smiled.
I looked over at her marshmallow. "Well, almost perfect. At least according me." I looked back at my marshmallow, and it had caught fire. I watched as the entire plush white outside went to a crispy black. I blew out the flame and put a smile on my face. "There, now that's a perfect marshmallow, if I do say so myself."
"Sheesh, Anther," Mayako giggled at the burnt marshmallow. To her, an entirely burnt one seemed too bitter but everyone had their own tastes. "Okay, time for the other two components," she got a graham cracker and snapped it in two. She continued to put the half-burnt marshmallow and chocolate bar piece in between to make the s'more. "Ooey gooey yummy and chewy," it was something Mayako used to say when she was little. She glanced at Anther. "I just said that out loud didn't I? Childhood habit," she laughed.
I couldn't stop laughing at what she had said. "Wow Mayako. That was one of the more adorable things I have ever heard you say." I'm sure she was super embarrassed but it was down right adorable. I just wanted to go over there and give her a big hug, but sadly there was a marshmallow in my hands.
Mayako smiled sheepishly. "At least you think so, I thought it'd be weird," she said. She took a bite from the s'more. There was that crunch of the graham cracker, the solid sweetness of chocolate, and the fluffy yet crisp marshmallow all combined together. Simple, but a satisfying treat. "Good ol'smores~! I'm up for hot chocolate," Mayako smiled. A little bit of crumbs were left at the corner of her lip.
"Mhh, yeah I think I could too." I wasn't much of a s'mores fan so I just popped the perfect marshmallow in my mouth and made a large smile at its taste. I looked over and saw that she had some crumbs, so I motioned the corner of my mouth to show she had some on her face.
"Oh! Sorry, that's embarrassing," Mayako brushed away the crumbs from the corner of her mouth then she wiped her hands. "Never mastered how to eat a s'more without getting crumbs on my face," she giggled. "Mm, I can taste the hot chocolate now," Mayako smiled.
I started to imagine the warm and smooth taste of hot chocolate run through my mouth. "Yeah, I could use some too. Come on, let's get ours. Are you a milk or a water person, I'm a milk person myself." I went to the cabnit and got the mix out, and then to the fridge and got out the milk and two mugs. I started to pour the milk into the mug and the mix, stirring them both together.
"Milk, please," Mayako responded. "Do you have cookies too? Tastes good dipped in hot chocolate," she smiled. Leave it to Mayako to know which food combinations tastes good together. "Sure, it's really sweet but I still personally like it," Mayako added.
I started to think of what I really did have food wise this house, and then I remembered something that would make Mayako flip. "Wellll I do have some kind of cookie, but I don't know if you'll like them." I walked over to the cabnit and pulled out a fresh box of oreo's, I had remembered they were Mayako's favorites and I had got some before.
Mayako got a big smile on her face once she saw that Anther had oreos. "I was honestly expecting simple chocolate chip cookies or something!" she said, happily taking one for herself. She took off the top part of the cookie, leaving the second side and the white creme on it. Both cups of milk and chocolate mix had been stirred and microwaved already, so Mayako dipped the cookie into the beverage and ate it. "Tastes delicious together," she commented. "As usual,"
I made a rather confused face at what Mayako was doing. "hmm." I took a sip of my hot chocolate. "Let me try some of that." I took an oreo from the tray and dipped in the milk, letting the oreo get a bit soggy, just the way I like them. After a moment I took it out an plopped it in my mouth. "Wow... this actually taste pretty good Mayako!"
Mayako smiled. "Glad you like it too~" she sang. Mayako took several more oreos with her on a napkin then walked over and took a seat on the couch. She patted the spot next her and grinned. "Come, my dear. Shall we watch television?" Mayako asked, and helped herself to another hot chocolate-dipped-oreo.
I put an odd smirk on my face. "Why yes we shall." I walked over to her with my hot chocolate and ploped down on the couch next to her, putting my free arm around her. "So what should we watch, I'm really up for anything."
"Hmm..." Mayako tapped her chin. Then she got a smile to her face once she had her answer. "Avatar The Last Airbender?" she asked. "I loved watching that back then, but I'm sure there's a channel for it depending on what network you have," she added.
My eyes lit up at the sound of her saying that name. "Yes..." No matter what age or when, I have always loved watching that show, and I have to admit that when I was a kid I shaved my head and tried to use some of the moves it showed on the show, my parents were less then thrilled.
Mayako saw a look in Anther's eyes that told her that he also watched that show as a kid. The television was turned on then flipped to the channel where the show was playing. "Ooh, I remember this episode!" she smiled. "Sakka was always my favorite," she added. Mayako had constantly asked for a boomerang as a birthday gift when she was younger, but of course, her parents just thought the television show was corrupting her minds with things that weren't real. But luckily, Mayako made a paper mache replica of Sakka's boomerang a long time ago. So it was satisfying to have it.

((I honestly loved both Toph and Sakka xD ))
I was amazed by the fact that she loved and knew this show. "Yeah, Sakka was pretty cool. But my favorite was Zuko by far, there's just something about him." I still had my arm around her shoulder as the commercial popped up, so I decided to pass the time I would tickle her chin a bit. I couldn't help but smile and giggle myself.
Mayako giggled, moving her head to the side from reflex. "You like to see my reaction from being tickled, don't you?" she said in between her chuckles. She took Anther's other hand and intertwined her fingers with his like usual. Mayako knew he'd most likely continue to tickle her, but she never minded it.
"Hmm, yeah I do like it when you giggle and squeal like that." I stopped tickling her and started to mess with Mayako's fingers that were in mine, feeling the tingling sensation. The show had started back up but I didn't notice, I was too busy being concentrated on our hands, messing around with hers.

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