Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

((Sounds okay with me))

Mayako gently smiled back at Anther. "Either way... from above, I think they can see what you've become now..." she told him. "You're a talented, fun-loving and brave person. And yes, you also have a girl who absolutely loves you," Mayako briefly nuzzled her cheek against his chest then she looked up into his bright blue eyes. "Honestly, I think they'd be proud of you," she told Anther.
"Maybe they would have, maybe they would have..." I trailed off in my own thoughts, thinking of anything I really could. Then I remembered that I was still really hungry. "Say, I'm still pretty hungry. How about I cook something up here, I can probably think of something but you tell me what you want,"
"Oh, hmm," Mayako was in the process of deciding. She's had a large variety of dishes before, but right now she was going to stick with simple foods. "Bacon, scrambled eggs, and grits?" she suggested. It was something Mayako ate for breakfast living at her aunt's house. It was such an original yet comforting homemade type of meal. "Do you want me to help cook?" those words that came from her own mouth kind of threw her off. She knew how to cook, she had just refused to do it for a long time because of her persistent parents. Mayako shrugged it away, still wanting to assist Anther.
"Throw in some hash browns and you got yourself a deal." I started to stand up and brought Mayako up with me, standing her on her feet. "Well, let's get cooking shall we?" I headed over to the kitchen and brought out the rather simple ingredients to make these food.
"I can make the hash brown and scrambled eggs," Mayako offered, finding the cutting board, a bowl and fork, then a carton of eggs. She was going to start remembering this, all those lessons forced into her head as a kid did prove itself to be useful if she was hungry. It was like muscle memory, which was something in Mayako's brain that worked pretty well. "Hmm...milk, salt and pepper..." Mayako rambled off the ingredients for her part that she was going to cook. "Do have all the things you need, baby boy?" Mayako couldn't help but smile at what she said.
I smiled a bit at her comment. "Yeah I think I got about everything I need. Let's get started shall we?" I started to gather up all the things I need, turned up the burner, and began to cook everything. The smell of bacon was flowing throughout the room, and as I was cooking I looked over my shoulder to see Mayako cooking away like it was natural, I guess it runs in the family.
Mayako did what she had to, the aroma of bacon wavering in the kitchen and it made her a little hungrier. She was chopping up the potato for the hash brown, remembering the knife skills that she had been taught, Daichi was mostly the one to spot the mistakes in her cuts and inconsistency back then. It was like an unknown habit of Mayako's to get it right and she did. "Honestly, I haven't willingly been wanting to cook as you could've guessed. But it isn't so bad when I'm around you," Mayako looked up and smiled.
I giggled a bit "Yeah I noticed that." I started to run my fingers through my hair when I was stunned and realized something. "Uhh Mayako, this is permanent hair dye...." I had completely forgotten that fact, I was in a rush to get it so I didn't grab the wash-able kind. "Well, I guess we have to figure out how to style this now..."
Mayako looked at Anther worriedly after being told the dye he picked earlier for the convention was permanent. "It's okay, maybe the label isn't as true as it seems. Sometimes dye wears out," she said, trying to be positive. "But to me, it doesn't really matter what color your hair is, I'll still love you," Mayako grinned. She put the chopped slices from the potato into the heated pan. She made sure they stuck together to become a hash. And in one hand, Mayako began to crack open two eggs with one hit against the bowl's rim.
"Hmp, yeahhhh. But we will have to figure out how to style it somehow, I mean if my hair is going to be slightly different why not make it really different right?" I kept getting distracted by all the aromas filling the kitchen, the late late breakfast was almost done.
"If you want that, it's fine," Mayako replied. She flipped over the two hashes, and it was a crispy golden brown the way it was supposed to be. She was just about finished with scrambling the eggs in a different pan too. "This is going to taste really good," her stomach softly moaned in agreement, and she blushed a little bit from embarrassment. "Are you done with your part, Anther?" Mayako asked, putting the hash browns on a plate, and the scrambled eggs in a bigger bowl.
I had just turned off the burners and placed everything on its rightful plate. "Why yes, baby girl." I swirled around and grabbed her from the back, swirling her around in the air like a child, me laughing through every second of it. I'm not sure why I did it, but it just seemed fun to do at the moment, playing and messing around with her was always sort of fun to me.
Mayako squeaks as she was picked up and being swirled around but she was smiling joyfully. "Anther!" she laughed, slightly kicking her feet. "You're so silly," she said. Anther was being playful and it warmed her heart with joy. "C'mon, let's eat, baby boy. I want to show you something I used to do since I was fourteen," Mayako grinned, pointing to the plate of food.
"Alright alright." I set her down and as she regained her balance we stood there and chuckle for a second. "Okay so show me what you're talking about, I'm interested now." I let her go and walked over to the food with her, smelling the smell of perfectly cooked food.
Mayako smiled, taking a seat at the table then showing Anther what she mentioned. "First it's this..." she used her fork to put some steaming scrambled eggs over a piece of bacon, then Mayako also placed a portion of grits across the scrambled eggs. "Then this," she rolled up the bacon, forming everything inside to be like a sushi. Only with breakfast foods. The combination of these three things together were quite good, actually. "Voila. A bacon-grits-egg roll. I called it that back then," Mayako blushed slightly, feeling like a child again from seeing one of her own strange food infusions. "I used to experiment with foods just to make my family mad, but Auntie Saika never minded," she chuckled, remembering back on it.
I thought it was cute, seeing Mayako's inner child like this from time to time, it made me think back on how adorable she really was. "Wow, that seems really cool. You should have made your parents sell that, it sounds awesome." I tried to make her feel a little more proud of herself for acting like a kid at times, there was really nothing wrong with it. With about half of my food I started to make the 'sushi' looking type of thing and ate it up, making about three or so. "Hmm, this really is good." I made a large smile and then continued to eat a bit.
((Ha I actually eat those bacon-grits-egg rolls ^_^ Really awesome...yesh, I know I'm weird))

"Isn't it?" Mayako smiled, feeling happier because Anther was enjoying the bacon-grits-egg roll too. "I guess sometimes food experimenting leads to a very tasty result," she giggled. She also dug into her hash brown, tearing off a piece with her fork and eating it. It was the right crispy texture and it also had flavor in it's own way. She wasn't much of a person to compliment herself, but it was pretty good. Everything on the plate was. Mayako chewed and swallowed a second bacon-grits-egg roll. "After this, do you want to go somewhere or stay?" she asked.
(Not a big fan of grits, but I'll try the rest of it :P And trust me, you're not weird, more like interesting and cool. Plus if anyone is weird it would be me, I mean look at my username :P )

I started to make a thinking face at Mayako's request. "Um well I'm not really sure. Today is just one of those 'what do I do with my life' days yeah know? I kinda just feel like chilling out here today, a lot happened yesterday and I just want to relax and feel good."
((Thanks and you're pretty cool too :3 And well, I guess everybody is weird in their own way))

"I understand that, I could probably take a nap," Mayako said, stretching out her arms then covering her mouth when she yawned. She was finished eating now, it was a delicious meal for late-breakfast. "Or do you want to play a friendly round of a video game match?" she asked, grinning.
(Yes, yes quite :3)

I set my plate down and took a large sigh of relief the food was perfect and I gulfed it down in no time. "Ah... your on then missy, you name the game, but I warn you. I am the best at games ever!" I stuck my hands up in the air and my seat began to wobble and I fell backwards, strait to the ground. "Ow...."
Mayako jumped out of her seat, looking over at him from across the table. She went around and knelled by the collapsed Anther. "Are you alright?" she asked, biting her lip because that fall must have really hurt. Mayako held his head in a caring manner. And in a way, she has always had this maternal-like kind side whenever someone was injured. It was part of her nature.
"Yeah, I'm fine. If you can't tell I have accidents like these all the time." I let out a small laugh before grabbing Mayako's hand and pulling myself up, my hand on the back of my head. "Let's get going on that game now shall we?" I leaned down and gave her a thank kiss for helping me up.
Mayako stood on her toes when their lips met, making the kiss last a bit longer. She let her heels of her feet fall to the floor again, and she smiled as she looked up at Anther. "Yeah. And this time, I'm gonna have my redemption after that time from the car race in the arcade," Mayako said, her purple eyes now determined but also playful. She really remembered when they spent at the arcade together, and when Anther had won that car race she promised him a kiss, their second kiss shared. Thinking back on it made her smile.

((If I'm really accurate about that last part being their second xD ))
(Yes you are :P )

"Oh yeah I remember that, well I guess I'll have to try and keep up my streak now won't I miss scorebreaker." I remembered that day, it was one of my first major moves I had ever made on Mayako, and sure enough it was a good one.
((I'm surprised that I remembered xD I mean, it's such a far way back in the roleplay, I feel proud of myself now))

"Maybe you will, maybe I'll make a comeback to my scorebreaking record," Mayako was playing along and she winked at Anther, then laughed. The games and stations were by the television, which was in front of the couch of the living room. Since Mayako was told she could pick the game, she skimmed through the covers of the games and came across one that caught her eyes. "Aha, this one," Mayako picked it up and showed it to Anther. It wasn't the type of video game where you play against the person with guns and more guns. But it was more fantasy-like, with characters who had different abilities, some with magic and some with cool-looking blades as weapons.

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