Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Mayako laughed with him. "Yeah, can't believe that was hours ago," a lot of things have happened since then. She was thankful and glad to have met Anther, a outstandingly cool guy. If she hadn't, none if this would be happening right now. She just knew Shira would be firing her a bunch of questions once Mayako got to see her again.

"Hey, name a hobby you like to do," she smiled.
"Hmm a hobby? Well besides playing the guitar and singing I guess skate boarding. I've done it for so many years it just comes to me like breathing. Have you ever tried a board?" I think we got back track on the non-emotional side of learning each other. It's almost like she is learning everything about me by asking these simple questions, clever.
Mayako shook her head. "I haven't. I'm more like a gamer, actually," she said. She was proud of saying it, not at all ashamed by the title she gives herself. She was a regular customer at the arcade, and at pretty much any video game store. "I think skateboard tricks are really cool to watch though," Mayako added. She looked at him, head tilted and processing thoughts.

"If I think about it a skateboard does suit you,"
So Mayako was a gamer hm."Really? I never really would have taken you for a gamer. I'm a pretty big otaku myself and I really haven't met many other people that are." I looked over at the clock and it was getting pretty late, I needed some sleep after the day I had. "Hey look it's getting pretty late, you can stay the night if you want." I carefully went over what I said in my mind and realized. "No no no no not I didn't mean it like that it's just but AHHHHH" I became so red and made fake crying noises like I had just lost because I sort of did.
Mayako went into a fit of giggles, smiling at how red Anther was. "Sure, I can stay," she accepted the offer. She would have to carefully explain to her aunt how she ended up staying at guy's house. Hope she doesn't get the wrong idea either, Mayako thought. It's not that her her aunt was protective, she just tended to make conclusions that Mayako was going out with a guy, even if told little details.
"Oh you can? Great, well ah I don't know what you'll do about sleeping I mean you can always go to bed with ME but I a-..." I started to become unbelievably red at this point. I just couldn't have a strait conversation worth a dime at this point and I'm sure she figured I'm trying to get with her right now which is not the case. Man I wouldn't be the slightest surprised if she just walked out like that at this point.
"I can sleep on the couch, it feels comfy enough," Mayako said, patting her hand on it. She was thinking that Anther wouldn't try and do what it sounded like---things that come from nowhere can slip from people's mouths when they're nervous, she understood. "You don't have to be so nervous about it," Mayako grinned. She was kind of like a night owl, having the tendency to wake up in the middle of nights and have a small snack before going back to sleep. Either that or she would stand up, walk around, or turn on a light and draw.

Mayako hoped that she wouldn't wake Anther up during that time. She would probably hold back from standing.
"Yeah hehe, I just can't seem to talk anymore," I leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. "I'm gonna go head to bed now, still kinda tired from earlier. I guess I'll see you tomorrow Mayako, night" I got up from the couch and walked into my room where I prepared to get to bed. I threw my shirt into the corner where I kept my dirty cloths and fell right into bed. MY mp3 player was right on the nightstand, I turned it up then started to slowly fall to sleep. "Mayako..." I said it ever so softly.
"Sweet dreams," the kiss she received on her cheek sent a shiver down Mayako's spine, but it felt good. Was that a goodnight kiss?...Hm, she wondered, but decided on putting it aside as she watched Anther depart and walk into his room. She set her glasses on the table before her. Mayako smiled quietly, and curled up into a ball on the sofa like her normal sleeping position. One hand under her head and the other facing up by her nose, fingers curled. She wondered what tomorrow would be like.

In the middle of her scenarios Mayako gave in the sleep.
"No promises." Shira said to his 'falling in love' warning. She followed him obediently and sighed in thought, her sneakers lightly tapping against the uneven pavement. "Okay then," She said. Suddenly Shira became at a loss for words. Usually she was so talkative and quick to make friends, as she was with Leon, and refused to judge them based on anything other people may say. Now she was quiet and unsure of what to say to Leon, even afraid that he would find her strange (which was new to her). Heck, she realized, she didn't even know this guy. He could be a serial killer for all she knew and here she is going to his house. "Are you going to chop me up in your kitchen and eat me? Or make me eat my own brain like in Hannibal?" She asked, hoping he understood her horror movie reference.
"Nasty," Leon's nose scrunched up in disgust. "I can't even stomach those types of movies, even if I know they're movie productions," he told Shira. It was true, because the last movie he watched was Nightmare on Elm Street. Leon refused to sleep for days, his energy running on nothing but the caffeine from coffee, though he hated the taste with a passion. "C'mon, just a bit further," Leon glanced up at the apartment building. He climbed up a flight of stairs with Shira. "Please excuse some parts of the room. I like to keep things clean so I can find things, but my cousin manages to leave stuff sometimes," Leon explained. He turned the lock and pushed open the door. "Ta-dah,"

Mayako woke up, feeling cold. The moonlight that streamed from the window glared down on her face, forcing her to squint her eyes. She reached out her arm toward the table for her glasses, and being far-sighted, she only saw blurs up close. Mayako had extended her arm out too far, and before she knew it, she literally fell off the couch in a loud thump. Well that certainly woke her up.
Right in the middle of my dreaming I heard a really loud thud coming from the other room. "What the hell was that..." Almost as a zombie, I stumbled out of bed and lopped to the door. Opening it I see that it was still nighttime so I really didn't know what it could be. I look over to see Mayako on the ground with her hand in the air trying to get her glasses on the table. I chuckle under my breath and go over to the table. I take the glasses of the table and put them on Mayako's face. "There we go," I didn't even stay to talk with her, I just sort of walked back into my room and fell on the bed without closing the door in.
Shira grinned, finding his cowardly side a bit adorable. She didn't mind playing the hero sometimes, even if it was for a boy, and didn't believe in all of that sexist stuff. "Lucky for you I have a strong stomach." Shira said, patting her tummy. Stepping inside Leon's apartment Shira nodded. "Nice. It's a lot better than my apartment." She offered, shuddering as she thought about her closet-sized, filthy abode. She made a mental note to clean it up if he ever happens to come over to her house. She didn't step any farther into the house than a few feet and turned around to face Leon. "So, I'm completely safe with you. You won't try to poison me or anything? No creepy fetishes I should know about?" Shira asked, her second question.
Mayako rubbed a fist at her eyes. She lazily got up, wobbly walking to the door that was still left open. "Sorry about that Anther, just feeling drowsy," she whispered from across the large space between them. Mayako blinked, distinguishing Anther's figure in the dim light and she realized he didn't have a shirt on. Mayako blushed, feeling quite embarrassed. "S-Sorry again," she closed the door behind her and went back to the couch, hiding her face in her hands. She fell asleep again, forgetting to take off her glasses.

The sun arose and Mayako was hit by its rays. She stretched her limbs as if a cat would. The door to Anther's room was still closed so she knocked on it.

((Hope that time skip is okay Braxto))

"Well I'd rather call it a hobby for making desserts---but no fetishes. Sounds like it's the word for someone in a padded room," Leon joked. Leon stepped in, gathering ingredients for macaroons and putting them on the counter. "Good thing I already went to buy some stuff from the grocery store earlier today. You'd be surprised at how nearly empty the fridge and cabinet was," he smiled. "I was starving when first came here---which technically is still today,"
I hear a repeating sound coming from somewhere but I'm just refusing to get up, still in that weird sleep to reality trance. "I didn't, (snore) I don't even..." I managed to lift my head up from my pillow and then my body. "Come in," I just put my hands over my face trying to bring myself into reality once more. I sat the the side of the bed, listening to the Hollywood Undead that had been playing all night, Paradise Lost to be official. I started to whisper the song under my breath, "So watch my chest heave as this last breath leaves me, I am trying to be what your Dying to see.."
Mayako opened the door after his permission to come in. "Morning," Mayako greeted Anther. "Rest well?" she asked. Her hair probably looked like a mess right now, she still felt a sense of grogginess being carried around her arms and legs. Mayako was okay with mornings, sometimes she really hated them on days when she felt like her body needed an extra hour of sleep.
"Mhh, morning. Yeah I rested pretty well did you?" I got up and stretched my body out. I went over to the closet and put on a new shirt and messed with my hair a bit to get it right. My mp3 player was still blaring music so I went over to it and turned it off, placing it back into my pocket. "Mhh, I don't know about you but I could really go for some food about now. How about my favorite Ramon shop down the street?"
Mayako's brows raised in interest. "Ramen?" she repeated. It was her second favorite food next to fettuccine alfredo. "Sure~" she answered in her singsong tone again. "But...what about my change of clothes?" Mayako questioned. She felt kind of odd wearing the same outfit since yesterday, since she didn't get the chance to change at home before staying at Anther's.
"Ah that's right isn't it. Well it would be kind of silly to ride all the way home just to change and come get ramen. Here, just take one of my t-shirts. I know it's not exactly what you meant but its better then nothing right?" I went back into my closet and pulled out a Breaking Benjamin shirt since I knew she loved them. "Here, I like you'll like it,"
Mayako smiled when she saw that it was a Breaking Benjamin shirt. "Thanks! We both have the same good taste, huh?" she said . Though, she had gathered that out back when they met at the music store."I'll go change right quick," she told Anther. Mayako glanced around behind her, and saw the open door that lead to the bathroom.

She walked inside, closing the door behind her.
As Mayako went to the bathroom to change i got my socks and shoes on and waited on the couch for her. I turned on the tv as I waited, watching Naruto Shippuden airing a new episode. As I sat there watching the show I still had some of the lyrics to the song I was listen to and just whispered it over and over again to myself. "I am trying to be what you're dying to see..."
When Mayako changed shirts she examined herself in the mirror for a quick look. The shirt was baggy-ish on her frame but comfortable. Besides, it was better than nothing. She pulled the door back and went to the living room. She approached Anther from behind, who sat on the couch and was watching an episode of Naruto Shippuden. Mayako put her elbows on the back rim of the sofa.

"All set?" she asked him. "I'm ready to ride my motorcycle again,"
I took the remote and turned off the tv. I stood up and cracked my knuckles. "We won't be needing it, the Ramen shop isn't but down the road. It should tale us like five minutes to walk there. Let's go." I went over to the door and held it open for her. After we walked out to the outside world I quickly covered my eyes from the bright morning sun,"Ug, for some reason the morning always finds a way to hate me,'"
Kyle quickly stepped away from the man that was walking down the sidewalk. It was early in the morning and not many people were on the streets, spare a shop here and there. The man kept walking as if nothing had happened, Kyle slipped the contents of the wallet he just pick-pocketed into his pocket. The man that Kyle took the wallet from picked the wrong time to turn around. Kyle threw the empty wallet to the side and the man saw it. The man placed his hand where his wallet should be then yelled out at Kyle, screaming something along the lines of "You get back here you scoundrel" or something along those lines that people only say in movies.

Kyle looked back for half a second before he started sprinting down the road, taking his first left between two buildings. Props of living downtown, he thought to himself. The Police must have been just around the corner because one was at the end of the alleyway already. The worst part-dead end alley. Kyle jumped up onto a trash can and jumped again to grab a pipe. He pulled himself up and nearly got hit by the police's stun-gun, being only saved by gravity pushing it directly under his feet. Kyle pulled himself up on top of the building and stood up.

Kyle sprinted across the roofs of the many shops that were on the street, jumping across alleyways and always jumping a little to far and putting to much effort into jumping-quickly draining his energy. He got to the end where the corner was and walked to the alley next to the building, climbing down in nearly the exact same manner he got up in the other alley. Kyle walked out, taking off his jacket and hiding it behind a dumpster, hoping that neither of the men saw his face or hair clearly enough to mind him.

Kyle walked off along the street with his newly pocketed money, not applauding himself that he had to steal it. It was necessary, ​he told himself, but he still didn't believe it.
"The sun is just as bad as a neon color, but at the same time the warmth feels good though," Mayako answered. She went under the shade of a tree with Anther, and the broken fragments of sunlight filtered past the leaves. It kind of reminded her of what happened in the park---though she remembered it clearly it managed to make her blush every time her thoughts jumped to it. Mayako looked at Anther, curiously. She rewinded her mind back to the words he said to her when Mayako was nearly crying in his arms.

"You're really sweet," Mayako said. "You probably won't think so, but you've got a kind heart, Anther,"

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