Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Mayako nodded. "Yeah, why not?" she replied. She started the engine again, and sped down the streets. Mayako easily weaving through the traffic since her motorcycle was slim enough for it. People's car horns blared at her, but she just laughed. "Sorry!~" she said to them. A few moments and they made it back to Anther's home.
Why was my hair always such a bother. I took off the helmet and shook it around again then stepped off the motorcycle. I stood there at the door to the house "Thanks for the ride by the way, come in come in." I took her hand and opened the door. There I escorted her to the main living room. It wasn't terribly messy, after all she had seen it before. "Make your self at home, sit down or whatever." I went over to the kitchen and into the fridge. "So what do you want to drink? I got anything really."
"Tea would be nice. With honey and sugar," Mayako replied. She wasn't much of an alcoholic drinker, she only drank on special occasions. Mayako glanced around the room. She wasn't a person to care or judge decor, but as long as Mayako felt cozy, everything was fine. The couch was pretty comfy---no wonder why Anther was able to sleep on it. "So Anther," she called. "Do you have siblings?"
I got out the supplies from the cabinet and shut it rather hard. "No, no I don't have any siblings, been an only child my only life. Do you just have those two brothers or are there more?" I put the tea to a boil and added the teabags. While that was preparing I got a beer out of the fridge and sat down next to her on the couch.
Mayako had heard the sharp sound of the cabinet being shut. She was thinking that she might have struck a nerve. "Just those two," Mayako answered. "Though, I don't live with them. I moved out when I was fourteen, and my aunt took me under her wing. Communication with my parents and brothers," she shrugged. "But's better that way," Mayako mumbled.
"Yeah I know that feeling, just wanting to go away." I took another drink of my beer and was just about to put my arm around Mayako before I hear the tea was ready. "I'll get it," I stood up and poured her a cup and stirred in the extra things she wanted. I bent over and gave it to her "I hope it's any good, I've never put that kind of stuff in my tea before so I'm not sure." I sat back down next to her and took a drink. "So since you are so full of questions, ask away at whatever you feel like,"
"Hmm...what inspired or got you to play music?" Mayako asked. This suddenly felt like an interview, her being the news reporter, and Anther being the guest or interviewee. She took a quiet sip of the tea. Sweet, with the creamy texture of honey well-mixed along with the sugar. Just the right amount too. "This tea's awesome by the way," Mayako grinned.
"Thanks, ok well what got me to start playing music was just listening to bands like Hollywood Undead and Linkin park and something that happened really deep in my childhood... I almost keep it blocked out of my mind but if you really want to hear it I'll go ahead and say it" That time in my life was the most twisted and confusing thing that has ever happened to me. I've heard of some people who are so traumatized by some things that they forcibly make themselves forget it, I tried that for quite some time now. The time I am talking about was when my parent's disowned me, about when I was 15, I had never told anyone so I was timid as to telling her but if she wants to know then I will.
Mayako saw the look on Anther's face that this was going to difficult for him to tell. It happens to everyone, when they come across a touchy subject about themselves they'd rather not think about. Mayako nodded. "Tell me, if that's really okay. I don't want to force you to talk about it if It brings back too many bad memories," she said.
I took a deep gulp then looked over Mayako, I guess here goes nothing. "Well when it was my fifteenth birthday I bought myself a new mp3 player and was listen to Elfen Lied, then randomly my parents came up and told me to leave. Right then and there, and not to return. So I did just that, I took my stuff and came here that day. I have a friend that lived here and he took me in but now he's never around." I must have had the most beady eyes anyone has ever seen. I never told anyone anything about this before and here I am, telling the girl I like everything about that. "To this day I listen to that Elfen Lied every day, it just has so much meaning to me now. But anyway that's about all there is to that." I took another drink and sat the empty can on the sidetable next to me. I put my hands in front of me and just shoke my head slowly.
Mayako looked at Anther, quiet and melancholy. Without a word said she wrapped her arms behind Anther's neck, hugging him. In times like these maybe he needed one. Why would his parents do that to him...telling him never to come back, Mayako thought. "I'm sorry," she muttered. She herself still cared a lot about her family, even if they didn't agree on things. She now knew about Anther's past, though it was a sad one to Mayako, she couldn't help but think that he was mentally strong for this.
The warm sensation of Mayako's hug seemed to make talking about this situation bearable. She truly did understand and care for me, that was more then a lot of people. "Thanks, Mayako," My arms also made their way around her, I never really have felt this, this in-security until now. As I sat their, embracing the moment, I used almost all of my willpower trying not to cry a tear.
"You're okay now,'s alright," Mayako comforted him as if a mother would. She glanced at the left side of his face. The solemn sadness that she distinguished made Mayako's heart sink. She could sense Anther's pain. "Can you do one thing for me?" Mayako asked, making him look into her eyes. "...I wanna see your nice smile,"
I looked strait into her eyes, I guess she really did care about me. I made a small smile, trying to be happy which I was because of her kindness to me, it was defiantly more then I had ever received from anyone. I managed to get lost into her eyes, they were a mesmerizing purple, they seemed to swallow me into it's endless depths.
Mayako grinned. "That's better," she said. Though she kind of didn't want to, Mayako steadily released her arms from Anther. "I think it's only fair if I answer a question of yours, right?" Mayako added. She didn't want to keep herself a secret from him forever---learning more about Anther was what she had asked for. Mayako was returning Anther's cerulean gaze with her lavender one.
I slowly got out of the trance that was her depthful eyes. "Oh a question for you? Hmm let me see, what is your absolute worst fear?" I just kinda wanted to know her fear to find out what kind of person she really was on her emotional side, I already figured out that she is a caring person but that's only a small portion of it. I seemed to get adsorbed by her deep eyes again, which were so full of mystery I couldn't stand it.
"My worst fear...?" Mayako had the answer, and sometimes she felt as though it would come true. "Being left with no one..." Mayako answered. "I mean, I have to travel a lot with my family because of business, so I don't get to see my old friends as daily," she explained. "And my parents don't think it matters as I don't get a say in things," Mayako shrugged. She kept the smile on her face to keep Anther from worrying, but knew it wasn't a great effort.

"Even when I do see my old friends, they're not the same as they used to be,"
Kyle snapped his torn up jacket over his shoulders, zipping it up fully then unzipping it just a few inches. He put on his sun glasses and muddy converse and started walking towards his front door, hoping that as he crossed his living room doorway his father would be asleep on the couch, he didn't want to deal with him today. Once he got outside, he walked out to the sidewalk of his small home and snapped on a watch he found on the streets yesterday, looking at it as he did so.

"Not bad, not bad..." Kyle said, trying to make himself actually believe that this mud-stained, cracked watch was actually worth keeping on his wrist. He pulled his sleeve over the watch and began walking down the street towards downtown, hoping maybe people will be generous today.
Shira nodded, listening to Leon. He sounded pretty cool and she smiled. Mayako would be having fun today and so would she. "Well, Mr. awesome-chef-Belair, I will be the judge of your cooking skills." She spun towards him on her heels and grinned.

"You. Me. Your place. Food." She said, pointing her finger at him like guns with every word. His bag swung on her wrist as she did and the albums hit her in the hip. Smooth, Shira, real smooth. She thought.
Leon chuckled at the terse way Shira spoke. He wouldn't turn her down---he'd give it his all to put a great dish in front of Shira, to show that he had culinary skills. "Well, Miss Judge," he joked. "Follow me," Leon made his stride longer to start walking a bit in front of her. "But I have to warn you, it'll be delicious. So don't start falling in love with me or nothing," he laughed, feeling a bit more confident. "By the way, to pass time, let's ask each other basic questions if you want," Leon suggested.
I listen to Mayako and realized how lonely her life must have been with the constant moving to place to place. She was always having to make new friends, I'm surprised her trust and loyalty were where they are today. She seemed rather upset, she wasn't going to fool me, I knew that was a fake smile. Behind that fake smile was a face of loneliness and sadness and I could see that clearly. "I can tell that's a fake smile right there that you have on, it's ok, you don't have to pretend." I returned the favor and threw my arms around her, she also needed some comfort.
Mayako lifted her arms around Anther too, placing her cheek on his shoulder. She was glad to have talked about this with somebody, and since it was Anther, she felt better. "It's just...isn't fair,'s not," Mayako muttered. "If I have to travel again, I don't want to leave this place. I want to be around you," she shut her eyes, tight, and took a rigid breath. She had been the one who was calm earlier. Now she felt as if her heart had tightened so much that it shattered like glass. Mayako didn't want to cry, feeling the sting of tears brimming her eyes.
Mayako had become so fragile, she had almost broken right here. She had been the understanding one but now she was the one that needs understood. My hand had made its way to the back of her head, pulling her closer. "I'm not gonna let you go you know. I want to be with you to, and even if you go I'LL go with you, there is nothing here for me but you and I won't see you go." I took her by the shoulders and looked in her eyes, she seemed as if she was going to cry. I took my finger and wiped the underneath of her eye. "Don't cry, I'm here for you now and will always."
Mayako heeded his promise words, and like a bed of rosebuds they were comforting. They filled her with such repose and she knew Anther was telling the truth. Mayako felt safe in his arms. He was showing so much affection and loyalty, she was happy that someone would watch her back and catch her if she were to fall. "Yeah...yes," she nodded, three times. "Thank you. That probably has to be the best thing somebody's told me," she offered him a grin, her sadness slowly washing away because of Anther. "And I'm here for you too," Mayako gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. "You've been really nice to me, y'know,"

((Mayako's theme:

The feeling that radiated from my cheek from that kiss was amazing. It seemed like she was actually cheering up now and because of that, I started to cheer up. I couldn't be sad if she was happy anymore, she changed me. "What can I say, I try. Man, it's been an eventful day at the music store huh?" I start to laugh really loud, to think so many amazing things had happened because I got up hungry for a Ramon shop and went to a music store. I could tell some amazing things were going to build from this. And soon, soon, I would try to go out with her again, she was just too amazing to pass up.

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