Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

I kinda chuckled at the other girls, I haven't said that old taunt since I was really young and here I am getting it used on me. I got my footing strait and got onto the ring, making close attention that she wouldn't fall or something. "Alright so I'm going to start going and you hang on to me and try to skate. If I start going to fast you tell me alright?" I got to the side of her and held her hand once more. I started off slow, trying to gain some momentum and to help her start off.
Mayako felt at ease, holding his hand. "Anther? Can I ask you two pretty common questions? What's your favorite food and when's your birthday?" she questioned. She was curious. She started skating a little bit faster with him, gradually gaining control of balance. Mayako locked her fingers with his and she grinned softly.
The feeling of her hand tightening mine was wonderful, like she actually cared for me. "Well let's see, my birthday is Januray 11th and my favorite food has to be somewhere along, well I don't know, mashed potato's I guess. Now I can ask the same for you but I want one more question for you to answer but its kinda generic, how did you become so beautiful?"
Mayako turned pink by the sudden flattery. She's been called pretty, but not beautiful. "H-How am I going to answer that?" she said. "Nobody has said that to me before..." Mayako felt kinda self-conscious now. Is that how he thinks of me...? Beautiful, she thought. "Why don't you try and answer how you got so good-looking yourself?" Mayako returned the question back at him. She wondered how he'd react, though what she just said was true.
"How did I get like that, I don't know, it sure wasn't from my parents... that's for sure. I'm just wonder how you were never told that hmh. Well then this next question may or may not be easier for you to answer." I had a huge lump in my throat but I had to swallow the nervousness to ask the question. I was so scared of being turned down because it was really sudden. "H-hey look I was kinda wondering if-if you would um go out with me?" The only thing I could think of was 'oh crap'. The tension was going to kill me before she would even be able to give me an answer.
Mayako almost stopped. That could've counted as a confession if she thought about it. "Go out?" she echoed. Go out, as in, being girlfriend and boyfriend. She knew because of the way Anther asked. Mayako was considering each word that formed in her head. "Anther...I think we should know more about each other before that happens... C-Can you give me more time?" she asked. She didn't want to have said it because of the way Anther might look afterwards. From someone else's perspective, they already looked like a couple together. Mayako did have an interest in Anther, yes. But wanted time for it to grow more.
I was so disappointed when she said that, but I guess I had that coming. "Yeah, I understand what you mean, it's just something that I've been wondering you know?" I sorta kicked my blade in frustration but I knew the risk and took it so I couldn't be too mad."Hey you still haven't answered my question have you? What was your favorite food and birthday?"
Mayako had a sympathetic look to her face she wanted to apologize, badly. But Anther changed the subject back to the question that she left unanswered before she could have. "My favorite food...? It'd have to be fettuccine alfredo pasta," she replied. Mayako had it all made from scratch before, that was when she was out of the country. "And my birthday is in several days,"
"Woh are you kidding me in a couple of days? How long til?"I can't believe it was almost her birthday and she didn't tell me sooner. I guess I'll get her a nice gift. "Also sorry if you still feel a bit weird after me asking you to go out, I'll make it up to you some how you just wait,"
"Five days," Mayako responded. Then she shook her head. "But it's fine, just be the way you were before," before she knew it the smile was back on her face. A song had played throughout the rink, the kind of song where everyone got into a dance-y mood. Mayako laughed. "The Cha Cha Slide! I haven't heard this in so long!" she exclaimed happily. People were starting to gather in the center for the dance. "Anther, can we go over there? Please?" though Mayako was on skates she still wanted to dance anyway. Or try.

((Couldn't think of any other song xD ))
I heard the music come on and I knew she would want to do it, ah, why not. "Alright I guess but as long as you can keep your balance on those blades." We rode to the center where people were starting to do the dance. I really didn't know what to do since I haven't done this since I was in elementary school. I just started looking at other people around me to try and figure it out.
Mayako saw that Anther was learning it by observing everybody else. She smiled, knowing the steps but was more careful because of the wheels beneath her. "C'mon, this should be muscle memory, right?" Mayako asked, striding to the right as the song said to do. She actually didn't feel that shy, moving to this song. She was having fun like the rest of the crowd. "This is easy, you'll remember," Mayako assured.
"Alright then, muscle memory." I never really did have a good memory but it looked as if that was her strong point. I looked down at her feet and her arms and started to copy the moves she was doing. Then the beat took me and I was doing it. "Hey look Kayako, I can do i-" The thud sound could only be compared to a boulder being dropped. I had fallen strait on my face during the dance. "Oww, crap" I looked around and everyone had stopped and looked at me, I got kinda embarrassed by it. "Looks like I'm the one that fell ey? Ironic"
Mayako's mouth fell open a bit when Anther fell, and she knelled down beside him. Mayako didn't care if people had their eyes on them, because she ignored them entirely. Right now Mayako was worried about Anther. "My goodness, Anther, are you okay?" she held his chin and lifted his face, checking for any visible inflictions on him. She spotted a small bruise on his forehead. Mayako softly touched it. "Does it hurt too much?"
I looked at Mayako and got really red at the situation. It was really nice that she cared about this. "Yeah I'm fine but I think I'm done with dancing for a little while haha" I got up and shook my hair back into place. I noticed the bruise on my forehead, yep that's gonna be a sick headache tomorrow. I went out of the ring and sat back down for a minute. Well this was great, I attracted some unnecessary attention, but also I interrupted the dance for everyone. I felt really bad about the situation at this point.
Mayako followed after Anther, deciding that she wouldn't want to leave him there to sit by himself. "Sorry I made you do that," she said. "If I would've known you'd fall and get hurt..." she trailed off. "But hey, I know something that might make your bruise feel better," Mayako added. She brushed away his bangs and planted her lips where the bruise was on Anther's forehead. She grinned softly. "Kisses were meant to heal. Sure it sounds lame but at least I can offer you something," Mayako told him.
The kiss on my forehead seemed to make everything better. "Thanks for that" I had a slight grin on my face after that. "I'm sorry I sorta ruined the dance for you back there, I don't know what made me mess up. So do you feel like staying or are you ready to head? Either fine with me,"
Mayako thought for a moment. "We can head on out. These things are like weights on my feet," she started untying the laces then pulled off the skates. Hello, sneakers... she thought foolishly. "Mayako!!" the sound of a kid's voice called out her name. She looked up and saw her little brother, Isamu, running up to her. Mayako smiled, arms opened as she picked him up in a hug. "Hi! What're you doing here?" Mayako asked. "Daichi promised he'd take me here today, so we're here!" Isamu answered. Daichi was the oldest, and the one Mayako had sibling rivalry with. Isamu's innocent eyes acknowledged Anther. "Mister, you look tall! Do you know my sis?"
My eyes went and looked at this little kid, I guess this was her brother ey? I didn't realize that she had any siblings. "Yeah kid, I know Mayako," I reached out my hand to do a fist pump "Names Anther, and you might be Mayako's brother?" This kid looked so small and innocent, kinda like Mayako but she wasn't so small. I wonder why she didn't mention this, did she have a rivalry with him or something? I guess I wouldn't know, after all I wouldn't know what it feels like considering that I was an only child.
Mayako smiled as she watched Isamu and Anther fist bump together, her little brother's tiny knuckles meeting Anther's larger ones. "Weird name! Anther....panther. And that's right, I'm her brother," he nodded, looking proud. "Isamu, don't run off like that," a guy came walking to them, and he paused. "Hey, Daichi," Mayako said. She sounded not so enthusiastic. The man crossed his arms. "Hello, young sis. Getting anywhere by making art?" he asked. "I'm working on it," she frowned. "Well if you did consider working in the family busin---" Daichi noticed Anther, sitting rather close to Mayako. "Excuse me, but who are you?"
This guy approached us was obviously her older brother and not a happy one at that. I could tell this was one of those sibling rivaling things. I laid back my shoulders a bit and acted calm. "I'm Anther, who might you be hot shot?" I couldn't really tell but I bet this guy was older then me, and I really didn't want to get in a fight. Mayako didn't really seem amused to see this guy either, I have to do something at least.
Mayako watched the scowl on her older brother's face when Anther talked to him. He always carried an aristocratic quality around him, and he was like a narcissist all the while having manners. Mayako personally didn't like it."Daichi Amori. I would hope you wouldn't forget it either," he remarked. "Okay, Daichi, that's enough," Mayako cut in. "That's enough trying to bully people," she added. "What'd I do, sis? I merely gave him a warning..." Daichi glared at Anther as he said the last part. Isamu, on the other hand, was unaware of the tension. He broke it by speaking happily. "Mayako, did you just come here like us?" he pointed to the skates, thinking she was in the process of putting them on. Mayako shook her head, sadly. "Sorry, but we were just leaving," Mayako told him. "Aw, what? Is that true, Anzer?" Isamu pouted.
I stood up up this guys remark to me, I wasn't about to take shit from him. He seemed like a strait up jerk if I've ever seen one, I can't believe Mayako is related to this guy. I looked him in the face and twisted my head to the side a little as if I was looking him over. "Yeah it's pretty true DaiDai, aww that's a cute name for you. I'll see you later." It was a risky move but I patted him on the shoulder twice. I went back over to Mayako and pick up my blades and hers, took them to the front desk, and then went back to were they were. "Let's get out of here Mayako" I pulled her up and headed for the exit.
Mayako sighed. "Sorry you had to go through that. Daichi and I...just don't get along anymore," she gave Anther an apologetic smile. "But that was really bold of you, I have to say. Most people don't talk to him like that," Mayako mounted on her motorcycle and put the helmet on her head. For sure, she knew Daichi would be upset that he didn't get the last word, and let alone got showed up by someone who he immediately disliked.
I shrugged my shoulders. "That guy doesn't seem too tough, besides, I could tell he was bugging you so I had to do something about it." I put the helmet back on my head and mounted the motorcycle. "So when we get back to my place you wanna have a drink or something?" I hoped she would stay over a bit, if it was more knowledge about me that she wanted then it would be a pretty good time while we were alone.

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