Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

I looked down at ground and had a slight chuckle. "Yeah, I've never really seen myself being super sweet but I guess there's nothing really bad about that." I was recapping all the things that have happened in my mind. Just a day ago I was at that music store and I found her, well, the store clerk did for me. Then we went to the park where I made my first move on her under those trees. Then at my home, we were nearly crying with each other for each other. She truly was extraordinary and just brightened up my day like this sun brightened the world.
Mayako smiled. "You made my whole day fun yesterday. Plus, you've made me feel a lot better," she was talking about when she explained to Anther that she didn't want to leave him if she had to move again. Mayako shared happy and sad moments with him, she had learned more about him that day. She was curious to find out what would unravel today. "You're the best," Mayako hugged his arm.
Mayako hugging my arm made me feel really good inside. I guess I really did help her through all that. "Haha, yeah I guess I am," I put my hand behind my head and made a giant, sort of, funny smile. "But you also really helped me last night too so I guess I have to thank you too." I took her arm off of mine and held her hand. As we continued down the street we started to approach the ramen. I swear I could have started drooling right there. "Mhhh ramennnnn" I took a deep breath through my nose, the smell if many spices filled me and just made me want the ramen even more.
Kyle noticed the police car pulling around the corner, with he police officer that he had a close encounter with in it. Kyle pulled off to the right into a shop, he didn't care what it was. He walked int and walked to the left of the shop and sat down in one of the seats, leaning forward over a table slightly so he could see out of the doorway as the police car drove by.
Mayako breathed in too, feeling hungrier once they neared the ramen shop. The aroma of hot, preparing ramen was savory and alluring them with its distinctive scent. She squeezed Anther's hand a bit, smiling. The touch of their hands being together felt really normal by now, Mayako got used to it. It simply felt...natural. "Then what are we waiting for? I'm pretty hungry," they entered the shop side by side and Mayako took the seat left of Anther, already getting comfortable.

"Beef ramen, please," she told the cook. It was what she got evertime, whenever getting the chance to eat at a ramen shop.
As I set down I was trying to decide what I wanted, ramen was one of the few things that I could always enjoy but not know what the hell to get. "I guess I'll take a bowl of beef as well," The waiter walked away to place our order to the kitchen. "So Mayako, I guess after this you'll probably head home and stuff?"
"Hmm...yeah, I most likely will," Mayako shrugged. She felt disheartened by the fact. "I have to work my shift at the flower shop later," she explained. "Being with you is really fun, I'm gonna be sad and bored just standing behind a counter," she grinned softly, near to a pitiful smile.
After the police car had passed, two more people walked in, one boy, one girl, side by side, holding hands. Kyle leaned back into his seat again, waiting a few more minutes before trying to get his jacket back. The girl that had walked in walked up to the counter and asked for Beef Ramen.

Ramen shop? Kyle thought, So that was that smell...

The boy that walked into next to the girl asked for Beef Ramen too. Kyle began to stand up, prepared to go get his jacket now.
When she gave her answer I began to get sorrowful, I really didn't want her to go but I knew she had to. "Oh, that sucks." It reminded me of the fact that I don't have a job right now and I seriously needed some cash. I guess I should look around town for some work. "Well if it means anything I'll miss you when you leave, I'll even text you if you can during work." I made a small smile to comfort her.
"I'd like that very much," Mayako smiled. At least they would be able to communicate in some way. Though, she would have to be a little sneaky to text while working or else it would look unprofessional. But if it were to talk to Anther, Mayako would go for it. Just thinking about not being able to speak with him at all made her dread the idea.

"Do you wanna go to the arcade with me afterwards?" Mayako questioned. "I heard they have new games in there,"
"Oh the arcade? Sure why not, it's been a while since I've been there so why not." At that moment the smell of fresh beef ramen filled the room, looks like our food is ready. The waiter places the steaming ramen on our table and walks off. "Well let's eat." I took my package of sticks and split them apart to eat. I was never quite the 'fancy' eating and would usually slurp which was normal manners here in Japan. "So how is it." My mouth still full with food, this is one of the best parts of life, ramen.
((I remember I used to eat ramen a lot xD But sadly now I don't anymore :[ ))

Mayako split apart the pair of chopsticks, and eagerly tried the food with the additional slurping sound that couldn't be helped. She tasted the udon noodles that had been flavored and enhanced by the hearty broth. The chopped up scallions and herbs that flecked across the surface included a very fresh and slight sharp kick. The beef had been seasoned with salt and pepper, a classic.

Mayako smiled cheerfully. "Delicious~" she replied. "I've really missed out on this stuff for a ling time,"
(Lol, ling time :P )

"Well why haven't you been eating it if you like it? I mean you are in Japan you could find this stuff running through the walls its so common." Besides the fact of her moving I have no idea why she couldn't have ramen. And even so she could still buy some from the store if she wanted. I picked up my bowl and gullped down teh broth. It was hardy and delicious, the spices flowing through my veins with only the most delectable taste. I set the bowl down and let out a loud ahhh, this was the good life after all.
Shira put Leon's bag down on the counter and turned around, using her arms to push her onto the counter. She swung her feet in the air and watched him gather ingredients and admired his confidence. "Day one and you've already got a girl over. Sounds fishy to me." Shira joked. She lifted one leg and crossed it over the other, leaning back on her hands. "I've been asking you all of these questions, what about you?"
Nikola had wandered around the streets for another hour or so after he stopped by a small cafe. Still stuck, and still tired, he began to wonder if he should simply give up. Being a musician, he found, was difficult and didn't pay very well. He was sure he could find a job that would support him just a little more than what he stuck to.

He frowned, pausing briefly and glancing up and down the crowded sidewalk. He shoved his hands in his pockets and continued to walk, listening to the sound of cars driving by and the buzzing of the swarm of people.
"Ramen has a lot of salt so I'm careful not to eat too much of it," Mayako answered. She was just finishing off the noodles, because she liked to save the broth and beef for last. Since it was her favorite. On the other hand, she saw Anther had already wolfed down his bowl of ramen in a matter of moments. Mayako grinned at him. "Whoa, that hungry? That's impressive," she chuckled. Mayako really liked seeing Anther happily satisfied. It made her feel cozy and warm inside her heart.

"Glad to see you smiling," she said. "I like it. Reminds me that there are a lot of good things in life,"

"You mean, do I have questions for you?" Leon asked. "W-Wait, that one doesn't count," he laughed. He then pondered, glancing at Shira with quizzical eyes. "What kind of dream do you have? Or rather, a hobby you're really good at," he said. Leon got out the materials he needed then dressed on his white apron, a habit that runs in the family. As the last step for prepping, Leon pulled his blonde hair back and made a small ponytail at the nape of his neck. "Better safe than sorry," Leon offered Shira a small grin.
Now I get why she enjoys my smile so much, it just seemed to help her think of the good things. Well at least I was doing something nice without know. I let out a huge and cheesy smile like I usually do, it's mostly for fun but she seemed to like it. "Yeah, I usually feel the same way when we, you know, hold hands," I began to blush again but it was quite true. Ever since we did for the first time at the park, I can't get over the feeling of touching her hand. It made me feel safe and wanted, something I usually never get.
((Was making me an omelette -w-))

Mayako saw him blush and she grinned. "I agree with you on that one," she nodded. Normally you wouldn't hear two people that aren't dating holding hands most of the time. But it was a cozy and tranquil feeling being around Anther. Mayako picked up a piece of beef with her chopsticks and popped it in her mouth. She raised a hand in front of her mouth. "Hey..." Mayako said.

"What exactly did you mean when you said, 'There's nothing here for me but you'. Last night,"
Shira laughed along with Leon and bit the inside of her cheek, inspecting his cooking get-up. It looked extremely adorable and pulled up the sleeves of her shirt, sliding off of the counter and walking towards Leon. "I want to help you." She explained before putting her hands on her shoulders and sighing. She had never really thought about doing anything in the future, because she hadn't really thought of doing anything besides listening to music and playing sports. She did like puzzles, and almost face palmed herself as she remembered what she was going to college for in the first place. "I really want to be an architect." She said, cracking her knuckles and shaking her wrists out to warm herself up for any work she would be doing. "I love puzzles, math including, and it sounds like a lot of fun to me. What about you?"
I leaned back in my seat and put my hands behind my head "I meant exactly what I said, there is nothing important to me in this town, except the other day when I met you." I did mean ever single word of it. I could care less about here if it weren't for the fact I have a house here and someone I really like now. "So yeah that's pretty much it. Are you ready to head out now." I really didn't want to leave her but I knew she had to go to work.
Leon stepped aside, allowing room for Shira to stand next to him. "So a wise girl?" Leon replied. He remembered how much he struggled in math back in school, and despised those days still. A lot of stress over homework, he found it interesting someone he now knew believed it was fun. "Not many people like puzzles. And I respect that you do. It means your mind up there is clever," Leon said, tapping his right temple. "I really love soccer the best, despite my hobby for cooking desserts," he explained. A little impish, lopsided grin grew in his lips before he added, "Are you sure you want to help me? I'll warn you I'm a bit of a perfectionist,"

Mayako's face began heating up. How much was he really going through before I met him... she thought. She nodded to Anther's question, having finished her food. "Yeah...I'm ready to go," Mayako left money on the table to pay for the bill. Without even knowing herself, she slipped her hand into Anther's as they walked. "I'm going to need my motorcycle though. Since the shop is farther from here, but somewhat near to where I live," Mayako interlocked fingers with Anther again, reminscient to the time they roller skated together.
Shira looked down, feeling herself blush a little. Her mother warned her all the time that this was how boys got to girls, and how her mother had gotten to her father. The sweet talking, the kind aura. She shook her head, kicking her mother out of her head. The woman was probably sitting at home on the home being a yenta. She mumbled a thanks and looked at Leon's legs. She couldn't tell much from the jeans and forced herself to look up. Every time someone talked to her about sports she had a bad habit of looking at their physical appearance before challenging them to a match. "We should play soccer sometime. I played soccer all throughout high school." She played a lot of other sports but decided to leave out the list.

Shira nodded and hopped a little. "Be as harsh as you wanna, I need to learn how to cook." She said and smiled, excitement swelling in her stomach.

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