Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

I looked down a bit in disappointment at the thought that she had to leave, but on the other hand at least we got to have this fun today. "Yeah alright," As we approached my home I spotted her motorcycle and knew her time to leave was now. "Well a I guess I'll see ya later." I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek and let go of her hand. As I walked towards my house I waved goodbye. "Hey keep the shirt, it looks good on you and plus you're more into them then I am. As I continued waving I walked inside the apartment. What a day.
Leon nodded. "Okay, you can start by whisking this," he pointed to the medium-sized bowl that held ground almond and confectioners' sugar heopen three eggs and spilled the egg whites into the bowl. He turned on the oven to a temperature. "Whisk it really fast until it's foamy alright?" Leon told Shira. He started placing the baking sheet onto the metal pan before him. "And by the way, my team and I are going to practice later today," he said. His cousin had told Leon of the friends his age who had a soccer team, working to become well-known. Leon fitted right in. "You want to come along?"

Mayako's face turned pink, receiving another kiss. Bye Anther...until later, she thought, waving farewell. She mounted on her motorcycle, driving to her aunt's shop. She suddenly remembered that she forgot to text her aunt that she was staying at Anther's house. Once seen by her aunt, Mayako's ear was surely going to be ranted off, saying how worried she was. Mayako shook her head, chuckling. She was a loving family member. Mayako entered the flower shop. "Mayako! Where have you been?!" the look on her aunt's face was concerned. "Sorry, auntie. I forgot to tell you that I stayed over at someone's place," she started. "Who?" knowing Mayako wouldn't go stay at her parent's, that's why her aunt asked. "Well his name is Anther, b-but it's a long story," Mayako explained. She quickly spoke again when her aunt got the smile on her face, probably thinking she knew what happened. "But nothing happened that night! I'll just work right now,"
I looked back at my apartment and realized that it was truly lonely without her here. My roommate was never here so I had gotten used to being alone like this. She had truly touched me in many ways. But for now I was back to my normal daily life. I fell down on the couch and turned on some music, it was blaring Linkin Park and I just sat there in thought. But one thought stuck out the most, I need a job and fast. I started to think of where to get one, and then I thought of that music shop where me and Mayako had met. That person behind the desk, she started all this, so why not help me get a job there. Also I bet she would love to hear about me and Mayako 'cause girls are into that kind of stuff. I headed out the door again and made my way to the shop.
((I feel so ashamed D: I accidentally fell asleep while waiting for your reply))

Mayako sighed, listening to the GazettE from her iPod as she stood behind the counter, the customers receiving assistance from the other employees. She badly wanted something to do with Anther, and usually Mayako was enthusiastic about helping out in the flower shop. Used to hearing Mayako's random thought blurts, her silence must have caused her aunt to ask. "You don't seem like yourself," her aunt said. "Hm?" Mayako looked up. "Two days ago you were trying to convince me Alice in Wonderland was probably based on a true story, now you're just quiet," the woman added. "Sorry, Auntie Saika. I just had a lot of fun with Anther at the amusement park, and at the rolller skating I miss him," Mayako explained. "Ah, I see..." Saika put a hand on her niece's shoulder. "You can meet him later, okay? You can pull through your shift," she gave Mayako reassuring words. Mayako nodded. When her aunt went away, Mayako peeked at her cell phone.

She texted to Anther: miss you already :(
[ oh my god xDD i come back 2 days after my CS post and its alread 26 pages x) damn i wonder how i can jump in now xDD ]
As I walked down the street I felt a strange vibration. I looked in my pocket and it turned out it was my phone and I had gotten a text.'I miss you already :( -Mayako

I made a small grin at the message, she really missed me as much as I missed her. I texted her back a message. "I miss you too, but you just gotta suffer through that one shift ok?" I sent the message and slid my phone back into my pocket. Then I realized I made it to the music shop, that girl wasn't in there. Oh well, I guess another shop to look for it is. I just kept strolling down the street, trying to find somewhere I would at least enjoy working, then I spotted the ramen shop. Perfect! I could apply to be a cook, I knew everything there is to know about ramen since the broth practically runs through my veins.
When Mayako got the text back from Anther it made her remember that he was really Mayako's motivation for finishing the shift.

She texted back: Thanks! I'm looking forward to the arcade.

"Auntie Saika," she said. "Yes?" the woman answered. "I found an apartment I can live in two days ago," Mayako said. "Really? You're moving out? Well, I suppose that day was coming anyhow," Saika rubbed her shoulder. On the first day staying at her aunt's house, Mayako promised she would find a different place to live before she turned eighteen. She didn't want to be a burden, and plus, Mayako thought at that age she should be living independently. "So after this shift, I'll help you start packing your belongings," Saika said. "Actually..." Mayako corrected. "I'm meeting up with Anther at the arcade later. So when I come home we'll start?" Mayako said. Her aunt grinned. "Sure, sure. Have fun on your little date," Saika waved her hand. Mayako chuckled.
I received another text from Mayako 'Thanks, I'm looking forward to the arcade'-Mayako. I replayed with "Yeah, hopefully I don't get shown up too bad" I sent it and slipped the phone back into my pocket. I was really looking forward to the arcade, even though I was never much of a gamer myself, I could still appreciate them. Plus I got to be with Mayako there, she was probably waiting anxiously too, but she had to work her shift. At least I reminded her of some inspiration to get through the day, I know she gave me some.
Mayako got the text back from him and it said: 'Yeah, hopefully I don't get shown up too bad'. She smiled, and replies with a, 'Don't worry, you'll be fine ^_^ It'll be fun'. Mayako then gave help to the customer who just entered the door. Working here, she had to know all the symbolic meanings of the flowers they sold at this shop. For suggestion purposes and if the customer is specifically searching for the right kind of flower bouquet. The scent inside was always perfumey and sweet-like, the aroma of floral life.

"This here represents remembrance. Personally one of my favorites," Mayako told the customer. I can pull through this. A shift won't be that long, she thought.

((Time skip?))
Obediently and enthusiastically Shira grabbed the bowl and the whisk and began to stir the mixture. She had the bowl down on the table and needed to lean a bit awkwardly to stir the mix as quickly as she could. After a couple of seconds Shira sighed and picked the bowl up, cradling it. She found it much easier to stir this time and smiled at Leon sheepishly.

"I would love to come with you. Sounds fun." She said softly, still not over the fact that she had probably been whisking it wrong.
((It's alright Braxto I got this xD ))

"Mayako! Your shift is over," her aunt called. "Woo!" Mayako punched her fist in the air, cheering. "I'll see you afterwards, Auntie Saika!~" she smiled, and waved goodbye as she exited the flower shop. She merrily hummed a random tune, walking to her motorcycle. Mayako climbed on and revved the engine, and drove off toward the arcade.

It won't be long, Anther. I'll be there in a little while, Mayako grinned, behind the mask of her helmet.

"Cool," Leon smiled. He noticed Shira was having trouble with the whisking bit of the cooking procedure. "That bit you're doing there is wrong, Shira," he shook his head. Lifting his hand, he placed it on the handle of the whisk as well. "When your wrist is locked like that the mix won't turn out good. Plus your hand will start cramping afterwards," Leon instructed like a teacher. "Just relax, alright?" he grinned.

"Nothin' to it,"
I walked back to my apartment rather upset, the ramen shop was closed so I couldn't ask if there were many job openings. But on the bright side Mayako has been at work for a while so maybe she might be on here way soon. I don't know, but what I did know was that I need to sit down and have a nice beer. I was never much of what you would call a heavy drinker but I would appreciate a nice beer every so often. I made my way into my apartment and got a beer out of the fridge. My apartment was on the second floor and it had a window in the front towards the street with a balcony. I stepped out onto the balcony and sat on the ledge, overlooking the city. While in my gaze I saw a motorcycle gearing up in the distince. What were the chances it could be Mayako?
Mayako continued driving. I wonder what game he likes most... she thought. Maybe she would find out soon. Mayako parked in front of the arcade, placing her motorcycle in one of the stands. She remembered coming here as a kid, visiting after school hours when she could. Mayako would always beat someone's high score at the end of the day, which built up her competitiveness yet she maintained a good attitude. She put up with the teasing and her parents nagging her about productivity. But gaming was one of her fun ways of passing time.
I decided I better go to the arcade, it wasn't terribly far but I would need my board. I slid down the stairs and hopped on my board to the outside once more. Dodging traffic through the streets I was just thinking of the time we will have, maybe I can snag another kiss on her but that wasn't really priority, the priority was to have fun with her and hope she will get to know me better so I can make my move again. I saw the building and sure enough there she was with her motorcycle. She always seemed to get more beautiful each time I saw her. I jumped up on the curb and caught my board in my hand, landing on the side walk. I smiled at her, "Hey Mayako, whats good?"
"A lot of things," Mayako returned the smile. "Like for instance, you're here, and the fact we're gonna have more fun," she said. "C'mon, let's go in," Mayako gladly took Anther hand, encasing it inside her's. She walked up to the counter where all the prizes were kept. The man behind it got a broad smile. "Well, it's the notorious Mayako! The score-breaker," he said. "Hi, Dez," Mayako greeted, and they fist bumped each other. Dez was one of those few people who Mayako could see on a daily basis, and to her, Dez was kind of like an older brother or fatherly figure she could rely on. Much different than Daichi or her real father. "Ooh! I'm gonna get that one," she pointed to the stuffed rabbit on the top shelf. Mayako always looked at the prizes first, to set a goal. "And who might this be?" Dez nodded to Anther. "Oh, this is Anther. Anther, this is Dez," Mayako smiled.
I nodded my head at this man. "Hi, nice to meet you." I looked over at the games."So Mayako, ready to go play." We walked over to one thing that I instantly recognized from my childhood, air hockey. "Now I'm not sure if this thing will give you the tickets you want for your bunny, but I remember this thing being really fun so I thought why not."
"That's fine with me," Mayako shrugged. "You ready, Anther?" she smirked. She made the puck move side to side against the table, her eyes darting to follow it for an oppurtune moment to hit the puck. "Hey, tell me something that's on your bucket list that I wouldn't know. Those sorts of things are interesting. Usually shows something deep about a person," Mayako hit the puck, and it slid over to his side of the table.
"Hmm, something on my bucket list. Well for one I want to start my career as a musician. I meant it's kinda difficult to get start and stuff. I'm just not sure if it will ever take off."I saw the puck return to me and I slammed it really hard to her side, bouncing off the sides of the table really fast. "So yeah,"
"I know where you're coming from," Mayako answered. She hit the puck back, and it sped down to Anther's side again."Getting started is the toughest point toward a dream you wanna reach," Mayako would have known because she was still in that stage too. "Besides becoming a well-known artist, one of the other things I want to do is stand under the Aurora Borealis---or Northern Lights, and just watch," she started to daydream off into her mind, imagining flowing picturesque colors in a sky. "And standing by my that special someone, y'know?"
"Hmm I see, well I can't really help with the whole situation but I could be that person you're watching it with." I got a little red about it but I was serious, I would love to go up there with her and see the lights, two of the most beautiful things together, Mayako, and the northern lights. As the puck came back my way I missed it just barely and it made it into my pocket.
Mayako felt her cheeks burning. "It could be," she responded, the three words spilling from her lips. Mayako felt timid again, smiling sheepishly. She was wondering how much she meant to Anther already, and how Anther meant to her as well. Though they had just met, he left an impact on her. Mayako felt the difference of being without him and being with him. She was certainly happier around Anther, and there was just a cozy atmosphere she adored. "I feel silly asking, but do you remember what it was like for you when you were little?" Mayako questioned. She demonstrated, making her hand lower to the height of her knees. "That little," she added.
"When I was THAT little, well I guess I was the trouble maker type. Well when I say trouble maker I mean different from everyone else. I was the loner, the one that sat in the back of the class, the one that the teacher thought would never amount to anything, same with my parents. So I was labeled as the trouble maker, though I was really the different one." My childhood was nothing to be proud of, yet for some reason I was proud of it. It made me who I am today and I sure do like who I am now.
"Well that's unnecessarily harsh!" Mayako said. "Why would they say that to you, you're a great guy," she shook her head, baffled as to the reason behind Anther's response. Whatever the reason, it still wouldn't make sense---it sounded like a situation you wouldn't ever pardon. Perhaps if Mayako had been there with Anther as a kid, she would have told the teachers off, having been a spunky girl at that age. Mayako laughes on the inside by the thought. "I personally think different is awesome," Mayako added. She then got an image in her head that caused a dreamer's grin to rise in her lips. "I bet you looked super adorable back then, huh?" she chuckled.
I sort of chuckled at her question. "Hmm, naturally, though my parents wouldn't let me keep my hair long. They said it was stupid and not right for men to have long hair even though I wanted to. Go figures knowing them" The more I thought about it the more the idea grew in my head, Mayako was truly special to me. My life had gone to absolute shit before I met her, and now almost everything is shit but there's something to help me through it.

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