Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

"Hmm waht game to play, I'm not really sure what to do." I started to scan the room for things to do then I spotted it, a car racing simulator. "Hey let's go on the race cars, you on me, winner takes all, except we're together so it really doesn't matter." I made my way over to the machine, hand and hand with Mayako. "Hmm, no way I'm gonna lose this" I was confident about this, mostly just because I was having some fun here and it was with Mayako which made it even better.
"You're on, Anther," Mayako smirked. She plopped down on the seat by his and and placed both hands on the wheel. She picked out a sleek black mustang as her choice of vehicle.

"Alright, this is your chance to redeem yourself from the loss of our ride in the go-carts yesterday. Show me what you're made of," Mayako said. She was trying to bring out Anther's competitive side again, she thought it would be more fun playing against him that way. And plus, Mayako remembered how cute and cool he seemed when they were riding in the go-carts together.
I scrolled through all the cars and then I spotted the one, a bright orange Porsche with white racing striped down the sides. At least the people that made this game knew what was good. I locked it in and cracked my knuckles, put my feet on the peddles and leaned forward, that always seemed to make you go faster in these games. "Alright I guess I'll choose the map, downtown Tokyo." I looked it in and prepared myself for the race. "Alright Mayako, you better give it all you got!" I looked for ward as the countdown started. "3...2...1..."
Shira laughed openly at the thought of Leon in a dress, or with his make-up done by a bunch of girls. She sighed when she finished and punched Leon in the arm. "I'm sure you made a pretty girl. Seriously though, that must have been tough for you surrounded by siblings. Did you feel unloved?" She leaned forward and whispered, "Did you wear hand-me-downs?" She stood upright again and watched him as she continued whisking. As an only child she was a bit spoiled, or she could have been if she asked for much.
Mayako stomped on the pedal as soon as the race began, with a smile on her face. She saw Anther's Porsche and her Mustang head-to-head with each other, zooming past all the non-player vehicles. Mayako made a sharp curve, and black tire marks imprinted on the road. She liked that the producers of this game put details like that in. She drove her car up a ramp, and in that brief airborne moment without a crash landing, she obtained a speed boost. "I'm a little ahead," Mayako grinned. "I know you'll keep up, Anther, so c'mon~"

Leon shook his head, no. "I'm glad I didn't have to wear those," he chuckled. "We were all loved the same. My mother worked hard for us all and she still does..." he replied. Leon cleared his throat, clearing his father out of his mind. Leon was unconsciously fingering the ring on his necklace, until he glanced at the mix Shira did and grinned. "Well, it's foamy enough. Thanks for that," he sprinkled some sugar in it for good taste, and meringue as well to fuse it to a more likable consistency. "Now we can get to putting them on the baking sheet," Leon said, dusting his hands. With a big spoon he scooped out cream-like substance into a piping bag.

Leon lifted the whisk that had some of the cream on it. "Oh, I almost forgot. Want to try some?" he held it to Shira's lips, chuckling. "Used to do that a lot as a kid. But you can have the honors. You're my guest,"
"Hmp, not for long your not." I put my car into the next gearing, increasing my speed by a lot. "The Germans know what they're doing when it comes to cars, I got this." I put on the special nitro-bust that each car hand and it sent me into a long wheelie down the city streets of the map. "Hell yeah, got my self first place, I would say try and keep up but I gotta win this." I was just playing with her and she knew it, I'd make sure not to go too overboard on the fun though, I don't want her getting upset in any way.
Shira watched in fascination as Leon worked with the cream like he had come out of the womb doing this. Her stomach growled in response to Leon's question but she shook her head any way. "I can't infringe on a childhood tradition, I would feel bad." Her voice trailed off a little and quickly she ran a finger on the whisk and popped it in her mouth. She was temporarily stunned by the sweetness that spread on her tongue and made her jaw ache. She sighed, it tasted lovely in a sort of milky way, and motioned for Leon to have the rest. "So... what's that ring?" She asked, realizing that he had been toying with it.
Mayako gave him her confident grin. "We'll see," she responded. She leaned back in the seat a bit more, and moved the gear as well. During that acceleration, Mayako had pushed a non-player vehicle, hard and it spun off course in result. Mayako laughed. "Whoops," she said.

"Target sighted," she commented, seeing Anther's car up ahead on the screen. "I'm coming after ya, Anther," she was right by the tailpipe of his Porsche, trying to pull off some of fortunate luck to get a little bit ahead at least.

"This? Ah..." Leon trailed off, debating whether or not to tell Shira. "It belonged to my father. It's like a passed down from generation to generation sort of thing," he explained. It did mean a lot to him. Though Leon is a clumsy and rather forgetful person, he's very cautious to secure the necklace on him at all times. Doesn't matter if he's taking a shower, even. If Leon ever lost it---he would have such a fit and probably sit in a corner, sulking.

"Pretty important to me, so I keep it wherever I go," he offered a smile. He was making dots the size of a index finger and thumb put together on the baking sheet with the meringue they had just made. "So, a lil' about you? Want to share?"
"Oh no you don't Mayako," I turned my Porsche sharply to the left, knocking her car tot he side and father back from mine. "Ha, that's what you get." I pulled forward even faster, striving for a large lead ahead. Then I passed the finish line, one more lap to go."Alright Mayako this is the final lap, I hope you can catch up!" The grin that was on my face grew wider and wider because I know she was having fun with it too.
"Don't worry, I will," Mayako answered, smiling. "I gotta say, you're getting good at this! I'll be impressed if you win," she said. She drove her car up another ramp, this time getting onto higher ground of a highway path. Since this game was new, she wasn't sure if this was a shortcut---usually those are tricky deathtraps in car simulation games. Mayako shrugged, taking the risk anyway. She saw that the road was ending up ahead. "Oh crap!" Mayako plummeted, but there was actually a ramp below that she miraculously was in the right angle for.

Mayako smiled with relief, getting a speed boost again. She was by Anther's Porsche, this time not being so close so she would be prepared if he rammed his vehicle into her's.

The finish line was in sight. "Before this lap ends, if you win, I'll give you a kiss,"
I looked forward with a blanked glare. "Oh this is happening," I pressed down the the peddle as hard as I could, seeming to go even farther down then the floor would let me. I switched to the fastest gear possible, put on the nitro-bust, and rode the sweet path to victory, I just had to win now. We were both neck and neck, side by side, the one who would win would be the luckiest at this point, but that still had to be me.
Once both of their cars zipped past the finish line, it looked like a tie. Mayako tilted her head. Clearly that couldn't have happened, never in a car simulation game---there was always someone who took triumph. "Cat's game?" she said. Mayako waited for the results, and in a slow-motioned reply, it showed that Anther had won by a greater speed boost. "Whoa, good game!" Mayako congratulated Anther with a short round of applause.

She landed a hand on his shoulder. "And well, since I keep my promises..." Mayako leaned forward, and their lips met.
As our lips met my face went on fire, this was much different then when I did it at the park because I didn't decide this and it wasn't random. I took in the full effect, feeling her lips against mine, there was no more perfect feeling that I have ever felt in my life. I titled my head a little and pulled back, my eyes still closed. I started making a small grin on my face. "Wow... I should win more bets huh...." I was sort of in a star struck state, still mesmerized but what happened.
When Mayako heard what Anther had said she giggled, giving him a sheepish small smile. "Maybe," she replied. Her face felt as it was the same color as his; her cheeks were burning up. Mayako liked the kiss they shared, in her mind she couldn't deny it and wondered why. She had meant it to be a small peck of some sort, but the kiss turned out longer.

To keep herself from feeling any more hot, Mayako pointed to a game of skee-ball. "Want to play that one next?"
I shook my face a little, trying to get back to reality. I saw that Mayako was also really red but quickly diverted it, clever I must say. "O-oh, ok." Skee-ball was a pretty normal thing that I've seen around places like this, and as much as I try and how good I think I'm going to do, I don't. But non-the less Mayako can probably show me how to do this pretty good. "Hey we need to do really good this time, we might be able to get your rabbit." I smiled at her, knowing how she really wanted that doll, a typical girly thing and it was pretty cute. I took her by the hand and was off to the machine. When we got there I got the first round of balls for my machine and was ready to start,
"You see, the thing about this game is the wrist action," Mayako told him. "If you throw a little bit from the side and you flick your wrist as you let go, you get a more likely chance of scoring that one-hundred spot over there," she pointed to the hole in the corner on the board. "I'll help," she took one of the mini-sized bowling balls. Mayako thew it the way she informed Anther, and it scored in the one-hundred.

"Hey...what is it about me that made you want to ask me out?" she hated the way that she sometimes said things without thinking. Mayako's face got pink. "Y-You don't have to answer, if you don't want to,"
I got a big read from her question once I started to think about it. "I-I don't really know what came over me when I did that, but what I did know was um that I wanted to go out with you. There's-a something about you, and how you made me feel when we hung out that just makes me well, I don't what. I guess it's just something that felt natural." I tossed the ball like she showed me but was engulfed in thought. Then I looked over at her once more, and noticed her beautiful eyes again, they were going to drive me crazy. "Well-a for one thing I have to say is I can't get over your eyes,"
Mayako listened to Anther, and he sounded just as nervous as she did. When he mentioned that it felt natural being around her, she could have said the same thing to Anther. "My eyes?" Mayako echoed. "I can't get over your's either..." she looked back at him, those vibrant blue gaze of his making her feel like she was off in her peaceful daydreams. She smiled. "You're really something, Anther," Mayako said as she threw another ball. That time scoring a fifty. "You're cool, kind...sweet, fun...cute,"
I sat there and listened about what she said, I can't believe she thought of me like that. I made a small grin but still very re. "N-nah I'm not really all that really..." Usually I would be like 'yeah' but right now I was just as nervous as could be and from the sound of it so was she. I still sort of stood there with my blank expression, rolling the balls up the ramp, but the only thing was I felt as if my face would catch fire if I was red any longer. "Y-y-you are amazing though Mayako, you are the truly amazing one."
"Eh? B-But I feel like I did nothing special or that great to make you think that," Mayako replied. She hasn't received a comment like that, the way Anther's eyes looked when he said it. Her entire face was engulfed in red glow now. Mayako launched another ball up the machine's ramp, she couldn't focus right so she missed her score. Mayako tucked a lock of her hair behind an ear. She turned to Anther again. "Just look at us, Anther. Getting ourselves red as tomatoes," she started laughing.
"Hehe yeah I guess we are but that can't really be helped I guess." I looked at the scores for the first time, seeing that I was behind, but that didn't really matter to me right now all I could care and think about was Mayako. Ah, I was stuck in a permanent daydream about her, she didn't really see how she was amazing, but as long as she knew that she is. "Say, do you think we have enough tickets for your rabbit now?"
"Actually, we have more than enough," Mayako grinned. "I can get my little rabbit, and you can get something for yourself too," she put her hand in Anther's. "So do you want to go back to the counter?" she questioned. Mayako was processing her thoughts, her mind was set on him. Even if she tried, she couldn't stop. Mayako easily remembered how tediously boring and painful it was just to work one shift and be away from Anther.

She hadn't considered someone so fondly this quickly, but it didn't feel too strangely weird since it was Anther.
"Yeah sure, let's go up there, but I don't know what I should get then." We went back up to the counter and I asked the man for the rabbit and gave it to Mayako "Here you go, I hope you like it," It was cute seeing her with her rabbit, kind of like a tiny child. Then I looked over the stuff he had that I might want. I spotted this giant thing of bubble gum and decided that I would want that. I put a piece in my mouth, blew a bubble, and waved at the man goodbye. As I walked outside with Mayako I had to embrace the sunlight again. "So-a what now?"
"Hmm," Mayako pondered for a moment. She smiled dumbly. "I got nothing at the moment," she shrugged her shoulders. Mayako's eyes caught glimpse of a poster on of the building's walls. "Oh, yeah there's an aquarium!" Mayako said. "Or we can save that for later and go to my house. The backyard is really nice," she promised Anther. It was a well-kept garden, all of it's assorted flowers and shrubs trimmed and grown by her aunt, of course. But there was one of her favorite parts to the backyard that Mayako would want him to see.
"Hmm, I say we just go back to your place, we can't really rush everything in one day now can we. Ok so I guess I'll have to ride your cycle again since I have zero idea where to go on my board." I went over to my board which was propped up in a hidden place next to the building. "So Mayako, are we gonna go now or are we meeting up later or what?"

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