Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

I sort of chuckled and put my hand up on to her cheek. "Hpm, it's alright Mayako, if you couldn't really tell I feel the same way, I kinda made that evident at the skating ring too." I saw she was getting very red and I started to turn a few shades as well. I moved her hand out of her face and kept mine on her cheek, smiling with a wide grin. I gazed into her eyes, trying to make up what was going through her mind, it must be a really confusing place to be in, but I liked it. She made everything better for me, ever since that lady at the music store told me to get her that album. I'd have to thank her one day.
Mayako touched the back of Anther's hand when he held her cheek, her fingers making a soft brush of contact. She smiled, chuckling under her breath as her eyes lowered to the grass. She did remember that moment at the skating rink. "Anther, out of all the people I've met, this is the most eventful time that I've ever spent with anybody," Mayako told him. "But that's good...because I like being around you," she added.

Anther had really made Mayako feel different, seeing or hearing him could make her mood easily lighten up if going through a rough day. Kind of how the sun appears after a shower of rain. She smiled again.
I had settled down my laughing and just began taking in the words that she was saying, and it really meant a lot to me considering what I've been through. "I like being around with you too Mayako. It makes me feel different then I usually do, important. Also being with you has been some of the most times of my life." I looked at her in the eyes and pulled her down for a hug, but this time it was a more serious one but it was still for fun, that seemed to be the mood we could both have the most enjoyable time in.
Mayako put her arms around Anther as they fell on the grass and she grinned. Her cheek was resting on his shoulder. "You're way too special a person, Anther. You've got a big heart," she commented. Mayako planted a kiss on his forehead. "For both of us, a lot of things feel like they've changed since we met each other, huh?" she giggled. Being in Anther's arms just made Mayako enjoy the hugs she received a lot more. Simply put, it warmed her heart.

She had to really thank Shira for all this later.
Shira stepped a little closer to Leon and put her hand on his back, pursing her lips and holding back tears of sympathy. She didn't want to give him her own sob story since the time for daddy talk was over and she let herself lean her head against his shoulder. "Dad's are... tough." She said, her voice cracking. Quickly she stepped back and hoped that she didn't invade his personal space. She watched him continue working on the desserts and tried to laugh, to get rid of the awkward silence. "I don't know Leon, I kinda like the idea of having a lot of cats. They won't leave you or check out other women." She joked, inspecting his blonde hair.
Leon appreciated that Shira cheered him up with the reassuring hand on his back. He had laughed when she mentioned the cats. "I know this is a random little story but I once knew this kitten named Oreo. Sweetest lil' furball you'll probably ever meet," he smiled. "But that was back in England, and the cat didn't belong to me either..." Leon said, getting lost to his thoughts.

"I wonder how she's doing..." he said it out loud on accident. "The owner, I meant,"
"Haha, yeah I guess they have. Say, instead of just sitting here like we are, how bout we sit here as a couple hm?" Well I guess it was a little less then cheesy but I don't care, I was ready to make my move again and this just seemed like the right time for me to do it. "So what do you say Mayako?" I looked into her eyes as I asked, this time I thought more of this through but it was still the same goal for me.
Shira laughed. She suddenly became hungry for something sweet, like Oreos, but swallowed with the idea that she would be eating some of Leon's desserts. She hadn't really doubted his cooking skills in the first place but liked to joke around. "England? Fancy! What's up with the owner?"

((Sorry short post. Mayako and Anther are adorable))
((Yep, one of my favorite role play couples now x3))

Inside her head, Mayako pondered as she looked at Anther, her eyes signifying it. She was impressed and surprised the way he had voiced it so casually and normally. She gazed into his eyes as she answered. "Until we have to go inside...we can do that," she said. Mayako didn't have much experience with romance---people saw her as a friend and vice versa. Plus, long distance relationships were difficult so she imagined. If to be honest with herself, Mayako felt kind of nervous but sincere about her words.

Hell, she wasn't sure how relationships should work

Leon shook his head, just about finished with the pipe bag. "Nothing too serious like injuries if that's what you're thinking," he replied. "She had to travel back here after her vacation with family in England. Helped me realize my passion for soccer, and I thank her for that," Leon smiled. "Want ro return the favor, but I know finding her would be like searching for a needle in a haystack," he explained. Somehow he just felt comfortable telling Shira all this.

"She was probably one of the best friends I could have. I remember her eyes most. They were actually purple. Can you believe that?"
I looked down with my eyes closed "Hph, alright," I said that, but in my mind things were going haywire. It seemed like everything was perfect and I could just start bouncing off the walls at any moment. Also I moved my elbow back in a motion that meant 'yes' because this was truly an amazing moment. I leaned back once more onto the grass, staring at the clouds making them into shapes. "Hey come lay down to, tell me what you see in the clouds." I started to make some pictures in my mind out of these clouds, I just needed something to calm down my mind right now.
Mayako lied down beside Anther, her medium-length brown hair like a pool of curly locks against the grass. She took his hand in her's. It had already felt casual doing that with him, so no worries there. "I see a..." Mayako narrowed her eyes at the sky. "A half-eaten lollipop carried by a...suited man on roller skates...oh! And wearing a Santa hat," she laughed at how active her imagination was. She was thankful for it. Without her imagination, she wouldn't be able to create art at all.
Shira was about to say that Leon had a girlfriend, but decided against it. If she were old it would be a pretty awkward joke for the both of them. The thought of purple eyes was not foreign to Shira but pretty strange. She remembered that it was some kind of disease..right? "Did it look creepy when she stared at you?" Shira asked in hoped of keeping the conversation going. If that failed, she asked another question. "What do we do now? With the macaroons I mean."
"Hmm well I don't see that at all. It's more like a ladder with an elephant climbing it." I kind of giggled to think that to me it actually looked like that. Then the sigh came out, reminding me of what a day it has been, no, it was more then a day, i was a perfect one. "And a that one righta there isa..." I drifted off to sleep from all the excitement placing my head on her shoulder, letting out soft exhales.
"Nah, not weird," Leon shook his head, his bangs trying to fall in front of eyes again. "And we let these bake, so they can become the top and bottoms for the gonache that will be the filling," Leon answered. Macaroons were kind of like mini-sandwiches but sweet and more delicable, plus they took more time. But that's what made them good, in his opinion. "She wasn't my girlfriend, if that's what you're thinking. Her name was Mayako," Leon opened the oven, a blast of heat radiating his face. He placed the pan of cream dots inside.
Mayako blinked twice as Anther's head landed on her shoulder. Wow...he must have been really exhausted, she thought, smiling softly at him. Mayako gazed into his sleeping face, it was so peaceful and adorable to her. "You're too cute, Anther..." Mayako giggled as she whispered it. She was speaking to herself and him all at the same time.

Mayako didn't want to move too much in risk of waking Anther. "What are you dreaming, Anther?" she mumbled curiously.
(Yeah but the owner doesn't really regulate things so just post a character sheet and go on and post. There should be a CS)

As I lay there in my soft stasis of sleep, I keep dreaming about Mayako, whatever it may be. She seemed to be the only one I could think of right now, and all I wanted to think about. While laying there I turned myself to Mayako and put an arm over her while I was asleep. I started making grunting and stretching noise just like most people do when they sleep, and just rested by her side.
((is there a character sheet page or do we just post it here? i have been looking through the character sheets page without finding anything))
"Holy. Shit." Shira exclaimed. She had forgotten about Mayako and wondered how she was doing with Anther. Shira's phone hadn't rung in a while and she wasn't sure if she should take that as a good sign or not. Shira stepped back to her old spot closer to Leon and punched him lightly on the arm. "Mayako was one of my customers today!" Her eyes twinkled with childish glee. "It's a small world after all!"

((Go to the very first page of this role play and go to the first person who posted. On their profile there should be a small link that says "View Latest Started Threads". You could probably find the sign up sheet there. Or someone could give you the link. I can't cuz I'm on my I-pod.))
Mayako smiled as his arm went around her. She knew how much of a heavy sleeper Anther was, from the time Mayako saw him fast asleep on that couch when she arrived to his house to give him a ride. It wouldn't be very nice to leave him here blissfully sleeping until it was nighttime, so Mayako thought, why not wake him. She kind of didn't want to do it though, his face was just extremely cute. But Mayako poked Anther's cheek as a first attempt.

Leon jerked quickly by Shira's news. His wrist brushed the side of the oven, feeling a hot stinging sensation. He ignored that. Leon's mouth fell open a little, shocked. "That's bloody brilliant!" he exclaimed, smiling widely. He had a lot of questions spinning in his head dying to be said out loud. He hadn't really thought Mayako would be in this particular town. It was more like a accidental got-a-bullseye sort of chance. "Whoa, just...whoa! How is she? Well? Cheerful?" the barrage of questions had just been fired at Shira. If someone hasn't seen an old best friend in three years, they would have been pretty excited to have heard them being in their same location.
I felt as if something had touched me while asleep on my face so I went to unconsciously swat it bu instead my hand went slow and covered her hand on my face instead, making it really warm upon me. I started to grin and little by little began to moved my left hand around her as if I was going to grab a pillow in bed but my hand stopped short and just stayed under Mayako.

Leroy was exiting the librairy, a thick book under his arm and his hand over his mouth, hacking and coughing

"KAH KAH KAH! *snort* damn cold..." he pulled out a tissue, blowing his nose while looking at his watch, he let out a deep sigh "haaah... i'm 10 minutes overdue!" he began running.

As he ran, he came by Leon and Shira "Leon! oh, hey Shira, Leon, are we on shift today?" they both shared the same timetable so it was easier for them to keep track of when they had to be at work.
((Sorry dood but Leon and Shira are in his apartment building :/ ))

Okay, that didn't work, Mayako thought. She curled her fingers around his hand when he placed her's to his face. "Anther..." she mumbled his name in a soft voice. Again that didn't work. Mayako remembered what tactic she used last time to wake him up and she shortened the distance between them. And like last time, Mayako's lips went close to Anther's ear and she softly sighed into it.
I felt a familiar puff of air in my ear, creating a sensation that began to wake me up. I placed my hand over my eyes as I sat up from my rest. My muscles were stiff so I stretched them behind my back then laid back down with Mayako. "H-hey there Mayako, what's good?" I let out a soft yawn as I stared into her deep eyes.

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