Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

"You fell asleep again," Mayako responsed with her normal smile. "Just for a few moments though," she added. She found it kind of funny the way Anther was waking up as if it were morning already. Mayako titled her head a bit, thinking. "Anther, you have a really cute sleeping face, y'know," she told him. It was true and, she felt like she should have said it to Anther.
"Mhh yeah I guess there is no real way for me to know that. But you have it better off, you always look cute." I stood up and did a final stretch for my whole body. "Wow it's kinda getting late, I might need to need to head back home Mayako." I didn't want to think about it but I know I had to go back home at some point. Besides, I'd have to clear my head, a lot has happened over the past couple hours.
Mayako turned pink of the compliment, like the hue of a sakura petal. "But wait, in the next two or three days before my birthday I'm going to be in an apartment building. Just if you wanted to drop by or something when that happens, I thought I should let you know," Mayako said. This was the saddening part of them being with each other, their departure. Tomorrow will be just as fun as today was... she thought optimistically. Hours seemed to fly by when they were having fun.

"Mayako?" she heard her aunt calling her name from the porch. Mayako sat up from the grass. "Auntie Saika~" she waved at her. From the distance Saika turned her eyes to Anther as she walked closer to them both. "You must be Anther, correct?"
I saw this women and figured out that it was Mayakos aunt so I bowed at her. "Yes, my name is Anther Lawnque. Pleasure to meet you." I looked back over to Mayako "Alright I guess it is time for me to go, shall we leave then?" I started to walk closer to her sliding door back to her house and I put my shoes on.
Mayako nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow? We can go to the aquarium later that afternoon or something, if that's alright," she replied. Mayako hugged Anther, her arms behind the back of his neck. She looked up at him. "Have a good night, okay?" Mayako let go and she waved her fingers at him as her goodbye as well. She had a sad smile.
"Hmp, you too Mayako, I'll miss you." I lifted a hand at Mayako and waved goodbye as well, I could tell she was upset over me leaving. As I walked back I whispered under my breath 'how cute'. But then I was gone, I got on my board and drifted away, back to the normal city lights with normal me, but except this time I wasn't normal, I was...changed, better, loved.
"He's a good catch, hm?" Saika nudged her niece's elbow when Anther. "Yeah..." Mayako mumbled, and when she realized what she said her cheeks turned a few shades of color. "W-Well, he's a great guy to be around," she added. Saika chuckled. "So, ready to start packing your things?" she questioned. Mayako nodded, walking into her blue walled bedroom with Saika. Oreo followed after them. Mayako had considered this home for a long time, she felt sad that she had to leave it. But the time was predicted to come anyway.
I arrived at my hone feeling like a complete mess, but a changed mess then the last time that I left. I didn't really feel like doing anything but grabbing a beer and sitting on the balcony, watching the traffic go by, so that's exactly what I would do. I sat there, the lights slowing turning on one by one, it was just something that could calm me. I thought of Mayako, and the aquarium tomorrow, she seemed like she would be an animal person so I'm sure she'll love it, and I always liked the water and stuff like that so I would like it too. Then I thought of my move today, I guess it was just something I had to do y'a know? He eyes were stuck in my mind, driving me crazy "I'll be with you again Mayako, just wait.
Mayako stored several of her stuffed animals in a cardboard box as a start, and Saika was taking down Mayako's pieces of paintings from the walls and onto the carpet floor, as well as posters of her favorite bands. Her room really was different than any normal household in Japan. Mayako picked up her newest prize from the arcade, that stuffed white bunny. She remembered Anther, and smiled. "What are you going to name that?" Saika questioned. "Hmmm...Steve," she giggled. Oreo suddenly jumped in the box, cozily snuggling himself into the soft toys. "Noo, Oreo, get out of there, silly cat," Mayako picked him up and set him on the floor. Oreo meowed.

Mayako really wondered how tomorrow would turn out to be like. She was pretty excited for it, even now.
I set the empty can on the balcony, but I couldn't look away from the city lights. They seemed to inspire me and calm my mind at the same time. I wish Mayako was here to enjoy these lights with me, but she was probably doing something. And what is this she said about a new apartment, I wonder what she was doing. I don't mean anything from it but she could have just moved in with me or something, it's not like my roommate would mind, hell even if I saw him he'd probably pat me on the back and say nice work. I pulled out my phone and started to make a text, no, I shouldn't talk to her. Even though I really wanted to I should wait and just build up suspense til tomorrow and we could even have more fun.
Saika had been talking to Mayako about how her day went. And even if her stories held something humorous in the middle of it, Mayako was tuning her aunt out. Too deeply lost in thought to be focusing on spoken words, even when she didn't mean to. She was wondering how Anther was doing, unable to stop thinking of him. Mayako was rewinding her memories of being with him. From the amusement park, to his home, and to the arcade. Does he really think...I'm that important? she thought. If Mayako considered the things that happened and what she was directly told by Anther, she did feel significant. Though the displays of affection toward her that he sent were obvious and evident, Mayako was unsure of her own feelings. She never had these sorts of worries before, Anther had began to make her start thinking differently. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to be with him again, Mayako unconsciously sighed.
Shira grinned, happy that she had sparked the curiosity in Leon. She tried to remember what was happening before her nap. "Well, I just met her today. She was at a record store and we started talking. Some guy named Anther showed up and next thing you know they're going on a date. A date that she needs to tell me about..." Shira's voice trailed off and she slid her phone out of her pocket. Looking through her contacts she bit her lip softly. "I think I gave her my number, but I don't have hers. Her and Anther must be having a whole lot of fun..."
"Ah, so she found herself a potential relationship? I'll give congrats once I see her," Leon smiled. "If she hasn't contacted you yet maybe it means she was having a great date with him," he answered. "Okay, the ganache filling starts with chopping the white chocolate...or chocolate, whichever you prefer," Leon said. He didn't use a long kitchen knife, instead used a mini-sized one that didn't seem so intimidating. He pointed to either bar of candy, asking for Shira's opinion. "Since you're the guest, you may choose. Milk chocolate or white chocolate?"

A thought struck Mayako. She promised to tell Shira what had happened---it wasn't like her to forget. "Hold on a second, auntie," she said, and pulled out her cell phone. Sitting down and recalling to the digits of Shira's number, she texted to her. 'The amusement park was really fun! It was awesome being with Anther' and Mayako sent the message with a smile in her lips. Well, it was honestly true. Why wouldn't she have a good time? She adored Anther's personality, being around him made her happier.
Shira put her phone on the table and rubbed her arms, eyeing the two chocolates. "Oh decisions, decisions." Milk chocolate was good and Shira did eat it more often than any kind of chocolate, but she had a feeling white chocolate would go better with the macaroons. She pointed to the white chocolate and smiled at Leon sheepishly, as if she was asking for his approval. Suddenly her phone vibrated against the kitchen countertop with a teeth rattling growl. Shira jumped, briefly thinking it had happened because of her choice of chocolate and was about to apologize to Leon. When she found out it was only her phone she hissed a Goddamit under her breath and snatched the black phone from it's spot.

"Woah, it's Mayako. I think we said her name too many times." Shira said, referring to the movie Beetlejuice. She checked the text and smiled before holding it up so that Leon could read it himself.
Leon grinned as he read the text Shira received from Mayako. "She doesn't sound like she's changed a bit," he chuckled. He diced up the white chocolate she chose---he liked either milk chocolate or white chocolate. Leon popped a little piece to his mouth for that sweet tooth, and then Leon tossed the bits of pale candy into the heated saucepan. He held a wooden spoon in hand, waiting for it to melt a little.

"Shira, you seem like a party girl. What do you like to do for fun?" Leon asked her.
Shira slid her phone open and her fingers flew across the tiny keyboard as she texted back. "Groovy! You have to tell me every single detail... in detail." She pressed send and the phone went back to the wallpaper, a cover for the band Tool. She closed her phone and slid it back in her pocket, not in the mood to be spooked by a phone like she just was.

Shira watched the white chocolate in the pan and laughed. "Party girl? Whats that supposed to mean, although a good party might be cool once in a while. You know, alcohol and glow sticks and waking up in a roadside ditch."
Leon laughed. "And everybody being entirely arseholed---sorry, drunk," his English slang still hung around his words. "I remember being drunk for the first time, it was when me and my mates threw me a farewell party," Leon said, slightly stirring the melting chocolate. "Well, not completely remember everything, but one of my friends who wasn't as intoxicated as I was told me what happened," he explained.

"I can't handle a lil' drink, even. If I get a whiff I simply get dizzy," he chuckled.

((Alright gonna eat~))
Shira laughed and said aresholed in her head. It probably would've sounded funny if she had said it out loud but in her head she took on Leon's voice and enjoyed the way it felt thoroughly. "I can imagine it being like a British Hangover movie. What did they do, spike your tea?" Shira laughed out loud and then shook her head, realizing that might have been a little offensive. She hoped he knew that she was just silly by nature and wouldn't take it too harshly. Besides, he wasn't half bad himself and so far he had her sense of humor.

"I had a little bit of a drinking streak, I'll admit it. Went through all the AA bull that my mom forced me to go through. I wasn't even that big a drinker. Maybe you'll be a good influence on me."

((Have fun!))
I close my eyes and let out a laugh, I think I was going to go insane from my feeling for Mayako, I had to do something to pass the time til tomorrow. I went inside closing the screen door and sat on the couch watching a new episode of Naruto Shippuden. During the show I realized I had missed my workout for the past couple of days. I went into my room and got into my shorts, then proceeded to do some reps of push ups curls, and lifting while watching the new episode. "Damn, wouldn't it be awesome to be like them, having all that power " It was only a crazy dream but I thought it would be cool. After my workout secession I fell right onto my bed, just ready for the day to go on. As I curled up, looking out the widow at the city lights for the last time in the direction of Mayako's house. "Good night, baby girl..." I fell asleep before I could even think of her anymore.
"Well, I hope I'll be a good influence. I like making impressions," Leon grinned. "And about my mates spiking my tea?" he shook his head again. "Nope. To be honest, I don't even like tea. How patriotic, yeah?" he said. He didn't mind that Shira was being funny, he was the kind of guys who could take jokes.

Once the white chocolate was melted enough he poured it into another smaller bowl, placing it in the fridge for cooling. "They let me know it was alcoholic, but I went for it since, well," Leon shrugged his shoulders. "It was going to be my last time seeing my mates. I was such a giddy drunk, they said," Leon added. "How about you? Ever been told what you were like when entirely drunk?"

Mayako and her aunt packed a lot of things in her room, about half of her belongings. Mayako had gotten sleepy, her body feeling tired and aching for rest. So they were going to stop their process since it was late, then resume the day after. Mayako dressed in her shorts and blue long-sleeved shirt that nearly covered her fingers---her normal set of pajamas. Covering herself in the blanket of her futon, she felt kind of cold. She remembered how hugging Anther made her feel really warm, and Mayako was wishing for another embrace from him. Mayako got her phone out, sending Shira a little story of her experience with Anther at the amusement park. The race cars, haunted house, their first kiss in the park. Time just felt like they flew by when all of that happened, she had so much fun.
((Hmm they were going to go to a soccer field later. Can't there be like a time skip that can happen between two characters? -3- If we can't I really have nothing else to put for Mayako[there's not much else she can do right now]))

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