Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Shira filled her cheeks with air in embarrassment. She sure did know what she was like drunk, and she was ashamed of it. She was a mix of the giggly and angry drunk. The kind that will hug you and laugh at everything you say, and when you actually make a joke they get extremely mad and want to clock you. She let the air out slowly and raised her eyebrows. "Yeah you just have to keep me away from alcohol and we won't need to worry about that. What do we do now?" She said, hoping to change the subject.

((Well you guys cleared that up, yeah? O.o ))
((Yesh? xD ))

Leon decided not to pry, it sounded like Shira didn't want to stay on the 'being arseholed' topic anymore. He wasn't going to question it, and he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure on that one. What do you suggest we do?" Leon untied the knot he made for his white apron, and he lifted it off, placing it back where it was. "Well, we could still come up with topics that speak a lil' bit about ourselves," he took a chair from the table. He sat in it the opposite direction. One arm was rested on the top of the chair's frame and Leon's chin was in his hand. "Like for one thing...I'm afraid of faceless mannequins when I see them in the dark,"
((Hmm I was just wondering that I should make Mayako accidentally fall asleep since she already sent the message to Shira xP Maybe I'll do that sorry Braxto))
Mayako's eyelids felt heavier as moments passed by. She accidentally gave in to the beckoning slumber with the cell phone encased in hand.

Mayako awoke that next day, feeling well-rested, an immediate nap trying to allure her. Her energy perked up when her body quickly sat up. She was going to the aquarium with Anther today. Mayako smiled, tossing off the covers and standing up to stretch her arms and back. There was that rolling noise of some bones popping which felt good after a rest. She took her glasses that sat on the nightstand, and put them on the bridge of her nose.

"Morning, Oreo~" she greeted her cat who was sleeping on her desk chair, still curled up.

((That alright?))
As the morning rays penetrated the room, I sat there sleeping when all the sudden "AHAHAHAHAHA" I freaked out and fell face first into my floor, Crawling back to my feet I slammed on my alarm clock as hard as I could. "Damn clock, I was having a good dream to." But I guess today would be as good as a dream, I got to go hang out with Mayako at the aquarium. I could tell that it was going to be a special day already, and all I've done so far is freak out. I made my way to the shower where I got in and out just like that and threw on my Hollywood Undead shirt that had each mask including Deuces that said right in the middle "Never forget". I pulled out my phone and eagerly called Mayako so we could set up the plans, but the dial tone seemd to just go on forever.
Mayako exited the shower with a towel wrapped around her. Mist had slithered from the bathroom when she opened the door. She went to her room then as if on cue, heard her cell phone's ringtone go off, a chorus of Breaking Benjamin's I Will Not Bow. She looked at the number and grinned. That was Anther. She tapped her thumb on her phone's screen where it had 'Accept call' on it. "G'morning," she said, smiling. "Do you want to go the aquarium as quick as you can, or do we need my motorcycle?"
"Nah I should be able to get there on my own. So ah yeah we can meet up whenever, now if you can, the sooner the better right. Anyways I'll see you there baby girl." I hung up my phone and put it back in my pocket. I don't know why but I just liked the idea of calling her baby girl, I just do for some reason. I grabbed my mp3 player and headed outside the door where the sun was shiny bright with opportunity. I shot my board under me and was off,dodging and weaving through the sidewalk doing flips and tricks where just to have some more fun, it was one of the pleasures of being good at skateboarding. I should be there in no time Mayako, I'll see you soon, I thought in my mind.
B-Baby girl? Mayako thought, speechless even as he hung up. She realized she had to hurry, Anther was probably on his way to the aquarium right now. She made a quick selection of an outfit, something more royal darkish blue than black. Mayako tied her hair into a ponytail that seemed to bounce as she took each step. Mayako at least wanted to look a little different for today. As the last accessory, Mayako pulled on a fishnet glove to her arm as she race-walked to the front door. Mayako put on her high top sneakers. "Auntie, I'm off!" she called out, and closed the door behind her.

Mayako climbed to her motorcycle, and drove off toward the aquarium. It was like a last-minute plan, so she decided why not use a vehicle to hurry anyhow. Behind the mask of her helmet, Mayako was smiling ever so merrily. She reached her destination and parked by the building.
As I was on the final curb I could see the aquarium, and right next to it I could see a motorcycle turning off with her, Mayako. I Made my way across the street then skidded to a halt right in front of her, and taking the board out from under my feet. I looked up at her as she took off her helmet still as mesmerizing as ever. "Hey, what's good Mayako? I guess you were a little surprised at what I said on the phone huh?"
Mayako smiled sheepishly and nodded. "I guess you could say that," she blushed considerably. But if Mayako thought about it, Anther already made it known that he held affection for her. Somehow Mayako didn't mind that he did, she was always joyful around him which made everything more memorable.

She tucked a stray lock of her hair behind an ear, a habit. "Shall we go inside?" she asked playfully.
I nodded back at her. "Yeah let's get going shall we?" I took her by the hand and walked inside. The insides were dark blue just about everywhere, the tanks spitting out tiny bits of light in random places. I gave the person at the front desk money for the tickets and then we headed off to see the fish. We arrived at the first set of tanks, 3/4 around out was surrounded by tanks of interesting fish, some I haven't even seen before. In the middle of the room there was a pillar with a bench all the way around it, so I sat on it to see that giant tanks that took up the entire wall. "Wow, this looks amazing,"
"You're telling me..." Mayako looked all around her, eyes filled with amazement. "I love aquariums. They're so pretty..." she said, gazing at one part of the tank. "Oh, they're my favorite. The jellyfish," she pointed to them, the kind of jellyfish that could change to a different color depending on when and how much you feed them. They were like glowing, floating beings in the water, lazily moving past the decorative corals and anemones of the tanks. "Which one do you like best, Anther?" Mayako smiled as she looked at him.
"Hmm my favorite? Well it probably has to be puffer fish. They are just so cool, especially when they puff up and they just look weird, I find it kinda funny." I looked around to see if there were any puffer fish in these tanks but it looks like nope, but there might be some in the other tanks around here. Then I remembered one of the things I wanted to talk about, the apartment. "So ah whats with this apartment thing, are you leaving town." I just thought and realized that may be a possibility and I didn't want that to happen at all.
(You can join but the owner doesn't really regulate things so just post your CS then just go ahead and post)
Mayako appreciated that Anther cared and was concerned about her moving. "Thankfully, I'm not leaving town," she responded. "I'd be depressed if that was true, but it's not. I'll still be here, I was just moving out of my aunt's house," she explained. "It was one of the few that allowed pets. And that's pretty lucky," Mayako added.

"You were worried?" she grinned. She didn't need to ask though, she could already guess the answer.
Shira laughed and walked over to the table, taking a chair and moving it in front of Leon where she sat the same way he was. "Like Doctor Who?" She smiled as she remembered the very first Doctor Who episode. She had been forced to watch it by one of her friends and never admitted it but she enjoyed it very much. She watched the whole series from start to finish in a couple of months and completely forgot about it until just now. She crossed her arms on top of the table and tapped her fingers against her elbows. "I'm not really scared of much but if I had to choose something I would say... clowns I guess. Lot's of bad memories as a kid with those damn things." A shiver ran through Shira's back and she wrinkled her nose in disgust.
Leon tilted his head, not able to make the connection with Shira's mentioning of Doctor Who. His child eyes hadn't been watching a television screen that often. Only several times did he do that when he realized he was incredibly bored. The reason why he was still of afraid of faceless mannequins even now was because Leon was a bit paranoid.

"Clowns? Ah yeah, those lot can be creepy-looking. Luckily for me I've never encountered one as a kid," Leon replied. "Never asked for a clown on my birthday. In fact my parents always threw a get-together in the house at the time. With visiting family members and my mates, every prepared dish was my favorite," he smiled.
I looked down and blushed a bit "Yeah I was really worried." I lifted my head up and got up from the bench. "Alright let's go see the rest of the tanks," I grabbed her hand again and realized that mine seemed to cover hers completely which I found kind of cute for some reason. We walked to this other room that had no tanks on the side and I thought that this was just a passing room, but then I saw a break in the light above our heads and I looked "Woh, the tank is above .." I looked and saw all sorts of fish, even some small sharks. "This is amazing... it makes me feel kind of weird to be under all these fish." I tightened my grip on her hand to make the moment even better.
Mayako smiled, and tightened Anther's hand back. "I think that's a tiger fish, the one that looks like it has spikes on it's head," she pointed, like all the other excited children who had been at an aquarium before. "Ha, it's Nemo!" Mayako spotted a clownfish. She loved seeing that Finding Nemo movie, during the time she first visited North America.

Mayako glanced at Anther, looking at the side of his face. She liked the feeling of being around him, nobody has made her really think this affectionately for someone. "Cutie," a smile grew on her face without her knowing it.
I looked down at Mayako with a surprised but happy looking face on. "Yeah, you defiantly are." I didn't realize I had said anything but I am glad that I did, she got embarrassed so easily and it was really cute when she did. I started to walk around the room a little, observing all the different animals in there tanks, but then I made contact with some ball a kid left on the floor and fell right on my face once more. "Ow! Why does this always happen to me." I started to stumble up after the fall.

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