Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Leon grinned, chuckling under his breath. "Thanks," he freed Shira's hand. He found it pretty adorable the way Shira was being all pouty just a few moments ago. Despite her story of being very althletic, Shira did have a fragile-looking frame and appearance.

Leon started putting a fair amount of creme that was adequate enough between each macaroon shell. "You can have the first one again, Your Highness," Leon joked, holding one finished macaroon out for her. It looked quite appetizing really, for anyone with a sweet tooth like Leon they would wolf it right down. Whenever he eats desserts he always savours it, not like most people. "You'll love it, I promise," Leon smiled.
"What was it like before hand? Well let me tell you it wasn't the most amazing thing, hell it almost wasn't wroth living it was so uneventful and painful. But it seems that you aren't as ****** up as me so I guess that's good that you didn't have to suffer. Well I guess I really don't know much, all I know is your older brother is looking for a fight and I'll gladly deliver one, your parents are crazy for not accepting you, and that's about it."
What Mayako was told greatly contradicted to how Anther was now, and she was fairly surprised. I left that much of an impact on him... she thought. Her mind went to Daichi when Anther brought him up. She offered a sorrowful smile. "Well...he wasn't always looking for fights like he does now...Daichi used to be nice," Mayako said. "Ah, the movie's about to start," she added, not really wanting to stay on her family as topic.

"Anther, do you have popcorn?" she asked him.
"Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure I have some in the cabinets, let me go get it." I stepped up from the couch and searched through the cabinets which seemed to be void of any life, but I spotted the popcorn and pull it out. I stuck it in the microwave and let in pop, hearing the popcorn pop one by one is one of the most rewarding sounds to me, it's just a pleasure to hear sometimes. Once it was done I threw it in a large bowl and sat back down with Mayako, the movie was just starting with the advertisements so there was about a minute or so before the movie actually started.
"Thanks," Mayako smiled. She reached for a piece of popcorn and looked at Anther. "Look, watch," she tossed the snack into the air above her head---like everyone has done before at least once. When it descended Mayako caught and ate the popcorn. She grinned, feeling satisfied for not actually missing that time. "I was sure I wasn't going to get that," she chuckled.

The commercial that was playing on the television stopped, and Spirited Away was beginning.
As the movie started I shut off the rest of the lights so that we could see the movie better. While sitting next to her as the into credits began to play I put my arm over her shoulders, it wasn't the most original things but it was something that I wanted to do. "Yeah, pretty original right? Do I need to yawn too? haha." I hope she would get comfortable, I wanted to talk with her calmly after the movie, just to chat and have some fun, also I set a goal for myself. Before this night I had to get to cuddle with her, I will try everything to succeed, but for now, movie.
Mayako smiled when Anther put his arm around her, seeing this all the time in television shows, books, and movies. She giggled at his comment. "Smooth, Anther," she said. "Yawn or not, this is still comfortable," Mayako added, touching his hand where it was resting on her shoulder. She was sort of wondering what Anther felt or was thinking whenever they spent time together.

Mayako put the thought aside as she turned her eyes to the screen, and just enjoyed this moment being with Anther.
Even with the slight touch of her hand being on mine still drove me crazy for some reason. It was like a rush of energy goes flowing through my veins in my arm. It was one of the most amazing feeling I will ever experience in my life. "So Mayako I got to know, are you tickleish at all?" I started to slowly creep my hand to her side without her seeing, waiting for my chance to make a move.
"Hm? Yeah, w---" Mayako's sentence had been cut off as she made a rather high-pitched and brief squeak sound, all the while her back straightening very fast. It was like an impulse. That reaction was because she sensed Anther's hand softly touch her waist. It sent a tingling sort of sensation that made Mayako smile and laugh.

"A-Anther!" Mayako blushed, but the smile was still on her face.
"Well as long as you promise." Shira joked and took the macaroon in her hand. She inspected it, smiling as she did so. It was small and quite adorable. Finger food. She thought. Opening her mouth she tossed it in and closed her mouth, chewing slowly. She wasn't prepared for the flavor and began to chew faster. "So good." She moaned through the macaroon. She gave Leon a thumbs up.
I let out a small laugh at Mayako reaction at me tickling her. "Well I guess that answers that question, but I'm not gonna stop just for that!" I kept on tickling her, taking down my arm behind her next and went for her other side as she kept squealing from the sensation. I couldn't help but laugh at the same time to at what was happening. Eventually she went over on her back still laughing and blushing, I went over her and continued to tickle at my pleasure.
Mayako tried to move away from Anther's tickle attack, but it was really no use because he was already hovering over her. Tears edged the corner of Mayako's purple eyes because her fit of giggles. "O-Okay, okay! I surrender!" she was able to ease down her laughter. When Mayako did, she realized what position they were in.

Mayako turned even rosier, and she gazed into Anther's eyes with a surprised look to her face.
"Hehehehe, alright I guess I'll stop," Then I realized that she had a surprised a look on her face and I don't know why. Then I realized what position we were in, that explains a lot. I also got red with her, my cheeks starting to burn it seemed. "I-I no I don't mean it to look like.." I just couldn't seem to move, I was stunned by what was happening, only to get more and more red.
Mayako watched Anther blush as well, still speechless as her heart started hammering against her chest. "Anther..." Mayako barely muttered it. She rose up a bit and kissed him by the lips. For that moment, Mayako wasn't sure what she was doing but she had found calmness. She pulled back quickly, now to a neon rose hue.

"I-I'm sorry, I...don't know why---" Mayako stuttered. Even if she tried to talk she couldn't have a good explanation, plus Mayako was as nervous as could be right now. She averted her eyes away, embarrassed.
I was completely stunned at this point, my lips still wanting more after the kiss. I looked down at Mayako who was very nervous and looked as embarrassed as could be. I slowly starting to move my lips, uttering the a single word. "Mayako..." I leaned downwards and kissed her right there, bring her face back strait after she looked of to the side in embarrassment. I held the kiss for a while, taking in the whole effect even though I didn't know what I was even doing at this point, it just felt right.
Mayako sensed Anther's pair of lips on her's again, her eyes closing without her notice. Mayako felt as though she was savoring their long affectionate kiss, and at the same time tried to calm her heart. Mayako reached her arms up to curl around Anther's neck. Her thoughts were on nothing else, her mind was cacooned in bliss. When she slowly broke away from Anther, her face so hot she was feeling dizzy. "Anther...I-I don't know, but...I feel dizzy..." Mayako said.

In truth, she really did.

((Sorry for the wait I'm doing projects and watching a new episode I can't record :/ Multi-tasking yaaay ._.))
"Hmm" I chuckled a bit, this was truly the biggest surprise that I have done for her and she was just stunned at it all, not knowing at all what she is suppose to expect next. I put one of my hands that was supporting me over her on her cheek and smiled into her eyes" It's ok Mayako, it's just something I had to do, and well I want to keep doing really." I had a faint smile on my lips, just wanting to kiss her and never stop, and I think she felt the same.
Mayako blinked twice, her heart beating faster by Anther's words. She knew she felt the same about that. Me too... the words couldn't escape from her lips at the moment, she was still pretty dazed over what happened. Though Mayako wasn't saying anything, she knew her eyes could speak for her---that's one of the many things she's been told. Spirited Away had already started quite a while ago without them realizing. "You know exactly how to keep me surprised, Anther," Mayako said. A little warm smile grew in her face.

Leon smiled, happy to have heard the good opinion. "Thanks! I take pride in these lil' things, y'know?" Leon ate a macaroon too, the ganache infused of white chocolate giving him that sweet burst of energy. He grinned, licking a bit of the creme from off his index finger. "Very good," he dusted his hands. Leon untied his hair, shaking it back into place. "So, that's our lesson for today, Shira. Shall we go to practice? It's just about time to go to,"
Shira snagged another macaroon before giving Leon a thumbs up. She was excited. A boy, good food and soccer all in one day. Now she could look forward to picking up her cell phone and being able to tell her mom that she wasn't a complete loner anymore. "Where's the field and what's the competition look like?" She asked before licking her thumb.
"Competition? Oh, it's merely our daily practice today," Leon waved his hand. "The team will be split into a smaller group and we'll be playing against each other," he explained. "The field isn't far and I've seen them play. My teammates are tough, but I know you can handle that," Leon did have confidence in Shira. She seemed like a tough competitor herself and he would've thought people have underestimated her too much because of her appearance. "Shall we, m'lady?" Leon smiled at Shira, a humorous and joking sort of smile.

((Sorry for the late response on Leon's part, Uncultured :[ I actually didn't see your post in the previous page))
"Hehe, yeah I guess I do know how to don't I, but you know you like it." I took a strand of hair that was across her face and put it behind her ear, I always have wanted to do that for some reason but I'm not sure why. Her faint smile reassured me that she liked what I was doing and I was gladly going to continue, this was far too much fun and amazing for me to pass up. I leaned down and kissed her once more, moving my hand ever so slightly back to the bottom of her right cheek from her ear.
Mayako grinned a bit when Anther kissed her again. A shiver was sent down her spine when his hand softly brushed from her ear to her cheek. She toyed with his jet black hair a bit, always wanting to have done that because she liked the way Anther's hair was. Mayako's face was still warm, throughout the time that this was happening. She put distance between their lips so she could speak, and though it was dark, Mayako could still distinguish Anther's bright blue eyes. "And here I thought we were going to watch a movie," she laughed. The plan had went a lot different than she thought it would've.
"Well yeah I think we were but we can watch that movie any time, we can only have this moment right now, so I think this moment is more worth it, don't you think so?" Her cheek was still a melting warmth, but she seemed to be calming down as things progressed onward, her purple eyes were staring into mine, making a connection of soothing feelings. I tilted my head, just taking in the moment, my mind begging for more.
Mayako sensed the feelings Anther held for her through their kiss, this time different from the others---it felt more tender. It seemed like Anther had really wanted this moment to happen. Mayako noticed he had tilted his head a bit, which signified that he was enjoying this like she was as well. Mayako nudged on Anther's shoulders a bit, wanting to sit up. "So this means we're...?" she trailed off. She didn't really need to finish, she was sure Anther knew what she meant to say.
I let out a few soft chuckles, the moment I have been waiting for, the time has come. "Yeah, I know what you mean, we're together," I couldn't help but widen my smile, even though it would be hard for her to see in the dimming light. Even though it had felt like we were dating before, this was somehow different then before. It made it feel even more right and better, so much so that I could explain. I leaned down once more, touching lips and kissing her softly. I leaned back out for a small second to speak. "I'm sorry, I just can't seem to stop." I went down to kiss her again, unable to control myself.

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