Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

The little kiss Anther gave Mayako was able to calm her down so it helped greatly over what she was worried about. "I was supposed to be at home, packing up more of my stuff," Mayako silently scolded herself. "Plus I forgot to tell my aunt I was even here again,"she gave him an apologetic smile. Sitting up and reaching for her glasses, Mayako also realized the time on the clock. "At least it's two hours before my shift instead of thirty minutes," she sighed, feeling relieved. "What should we do to pass time?"
As she sat up and put up her glasses I stretched out my arms and let out a rather large yarn. "I-I'm not really sure what to do. I'm still kinda trying to piece together what all has happened over the past night. Sorry if I startled you yesterday, I guess what I was doing was a little over the top but I just had to do it you know?" I propped myself up, my arms holding me up behind my back, I really didn't feel like getting up at all.
Mayako smiled. "It's fine. I was having the same feelings for you, so I couldn't help myself whenever I kissed you," she chuckled, running a hand through her hair. She looked at Anther, it seemed like he didn't really want to get up at the moment. Mayako smiled, lying down by him again. "Staying like this with you has to be one of the most comfortable things I'll probably ever experience," she told him.
"You can say that again, I just wish that this didn't have to end you know. We could just lay here forever and be with each other." I went over on my side and pulled her closer to me, no more then an inch between our noses. I ran my fingers through her hair, feeling the curls through my fingers after each stroke. I set my other hand across her body, holding her side.
Mayako blushed, the skin tone on her face turning to a bright pink. She looked into Anther's eyes deeply, her hand gently holding his jawline. "I don't think this crazy heartbeat of mine will ever go away when you start doing things like this," Mayako said. "You're making me feel like I'm in an oven," she laughed at how red she must have looked.
A giggled a bit at her reaction, her face getting as red as physicly possible. "I can tell, you like it when I do this don't you Mayako, you just get pretty embarrassed by it." I pulled a little tighter as sort of a tease, she was getting so red that I fond it a bit funny. While he hand was on my chin I rested my hand on hers, taking full embrace on how it felt to me.
"Okay, fine, I'll admit that..." Mayako grinned a little bit, but it was a timid smile. "I want to see you red for a change and not me," she laughed. The it sounded difficult for that to become real, since Anther was being very flirtatious and confident at the moment. She kinda liked that side of him too though. "Later, there's another place I want to show you," Mayako smiled. She remembered it as the one places she visited most, out of everything here in this town---the arcades couldn't even compare to it. She thought Anther deserved to know about the place.
My face filled with a bit of curiosity "Oh a special place, what is it?" I was curious as to what this could be, she has taken me to quite a few cool places so this one had to be pretty good as well. Then out of the blue I slowly moved more to my left and kissed her once more, this time feeling smooth and calm, and as we kissed I pulled her in tight as if I never wanted to let go.
Mayako was thrown off guard with Anther's sudden kiss, but she closed her eyes and simply kissed Anther back. Her hand was behind his head and she drew him a bit closer. Mayako actually remained calm that time for some reason. She broke away, slowly and just barely an inch away from Anther's lips. "You'll have to wait until you can see it," she smiled. "This time I'm not giving out hints, not even if you try to hug or kiss it out of me," Mayako added confidently.

((Multi-tasking again -_- And Mayako and Anther are in his house at the moment))
"Hmhm, alright I guess I can't but you can't really blame me for trying can you?" I took my hands away from her and I lied on my back, hands behind my head looking up at the ceiling with a faint smile on my face. As I stare I just think of all that's happened and what I wanted to happen. I just wanted to lay here and never stop kissing her, hugging her, and just being with her.
Mayako smiled and chuckled. "No, I don't blame you. I'd be curious too, if I were in your shoes," she said. "But I promise, it's a beautiful place," she added. Mayako sat up. "Though I honestly really don't want to leave, I think it's time for me to go for my shift, Anther," Mayako gave Anther a sorrowful smile. "I should start getting ready at home, since I barely made it to the flower shop, last time,"

"Or...I can spare some time here with you,"
Shira nodded. She had taken down a couple of good basketball players in her day but when it came to soccer she never really had very good competition. She was always looking for ways to challenge herself and she bounced on the balls of her feet happily. "We shall!" She said and laughed, making her way to the door. Usually before games she had to give herself a pep talk or get her head in the game but today she was excited enough as it was.

((Its okay. Sorry for late replies :P ))
"Well of course I WANT you to stay but at the same I know that you have to go do your job and stuff. So I guess if you can think of anything to do we can kill some time doing whatever,"I had a rather upset look on my face, I just wanted to stay here, and just never stop kissing and hugging, it was the perfect life for me just doing that. But in the end I knew that this was not always going to be the option, and stuff has to happen between that I don't like so that we can do this more.
Leon grinned. He walked out the door with Shira, descending the flight of stairs. "It's not far, and my cousin showed me a shortcut, which helped greatly," he said to her. "We'll play a lil' 'Follow the Leader'," he smiled jokingly. "By the way...I'm a curious guy, do you want to share a bit more about yourself as we walk?" Leon asked.

The look on Anther's face tore Mayako's heart, and it made her want to stay. Being with him just made her heart race,nd her cheerfulness bounce across the walls. "Aww, don't pull those puppy dog eyes on me," Mayako averted her eyes away, whining. "But I know I can't refuse, so I'll stay for a little," Mayako smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

Her eyes traveled across the room, and she saw a guitar. "Ah, can I hear you play?" she felt like an excited child.
Shira slowed down so that Leon could walk a little ahead of her as they left the building. Once he was ahead of her she followed and slid her fists into her pockets. What more was there to tell really? There was always the personal stuff but she would tell him that after the soccer game if all went well. In the meantime she had to think of something. "Well..." Shira started. There was some hesitation before she continued. "I was born on January 13th in America. January 13th also happened to be Friday the 13th recently. I am usually an open book depending on who you are and how long I've known you and I haven't had a boyfriend since the eight grade." Shira wasn't sure why she added that last part but she did and couldn't take it back now.
"Eighth?" Leon repeated. He whistled, to express his surprise. "That's quite a long time, Shira," he said. "I haven't had a girlfriend since...what was sophomore year in high school. Yeah, that was it," Leon said the last part as if he were speaking to himself for a moment. "Things got rough..." he didn't notice it, but his shoulders were kind of slumped. Leon felt kind of...relieved that Shira couldn't see his face at the moment. His eyes couldn't lie. "But that's all in the past, y'know? Best to move on,"
Shira punched Leon playfully on one of his shoulders hoping to cheer him up. "Hey I had better things to do than keep a boyfriend." Shira had never been the one to break up with a boy and her relationships always ended because she finally gave in to the boy that was chasing her and didn't turn out to be quite what he expected. "Bros before hoes, Leon. You know that." She said, trying to lower her voice so she sounded like a man.
Leon laughed at Shira's attempt to make herself sound like a guy. It did make him feel better. "Thanks, Shira," he fist bumped her, smiling. "I'm glad I met someone nice like you here, I was a lil' worried I wouldn't be able to make new friends," Leon said. He has always lived in England and always lived in the same town where he was born, so he never really had to make new friends. This was a clean slate for Leon, plus an entirely different environment, so he needed and wanted to have someone new he could rely on and laugh with.
"You kidding? You know how to hold a conversation and that's probably the only skill you need to make friends." Shira exclaimed and smiled up at Leon. He was good looking, kind, and talented! What else would one need to try and fit in somewhere? Shira looped her arm through his enthusiastically and walked with a bounce in her step. "I guess I'm your friend now, huh?"
Leon smiled at Shira. It was a gentle smile. "Correction, Shira: We're friends," he said. Since the hook of their arms were linked together, Leon had an idea in his head and began walking in a funny, drunken way and he put on a goofy, airheaded smile. "We're off to see the wizard!---pfffthahaha!!" he was interrupted by his own laugh, he couldn't pull off that song without laughing. "I'm bloody ridiculous," Leon continued to laugh at himself.
Shira fell into a fit of laughter after being startled by Leon's sudden outburst. Through small, happy gasps of air she continued the song happily. "The wonderful wizard of Oz!"

She sighed happily. Her continuation had sounded quite nice, but she didn't like to sing. Her mother had thought it lady-like for a girl to have a nice voice so she was dragged to classes for years as a child. Shaking her head and bringing herself back into reality Shira gave Leon a slight smirk. "I think you would be the scarecrow. Big heart," she pet Leon's hair gently with her free hand and pouted. "But no brain." Of course she was kidding and bet Leon was pretty smart.
"Aww, my feelings..." Leon had sorrowful eyes, but he quickly smiled because he knew Shira was joking. Well, he hoped so. He chuckled when Shira stroke his hair. "You're embarrassing me, Dorothy," Leon grinned jokingly. "C'mon, let's keep going," he hooked his arm with Shira's. He heard something in the distance, it sounded like music---a violin. He spotted the musician, playing his instrument. The strings sounded like they were singing, and it sounded sad but beautiful.
Shira took back her hand quickly and looked down. She didn't know what caused this reflex but thought there must have been some reason for it so she stuffed her hand in her pocket. "If I'm Dorothy then you can be Toto instead." She muttered and was silenced by music. She followed Leon's gaze to the musician. The music was nice and Shira was reminded of all of the rock songs that began or ended in violins. She had gone through a phase where rock revolted her and classical music was her life but she would never admit it.

"You keep staring at him and he's gonna want money from ya'." She said just loud enough for only Leon to hear her.
The song reminded Leon of his time he spent alone reading as a kid, when he wasn't certain on what to do in the future, and it stressed him from time to time. Leon got lost in thought until Shira's voice snapped him out of it. "Why not? I think he plays really well," Leon replied. "And I can spare some money," as they walked by he dropped the yen into the hat that was in front of the violinist. "Keep playing, you're a good musician," Leon said to him, and he saw the violinist silently smile. They kept walking, and Leon's back was to her again. "...Sorry if calling you Dorothy offended you," he felt like he needed to say it.

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