Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

(Sorry for being gone, IRL girls take focus too :P )

"A-ah a song?! Alright I guess I could think of something to play, though most songs that I listen to don't really have much a guitar track to them, do you have anything in mind really?" I got up from the covers, exposing my chest to the warming suns rays onc emore. I stood up and went over to the guitar, taking it off the stand and throwing the strap over my neck and shoulder. Playing a few tuning notes, I adjusted what I had to and sat down on the edge of the bed near her feet.
Shira laughed a little and shook her head. "Why in the world would that offend me?" She asked, looking straight ahead and sighing. The music was soothing and she she swayed in time with it, not detaching herself from Leon's arm. "Say, where was your cousin anyway?" Shira asked, remembering Leon mention that he had a cousin or a roommate or something. Even more company would be nice if she and Leon ran out of things to talk about, even though that didn't seem like it would be the case. It was a really nice day outside and Shira could not feel any wind blowing, which is good if you're playing soccer.
Mayako sat up on the edge of the bed beside Anther, kicking her legs a bit. "Anything's fine, really. It can be a cover. I just wanna hear you play," she smiled. She recalled the last time he sang, and that was when they were in Mayako's backyard sitting in the hammock. And she loved Anther's singing voice. It was really soothing and calm.

Leon's cheeks turned a bit pink, feeling embarrassed that he thought Shira was offended---when she clearly wasn't. He cleared his throat, about to answer her question. "Well, he's normally out running errands or hanging around his mates in the bar. His usual place if you'd like to call it that," Leon responded. Leon spotted the soccer field in the distance. "Ah, we're just about there,"
Shira began to feel the same giddy excitement before a game that she felt as a kid and poked Leon on the arm. "Race ya' there!" She exclaimed and removed her arm from Leon's, dashing off to the center of the field. Wind whooshed in her ears and the grass below her went by in a blur. She smiled and pumped her legs faster, holding her hands out and enjoying the rush of adrenaline taking over her.
Leon watched Shira bolt off, amazed by how fast she was. "H-Hey, hold on a bit!!" he called, and began dashing after her. He had a late start, so Leon drove himself even further, his feet stamping against the concrete sidewalk in nimble, almost quiet movement. The wind whistled in his ears and tousled his blonde hair---it always felt good. He caught up with Shira, but just trailing a little behind her as they got to the grassy field. He put his hands to his knees as he looked up at his teammates. "Ready for some football---sorry, English slang---soccer, I mean," Leon said to them. "Who's she?" one of the guys said. "My new friend. Shira," Leon explained, flashing a smile as he glimpsed at her. "Mind if she join our game?" he asked. "Not at all," another one of them, with blue streaks in his hair replied.
"Nice locks buddy." Shira commented, waving a hand towards one of the soccer players. "I used to have neon green in mine but after a while the color faded and looked like someone pee'd on me." She smiled at the boy and then at Leon, who looked a little tired. Shira ran a lot and built up her stamina over the years so she wasn't nearly as tired as he was. She patted his back lightly and smiled. "C'mon lets play." She said excitedly.
Leon's team laughed at Shira's little story about her green hair streaks. They seemed to like her already and invite her in, which was good. Leon nodded with a grin, and the team split up into two groups. They huddled up in a circle, arms on each other's shoulders. "Okay, guys---and girl," blue streaked guy, whose name was Ryuu, nodded toward Shira. "Today, we gotta defeat those punks over there," he smiled, just joking with the name-calling since they were all still a team. "What's the game plan?" he questioned.

"How about this? We set up a defense line by our goal, shaped like a curved semi-circle, " Leon suggested. "We have an even number here, so the other half of us can be on offense," he added. Ryuu smiled approvingly. "Nice!" this was the part where he appointed positions, him being the captain. "Leon, you're on offense with me. And Shira, you too. You run impressively fast, so that's an advantage,"
"Aye aye captain." Shira replied, grinning. She hasn't huddled up in a group like this for a long time and the raw excitement of sports was taking its final hold on her. She was good on her feet and at maneuvering the ball so she wasn't at all nervous about her position. She poked her head above the group and looked at the others, who were already breaking off and she went back down to her spot.

"Sorry for the delay but what's this team called anyway?" Shira asked.
(Erg sorry, I've been really distracted lately)

"Alright but I'll need some help on this because I don't have a girly voice. The song is Monster by Meg and Dia, if you don't know the song I have it on my mp3 player over there if you want to hear it." I set the guitar in the correct position and sung some of the song in my head, trying to get a feel of how it will be to play on the guitar.
((It's alright))

"Ravens," Leon answered. "Now, let's start the game, shall we?" he smiled, walking to the center of the field where the referee, actually one of the team members, who stood with the soccer ball in hand. Leon was the one who faced his opponent, Fuji by his left and Shira to his right. "Ready..." their referee said. He dropped the soccer ball to the grass. "Go!" he exclaimed. Leon darted with the soccer ball, running with it as he kicked and dodged the other team. "Shira!" he passed it on to her.

Mayako nodded. She wasn't familiar with the song Anther told her about, so she went over to the mp3 and found the song. Listening intently, she memorized the lyrics after replaying about three times. "Okay, I think I get it," Mayako smiled. She stepped toward the bed again and lied down on her side. She hasn't sang much before, mostly when she was alone or humming whenever she was gathering her materials for painting. But Mayako would want to sing with Anther, it sounded fun.

((And let's forget the fact that there's already a team called Ravens =3=" I had nothing else to put))
Shira tapped the ball with the tip of her toe lightly to stop it and moved in the opposite direction. There was already a group of boys ready to ambush her on one side and her only way to escape was to run away from them. This way they would follow her and, assuming they all ran at different speeds, she could use her figure to her advantage and wiggle past them with the ball. She had assumed right about the boys not all running at the same speed and spreading out a little. Using a series of fakes and dodges she had picked up from her friends she was finally open and passed the ball to Fuji, who advanced a little and passed the ball to Leon. Shira jogged now and was extremely excited, her mind instinctively blocked out anything that didn't involve sports.
Leon tore down the field with the soccer ball in front of his feet. He was repeatedly kicking it from side to side, to avoid it being taken from their opponents. "Hell yeah, Leon!!" Ryuu exclaimed. Leon smiled at the encouragement. He caught Shira's eyes in the distance. "Oi, Shira! Watch me score," he said. Leon pulled back his leg and launched the soccer ball toward the goal. And as it spun, and neared the goalie, he jumped for it. But the soccer ball curved, and scored into the edge of the net. "I didn't actually think I'd pull that off..." Leon laughed.
Shira cheered, jumping up and down before stopping herself and realizing she was still in the middle of the game. She side-stepped towards Leon and held her fist out for a celebratory bump as she smiled. Worthy opponents and amazing team members. Japan was shaping up to be pretty awesome already. "Dont get over-confident on me now, Leon. I need you here." She joked.

((up to you if you wanna skip to the end of the game now or keep going. Btw I like how you named that kid after a mountain and then talked about naming the soccer team after a real one. xD ))
((Wha xD Sorry that was an auto-correct on my phone xP I meant to put Ryuu instead of Fuji. We can time skip to the end of the game if you have suggestions for what they do afterwards. 'Cause I have no idea on what that should be))

Leon breathed out happily, after the game was over. They had won by two points, it was a really close finish. After he wiped off the beads of sweat from his face with a cold saturated hand towel, Leon let it rest across his shoulders. The iciness of it felt pretty good against his warm skin. Leon had built up a workout from all that running, bit it was good exercise. "Bottles of water for everyone. You guys deserve it," Ryuu tossed one to each team member, and including Shira because she worked as hard as everybody else.

Leon unscrewed the cap and lifted the bottle, gulping down some water. "Whoo! That was fun, huh, Shira?" he asked her, smiling.
"Alright, when the singing part comes up you know what to do alright?" I started to play the beginning of the song, remembering the good times I had hearing it. It was a song to clear my mind, to make me think, and just calming the mood of anything that was happening. The soft part of the guitar had come up, alright it was finally time to see what Mayako sounded like when she sang, I can only imagine that it would be beautiful.
Mayako took a breath in and began singing, her eyes closed. "His little whispers, love me, love me. That's all I ask for, love me, love me," she started. "He battered his tiny fists to feel something, wondered what it's like to touch and feel something," she was surprised at how calm she was, despite having somebody hear her. Maybe it was because Anther's presence always made her feel soothed, cheerful, and cared for. Well, Mayako was only ever nervous around Anther when he was trying to make her blush or throw more surprises at her, which wasn't right now.

"Monster, how should I feel? Creatures lie here, looking through the window,"
"That was freaking incredible!" Shira shouted, hugging her water bottle close to her. She was too excited for it yet even though her cheeks were a bright red and she was sweating. It was hot out as it was without all of the working out she had just done and decided, on second thought, to open her water bottle. She took 5 long gulps and practically downed half of it when she smiled up at Leon once more. "What do you want to do now? Something with air-conditioning preferably. Like uh..." She thought about places that were really cold. Obviously an airport would not do... but there was the mall, a movie theater, restaurants. Oh, bowling maybe? She continued to imagine more things as she waited for Leon's reply, sipping on her water bottle for inspiration.

((I hinted at some things but it's your decision. Also, your phone is a little... special for confusing those two. xD ))
"I think the mall sounds perfect," Leon smiled. "I feel like splashin' out on my money, and plus, I haven't been ro the mall here yet," he said. "I wanna see how different it is from England," he tried to image it, but he would have to wait and see until they got there. Earlier yesterday Leon conversed his money to yen, so now he had the right currency.

"So whaddya say, Shira?" Leon questioned. He felt Ryuu nudging his back with an elbow, suggesting something, but Leon obviously chose to ignore it.
"Sounds fun." Shira said, swallowing the rest of her water and sighing. "I'm curious about Japanese malls too. I kind of expected there to be a lot of fashion stores here, but I was wrong thank goodness."

((Short post. Sorry. ._.))
(Again sorry for not keeping up on my posting, girls put you in a weird trance sometimes)

I listened to Mayako as she sang, she probably wouldn't admit it but she was a really nice singer. Her voice was soothing and calm, almost like a song to a small child, but it was more then that. I stopped playing the guitar after those few lyrics, setting it across my lap. "Wow, you are really good at singing. I never really took you as a singer but you have an amazing voice on you,"
Leon nodded. "Well, then!" he stood up from the bench, stretching his arms a bit. "Let's go," he grinned at Shira. "And that was a good game guys," Leon told his teammates. Ryuu pat Leon's shoulder. "Yeah, nice practice today. You two have fun, alright?" he said. Leon nodded. "I'll be here for the next practice---as always," Leon promised, walking away from the field with Shira.

"I don't know yet if the mall is an all-out clothes place, but wouldn't it be funny if we tried on silly clothes when we got there?" Leon chuckled at the thought of it. "Y'know, like they sometimes do in movies. People throw on random outfits,"

Mayako stopped in mid-sentence of her singing when Anther abruptly stopped playing. She opened her eyes as she heard Anther's words. "Hmm? But I think you're the better singer, Anther," Mayako smiled. "I-I think I'm alright singing really," she remembered as a kid she would sometimes sing lullabies as she was gazing out from her favorite place, the place she was going to show Anther later.

"Besides, being a musician is your dream, isn't it? It'd be more natural for you. And from your guitar playing, I can tell you've been doing this for a long time," if they could find the time, Mayako would show Anther her art creations.

((Naah it's alright :3))
Shira laughed and waved goodbye to Leon's teammates. They were pretty cool and she wondered when she would be able to see them again. Shira laughed at the thought of trying random clothes on with Leon. They would probably get kicked out by one of the workers but she didn't mind. "What dress size are you?" Shira joked.
Oh no, Leon thought, remembering all the dress-up his sisters forced and dragged him into as a kid, and him being their life-sized doll. "Nice try, Shira. But that was a long time ago," he said. He imagined himself having to wear a dress, in a public place like the mall. His cheeks burned up with embarrassment of the thought and laughed to get it out of his head.

"Hopefully I've grown out of dresses...hmm," Leon looked at Shira, pondering. "What do you look like in a dress?"
I shrugged a little bit. "Yeah but I have been singing for quite some time now plus I have a reason to sing." I looked up at the clock and the sorrowsom time had come. "Sigh, I guess it's time for you to go now.." I got silent for a moment, staring down at the floor in sadness. I really couldn't imagine how things would be without Mayako here, it was practicly normal for her to be here with me.
Mayako smiled weakly, it was a sorrowful smile. "But it'll just be for one shift though, right?" she was trying to make Anther feel better. Seeing him so sad about her leaving tore Mayako's heart. In truth, she didn't really want to leave him either, but she didn't have a choice. Mayako sat up, and she held Anther's chin and turned his face so they would make eye contact.

"It'll be alright Anther, I'm going to miss you too, but I have to go," Mayako said. She leaned forward and softly kissed him as a goodbye. She pulled away after a moment and grinned. "It won't be long until I can show you the place,"

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