Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

"I must have passed out?" Mayako chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed. "I might fall asleep again if I stay here like this," she pushed herself up into a sitting position. She stretched, feeling relaxed. She touched the blades of grass by her side, gently rustling it with her left hand. Nature was just lovely. Then Mayako turned her eyes to Anther, wanting to say something, but she closed her mouth again. She got lost in his blue eyes and her train of thought just crashed. Instead, different words escaped her lips.

"What do you think we should do now?"

((Nothing. All hail the magic conch! xD ))
"I'm not really sure, everything else just seems really, I don't know, un-amusing. I could really just lay with you forever and ever, and not even care about what is happening about anything else other then us." I sat up with her, reaching and taking her by the hand once more, intertwining my fingers with hers.
Mayako smiled, squeezing Anther's hand a bit when he locked his fingers with her's. "Maybe we should see this entire place at night. It's really amazing. The sky is absolutely clear and you can see a lot of the stars," she told him. She liked the fact that this special place of her's---and Anther's now---wasn't surrounded by buildings that would block the sky.
"Yeah, let's just stay out here for the night, how bad can it be, I have you and the night's stars and that's about all that we could really need." I looked up at the rapidly changing sky above, seeing as the last moments of the sun were dawning upon us. "Hey, look at that," I pointed in the direction of the coming sunset, there wasn't more then a few seconds of sunlight left before it would go completely dark and the stars would begin to shine there light upon us.
Mayako gazed into the distance where Anther pointed. There was a little bit of the sun showing now, and in a matter few moments it sank below the horizon before her eyes. The sky was going to shift the colors and unravel into a dark blue night soon. "Wow..." she lied back down next to Anther, placing her head on his chest because she knew it made him feel comfortable---and it was the same for her too. She closed her eyes, feeling so peaceful it was pretty close to perfect.

"Anther, there's nobody else who I've had these feelings for. You're just that special a guy to me, huh?" she smiled.
"Yeah, I could say the same thing about you." The warmth of her head returned to my chest were it seemed to belong. I thought about what I had said before we fell asleep and I was questioning whether or not she really knew what to think about the whole situation. "So ah Mayako, about what I said earlier, are you gonna faint every time I say something like that." I laughed a little bit at what I said, I was just joking with her but at the same time I really wanted to know what she thought about the whole situation.
So he did say I love you... Mayako thought. "H-Hopefully, I won't faint every time, but..." she trailed off, her attempt of a laugh failing. "Honestly...I don't know what love is supposed to feel like...maybe...I-I already am in love with you, I just wouldn't exactly know," Mayako tried to answer but she really hasn't experienced that type of affection for another. A sigh escaped from her, and she didn't realize she was getting a bit pink.

Mayako gazed into the sky as if she would find her answer there. She softened the grip on Anther's hand. "Nobody told me romance would be this complicated," she put her hands to her hair to tousle it up in frustration, but her curls just fell back in place.
"Yeah I guess you're never really taught what it's suppose to feel like, huh? But I really can't think of what else it could possibly be, I mean it's not like I'm very experienced in this stuff either, but I wouldn't have it any other way right now." I started to get to get a bit red and in the dim starlight I could see that she was too. I took her hands from her hair and placed them together, setting them on my legs. Soft and slowly I cupped her hands into mine, feeling the warmth of her hands.
Mayako calmed down as her hands were in Anther's. She gazed into his eyes, searching for something in them. His eyes were so genuine and truth-telling. Serene and captivating. She realized how much he was blushing too, so at least she wasn't the only one. "I wouldn't have guessed that someone would love me this way..." Mayako muttered. "Everyone only sees me as a friend," she added. She leaned forward with her eyes closed, and kissed him.

Mayako didn't know why she did it, but she had gone a while without receiving or giving Anther a kiss. She felt as though she needed it.
As me and Mayako contacted lips, I titled my head while embracing the kiss. Usually I was the one to do these kind of things but it seemed that she just couldn't stand it anymore. Instead of leaning back to end the kiss, I put one of my hands behind her head, keeping her from leaning back herself, pulling her even closer than she already was.
Mayako reached up, her left hand cupping his cheek, and her fingertips were in his dark hair. She felt like he wanted this kiss as much as she did. Now she put her arms around his neck, hugging him tight as they did this to draw herself a bit closer. There really wasn't any other feeling she got when kissing Anther, you could say it was irreplaceable. Mayako noticed she was blushing, as she found herself caught in the moment and in this kind of longing emotion.

Her mind recollected all the things that has happened since they met. If she hadn't met Anther... Then I would've been alone and unchanged, she thought.
As she threw her arms around me during the moment, I realized that kissing her was one of the things that I could do every day and it would only get better and better. I let my hand down from her head and I leaned back, breaking our lips apart with only but an inch between them. I felt the cool winter air of Japan's nights rolling in and I didn't want her to get very cold. I took her arms and set them back on my legs for a moment, then I took my jacket off and placed it over Mayako's shoulders, providing a bit more comfort from the night air.
As Mayako received his jacket, she smiled at him. "Thanks," she said, holding it close to her. Looking into his eyes, she realized something. "Ah, I have to be back at home soon to pack!" she said. She hated to bring the bad news of leaving, but it had to come. "Yesterday my aunt had to do it for me. I promised I'd be there tonight to finish off the work, since we're nearly dome," Mayako explained.

"Two days until my birthday too, sheesh," she cuddled up next to him.
She suddenly reminded me, her birthday was only two days away from now, and I hadn't even thought of anything to get her, dear god I must seem like the worst boyfriend ever. "Hehe, you're just a mess aren't you," I was talking a bit playfully, only joking with her. "Well I don't want to hold you up or get you in trouble, you better get home so you can finish packing." I stood up, taking her by the hand and helping her stand up as well. We walked down the hill, returning to the bushes we walked through to get here. I looked up at the last patch of clear stars I would see for a while, stars that wouldn't be contaminated by city lights way out here in the forest. I pushed the leaves and branches aside, making a way for Mayako to get through. As we exited I saw her motorcycle and was as ready as I could be to go home and let her finish her stuff. "Alright, let's run me home, I don't want you to get in trouble for being with me," I gave her a faint smile that said 'It's ok, I know you have to do this'.
Mayako grinned at him back. It was one of her sad smiles again. She mounted on the motorcycle and as he took the back seat, she drove off. Away from the special place and away from the ethereal forest of nature. Mayako was deep in thought too, thinking of their earlier conversation, and the memory kept repeating in Mayako's head. When Anther said 'I love you'.

She parked into the driveway of Anther's house, quieting down the rumbling engine. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Mayako said.
"Of course, now go along before I get you in some trouble," I let out a soft laugh and returned to a soft smile. I looked her in the eyes and leaned forward, kissing her on the cheek softly, then backing away in an instant. "Goodnight Mayako, sweet dreams, also keep the jacket, an early gift from me." I waved her goodbye and walked inside my now bland home. I didn't really feel like doing anything but getting a shower and sleep, so that's exactly what I did. I stepped into the bathroom and started to run the water, and as the water began to get warmer I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of cold water. I looked in the kitchen to find the usual bottle of alcohol and wrist watch that changed every day so I just went passed it and got my cup of water, placing it by my night stand as I made my way to the newly warm shower. After I got out I dried myself and got my shorts on, throwing my dirty shirt in the hamper, and drying my hair as I walked into my room. I flicked the lights off and threw myself into my bed. I couldn't even reach to my glass of water before falling asleep.
The spot where Anther had kissed her cheek felt warm and seemed to relax her. She waved goodbye and went off to her home, where no doubt Saika was waiting. After opening the garage and parking her motorcycle there, Mayako opened the main door with her keys. Oreo came race-walking to her feet and meowed. As if he said, 'Where have you been?!'. She laughed at the thought and stroked her cat's head. "I'm here, Auntie Saika," Mayako said, finding her sitting on the couch and reading. "About time!" Saika replied, looking up. "You got one thing from the mall or something?" Saika gestured her hand at the jacket.

"A-Ah, no. This is Anther's, he said I could keep it," Mayako answered. With a smile, her aunt stood up and said, "Well, let's finish up packing your things!"

By the time they were done, Mayako was simply just tired. She lied down in her futon, everything in her bedroom was packed and in a box, and it felt more spacious and empty. Tomorrow she would be in a new home. Mayako was really going to miss this place, the comfort of the living room, the beautiful garden, and that hammock too. I'll still visit her. Oreo and I both... Mayako thought. Her eyelids felt heavy and she drifited off to sleep.

Mayako woke up. She sat up, and stretched her arms and back as if a cat would---Oreo rubbed off on her that way.
As the rays of the new light pierced through the widows for another day, I awoke to great them as well. I Sat up and stretched my arms out wide, popping my back and sitting on the edge of the bed. I had thought yesterday in the shower of what to get Mayako for her birthday, it had to be something good something unique. Then it struck me, I knew a guy just down the street that owns this big empty warehouse that had windowless walls all around its four walls, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. I quickly threw on some new pants, a t-shirt, and a new jacket since I gave mine to Mayako. As I was walking down the street to talk to the man I smiled at my new idea, I know Mayako will love it. Once I found the man at his usual hangout near the park, I talked with him and I got it for a really low price and bought it. Luckily right across the street was a general goods store, I walked in and got some supplies that I needed and headed back to the warehouse. After about two hours of worked I emerged from the warehouse doors, satisfied with my work. Alright, now to wait for tomorrow to show Mayako. I pulled my phone out as I was walking down the street back to my house and texted her 'Good morning baby girl :) '
Mayako heard her phone make the sound of small bells chiming---it was her message alert. She opened it and smiled. 'Good morning back to you, cutie :) ' and she sent the text message back to Anther. Mayako and her aunt had just stored the last box and dresser into the move-in truck. Oreo patiently sat in the passenger seat of the truck. Mayako looked at her aunt with sad eyes. "Time for me to go then, huh?" she said. Saika nodded. "Four years this has been your home, but you had to become independent sometime..." they had a farewell hug, and Mayako noticed her aunt had tears edging her eyes, she did too. Mayako climbed into the driver seat. "Don't give up on your dream, Mayako! And don't forget to visit!" Saika called out. "I won't!" Mayako answered, and she shut the door, and drove off to the apartment.
I felt the fast paced vibrating in my pocket and I took out the phone causing it. As I saw her message I said back 'So about you moving into that apartment, want to head over to where it is and help you unpack?' I sent the message as soon as I walked through my door. I hoped I could go over and help, I felt like it would be kinda fun to unpack and set everything up like new, that is also why I enjoyed cleaning just to re-arrange things.
Though Mayako heard that she got the text message as she drove, she didn't want to look at it to distract herself from the road---being the cautious driver that she is. It wasn't her parents or aunt who advised her not to text while driving, it was the movies actually. Anytime a character is too careless they always get in a car wreck.

Mayako reached her destination and fount a fortunate parking space. She looked up at the tall apartment building, seeing her new home from the outside. She had already seen what the room had looked like on the inside, and it looked perfect for redecorating all her belongings. She pulled out her cell phone and texted back, 'Really? Thanks, Anther! :D It's on Hummingbird Avenue, 1573'. Mayako was glad for the offer---she wouldn't be able to get much done by herself.
"Oh cool, that's not very far away at all. Be there in about ten minutes or so. See you there." I packed my phone away and dashed out the door. I was thinking of how to get there from here and realized it wasn't but three streets away, so it may not even be ten minutes. I hopped on my board and went full acceleration down the sidewalks, luckily there weren't many people on the sidewalks so I could go as fast as I pleased. I pulled up on to the street address and sure enough I saw her there right outside her moving truck waiting for me. I coasted the rest of the way to her, slowing down to a stop but a foot away from her with a large smile on my face. "Hey Mayako, what's good?"
Mayako returned the smile---she really adored Anther's. She opened the door. "That was quick," she commented, carefully getting out since there was a low step. "Well, I gues you don't live far from this building, after all," Mayako was really glad for that, at least the distance between their homes wasn't painfully far. "C'mon, Oreo," Mayako called her cat over, and he leaped out of the truck and stood by her side. Oreo was such a smart feline, it was unbelievably cool.

Mayako turned to look at Anther. "Let's begin, shall we?" she smiled.
"Yes we shall, let's crack this thing open huh?" I went to the back of the truck and threw up the door, seeing all of Mayako's things. "Well there's so much stuff I don't know where to begin, is there already furniture in the apartment or is your furniture just hidden behind all this stuff and I just can't see it?"
"Thankfully, the furniture's already in the apartment, so no heavy lifting or anything," Mayako responded. Most of the things in the truck were her art creations. The paper mache, paintings, charcoal drawings. Others were posters or decorative things she liked in her room. Some boxes held her clothing, electronics, and the valuables from her childhood. "The only piece of furniture is my dresser," she said.

"But I'm gonna start with this one," she heaved out the box that was labeled, 'Childhood'.

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