Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

(Happy 600 rp post and 500 Moonlite post :P )

"Hmph, alright I'll grab this one here," I reached out for a box and grabbed one that was labeled 'Personal things'. I put on a faint smile, just thinking of random and funny things that could be in the box like a diary or something like that, but I wasn't going to ask. I walked into the apartment for the first time, looking at the furniture and the size of the room, it was actually pretty nice in here and it had a nice feel to it. I went into the bedroom area and placed down the box right next to the bed. "Okay, time for the next load." As I was walking back to the entrance to go get another box Mayako walked in, my head was down so I didn't see her. I continued walking and I crashed right into her, making her drop the box but I had landed right on her chest in-between her cleavage. As soon as I realized what happened I sprang up more surprised at my accident and very embarrassed.
Mayako blushed like a wildfire spread to her face, confused over what happened. "S-Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," she said, she had really been observing the entire place as she walked with that box. Mayako was incredibly red at this point. Mayako quickly peeled off the tape and peeked into the box, wondering if anything got messed up from the fall it took. All her belongings were in tact, and Mayako sighed with relief.

Her eyes landed on one of the things inside. It was a decent drawing she made in the third grade. Inside it was a mini-version of Mayako holding a knight sword and a buckler shield. A fire-breathing dragon was roaring at her in the drawing. An arrow pointed to the dragon and in big bold letters said, 'FEARS'. Mayako smiled. "I remember this. Look," she showed it to Anther.

((Thanks dood :3 This has felt more like a 1x1/2x2 roleplay))
I quickly got up from Mayako's chest, my face almost to the point of fire just emerging from my face. Then she said something about a piece of art she made and I looked closely, for how old it was it really wasn't a bad painting on her part. I was wondering what exactly was happening but I really wasn't going to question much. "Wow, not that bad, I'm really sorry about what happened there I-a you see-a -I-a E-a..." I couldn't even speak at that moment it was so embarrassing I never really thought about dirty things like that so this was just really spontaneous even though I would admit I kinda liked it.
Though Mayako was still blushing---probably as much as Anther was---she was still embarrassed by the accident. But his inability to form a sentence with his stuttering words made her laugh a bit and calm down. "It's alright, it was an accident," she said. Besides, I barely have a cleavage anyhow, she had to bite back from laughing because of the voice in her head.

"A little clumsy today though, aren't we?" Mayako rubbed the back of her hair and offered a little chuckle."It's...cute when you get nervous like that," she looked up at him with a sheepish smile.
My left hand went to the back of my head, I was still blushing quite badly at the situation. "Yeah well that's like me with surprising you randomly and how much I like you, you just like it when I get embarrassed." I let out a small bit of laughs, this really was an eventful day even though we hadn't seen each other for more then ten minutes today. She never really seemed like the kind of person that was very much into dirty type things, she was just too innocent to even think about them. Plus, I bet if anything serious happened like that she would die of her overheating cheeks or faint like she does, it's really quite adorable.
Mayako giggled at Anther's words. In truth, she did kinda like seeing him blush like this because it was incredibly cute for a good-looking face like his. And they had something in common: They could both turn really red from a situation. "C'mon, I'll get my paper maches," Mayako said, walking out of the door. She went down the flight of stairs and got to the truck with Anther. She picked out one of her paper mache pieces, it was a really big sword---a replica of Cloud Strife's weapon from the video game series Final Fantasy. Mayako tossed him a paper mache keyblade, the primary weapon for Sora in Kingdom Hearts.

"En garde!" Mayako laughed.
I grasped the sword that she threw at me and played along with just a few silly swings with it. "Well i'm not sure what this 'sword' is but I know yours is from Final Fantasy. I was never a huge gamer but an otaku, yes. You ever sat down and watched a good anime series?" It was still pretty cool that she was a gamer, she wasn't just one of those girly girly girls that were tons of makeup and were as oblivious as someone could be, She was interesting and cool.
"I really like some of 'em," Mayako answered. "Soul Eater and Fairy Tail especially," she jumped down from the truck, resting the sword on her shoulder. "I got some costumes for some of my favorite characters," and Mayako wasn't ashamed of that, saying that she liked to go to anime conventions whenever she had time for one.

"Y'know, Anther, I think it'd be really fun if we went to an anime convention. We should go to one sometime if you really like those," Mayako smiled at him, and got out her Skillet band poster from the truck. It was autograph signed by all the members when she was visiting America and went to their concert. It was one of her prized possessions along with the Breaking Benjamin and Linkin Park poster that were both also signed.
"Yeah we should, that would be fun sometime." It was a relief to know that she liked anime as well, I liked to make tons of references and just watch a lot of anime. I'd have to look around i the papers or something to see if there were in conventions sometime and see if we could go to one. I looked over to see her getting some posters out and immediatly got jealous. "WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT! You have a signed Linkin Park poster!?" I loved Linkin Park ever since I heard them back in the golden days, and I've always wanted to see them in concert, so the fact that she saw them in concert AND got a signed poster was amazing.
Mayako giggled. "What can I say? I've traveled," she smiled with a shrug of her shoulders. If she ever got the opportunity to visit America again, she'd take Anther with her so they could go see a Linkin Park concert live since they both liked that band a lot. Going to a concert would be more incredible if Anther was by her side.

Mayako knew how much Linkin Park must have meant to him, so she wanted to surprise him with something. "Here," she showed him one of Linkin Park's CD albums. It was autographed. "I know how much they mean to you so you should have this," she smiled. "It's selfish to keep it since I have their poster already signed,"
I reached out and took the CD case from Mayako, observing the signature that was on it. "Wow... thanks Mayako, I guess I owe you now." I went over to her and put my hand under her chin, making her look up since I was a bit taller then her, then I locked lips with her once more as sort of a thank you but also because I just loved doing that with her, it was a truly special feeling.
Mayako closed her eyes, basking in bliss and savouring the moment as she returned the kiss to him. She expected a 'thank you' but Anther did express things differently---plus he always surprised her in many ways. She leaned back and looked up at Anther with calm eyes. "That was better than just saying 'thank you', I have to admit," Mayako smiled, a little chuckle followed after her words she knew she was most likely blushing right now.

"C'mon, let's put this stuff away," she walked into the apartment room with him again.
"Yeah, at this rate we probably wouldn't get anything done," I let out a few chuckles and went for the next box of stuff in the truck. I found a box that had a bunch of her cloths and things like that so I handed it to her right outside the truck and then got a box for myself that was labeled 'Electronics'. I jumped out of the back and made my way for the room again. "Ok so there's like four or more box's left and then that dresser okay?"
Mayako nodded, and as they entered the room again she placed the boxes on the carpet floor of the room. "Yeah, and plus my art things are left too," she smiled, a little apologetically since there was still more work to be done. As she passed by Oreo who was now scratching at a box and no doubt trying to get inside it, she smiled. "Well Oreo, we'll be living here from here on out..." Mayako mumbled, scratching the feline behind his ear. Her habit of talking to animals was showing. This room may not be complete yet, but we'll get there soon, she thought enthusiastically.

"Phew! We're done!" Mayako flopped down on the sofa after they were finally done. It was still daylight outside, so they had done things pretty fast. Her feet were dangling from the arm of the black sofa as she lied on her back. She turned to look at Anther, a happy smile on her face. "Again, thanks so much for doing this,"

((If that timeskip is alright with you))
(Yeah totally)

"Yeah, it took a while but it looks like we got everything together." Seeing as it was still a bit of daylight outside it wasn't quite time for me to show her my surprise. I went over to the couch she was laying on and I began to sit on the open spot that she didn't cover. Once I sat down I laid on my side, going cross her legs up to her stomach since my legs weren't on the couch.
Mayako put her hand to her forehead in exhaustion, but she let out a happy sigh. She was satisfied that they got this done, more because they had more time to do extra things together. "Hey, Anther. Do you want to go to a cafe or something? I'm a little hungry after all that," Mayako told him. She felt like she was in the mood for something sweet.

"And since you've helped me so much, I have to repay you," Mayako kissed Anther, getting that sort of electric spark from her lips then down her spine.
When our lips touched it was more of a shocker to me since she never really started these kind of things, but it still felt amazing. I leaned back and separated out lips, "Yeah, that sounds cool..." For some reason that kiss just made me feel loopy, not like a sick or confused kind but a really happy kind. I got up from lying on her and I stuck out my hand to help her get up from the couch.
Mayako accepted his hand and stood up with him, smiling. She couldn't be any more happier being with Anther, she was just on cloud nine like she was in her daydreams only they lasted longer. "Bye, Oreo~" Mayako waved goodbye to her cat, who was too busy eating from his food bowl to meow a reply.

Mayako stepped outside with Anther, feeling the fresh air touch her skin. It felt great. "I don't think it's very far from here," she said, the cafe probably wasn't even a twenty minute walk there.
"Okay, sounds pretty good, let's get going." I took her by the hand and started to walk down the sidewalk, the wind blowing my dark hair to the side. After a few minutes passed and not much had happened we approached the cafe that she was talking about. I went up to the door and held it open for her to walk in, it was nice to be a gentlemen sometimes.
Mayako smiled, seeing how courteous he was being. She curtsied, using the hem of her shirt as a makeshift skirt. "Why thank you, kind sir," she said playfully. She went inside with Anther, getting a table. Mayako skimmed over the menu, wondering what she should get.

"The tall glass of their parfait looks pretty good," she smiled. "What are you getting?" Mayako questioned. As she looked into his eyes from across the table she was pondering inside her mind.
I didn't even have to look at the menu, I already knew what I wanted at places like this. "Just a coffee, I can't get enough of the stuff really. Plus cafe's always have the best coffee in the world." The waitress came by and I told her what I wanted. "So what kind of parfait did you want Mayako?"
Mayako had been spacing out a little as she was thinking. She only realized a quick moment later that he had asked her a question. "Oh, chocolate," Mayako answered easily. "And just a glass of water to go with that," she told the waitress, and she gave the woman her menu and Anther's too. She was going to say something to him, until she caught a glimpse of something---someone.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Mayako it was someone familiar walking by their table. Daichi, her older brother.
Mayako looked interested by something nearby, and I looked over my shoulder to see that guy again, her brother. I let out a soft laugh and looked back down at the table, throwing my arm over the corner of the booth. "Hey if it isn't mister big-shot himself again. What's good?" I was just going to mess with this guy, he seemed like a real jerk so I was gonna treat him like one, and from the looks of it he wasn't really to Mayako's liking either.
Mayako saw how Daichi's face altered from collected, to disgust when he spotted Anther. "So it's the guy who's so annoyingly thickheaded," he said. The remark made Mayako frown. "Leave him alone. Anther's a great person, more than any other guy I have met or will," she answered. She didn't want either of them to fight. She wanted this bad situation to just go away before it got any worse. "Why are you taking his side? I'm your family," her brother laughed but it sounded entirely cold and deliberate. "Yet you don't treat me like family either..." Mayako muttered under her breath. "Did you see us and just wanted to instigate?"

"No, seeing you here was a coincidence. But I need to have a word with him," Daichi nodded his head toward Anther.
I grinned my teeth wide at this guy, he was nothing but a thickhead himself. At that moment the waitress came with our things and I took my coffee and took a large gulp of it, setting it back on the table. "Well whatever you got to say to me say it right here, unless it's something you don't want your sweet little sister to hear." I knew this guy was looking for nothing short of trouble, and I was kinda wondering if he would show it in front of Mayako or not. I might be able to blow past this one if that's the case.

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