Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

I smiled and my face got warm over the simple kiss on the cheek. It sent an energy throughout my whole body. "Yeah, I wouldn't be anywhere else either. Nothing can really compare to this." I took my other hand and messed with my hair a bit, just to mix up the dry and the wet parts. I looked back up to the stars, seeing all their gleaming glory in the night sky, I started to make out some of the constilations while we just floated here relaxing.
Mayako decided to drift upon the pool's surface on her back and right beside Anther. She gazed up at the sky, smiling when she found constellations. "I think that's the Orion Belt, right? Over there," she pointed to it. Mayako felt at peace, entirely just by being with him. Anther was special to her, in a lot of ways she could explain. "It's kinda a little kid I used to think Orion was pronounced oreo," she laughed at herself by sharing this.

"So I believed that the 'Oreo' Belt was this giant cookie in space," Mayako added, smiling. She remembered telling all her friends that in the first grade, convincing to them that a giant oreo was possible. And well, that was until her parents told her the harsh truth.

((Happy 500th post dood ))
"Hehe, yeah I guess it does kinda sound like oreo doesn't it? You must have a thing for oreo's, first a cat then a constellation." I let out some soft laughs and let out a soft sigh of satisfaction, today was going pretty good other then my two horrible perverted moments. As me and Mayako were floating on the water together we would occasionally bump into each other which made me kind of laugh. "Say Mayako abo-.." I went silent as the grandfather clock did it's gongs. There were twelve this time and I knew what that meant. I instantly stopped myself from floating and went over to her, making her stop and putting her legs under the water so that she was vertical. I moved us up to one of the walls and I put my arms besides her, then I leaned in ready to kiss and before we made contact I said. "Happy birthday baby girl..." And I went in for the kiss.
As they kissed Mayako closed her eyes, feeling his warm lips on her's. She had expected to go home, sleep, and then when she saw Anther the next day he would say, 'Happy birthday' then. These surprises kept on coming, but she liked them. Mayako tilted her head to the side a bit, her right hand rose in his dark hair and her arm went around the nape of his neck to pull him a little closer to her. A faint grin lifted in her lips as they kissed, and she leaned back to look into his eyes and speak. "This one's a nice surprise too," she smiled and chuckled, nearing her face to Anther's again but their lips were just an inch apart as she laughed lightheartedly.
"If you haven't figured it out yet I'm full of surprises," I closed the slight distance between our lips, continuing our kiss. I liked the way she would put her hand through my hair, it felt good for me too when I did it to her so it must feel nice. As we were kissing I started to get pretty into it and I pulled us over, me landing on my back with her above me. Luckily it was near the shallow end so I wasn't submerged into more then two inches of water, but I made sure not to break the kiss, it was almost impossible for me to do now having it feel so good.
Mayako found herself lost in comfort by their sealed kiss. She lowered her hand from his hair to softly resting it on Anther's jaw. Feeling his skin and kissing him just put Mayako in a place of pure serenity, off in her carefree daydreams. She wanted to keep this up and stay there with him for a while, but the curiosity from earlier in the cafe reminded her.

Hesistantly and slowly Mayako broke away from Anther's lips. "So what was this 'something' that you mentioned we could only go to at midnight?" her face was a little red from the tender kiss, but she was smiling happily.
I gently pulled Mayako down so that she was resting her head on my shoulder pit. "Well I was going to show you but now we're all wet and well we didn't think about getting you some cloths. I know you could throw on some of my stuff like some jeans and a t-shirt or whatever." My one arm that was under her side curled back around to her other side, it felt really good just to hold her like this.
Mayako nodded, feeling very comfy as her head rested on Anther's shoulder. "Sure, if that's okay with you. The last two times I had to borrow your clothing you let me keep a jacket and a shirt that belonged to you," she smiled because she recollected that memory. "I feel like I'm taking from you, though," Mayako giggled, tucking a lock of brown hair behind her ear. Since her hair was drenched now her curls were more loose and were a bit longer-looking. Once she air-dried it would go back to normal.

"We can just get a towel, dry off quick, and we'll go, right?" Mayako smiled at him.
"Yeah of course and no you're not taking this stuff, I'm just giving it is all. And besides it's for a good cause now isn't it." I let out a couple of soft laps as I stood up, picking up Mayako at the same time. I stepped outside the pool and got us each a towel, then took her hand to get her out as well. "Alright let's go get those cloths," I opened the gate and walked with Mayako in hand to my house and I opened the door for us. As we walked in I went into my room I found a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and threw them her way. "Alright so let's get changed. I've already seemed like quite the pervert today so the bathroom is just down the hall." I shut the doors on my room so that I could get changed as well.
Mayako seemed fairly confused when Anther called himself a pervert. But you're not a pervert, you're Anther. A sweetheart, Mayako thought, then headed toward the bathroom. She went in, closing the door behind her. Mayako finished, hanging her soaked clothing on the curtain rod. It had clung to skin after getting out of that pool earlier, and it felt good to be warm again.

Mayako caught herself in the mirror as she was just about to open the door. Anther's T-shirt was big for her, and luckily she had a belt to keep the jeans up. Mayako liked clothes that were a little big to fit her exact size. Most of the time she wore a baggy T-shirt and shorts for pajamas. It was more comfortable in her opinion. She put on a funny face in the mirror, making herself chuckle. She army saluted to her reflection with her tongue sticking out a bit. Mayako smiled and walked out of the bathroom, feeling childish but happy. She stood in the hallway waiting for Anther.
I heard Mayako step out from the bathroom so I started to hurry. I threw on a new pair of jeans and threw my wet ones in the hamper. Then I put on a t-shirt and opened the folding doors to my room, seeing Mayako standing there waiting. "Alright so are you ready to go? You won't guess what I have in store for you." I took her by the hand and interlocked our fingers, something that made feel secure and comforted, more then I already did with Mayako. I walked out the door with her and began to go down the sidewalk that led to our destination.
Mayako smiled at Anther as they walked. She really couldn't wait to see what the surprise was, the suspense was killing her. She felt so much like a kid on Christmas Eve, she was excited. Mayako tightened her hand against his a bit, to express it. "Ah, wait, I want to close my eyes so I don't guess where we're going," she put her free hand in front of her eyes, closing them to make sure she wouldn't he too tempted to peek. To her this felt customary. Spending her birthdays during the time she spent living with her aunt, Mayako usually was told to close her eyes before getting the present.

"Guide the way, oh good sir," she smiled jokingly, letting Anther walk a bit ahead as they still had each other's hand.
"Hehe, alright. We're almost there anyway." We turned the corner and the building was right there. "Okay so just stand right here for two seconds." I let go of her hand and opened the door with the key he gave me. I walked inside and flicked the lights on, seeing that everything was in place. I mumbled to myself "It's a little bit different then normal but I bet she'll like it. I put a lot of effort into so I could be proud even if she didn't." I walked back outside and got behind her and started to walk her in. Once we stepped inside I smiled, I had my hands around her eyes as well. "Okay are you ready" I took my hands off and pulled hers down as well.

I covered each of the four walls with paper and then made random things or artwork of moments that we had together the past couple of days. Things from meeting for the first time to me playing the guitar while she was singing. These weren't the best paintings but I think you could tell what they were pretty easily. And right in front of us in the middle of the wall I had made a giant heart that had our two names inside of it, kinda like you would see some people carving into trees or something like they did in the movies.

"Well, what do you think?"
Mayako let out a small gasp after being shown the surprise, her hand a small distance away from her mouth. She saw that that everything on the left and right wall were painting of the memories they shared being together. Mayako was just smiling inside and out with so much pure joy. She was as happy as could be right now. "Anther, you did all this?" she asked, just astonished by all this. He must have put a lot of work into this. Mayako faced the center, seeing that big red heart with their names written into it. "Awww! Anther!" she giggled. As she jumped in the air she threw her arms around him in a hug, one leg lifted behind her.

After that second, her feet settled on the floor. "Thank you so much for this," and Mayako leaned in and kissed Anther.
As Mayako threw herself onto me and gave me a kiss it was a big sigh or relief, she really did like it after all. I put my hand around her waist as she was kissing, it generally felt good to hold her and especially in moments like this. After a moment I leaned back, but still holding her as she did me, and I started to look over some of the things I painted, and some of them brought back some good memories of things that only happened days ago. I looked back at Mayako and gazed into her eyes, and in an ever so soft voice I whispered "I love you..." My grin grew even larger.
Mayako heard those three words again and her heart fluttered. Mayako thought back on all the things that's happened between the two of them. And especially, she thought of how much Anther left an impact on her and how he mattered to her so much. She remembered what it was like being away from him, and that by itself was painful because she wanted to be near him. Anther was the reason why she had gotten so happy, happier than she could ever remember being. Back then she would bottle up her problems, now they felt like they didn't exist anymore. Anther was so kind, compassionate, truthful...

"I love you too..." Mayako smiled at him back.
I continued my gaze into her eyes, so she did feel the same way after all... I put my hand into her curls, gently toying with them and there unique feel, the sensation of each curl bending around my fingers and then bouncing back into place. With my hand I slowly and softly moved her head onto my shoulder. I moved the arms and wrapped around her lower back, tightening the grip so that we would be closer. I looked over in the corner of my eye, seeing Mayako's face on my shoulder, and I moved my head to get a kiss, then I touched our lips, sending a bolt of energy that felt different from all the other times, but I wasn't sure why.
They kissed again, and it was soft and mesmerizingly soothing from the unexplainable energy that she received from her lips then coursed through her body. Mayako felt relaxed and eased in this moment with Anther, her head on his shoulder and his arms around her waist. She enjoyed the feeling of Anther's fingers running through her hair, it left her with a tingling sensation.

Definitely my best birthday ever, Mayako thought. She slowly broke the kiss, their lips only such a close distance again as she gazed into his deep blue eyes. "It took me long enough to realize I was in love with you, huh...?" she blushed a little, adding a soft grin.
"I guess so, but it's sure better then never." I let out a soft laugh and then got lost in her deep purple eyes, the mysteries I still haven't been able to solve, they were beautiful really, something unlike anything I have ever seen, just like Mayako herself. "Say, it's getting pretty late, do you want to go crash and we'll eat tomorrow? And if you want I could stay the night at your house, think of it as a house warming girt I guess. Unless you want to stay over at my place, that's cool with me too"
"Hmm we can go to my place as a little change in things," Mayako smiled. "C'mon, let's go, Anther," she held his hand and began walking to the exit. Before reaching the door, Mayako glanced behind her shoulder and looked at all the work Anther did for her. "Okay, all of this here is too precious to leave as a memory," she pulled out her cell phone and held it up. Mayako backed up until she got a full view of everything, and took the photo, saving it to her phone. "There," she grinned. Now she could look back on it whenever she wanted to. "I'll never forget this, Anther," Mayako slipped her hand in his, and locked fingers. It was like their routine.
"I won't either," As we walked out I flicked off the lights and locked the door back up, throwing the key in my pocket. After a few moments of walking down the sidewalk we arrived back at Mayako's apartment where I could see her cat Oreo peaking his head out of it's new window to look out of. "Well I guess we're here, you got the key?"
"Mhm," Mayako retrieved the keys from her pocket, and unlocked the door. Walking into the building with Anther she ascended the flight of stairs to get to her room. She went in and greeted Oreo who was sitting in a cute little curled ball on the windowsill. "Hey, Anther...?" Mayako said, turning to look at him. "When it comes to sleeping...can it be like last time when we cuddled that night at your house?" she questioned. Mayako really felt like just curling up next to him as they slept, being held in his arms was one of the best feelings.

((Sorry the internet on my phone is acting up so I probably won't be able to reply very much since I'm grounded from the computer but I'm sneaking on since I'm home alone for now))
I let out a soft pant and had a grin on my face. "Of course, I wouldn't like any less then that." I thought of the last time we slept together, it felt amazing to just have her lay there on me, warming the entire bed and my body. I went over to the windowseal to pet Oreo goodnight. "Night Oreo," Oreo was really soft, it was almost as nice as messing with Mayako's curls.
Oreo meowed in response and Mayako smiled. "Yeah, g'night, Oreo," she went into her room with Anther, grabbing a blue tee with the imprint of teddy bear on it and grey shorts from her dresser. She walked behind the folding screen where Anther couldn't see her anymore. "No peeking," Mayako said. She hung Anther's clothes that she had been wearing over folding screen, and changed into the pajamas. Mayako stepped away from the folding screen, putting her hair in a ponytail as she looked up at Anther with a smile.

"I can't wait what the morning's gonna be like," she slipped under the covers of her bed, making room for Anther's spot.
As Mayako went into her bed I followed into the room. I took my shirt off and threw it over the closet door and I snuck my way under the covers with her. I was kinda nervous for some reason even though we had done this before and so much had happened since the last time. I got over on my side and propped my head up with my arm, staring into her eyes.

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