Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

"The mall, alright sure. So let's just meet up right there okay?" The mall wasn't my first choice of things to do but it would work, besides with Mayako there it would already be very good. She didn't seem like the type of girl that would spend thirty minutes looking at a pair of underware so it would be fun.
Mayako nodded. "Okay. See you then," she smiled, and ended the call. She wanted to come up with a nickname for Anther sometime, since her's was pretty much already there. Mayako picked Oreo up, and settled his paws on the floor. He walked out of the room again, probably going to sit by the windowsill. It was funny how cats acted like watchguards. She threw on a different outfit-- -since she was still in pajamas. She untied her ponytail and let her hair down like normal. She put on her favorite sneakers, black jeans, and a red shirt with black spiders and their complicated web onto it.

Now Mayako was ready to go.
I threw my phone back in my pocket and headed to the closet. I threw on a pair of old tattered jeans, a long sleeve Papa Roach shirt, and an unzipped hoodie, same old same old dress-up. The mall wasn't as close as anything else, it was more downtown and would take me quite a while to ride there on my board, I had to find some wheels and fast. Whatever, that was going to have to wait for another time, I'll just call a cab I guess. I got out the old phonebook from the kitchen cabinet and found a local taxi company. I called them up and within minutes they were here. I told them to the downtown mall and I was there pretty quickly. I paid them their fifteen dollars and waited outside the main entrance for Mayako to get here.
Mayako got on her motorcycle, and drove away toward the mall. When she got there she saw Anther standing by the main entrance. "Sorry if you waited. So let's go, hm?" she held his hand and locked fingers with him. It was like their normal thing now to do that, and she loved it. As they went inside the cool air-conditioned place, Mayako spotted a photo booth in the distance. She smiled. "Hey, Anther. Want to take some pictures in there?" she pointed to it as if a child would. It'd be fun to make some cute photos with him.
I knew that was going to be one of her choices, the typical photo booth. They were really fun though and I'd get to take some funny pictures with Mayako. "Why not," We walked up to the machine and I put in the few dollars to get it going, they I opened the curtain for us and walked inside of it.
Mayako brushed her bangs to the side a bit to briefly adjust them. "You ready?" Mayako pulled out her signature pose. Putting her arm across Anther's shoulder she raised her right hand in a peace sign and closed one eye as her tongue stuck out a little. She smiled, showing off her fang to the camera.
"Just when I thought you couldn't get any goofier." I let out a soft chuckle and joined in with her, placing my arm across her should and sticking out my tongue with my one eye closed. After a few seconds I heard the first click go off, signifying that the picture was taken and we had four more pictures left. "Ok so four more pictures, what next?"
"Hmm I got one," Mayako leaned on Anther in a way so their backs were against each other. She tried her best and tried to make a 'Nobody messes with us' serious but cool look. In the camera that was showing them at the moment it seemed like Mayako was pulling it off. "If we both had shades on it would look more badass, but sadly we don't have any," as she said it she tried not to smile because she was still holding that secret agent pose. "You can pick the next photo we can do,"
After the snap of the camera I started to think of what pose to do. "Hmm, well maybe we could do one a little less silly." I turned us around and I gave her a kiss and then *snap* the camera went off. I leaned back after the picture. "Well that certainly worked for a picture now didn't it." I let out a soft laugh at her more-a-less surprised face.
"Mm, yeah," Mayako blushed, taken by surprise again. It seemed impossible to be prepared around Anther, but she liked things that way. She smiled at him, knowing how cute that photo would turn out. "Another one, then," Mayako wrapped her arms around his neck, partly for the photo but mostly because she just wanted to. Mayako pulled herself close to Anther, her head resting on his chest. She held up her hand in the shape of a half heart. She grinned up at Anther, hinting she wanted him to lose the other half of the heart.
Once I saw that she wanted to do the heart-hand thing I knew I was in trouble because I had never quite figured out how to do it even though I'd seen it a million times. I twirled my fingers around a bit until I figured out how to do it pretty well. I put my half up to hers but mine was just a little bit bigger so I let out a soft chuckle. I put my other hand onto her head and then the picture snapped. "Okay so we have one more."
"Wait, I have another one," Mayako told him. As her arms were around Anther again she closed the distance between their faces by drawing his head down a bit. Mayako stood on her toes as she did all this and kissed Anther. There was that sensation of warmth spreading to her lips that never seemed to get old. The camera made the click sound, so the last photo got taken. Mayako broke the kiss to look into Anther''s eyes with a smile to her face.

"Now we're even," she said. "Well, unless you weren't surprised about that," Mayako added. "Were you surprised that time?" she gently shook his shoulders playfully.
"Okay I was a little bit but not as surprised as you usually are. You'll have to try harder next time." I stuck out my tongue a bit playfully, it was really cute that she was still trying to surprise me but I expected that she would. Even though the pictures were over I didn't step out of the booth yet, Mayako was still on my shoulders, swinging them ever so slightly. I leaned up again and continued our kiss, surely that would be surprising too but it wasn't for the surprise, no, it's because it just felt too amazing.
Mayako grinned a little under their kiss as she pulled Anther closer. She really loved the sensation she received whenever their lips met, it simply felt great. Mayako held the kiss for a bit longer, and then she slowly leaned back from him, no more than three inches away. She smiled lightheartedly when she gazed into Anther's eyes. "Mm, we can never seem to stay away from each other, huh?" Mayako laughed.
"I guess not," I let out a soft laugh and then started to stand up which sadly took Mayako's hands off my shoulders. "Okay we better get out of here before people come in and see us kissing." As much as I wanted to stay in here and do that we probably should move on to other things in the mall.
Mayako nodded, walking out of the booth with Anther. She saw the row of photos that they had just taken together, and she took them off to looked them over. They were adorable and some of them silly, so it brought a smile to her face. "I'm gonna put one of these in a frame sometime," she giggled. "Okay, Anther. Which place do you wanna go?" Mayako questioned. She saw some mannequins in a shop's display and the posing mannequins had bright colors on, which made her eyes look away as of it were too painful to stare at.
"Another place hmm, let me think.... OH I know! Let's go down to the skate shop, I wanna check out some stuff. Also I wanted to see how you handle yourself on board, they got a small test track in the shop." I laughed a little bit at the thought of her on a skateboard, I didn't really know if she would be coordinated or not, she could be pro for all I know, but I just thought it would be kinda funny to see.
"A-Ah, okay," Mayako agreed, letting Anther lead her to the skate shop. She had absolutely no idea how well she would be on a skateboard. And since would be a first experience, Mayako could predict she wasn't going to be perfect---or that good at it. But it didn't matter she was still going to have fun anyways. "But I wanna see how you do your tricks too," she smiled.
"Alright I guess that's even." We arrived at the skate shop, a giant board with the shops name on it. We walked inside and it was almost like heaven to me. Boards covering the walls like wallpaper, it was truly a sight to see. Racks of endless boards of all shapes and sizes, colors of amazing proportions. "Alright so let's get our gear on, they stress safety in places like this." I went up to the manager and he said the course was open, he got us our gear and said I could personally help Mayako since he knew me well. I went back to her and took her over to the boards that were open for trying out. "Okay so pick your board."
Mayako skimmed her eyes across the wall, and she spotted a skateboard that caught her interest. It was a midnight blue shade with the design of a silver glowing snake curling around. "That one. With the snake on it," she smiled as the pointed to it, and the employee handed it to her. She was used to being told by other girls how strange it was that she wasn't afraid of snakes or spiders---in fact she kinda liked them, in a way that she thought they were cool-looking. "Okay, what next?" Mayako asked Anther. She was willing to try out a skateboard.
"Alright so now we get on your pads and we get in their little park," I got my board that I usually use when I come here. It was much like my one at home, but this one was a glosened orange with streaks of uneven black and silver on the top and bottom. I threw on my helmet and shoulder pads, I didn't usually wear pads but they made you here for rules sake. I went over to Mayako and put on her shoulder pads and sat her helmet on her head. "Okay, let's get in there!" I opened the chain door entrance to the course, it was one that had two large ramps at each end, and in the middle were a couple grinding rails and small ramps and dips. It really wasn't bad for a small indoor park.
Mayako glanced around the place. This seemed only fit for pros. She stepped to one of the curved inclining dips, looking down. She suddenly felt this wave of being discouraged like she knew she couldn't pull this off. She saw how the other skateboarders and Anther made it look so easy, when in reality she knew it took skill and balance for it.

"C-Can I see you try first? I might just fall off the board," Mayako laughed sheepishly.
I laughed a bit at Mayako. "Awe, you're cute when you're scared. Alright I guess I can show some of the simple things like accelerating and balancing. All and all I think you'll pick it up pretty easily." I dropped my board on the ground and started showing the simple foot settings. "Okay so first of all we need to figure out what kind of 'foot' you are. There are two, goofy foot and standard foot. Standard foot is when you lead with your left foot and goofy is when you lead with your right foot. I'm goofy foot myself, you just have to try and put either foot on the front of the board which is leading and see which one feels more natural."
Mayako nodded, setting down the skateboard. She stepped onto it, careful not to move too quick if the skateboard decided to slip or teeter under her. Mayako had her right foot in front of the left, then she made them switch places. She quickly gathered which one felt more natural to her like Anther said. "I guess I'm a standard foot," Mayako told him. She was wondering why the term was standard foot and goofy foot, but thought it wasn't part of learning how to skateboard. Taking her right foot off, Mayako moved the skateboard forward and back a little, to note how fast the wheels could spin.

"Okay, then what's next?" Mayako was steadily getting back her enthusiasm about this again. She smiled, taking a stray lock of her brown hair behind her ear. "We start building up speed?"
I nodded yes at her. "Yep, so what you want to do is take your left foot off and put your right foot near the bottom of the board, around here." I ducked down a bit and placed my hand in the place she needed to put her foot. "It goes there so it's not so back heavy and just slip out, kinda like you were saying. Now if you start applying some pressure with that foot, you need to take your right and stick it out to the side and start pushing out like this." I hopped on mine and started doing slow pushes and gained a bit of speed. "You need to start getting a bit faster each time until you're comfortable enough to go faster."

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