Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

"Alright," Mayako has seen that every time she saw Anther with his board, or pretty much any other skateboarder. So she performed the basic step Anther told her, and moved at a steady pace, she made a circle around to approach back to him. "It's not so bad. At least I got the turning down," she smiled. "Hey, before we move on, I wanna ask you something," Mayako said. "Just out of curiosity, what was it like when you first started out skateboarding? Were you self-taught?" Mayako just wanted to hear a little story from him, and plus she wondered if Anther was clumsy when he started out, which would sound really cute by simply imagining it. Everybody who was an expert at their hobby always had to start out a novice first.
"When I first started? Yeah I was self-taught. I would go down to the skate park and see all the older kids riding and I wanted to be like them, so I got hard at work." I looked over, it seemed that she saw figuring it out pretty well. "Hey nice job, you're doing pretty well, tell me when your ready to learn some of the more difficult moves and such." I glared at the upcoming ramp and prepared to make the jump. I ramped up it and grabbed my board before landing back on it and swerving away.
"I'll let you know," with a smile on her face, Mayako watched Anther swiftly ascend up the ramp and go back down again without mistake. He was pretty skilled at this, she already knew that before. As Mayako made some more big circled laps around the little skate park, she steadily built her speed to get used to it. Mayako replayed the scene in her head, thinking about how Anther perfected his trick on the ramp. Mayako imagined herself trying it but just sliding back down before she reached the top of it, but brushed the discouraging thought away. She decided to take a chance and give it a shot.

Mayako increased her speed, and until she was satisfied enough with it, she landed both feet on the skateboard. She adjusted her stance to space them out evenly. Mayako went up the curve of the ramp, and just when she tried to perform the move Anther did earlier, she messed up and slid on her knees. Good thing there were knee pads on her. For some reason, she just started laughing at herself.
I heard the distinct sound of a board crashing and knew it was Mayako. I looked over and saw her laughing on the ground at her mistake. I went over to her and stepped off my board. "Hey you alright? You shouldn't really try stuff like that until I show you exactly how." I stuck out my hand to help her off the floor.
Mayako's small hand fit perfectly into Anther's large one in comparison. It always felt like it belonged there. "Yeah...I was never much of a skater to begin with," she smiled, rising her feet to the floor with his help. "I'm okay with just learning a few tricks, though," Mayako told him, grabbing the skateboard she picked out from earlier. "By the way, it's kind of like tradition for my family that a birthday girl or boy dresses up for the occasion. I'm going to have to leave a little early," Mayako didn't like wearing dresses very much, but she didn't complain much.
"Oh ok, do I have to dress up too?" I lifted her up, taking in the full affect when we would hold hands. I got back on my board, just casually riding along, grinding and ramping every here and there, just having some relaxing fun. I really hoped I didn't have to dress up, the only thing I liked about dressing up was a tie because there was just something about ties that I really liked.
Mayako shook her head, smiling. "No, you don't have to. I know how much you hate suits, and luckily the guys just wear dress shirts. No ties," she told him. "To be honest, I don't like dressing formally either but y'," Mayako shrugged her shoulders. It couldn't be helped. Last time she wore her normal clothes on an occasion was her twelfth birthday. Her parents found out she was wearing jeans under her dress, and her father shook his head and rolled his eyes---Daichi did the same. Mayako's mother made her wear stockings, since the jeans were 'unnecessary'. Mayako just wanted to on at least one thing comfortable.
"Yeah I getcha'." It made me a little relieved that she didn't really like to dress up either, just another thing we have in common. "So ah since you have to leave early when do you want to? I don't want to keep you up or anything and I really don't know how long it takes for you to get ready and stuff." Usually it took girls days it seemed to get ready but knowing Mayako she would do it a lot shorter.
"It doesn't take me long to change," Mayako answered. "My parents' house is just farther away from my apartment. Maybe in about thirty minutes we can leave," she said. She only had one dress in her closet, one she rarely ever used but she was still the same size after all the time that's passed. At least Mayako wouldn't have to drag Anther to a formal wear shop and buy a dress for herself---it would be painful for both of them. Mayako didn't talk well with girls who loved high heels, skirts, or anything pink. From her experience with some girls that type, were like her natural enemies. Next to crows of course.

"By the way, Anther. What about that anime convention? Do you want a costume or are you good?" Mayako asked.
"Oh yeah the convention. Well as embarrassing as it is I do like to cos-play, I've even role-played a little(pun intended :P ) so yeah I probably will." I didn't really mind sharing this kind of stuff with Mayako, she even seemed like she would do it too and I wouldn't get judged like people usually do to me when I say stuff like that.
"Cool," Mayako grinned. "I'm not sure who I'm going to be yet, since I already got display costumes in my closet," she said, tapping her chin. "But there's a cosplay shop near the mall here, so we maybe we can go tomorrow or the day after before the convention starts," as she finished her sentence, Mayako was deciding on what costume to wear. Normally she went alone and met friendly people there, but now she was going with Anther---which was much better.

"Y'know, it would be kinda cute if they were dressed as an anime pairing, but I don't want to make you choose something," Mayako said. "Hmm...maybe I could be Aqua or Tifa...or Death the Kid," she mumbled.
"Hmm I'm not sure either. If you wanted to go as well I don't know... a couple... I'd really like to go as Kamina and Yoko or something like that I don't know..." I could feel myself getting a big red as I put my hand behind my head. I still couldn't really grasp the concept that I was actually a couple with Mayako, it just seemed too good to be true to me but the sweet reality was that I was. And about the couple cos-play it had always been a minor dream to do that since I see a whole bunch of other people do it and I wanted to do it, not just with some girl but MY girl.
"Hmm we could do that," Mayako smiled, squeezing his hand a bit. "Or a pairing like Kirito and Asuna from Sword Art Online," she said, suggesting another couple from an anime. "Lots of pairings to choose from, but I know we'll decide one if that's what you want," Mayako added. She was pretty excited about this convention now, there were all sorts of fun there. "I remembered getting tackled with seven hugs when I dressed up as Axel from Kingdom Hearts," she laughed as she recollected the memory. People asked for pictures too, and Mayako always kept her own camera ready if she saw anybody cosplaying as a character she liked and recognized.
"I don't know really, I still really want to be Kamina and Yoko but these other ones sound really good at the same time, it's so hard to decide for these kinds of things." I let out a fake pout as I felt the slight squeeze of her hand at me saying about the couple idea, Mayako was unbelievably cute.
Mayako giggled when Anther put on a pout, it just looked adorable. "That may be true, but we'll find our choice for it," she assured. She loved being a couple together, she hadn't met people with his mellow and affectionate personality. Whenever she thought about relationships back then, she was never quite sure how to get in one. And she was pretty certain it just would've been just her feeling left alone. But Anther was somebody unique, somebody she knew who wouldn't change because Mayako liked the way he already was.

"...I love you, Anther Lanque," she smiled at him.

((Sorry for these late replies I'm multi-tasking again))
I instantly got a bit more red then I already was, she was never really one to engage in these kind of things. "I love you more Mayako.." I tightened my grip on our hands ever so slightly, I never would have thought a week ago that I would be dating AND in love with an amazing girl like Mayako. It was as if it was all a dream and I would wake up, but the best part was this was a living dream come true.
Mayako smiled softly, her heart skipping a beat because of Anther's words. Just those five words by themselves simply made her feel great, and since it was coming from Anther---a guy she loved back---it was even better. She hadn't realized it herself , but her cheeks had turned a faint color along with Anther. "This isn't going to turn out like those endless 'No, I love you more!' things is it?" Mayako giggled. She caught a glimpse of the clock and saw it was nearly time to go.
"Not unless you want it to be." I let out a soft laugh and then saw Mayako staring at something so I looked as well, it was the clock and it was nearly time to go. We might have time to visit one last place if we wanted to but I really couldn't think of what to go do in here. "So since it's about time to go do you want to just head now or is there anything in here that you want to go see?"
"Nothing I can think of at the moment, but I think it's best if we go, so it's not too late the next time we look at the clock," Mayako smiled, walking out of the skate park with him. Normally she always lost track of time when she was having fun with Anther. She started taking away the knee pads and elbow pads off from her, along with tue helmet. "Did you have somewhere in mind?" Mayako questioned.
"Nah not really" I took my pads off like Mayako and I set them aside in the crate they had full of them. I walked over and put my practice board back on the rack, blowing a kiss to it goodbye, laughing a bit as I walked away from it. As I walked back over to Mayako I was messing with my hair, trying to get it back into place after wearing that helmet for so long.
Mayako chuckled ase started tousling her hair to fix it. "Anther~" she grinned as she looked up at him. "C'mon, let's get going," she briefly ran her fingers through Anther's hair as well. Together they exited the mall hand in hand, and she mounted on the motorcycle. Before starting the engine she decided to ask him a question. "Hey, Anther. You're okay with this? Meeting my family, I mean,"

Anther had been really calm with the situation. And knowing how long she's been away from home, Mayako wasn't sure whay her parents were going to say or how to react to Anther. She hoped Daichi didn't make them think he was that bad of a person.
"Don't worry about it I'm a little excited to meet them, not hugely, but a little. Plus like I said if your brother has said anything to them that isn't true I'd like to set it strait." I walked over to her and put on of my hands behind her neck and the other one under her cheek and kissed her before she slid down her helmet. "It's gonna be alright." I gave her a reassuring smile since she seemed to be worried. "Call me when we should head alright?" I signaled for a nearby cab to come get me and it rolled up, and as I stepped inside I waved Mayako goodbye, then I put my hands together in a cone in front my mouth. "Love you!" I shut the door and the cab started to drive away.
"I love you too, Anther," Mayako softly said, and drove off on her motorcycle again.

She got to her apartment soon after, and reached her room after the flight of stairs. Oreo was taking a cat nap on tue windowsill, and Mayako sneaked past so she wouldn't disturb her cat's sleep. As she rummaged through her closet, she was thinking that things wouldn't turn out to be so bad after receiving those reassuring words from Anther. "It will be alright," Mayako muttered.

She found the dress, a dark azure strapless dress with a black lace attached around the waistline, and the hem stopped a little above her knees. Mayako switched the clothes and pulled on the annoying stockings last---and this time put denim shorts over them so it wasn't noticeable. She picked up her cell phone to contact Anther, and held her shoulder up to her ear to make the phone stay while Mayako tied her hair in an updo style.
As I sat at home and waited for Mayako's call I finally heard my phone vibrate. I quickly got the phone from my pocket and put it up to my ear, already knowing it was Mayako. "Hey Mayako, so are you almost ready to go yet?" As I was talking I dashed into my room since I forgot to change. I kept the phone in place with my neck as I slipped off my jeans and shirt and started to put on a new pair. I found a dress shirt that at least wasn't too formal but not completely casual, I figured her parents would pick out anyhting to make fun of me so dressing the part had to be the first step for them.
"Yeah, I'm ready," Mayako replied, slipping on some flats on her feet. "I'll pick you up at your house, then we'll start going," she said, pulling on a fishnet glove on her left arm. "See you in a bit, cutie," Mayako smiled as she said her last word, and she ended the call with Anther. Mayako opened her bedroom door and tiptoed past Oreo who was still asleep. She refilled his food bowl in case he ever decided he was hungry after that nap. Mayako exited the apartment building, and got on her motorcycle---feeling uncomfortable because of the dress, but at least she was wearing shorts underneath.

After putting on her helmet, she drove toward Anther's house to go get him.

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