Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

As people were flooding into the dining room to get their glass of sparkling cider, Mayako answered his question. "After the toast, we eat. Then people volunteer to say a few good words to the one who's turning a year older. Gifts then cake," she explained. Although there were a lot of family members in this house they could all fit into the dining room just as well as the living room.

Mr. Amori cleared his throat. "If I may, I'd like to make the toast," he started, loud enough so everyone could hear him right. "Mayako, my daughter who's been away for four years, is back to gather along with us and celebrate her eighteenth birthday. We'll all give her a warm welcome back," Mr. Amori said. He raised his glass. "To Mayako," he glanced at her as he said it. The others repeated those two words he said too, and they raised their glasses together as well.

"So much attention..." Mayako muttered after taking a drink from the cider. It was only quiet enough for Anther to hear.
I raised my glass and then took a drink as I listened to Mayako, it almost seemed like she was uncomfortable. I looked over to her and chuckled a bit. "What's wrong, something bad with attention?" I could understand if she was a bit uncomfortable I mean a four year dis-apperence and then a warm welcome birthday party with a bunch of family members would be over-whelming.
"I'm just not used to it, that's all," Mayako grinned softly at Anther. "Time to eat!" Kazu clapped his hands together hungrily. Everyone got their plates and started browsing and selecting through the food they wanted. Of course all of this must have been made right in the kitchen---they always took the chance to use their culinary skills when they weren't in one of their restaurants. Rib eye steaks, mahi mahi, seared scallops, lobster bisce, and so much more...

"I almost forgot how much my family eats a variety of expensive things," Mayako said.
I looked at the table, seeing the fast variety of foods, some I've probably never eaten in my life. "Hehe, I don't think they've ever heard of a simple ramen in their life." Though it wasn't stuff I'd eat regularly it still looked very very delectable. I sat down in a nearby seat and helped Mayako down to her chair as well. The fumes of many different sea foods drowned my nose, as if the fish market was set ablaze. Not the most elegant metaphor, but one that made sense to me.
There were some Itailian foods mixed into the variety and French too, Mayako noticed. They could never decide on one ethnic cuisines. "Now you must know the reason why I never really ate ramen while I lived here," she chuckled. She was having fettuchine alfredo, her favorite. Mayako was shocked and actually delighted her parents remembered she loved that type of pasta. So far things were going fine, her parents reacted to Anther differently than she predicted.

After Mayako took the first bite and swallowed, she spoke up. "From scratch," she said. Living under her parents' roof, she was practically forced on some cooking techniques and culinary knowledge. Even if she had no use for it, Mayako still remember it all. "You'd never find anything here from a jar, can, or anything pre-made and frozen. It's ridiculous how much work they go through to put food on the table," Mayako laughed.
"Yeah I guess so." I found a nice rack of ribs and a bowl of homemade mashed potatoes they were a common thing I would eat at American themed restraunts. I took but one scoop of the potatoes and I was instantly impressed "Wow.. these are really good, you must have never went hungry huh?" I let out a soft laugh and continued to dig into my food.
"Yeah, it was a pretty good thing," Mayako nodded. She noticed Anther got himself a scoop of mashed potatoes and she grinned, recollecting of him telling her it was his favorite at the roller skating rink. More people started to ask her some questions around the table. "How are you, Mayako? Are things happy for you?" Uncle Ren asked. "Yes, I was going to ask the same," Mrs. Amori nodded. "Yeah...I've been happy," after her words Mayako looked at Anther. All thanks to him, she thought.

"Anther, you're new for us. How is knowing Mayako going for you?" Kazu questioned him.
I looked up from stuffing my face with mashed potatoes and wiped with a napkin. "Well it's been most likely the best time in my life to be exact. So you could say that it's working pretty good." I let out a smile and continued to eat my food, my favorite food is mashed potatoes and I'm sure Mayako can remember that and see why I am enjoying this so much, you can't really find all that kind of stuff regularly in Japan.
Mr. Amori blinked, not expecting that type of response. Mayako figured he was thinking Anther might have simply said 'good'. The twins looked from Anther to Mayako then to Anther again. "Are you two dating?" Haruka smiled. "Yes," Mayako grinned, finding Anther's hand beneath the table and squeezing his fingers. "I knew it!" Aunt Saika exclaimed joyfully. "Wow, congratulations," Uncle Ren said. "I see...this is is the first time I've heard of you being in a relationship," Mr. Amori included. It was true Mayako hadn't been in a relationship. She never saw her bonds with guys she knew in the past as a romantic interest. At the moment, Mayako wasn't sure what her parents were thinking. Maybe it was a mix of things she couldn't define.

"Well, we wish you both a long relationship!" one cousin raised his glass, and as did everybody else. "May you be the happiest," Daichi muttered, but Mayako heard it from the corner of the table where he sat. "Thanks, guys," Mayako grinned softly. Aunt Saika turned to Anther. "Now I wanna hear from you. Tell us a little story, if you don't mind, Anther. How did you two meet and what did you think of our Mayako afterward?" Saika smiled.
I set down my utensils once more and wiped my face clean. "Well let's see. I was walking out of my house to go to a local ramen place and then I saw the music store so I decided that 'why not stop by and see what's good'. So I walked in and I saw and heard Mayako and the cashier talking about a band but I just went along with my business and found a c-d. So as I go up to the checkout and was pulling out my wallet the cashier says they are having a two for one deal and asked if I wanted to get an album for someone and she signaled that I should for Mayako. So I said sure why not and asked if later she wanted to hang out so she mention an amusement park and well the rest sort of took off from there." These people were offely nice and welcoming to the fact that me and her were in a relationship.
"Ah, so that's how it went?" Saika answered, leaning back in her chair. Mayako nodded. "We've been around each other since," she said. Mayako was relieved most of her family members were enthusiastic about this. Out of the corner of her eye, her father seemed...deep in his thoughts for some reason, with a distant-looking face. She hadn't been in this situation before where she was introducing a boyfriend to the family, but Mayako thought he was trying to pinpoint Anther or figure him out.

Mayako spun her fork in her pasta to spiral it around the tines, and lifted the pasta to her mouth and chewed. She glanced at Anther while her family members went back to talking with each other at the moment. She looked back at her family. "Excuse us," Mayako took Anther to the hallway, wanting to talk. "I'm not sure, Anther. But I feel worried all of a sudden. My dad, is...I don't know. Probably trying to read you like he's thinking there's something he's suspecting from you," knowing how close Daichi and her father were, Mr. Amori most likely believed his older son's words. "What if... he actually thinks what Daichi told him about you is true?"
(Sorry for being gone, also I'm sorry if my post are a little bit lazy, having girl problems, you're basically the only girl that I've talked to recently that doesn't hate me and we don't even talk personally.)

"Yeah I noticed that. Look I really don't know anything about your dad so I can't tell if I can change his mind or not. And also when your brother was talking with me he said we'd have a truce so maybe he told your dad about that. Re-regardless we better go back in there and get ready for the speeches. " I walked back in the dining room with Mayako, looking ove at her father with that thinking face of his on.
((Your posts are fine. And we all go through problems so it's okay. Right now mine is academic))

Mayako held Anther's hand under the table again, feeling a bit eased since she was told Daichi suggested a truce with him. As the dining table full of Amoris were speaking with each other, somebody ascended from downstairs where the kid's table was located. Isamu was grabbing himself a clean cup and pouring water into it from the pitcher that sat in the small circular table in the corner. Isamu was headed to go back downstairs but to do so he had to pass the table. He stopped in between Mayako and Anther, curiously looking at his sister's face.

"Mayo, it's your birthday, you should be smiling!" Isamu said. Mayo was like a little nickname for her. "Here, I think you need this," the young boy set the water in front of Mayako. "Thanks, Isamu," she grinned, tousling his hair a bit. Mayako saw his eyes travel to their clasped hands under the table.

"Ah, you're dating?! Does this mean I get a brother-in law?" his eyes sparkled. Isamu was at that age where a kid thought if you were dating someone, it automatically meant you were marrying them in rhe future.
I grinned and laughed a bit at his remark. "No no, but you can act like I am for now alright kid?" I used my free hand and made a thumbs up, he was a nice innocent kid. Also I thought it was kinda cute how he was trying to make her sister happier about a situation he didn't even know about. I tightened my grip on Mayako's hand, a bit in embarrassment but also because it just felt generally good to do it. I leaned over and started to whisper in her ear but still looking at everyone in front of us. "Say, how about we just go and I don't know what you want to call it, just be together in the place I painted, there is and old couch in the spare room there and we can just sit there and think or talk or something." I just felt like having some personal time with her after this, it was a bit emotionally exhausting.
As Isamu dashed back downstairs with a smile, Mayako glanced from her family, to Anther. This was pretty exhausting, emotionally exhausting. She leaned to his ear and spoke up to him quietly."Yeah, I'd really like that. I don't even think they'd let us leave if we wanted to go right now. Everything else is about celebrating the birthday," she whispered. Mayako looked at Anther apologetically, wishing she could go to that painted room he showed her for a gift.

"Well," Mr. Amori said. "We should move on to saying a few good words to the birthday girl," he added, nodding his head toward Mayako "Before any of us go, I suggest our new guest, Anther," Ren said. "Yeah, go on! Make her blush," Saika smiled. Mayako glanced at him, apologetically again because he was being put on the spot so suddenly.

((I can time skip after your post if you want))
I stood up from the table and started to pan around the room, looking at everyone at for a brief time then moving on to the next person. "Well, I'm not sure this will make he blush but I think it will set some things clear. Mayako has meant everything to me this past while, and I don't think she knows truly the extent of which she has changed me." I looked down with my eyes closed shut as I fiddled my finger around the top of m half empty cider glass before looking up. "A couple weeks before I met Mayako... suicide was often a thought on my mind... but I haven't even thought of that possibility after meeting Mayako. She has truly changed me and I couldn't be happier then I am now." I let out my hand and pulled Mayako up, hugging her after my speech. I whispered so no one could hear it but Mayako. "I love you..."
The Amori family applauded after hearing his words, like they always did after someone had their turn, but this time it seemed a bit louder from the bunch that gave Anther a warm welcome. Mayako's heart had quickened right now, she really had no idea about the part Anther shared saying he had considered suicide before meeting her. Mayako held him tight as she was in his arms. "I love you too," she whispered. Mayako hadn't noticed herself but her voice wavered but she felt tears welling up in her eyes. Happy tears, because she felt so loved by Anther and his words touched her.
(Yeah we can skip to cake or whatever)

After a brief moment I could hear Mayako crying a bit at what I said, so I leaned back with my hands still on her shoulders and I took one and wiped her eyes, smiling as I stared. I guided us back down in our chairs as I continued to help Mayako to stop crying but it seemed more of a happy cry then anything so I couldn't help but smile a bit. I looked back at the audience, my one hand still on her shoulder. "If anyone else wants to share something feel free to now."
"I will," Daichi stood up. Mayako was surprised, watching him walk in front of the table for empty space. "Where do I even begin..." he muttered, making eye contact with Mayako who was still trying to wipe away her falling tears. "Mayako, growing up with you has been like a roller coaster. From the time you were a newborn, and to the time now. I know we don't agree and we verbally fight..." Daichi said. "But youll always be my little sister. If you want to make your Amori name different from ours in the world, and pursue your dream of being an artist...I'll fully accept it," Daichi finished, and the family members applauded again. Mayako was pretty stunned right now by her brother. For years, their heads always clashed. I guess that'll change from now, she thought, smiling.

Time passed on and they finally got to the cake, saved best for last. It was an appetizing-looking tiramisu, an Itailian cake. They made it look beautiful, and served with whipped cream on top. It almost seemed too perfect to cut into, but Mayako did anyway. It's been a long while since she last tasted her family's tiramisu.
As Mayako cut the cake and pieces were being handed out to everyone I managed to get my slice. It looked like a more fancy type of cake but good non-the-less. I found a nearby fork and began to take a small piece off the end. As I placed it in my mouth my eyes must have gotten twice their size, this was an amazing and different taste then I've ever experienced. "Wow Mayako, you're parents sure know what good cake is." I took more and more bites, each one a bit larger then the last. But then around half way through I got a little too excited and a piece of the whipped cream got on my nose, kind of like when Mayako eats ice-cream. I couldn't help but laugh a bit at what happened.
Mayako glanced up, and saw how the whipped cream landed on Anther's nose, and a smile that grew in her lips. "You're so cute, Anther!" she giggled. Mayako raised her pinky finger and quickly made it go across Anther's nose, taking the whipped cream off from him then tasting it. "Mmh, from scratch again, as expected," Mayako said. Well, her parents did make this after all.

Mayako tore off a piece from her cake with the side of her fork, and ate it. "I even forgot how good their tiramisu is..." she added, her thoughts rewinding to the memory when she first tried her tiramisu in Italy.
(Okay, I'm off for tonight. Night night)

"So that's what this stuff is called then." I finished off the rest of the cake as I cleared my face with another napkin. I could tell this stuff was from somewhere but I didn't really know from where. "So you parents made this from scratch, that's really cool of them." I placed my now empty plate on the table and just took a nice look of everyone around. "Say, are you about ready to go Mayako? Or do you want to stay a while and socialize?"
((G'night...or good morning if it's past midnight where you are :P ))

"I'm ready to go. People are about to leave now too," Mayako answered, taking Anther's hand and smiling at him. It's really been exhausting but it turned out good nonetheless. She stepped to the front door with him, and her parents, plus Is amu and Daichi were there. "Mom, dad? Thank you for the party," she said. They went through so much effort and hard work for the preparations to make this a good celebration for Mayako. "It was the least we could do," Mrs. Amori said. "So you'll be leaving now, then?" Daichi asked, and Mayako nodded in response. "It was nice meeting you, Anther," her father said, but with not much enthusiasm. He was a rather aloof man to begin with. "Aww, but can't you stay a little longer? I'm gonna miss you both!" Isamu whined.
(Yeah, Indiana)

I got down on my knee and looked Isamu in the eye. "Not this time man, but maybe you can come hang out with us some time alright?" At that moment he ran up to me and gave me a hug and I hugged back, releasing him and standing back up. I looked over at her parents. "It was a pleasure to meet you." I bowed once more to them in respect. "Okay Mayako, let's get going shall we?"

"Yeah, let's go," Mayako grinned. She hugged all her brothers and parents goodbye, then she walked outside with Anther. At least things went a little better than she anticipated, despite the moments when she got so worried. Most of the time an Amori celebration doesn't involve those outside the family, so Mayako was relieved her parents still tolerated Anther's unexpected arrival. She got on her black motorcycle and lowered the helmet to her head. Mayako waited until Anther was ready, and then she advanced toward the painted room, going down the street.

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