Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

I put my phone back in its pocket and headed out to the balcony where I sat on the ledge as usual. I looked out at the city, seeing the sky get just a bit darker and a few lights get just a bit brighter. This is usually where I sat and thought, and what I was thinking about was her parents, I don't know what they'll think about me but frankly I don't care either, but the thing is from what Mayako told me they probably aren't the most understanding people and will pelt me with questions. I looked back out at the city line and I saw a familiar sight, Mayako motorcycle coming down the rode. I figured she could see me so I waved down at her, hoping she would notice.
Mayako stopped her motorcycle when she came to a red light. Glancing around, she spotted Anther waving to her from the balcony, and she waved back at him with a grin on her face. She approached the front of his house and slowed down to park, leaving the engine on since it wouldn't take long for him to walk out.

Mayako took off her helmet. "Hey, Anther! You look really great---well, as usual," she said over the rumbling engine. He honestly did, in a charming way. But either way, Mayako liked the way Anther appeared even if he wasn't wearing a dress shirt.
(Happy 600 panda :P )

I smiled at her compliment, "Yeah maybe, but you look beautiful." I got off the railing and then went inside and flicked the lights off. I walked out the door and saw Mayako there on her motorcycle. I went over to it and got on my helmet to wear. "Alright, let's go do this okay"
Mayako grinned when Anther walked out, and she twisted a handle of her motorcycle, and as it engine vroomed it signlaed she was ready to go. "Alright, let's go," she put back on her helmet, and went sown the road with Anther behind her.

They approached her parent's house, and though she hasn't seen it in a long time, it hasn't changed one bit. All of the memories spent here came flooding back into her mind, good and bad. It was a rather large house. Some could say a mansion. Her parents really liked to live out their lifestyle. Cars lined the streets more than usual---most of her family members were already here. Mayako squeezed into a spot, and she quieted down the engine. "We're here," she smiled at Anther lightly after taking off the helmet.

((Thanks dood :D ))
I took off my helmet as well, placing it on the motorcycle. The house was decently large and there seemed that there was a lot of people here for her. I look over at her. "Hey, we can do this alright?" I had a slight discouragement, it just didn't feel like this was going to be the best time for me because I didn't know these people at all and they probably heard false things about me. Also I can imagine that Mayako will get some crap from her parents which I don't want.
Mayako nodded, tightening his hand but not too much as she held it. "Yeah...nothing to it," she smiled. Mayako went up the three steps toward the main door with Anther, and knocked on it. The person who greeted them, was surprisingly Isamu, the little brother. He was a bundle of joy. "Mayako!! Happy birtzday!" he held open his arms and Mayako picked her little brother up in a hug, carrying him in one arm. She found it adorable how he pronounced things wrong sometimes. "Hiya, Isamu," Mayako answered, smiling. Isamu's cherubic eyes turned to Anther. "Ah, it's you! Anther Panther,"
When she opened the door I was kinda surprised to see her little brother at the end of it. "Hey little guy," I placed my hand on top of his head as sort of a welcome pat I guess. I took a few steps in with Mayako and I wasn't quite sure what to do. Technically we were in Japan and it was custom to take off your shoes but her parents traveled so much that I wasn't sure if they were Japanese or not . I nudged Mayako with my shoulder. "Pfsss, do your parents follow the shoes-in-house custom?"
Mayako nodded. "They keep that tradition, yeah," she slipped off her flats. Her parents kept to their roots sometimes, but having traveled to a lot of places the foreign influences also affected the way the house appeared on the inside. Mayako much preferred a comfortable abode, but even if this place was well-kept and clean, these expensive things didn't provide the...right cozy feeling to her. She could hear the chatter coming from the next room by the spiral stairs that led to all the bedrooms. It was the living room.

"C'mon! Everyone's in there," Isamu was lowered to the carpet floor by Mayako and he turned to walk away. "Mommy and daddy are in the dining room," he said, and merrily went away toward his cousins his age. Mayako glanced at Anther was a timid smile, and she stepped through the archway of the living room. Some of her relatives turned and saw them both, most of them smiling but at the same time several of them confused since they didn't expect a guest outside the family. "Hey, Mayako. Happy birthday!" her uncle was the first to say it, and he gave her a tight squeeze of a hug. "We haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" he asked. "Good," Mayako answered, grinning. A pair of identical twins, a guy and girl, shifted their eyes from Mayako then to Anther.

"'re Anther, right? I heard from Daichi you're a 'short-tempered thickheaded guy'," the guy twin named Kazu said.
(I was looking back at some of the old pages, the good-old simple days)

I looked down with my eyes closed and let out a soft laugh before looking back up. "Ah, I expected that much from him, well I'm not a saint and neither is he but no, I was a little sarcastic, okay REALLY sarcastic with him but not all that me makes me out to be. Besides it's not like he just stood there and I was being sarcastic, nah he was asking for it." And so the onslaught of questions begin.
((I know right I like reading back on them too))

"Well, to tell you the truth, Daichi doesn't say a lot of nice things to begin with," one of Mayako's cousins said. "Yeah. Some of us aren't going to believe him. Since he trash talks anybody who even looks at him strange," Kazu added. His twin, Haruka nodded. "And he's got a short temper," she agreed. "Hey, hey. Be nice. Daichi is still part of the family," Uncle Ren quieted down all the negative talk. Mayako really didn't like the fact that Daichi was trying to convince to everyone Anther was a villain. But earlier in the morning, Daichi didn't seem like he had any intention of starting another argument with Anther when he heard him coming from her apartment room.

"Anther is an incredible guy, he's not anything Daichi might have told the others," Mayako said. After speaking up like that, she spotted her older brother who had been hidden behind this circle of relatives. He was sitting on the sofa, looking deep in thought. She saw him turn his eyes at Anther. He stood up and walked toward him. "I need to speak in private with you,"
I nodded my head at him and crossed my arms. "Fine." I signaled him to follow me as I walked into the hallway where I came in. I turned around and looked him in the eyes, a displeasured look on my face. I knew he was either looking for some form of trouble or a surprise apology, but I seriously doubted the second one. "Alright you got me here alone, what do you need, I got a party to attend."
Mayako watched them walk away with concern on her face. It'll be alright, it'll be alright, she thought repeatedly. There was no point in worrying, she looked back at the others with a small grin. She was going to have to catch up with her family until Anther got back from his chat with Daichi. "Hey, birthday girl. I don't mean to be rude, but why did you bring Anther?" a cousin questioned. Mayako simply smiled. "Because he means so much to me. And...if I left him like that it wouldn't feel right being without him,"

Daichi sighed. "For Mayako's sake, I'm not going to fight you, especially on her birthday," he said. He noted the displeasure in Anther's eyes. "To make this quick, exactly what relation do you have with her? I've heard from one of our aunt's saying Mayako's been sad every time she's at work, and then suddenly happy when told her shift was over so she could be around someone," Daichi said. "And I assume that's you?"
"You bet it's me. And relation? Me and her are just dating. I really don't know jack shit about you but I'll tell you this, your little sister is safe I'm not some horn dog out looking for sex 24-7 and also I find it just a bit disrespectful that you are doing this on HER birthday to a guy you know nothing about." This guy doesn't know what he's getting into. I can already this relation with him is only gonna end in a fight.
"I you make her this happy," Daichi ignore the last parts that Anther said to him. For someone so easy to snap, he was keeping his face collected. "Even as her brother I haven't been able to do so, and I'm her family," he told him. "I saw the smiles on her face when she was with you at the cafe. If you make her this happy, I suppose I was...wrong then," Daichi said.

Daichi wasn't angry or on the brink of exploding---in fact it was the opposite. He was calm. The stories from Aunt Saika he was told were reliable, that woman wouldn't ever lie. "So instead of ending this with a fight, we end this with a truce," Daichi choked down his pride and held out his hand, waiting for Anther to agree and shake on it. "For Mayako's sake,"
I looked down at his hand and let out a soft laugh. I reached out and shook his hand. "Alright I can agree with that." It was really hard for me to think that he was actually going to accept this even though he was such a jerk before. I let go of the handshake and walked back into the room with Mayako. "Okay so that's settled out Mayako."
Mayako turned to see Anther again and she smiled. She felt relieved not have heard any glass breaking from the hallway, and didn't want to believe that they could've broke out in a fight if whatever their conversation was went in a wrong direction. Maybe Daichi was actually trying to apologize... Mayako thought. "Let's get you acquainted with some more people in my family, I want to help you clear your name," she slipped her hand in Anther's.

She spotted someone helping herself to some finger foods, set on a table against a wall at the far side of the living room. "Auntie Saika!" Mayako exclaimed. She turned around, hugging her niece. "Ah, the house is so quiet without you and Oreo in it, I miss that," Saika said, patting her back then releasing Mayako. "Anther, you're treating my pretty niecelike she should?" Saika grinned.
"Hm, yes mam, though I'd be a little more concerned about her treating me right." I let out a soft chuckle and nudged Mayako's shoulder to show that I was just teasing a bit. I always thought her aunt was nice, though the first time I heard of her I thought she would be more hostile like an old grandma witch or something like that, but she turned out to be the opposite.
"Anther~" Mayako pretended to pout like a little child, and nudged him back. Saika smiled, just watching the two speak with each other. "Yes,Mayako is a fragile one. You might already know this, but she has a stubborn side. Gets it from her grandmother," Saika cupped one hand around her mouth, acting like it would prevent Mayako from hearing her. "You should've seen her from age seven to ten! Rebellious, but cute little spunky girl she was," Saika laughed, while Mayako was blushing from embarrassment, yet she grinned. Back then she was also more of an airhead too, being in her daydreams about fantasy-like things she wish she could paint and it would come to life.
Oh, you mean like she is now?I chuckled a bit after that remark in my head. "Yeah I can see that, say Mayako is there anyone else you wished to show me?" We walked off and I looked by behind me, waving goodbye to her aunt. There were many many people here at the party but there were still two people I really needed to meet, her parents. "Hey, so I figured we better get the parent situation out of the way huh?"
"Yeah, I was going to suggest them next," Mayako answered. From Isamu's information, her parents were in the dining room. Honestly she felt that nervous knot in her stomach already. She had no idea how they would react, since she has been away for so long. Mayako hoped they would consider the fact they were celebrating today.

"Okay, the dining room is just over there," Mayako pointed to it. She didn't realize that the grip on Anther's hand grew a little tighter.
I could feel that Mayako was nervous just from the sound of her voice and the tight grip she had on my hand, and to be honest I was a little bit too but I know we had to do this. We walked over to the dining room and before we stepped in I whispered. "Let's just get this over-with then we can go hang out in that room I painted alright?" I stepped in and saw her two parents' Bowing and saying hello.
Mayako's mother and father were filling glasses of sparkling cider for the toast that was supposed to happen soon. They turned from voice they found unfamiliar. "Hello," from the look in Mr. Amori's eyes he must have recognized Anther's appearance, probably believing what he was told by Daichi. "Mayako, we haven't seen you in four years...happy birthday," her father hugged her, and so her mother. It felt odd for them to suddenly be nice. It was a surprise they weren't already nagging her about what she should've been doing with her life. "Thanks," Mayako answered. Family was family. Though, they both seemed confused a bit because it was a polite greeting. And by the fact they didn't know he was coming to the party.

"Anther, is it? You're a rather...unexpected guest," Mrs. Amori said.
"Um-a yes, but Mayako wanted me to be here with her and I also wanted to. It's a pleasure to meet you none-the-less." I took a large gulp, the tension was think I could tell. They didn't even know I was arriving for one, and to see their daughter in four years and bring a guy with must be an unexpected sight as well.
Mr and Mrs. Amori exchanged glances. "Nice to meet you too, Anther. And since you're still a guest to Mayako's celebration, you'll be treated as one, and therefore we'll make an exception," Mayako's father poured one more extra glass of cider. He gave it to Anther, then passed another glass of cider to Mrs. Amori and to Mayako. "We're going to make the toast," her mother said. Mayako remembered the toast was what began the eating. If the celebration took place in their house it went in a certain order that way. Toast, eat the food that's been prepared, guests volunteer to go around and say small speeches to the birthday girl or boy. Open presents, then the cake for last.

Mr. Amori walked into the living room where all the guests stood. "Everyone!" he got their attention. "The cider is in the dining room. It's time for the toast,"

((Sorry I'm watching my show))
(Well I'm playing my game, so I guess we're even :P )

Well it was a sigh of relief that they weren't completely hostile towards me, even if it was just out of guest hospitality, it was something. I leaned over to Mayako and whispered in her ear before the toast. "Hey, so how does this usually go down?" I really didn't know what was going on, my birthdays were usually pretty simple, if I can remember any of them...

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