Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

After a brief little ride we arrived back at the painted room.I walked up to the door and pulled out it's key, unlocking it and then stepping inside. I flicked on the lights as I went to a spare closet in the corner that I didn't paint over and found the old worn out orange couch. I dragged it out to the center of the room and just collapsed in it, one arm hanging off the side, the other near the top of the couch.
Mayako walked over and plopped down on the couch leaning next yo Anther, his arm behind her. She let out a sigh of relief. "That party had it's ups and downs, huh?" she said, resting her head on his chest. Looking over the paintings brought a smile to her face. This was really a sweet present for her birthday, probably the best one she ever received. The painting of those memories they spent together brought a feeling of nostalgia to Mayako. The amusement park, roller skating rink, the arcade...everything. And especially that big red heart in the center of this room that showed how much they loved each other.

"I'm tired from it, but it's good we get some time to ourselves now, right?" Mayako smiled as she looked up into his azure eyes.
"Yeah, you could say that" again." With the arm that was behind Mayako I started to rap it around, pulling Mayako on top of me. When she got completely on top of me we locked lips. With my hand that I used to pull her up I moved it to the back of her legs and made them curl up, kinda like she did when she was sleeping. And I kept my hand behind her leg, it felt good just to hold her that way.
Mayako let him curl her legs up a bit, and she found Anther's free hand as they kissed affectionately. She intertwined her fingers with his. She put her left hand on his shoulder, letting it rest there softly. Mayako really couldn't find any other blissful feeling like this, it was great being held by him too. Mayako lifted her lips from Anther's, her face still close.

"Looks like we both couldn't wait to kiss each other," she let out a few sort chuckles. Mayako raised her small hand from his shoulder to his jaw, gently holding it.
"I guess not." I took my free hand and clenched hers on my chin. I leaned back in, not able to resist the sweet taste of Mayako's lips for very long. Eventually the hand that I used to clench Mayako's fell down, almost like it was lifeless in the moment, I was completely mesmerized. After a few moments I broke our lips apart, our noses still touching just barely at the tips.
Mayako gazed into Anther's eyes, feeling just as breathtaken as he must have looked. Her cheeks were glowing and she sensed that familiar warmth from it. Looking at Anther she remembered weeks before, she never would have guessed herself that she would be falling in love with someone. She was glad that she did, this has changed the way she thought of things.

Mayako closed her eyes again and she tilted her head, slowly inching toward Anther. She felt relaxed and collected, and all at the same time mesmerized. She planted a soft kiss on Anther's lips before pulling back again.
I let out a soft chuckle. "We just can't seem to keep our hands off each other can we? Well I like it that way." When Mayako pulled back I went forward with her and gave her a slightly different kiss, one that was on the side of her neck. I didn't really know but apparently those area suppose to feel really good so I figured why not try it.
Mayako quickly felt a shock of energy from the kiss on her neck and it shot down to her fingertips. Her face turned a deep rose red at this point. "A-Anther...!" she stuttered. "My neck is sensitive," she still had that tingling sensation on her skin from the spot Anther had set his lips on. Looking into his eyes, a small smile formed in her lips, even if Mayako was still blushing. "I think you knew I was going to react like that. Have you wanted to give me that sort of kiss, or something?" Mayako giggled.
"Well I can't lie, yeah I kinda did and I knew you would react like that, it's really cute to see you do things like that. Also it's good to know your neck is sensitive, more of a target now." I started to make a jokingly devilish smile at what I said to mess around with her, but at least I know now that she liked it and that I could probably do it more often.
Mayako saw Anther's mischievous smile, and took it as a way of saying he would kiss her neck again some other time. She hasn't seen this devilish side of Anther, and she was beginning to like it for some reason. She lied down next him and hugged his arm like it was a stuffed animal, her own arms curling up and around it. Mayako also put her head on Anther's chest, feeling the rhythm of his beating heart from the other side. She closed her eyes, grinning a closed smile. "I love you,"
I looked down at Mayako, she was just like a cute little girl and her doll. I chuckled a bit "I love you more Mayako..." Mayako just seemed so comfortable on top of me but it also felt good just to have her on me as well. She was just so innocent and cute, I really can't just keep my hands off of her, we could kiss forever it seemed like and she loved doing that as much as me.
Mayako's smile grew. She kissed Anther's cheek, just near to his lips as if it were way to kinda tease him. "I love you more," she giggled. Suddenly Mayako just remembered something. "Ah, I almost forgot I made that painting for you. It's finished and in my apartment," she said. "Do you want to look at it now, or wait until tomorrow?" she asked him. Just gazing at Anther's irresistibly good-looking face, made her feel like she didn't want to leave him Mayako wanted to stay hugging his arm like this a little longer, and she could guess he felt the same.

"And I don't know about you, but I'm really sleepy right now," Mayako added, her eyelids slowly blinking. She didnt want to sleep, she was still in her dress and she felt like changing out of it since she wasn't into formal wear like Anther was.
"Yeah I feel ya, I feel ya. Here, if you don't want to sleep in that dress you can just change into my shirt here. Don't worry I won't look. We can go see your painting after we wake up alright." I really hadn't thought about it but I was pretty tired, it has been a very confusing and stressful for the both of us, we could use a nice nap.
Mayako held the shirt he gave her, and nodded. "Okay then, I hope you go by your word about not peeking~" she smiled and unwrapped her arms away from Anther as she also sat up, and took at least three steps from the couch. Mayako had her back turned on him, and let her hair that had been in an updo, fall upon her shoulders.

"Anther, maybe we can go to the costume shop tomorrow. The one I talked about earlier at that small skate park in the mall," Mayako said as she started changing. Well, she was wearing denim shorts under dress, so it's not like she needed to go to her apartment for a pair.
"Oh yeah, sure why not, we have to get ready for that at some point." It was really really tempting to look over but I wouldn't do that. I kept telling myself Resist Anther, don't be that kind of guy, so I didn't. "Hey are you done yet *yawn* it's time to go sleepy byes..." I started to fall asleep, my eyelids getting heavier and heavier with each bat of them.
As Mayako put on Anther's shirt, she yawned too. "Yeah, I'm done," she walked back toward the couch and placing her dark blue dress across the couch's left arm. She lied down with Anther again. And as she snuggled closer to him she was getting herself comfortable---which always made sleep beckon and call out for her. Mayako kissed Anther's forehead, not knowing if he was already asleep or not yet because her eyes were closed as well. "Good night..." Mayako muttered, and fell asleep by him.

The next morning, Mayako woke up feeling particularly ill. Her face felt very hot, but it definitely wasn't blush. She also felt dizzy. Mayako just felt...out of it today, like sickness took a toll on her body and made it react very slowly. " I have a fever..." she mumbled groggily, still half-awake. She hated it how sometimes she would get sick, without reason why. Mayako heard the sound of rain from outside too.
I awoke at the sound of Mayako's voice, but it didn't seem to be her normal voice. I sat up and started to wipe my eyes with the palms of my hands, trying to wake up. "Mhmmm, morning Mayako." I stood up, my eyes still mostly shut as I stretched my arms. I heard the pitter patter of rain on the rooftop as I was stretching. "Hey, do you feel alright *yawn* you sound a bit different."
"I think I have a fever..." Mayako replied. "Hopefully I can get better today so we can go buy your costume," she smiled---well, tried to. "Sorry, Anther," she mumbled. And not only was her voice quieter than it should have been, she felt different in general. Very sluggish, like her body refused to listen to her. "Can we go to my apartment? I think there's some medicine there," Mayako said to him. She really hoped Anther had a good immune system, she didn't want him getting sick too.
"Yeah of course, I don't want you to be feeling sick." I guess we could run to Mayako's now but there was nothing in here we could use as an umbrella, maybe there's something in the closet. "Let me look around for an umbrella." I walked over to the closet and sure enough there was an umbrella there from the previous owner. "Okay let's get going before it starts raining harder." I realized I still didn't have a shirt on but we had to get going, I grabbed her dress of the couch and I flicked off the lights. I took her and as we walked through the rain to her apartment which luckily wasn't too far away. When we got to the door I opened it for her and switched on the lights for us inside.
"Thanks," Mayako said. She held on to the railing tightly as she walked up the stairs, and she never had a need for them until now. She felt like she couldn't walk without leaning over to the side, as if her legs threatened to give out on her. A fever was usually like this for Mayako, and she hated it. Mayako found her keys and as she opened the door, she saw Oreo asleep on the windowsill. Mayako didn't even make it to her bedroom, she simply fell on the couch, lying on her side.

"The medicine....should be in the bathroom cabinet, I think..." Mayako said.
I nodded and went into the bathroom to find the medicine "Lets see, stomach medicine nope, nasal medicine nope, ah here we are! Fever reducer." I grabbed the vile and headed to the kitchen where I got her a glass of water to take with the pills. I walked into the room, seeing Mayako laying on the couch sick was defiantly a sad sight to behold. "Here Mayako, take this it will make you feel better, then later when you do we can go to the costume store alright?" I handed her the pills and the water, watching as she took it.
"Thanks, Anther," Mayako said to him. She took the pill first and popped it in her mouth, then sipped some water and swallowed down the pill. "You're the best," she looked into his eyes. She glanced out the window, looking past her sleeping cat. A little smile rose in her lips but it wasn't a full one. She chuckled softly, thinking back on something. "You know...when I was little, I wasn't the type of kid...who'd play out in the rain," she said. "I always thought rain were angel tears, since clouds were...up above everyone and I would be sad whenever it rained," Mayako told him.

"Silly huh...?" she said.
"Hmp, not at all. Rain doesn't do the same thing for me though, it actually helps me think... Hey, you should get some rest for later today. I won't go peeking at the painting without you alright? I'll lay here beside you as you rest ok?" I lied down on the ground next to her, my head on my hand as I stared outside the window.
"Okay, I'll get some sleep..." Mayako nodded, closing her eyes. Normally sleep would help whenever she was sick, so it was a good idea. She faintly grinned. "Thanks...for everything," she managed to say it before giving in to slumber. As Mayako was under a sleeping state, her body seemed to automatically curl itself up, and she mumbled under her breath. Mayako was having a dream, apparently about Anther because her mind couldn't stop thinking about him even if she were asleep.
(Ah, anime, rp, and cleaning my room, it's a good day)

I heard Mayako softly falling asleep, and I followed quickly in her tracks. I could tell I was dreaming, I was always more of a lucid dreamer, and all I dreamed about the entire time was me and Mayako just sitting on top of that hill, looking at the horizon.

Then in what seemed like no time at all I awaken to see that it was no two p.m. If Mayako is feeling better we should head out to the shop. I got up and went to her side, placing one hand on her shoulder and the other on her hip as I slowly rocked her back and forth. "Mayako... Wake up baby girl..."

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