Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

"Turn the sheets down. Murder ears with pillow lace. There's bath tubs, Full of glow flies. Bathe in kerosene. Their words tattooed in his veins, yeah!" After we sang the final verses of the song I still held Mayako tight, a few tears still sneaking their way down my face.
Mayako kissed his forehead tenderly, then looked him in the eyes. "I'll say this again...I love you," she offered a smile to Anther, a soft smile. That painting she made was true. The tall trees and how they were when gazed at from below looked as if they were guardians---Anther's protective side. The weather between summer and autumn was warm; the way he was to her and how being in Anther's arms made her feel that way too. The mountains represented Anther reaching up to his high goal, and Mayako knew he'd get there. Since orange seemed like his favorite color it was the sky, and the dove symbolized love.
"I love you too Mayako..." This was truly one of the most tender moments we have ever had, we were standing here crying on each other like back at my place those couple of days ago, only this was different this was more meaningful I think. Usually by now Mayako and me would have let go and been on our way doing something else, but something was just pulling us in to keep doing this, to cry and to hold.
Mayako looked at Anther and smiled, wiping away the last of her tears with a finger. She chuckled softly. She noticed they were now breathing the same rhythm. "Look at us, crying like this," Mayako said, her arms still around him. In truth she didn't really want to release Anther, and she could tell he didn't want to let go either. "I can't remember the last time I've cried because someone else was...but if I see you like that, I start doing it too," she gazed into his eyes, always adoring them because it seemed like they could tell a silent story with their blue depths.
"Yeah, I don't think I really have either..." We locked our eyes like we usually do, her purples eyes pulling me into their mystery. It was almost as if they were going to take me in and never let me go. We both seemed to be mesmerized by each others eyes whenever we would stare at each other.
Mayako grinned, they both were lost in each other's eyes. She slowly leaned in and went to lock lips with Anther, not being able to resist him for long. This kiss instantly sent electric spark that shot to her fingertips, arms, then spine like it always did. The atmosphere made Mayako feel like she was lost somewhere far, as if in a hazy dreamworld of some sort.

She pulled back, the tips of their noses just brushing. "I couldn't help it," she smiled warmly.
"I couldn't really either." I placed my one hand under her cheek, feeling the softness of her face upon my palm. As we continued to stare I started to feel rather sleepy as if I was just worn out by all of this. "*Yawn* I'm getting kinda sleepy again," But then when I started to think about it all I really wanted to do was lay there and cuddle with Mayako. "Say, you wanna come with, I think I might need someone to cuddle with.."
Mayako grinned, liking the idea. "Mm, sure," she took his hand that held her cheek and interlocked fingers with Anther. A nap in his arms sounded pretty nice right now. Mayako led him to the bedroom and after placing her glasses on her dresser, she pulled the black blanket over her body and made room for Anther to lie down. She looked up at Anther with a soft grin rising in her lips.

"But when we wake up, can we play some games or something?" Mayako asked, briefly glancing over to her shelf of various video games. "I know, I'm like a gaming dork," she giggled.
I let out a soft laugh as I climbed into bed with her. "Yeah sure, though I'm not sure how good I'll be at them." I got under there with her and quickly went over to pull her in, bringing her closer to my body and felt her warmth. "You feel so warm Mayako, it's one of the best feelings ever."
Mayako smiled, curling up her body within Anther's arms. "I was going to say the same thing about you," she put her hand to his chest, and snuggled into Anther, moving her shoulders a bit more toward herself. She slowly closed her eyes, feeling pure bliss again. "Hey, you said this was one of the best feelings..." Mayako said. "I don't expect you to pick a favorite, but honestly, I love all the feelings I get from being with you..." she said, steadily drifting off into her dreams. Being in his arms, holding hands, kissing him, hearing him say 'I love you', and hearing him sing. Those were the best feelings Mayako got from Anther.
"Yeah, all the feelings I get from you are good too, it's just this one seems just a bit different for some reason." I felt her curl around me like she does and felt the warmth of her body along with the cuteness the went into this. Then I thought came to mind of what I did earlier, so I leaned in and gave her another kiss on her neck to play around a bit, and I knew she would be expecting one at some point.
Mayako couldn't help but giggle, the kiss tickled because her skin was most sensitive on her neck. She put her arms behind Anther's neck herself to draw him a bit closer. It looked like Anther's devilish side was showing again, but Mayako did remember that he said he was going to do something like this some other time. "Anther," Mayako said. "You're doing this because my neck is more of a 'target', aren't you?" she smiled.
"Welllll kind of. But you also seem to like it and you know it." I let out a bit of a laugh at Mayako, she really did seem to like it and I liked doing it so that worked out pretty well. "How about this, you find something you like doing to me like that and then we can be even alright? But I'll warn you, I'm not as ticklish so it might be harder for you to figure something out."I guess we could make this into a little game, it was just to be pretty playful with her since she liked doing stuff like that.
"Hmm," Mayako pondered. This was Anther, and it was proven to already surprise him with something. "For now, my answer is teasing you," she smiled playfully. She pulled him even closer, the distance between their lips so near they almost brushed. "Like this," Mayako smiled. She couldn't really explain why she liked to tease Anther sometimes, before she hadn't been that type of flirtatious person at all. Perhaps he brought it out of Mayako.

"If that's not good enough, do you have a suggestion?" she traced Anther's jawline with an index finger. Realizing this side of her, she began to blush.
"Yeah, but you know the one thing that can mess up your teassing?" I leaned in and gave her another quick kiss on her neck. "I can quickly follow up on it." My smile grew and I let out a chuckle, it would probably drive her crazy trying to figure something that she could use on me.
"Aww, c'mon~!" Mayako pretended to pout. "That's not..." she felt even sleepier with each word, and her eyelids felt very heavy as well. "...fair," she managed to say it before falling right asleep in Anther's arms. As Mayako entered in her peaceful slumber another dream was morphing into her mind. She grinned and softly chuckled, sounding like someone who was a bit tipsy from an alcoholic drink that was starting to kick in. Mayako snuggled herself into Anther's chest.

" you...Anther," Mayako muttered, holding him tighter.
I could tell that she was asleep right then, her words were a bit different sounding then usual. "I love you too Mayako..." I put my arm around her, pulling her in even tighter. Then I gave her a small kiss on the tip of her nose before I opened my eyes and began to stare at the ceiling, thinking about whatever ran through my mind before softly falling asleep with her.
Mayako opened her eyes, a yawn following after her awakening. "Mmm, hello Anther," she smiled as she looked at his sleeping face. Mayako planted a soft kiss on his forehead. She glanced to the window, it was nighttime now but just seven thirty p.m. She took a lock of her hair behind her ear, looking up at him with cheerful eyes. "Hey, instead of playing video games, do you want to go to the special place? The sakura tree on the hill?" Mayako asked him.
I lift myself up and do my usual wiping of my eyes. "Yeah sure but." At that moment my stomach let out a huge growl and I grasped it and made a face like a sad little kid. "I'm so hungry,do you think we could get some ramen and bring it up to the hill with us?"
Mayako laughed when she heard Anther's stomach make a statement. "Sure! I'm pretty hungry myself," she agreed, patting her own stomach. Oreo just walked in and leaped onto her leg. Mayako smiled, scratching the feline behind his left ear. "I'm pretty sure Oreo is hungry too," she said. "But I'm alright with staying at the ramen shop and eating it too though. But if you wanna take it with us, that's fine," she told Anther. Oreo butted his head against Mayako's hand as if he was asking for more attention like cats usually do.
"I'd rather eat on the top of the hill, I think it would just be better up there." I got up as well, going over to Oreo and kissing him right on his temple because I know that cats usually like that but also because I liked doing it for some reason. I leaned over to Mayako and gave her a quick kiss as well. "There, so you don't get jealous over Oreo" I let out a soft laugh.
Mayako giggled. "Well, I promise you I won't get jealous of Oreo," she smiled. "After all, he is a cat---no offense," she said. Oreo meowed. Sometimes, it just seems like Oreo has the mind of a human when he responds at the right time, Mayako thought. She stroked the feline's back one more time before stopping, and Oreo leaped off the bed, safely landing on his paws. He walked out again with a rather regal leave.

"Okay, so we'll just walk there since it's not far?" Mayako questioned.
"Yeah we can just walk. We better get going before it gets too dark to see." I took her by the hand as walked to the door to go get our food. I opened it as we walked outside, seeing there was about an hour before the sun sets, I wanted to be on that hill watching when that happens again.

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