Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

"Always." I let out a smile before leaning back in to continue the savory kiss. It always felt good when Mayako would throw her arms around my neck, like she was pulling herself in for more. After a moment I laid down completely, making sure to bring Mayako with and not to break the kiss.
Mayako raised her hand into his dark hair, liking how it felt as though it were silk between her fingers. She grinned a bit under their kiss, her mind simply somewhere far and peaceful. Mayako gently moved her hand from his hair down to his cheek. Her elbow was now on the grass to bolster herself up, she knew she was just above Anther. She pulled away, and smiled at Anther with happiness and affection. Mayako lowered her head and met Anther's lips again.
At the moment that she went in for a kiss again I realized that she was being pretty affectionate, more then usual and I liked it. Her fingers felt so soft and cooling as they ran through my hair, it was always a pretty special feeling when she did that. With my hand I was starting to slowly rub her side, feeling the warmth coming from her body as she trembled a bit in satisfaction/
Mayako felt the pleasant shiver down her spine when Anther touched her side, his hand sending an electric spark of energy. Mayako grinned a little and pulled back just a bit, their lips almost brushing each other. "One of the best feelings," Mayako giggled. Her arm was stil behind his neck and holding him close, while her hand was in Anther's hair. At the moment, she didn't want to let go, she wanted to stay like this with Anther for a moment more. She gave him a small brief kiss.
"I'm pretty sure at this point I could be addicted to your lips, they are so sweet." As Mayako's swift kiss brushed past my lips I couldn't help but have a large grin on my face from satisfaction. After a bit I started to get pretty hot from all that was happening so I decided to take off my shirt and threw it to the side. "S-sorry, I just got a bit warm."
When Anther cast off his shirt, Mayako saw how red his face was and her face had gotten a little pink as well from everything that was happening at this moment. "You're feeling warm at this time of night?" she smiled, offering a sweet giggle. Mayako lied next to Anther, taking his hand as she did so. "Mm...Anther, how do you always make my heart beat this fast?" Mayako said. Her face felt like it was in an oven too, just steadily warming up more and more.
i started to make a face that had a large grinned and showed I was joking. "Oh, I'm just too irresistible." I let out a laugh as I felt her hand, only warming me farther then I already was. "I-If you're also feeling warm you can take your shirt off you know, no one can see us here, it'd be private." I could tell that we were getting much more red then we already were.
Mayako's face was a neon rose at this moment, but she knew how much of the blazing heat she was feeling. She pulled away her shirt, revealing a black camisole underneath and she tossed the shirt where Anther's was on the grass. Mayako closed her eyes when she lied her head against Anther's chest. Her face was still pretty red as she gazed at the stars.

"I love you, Anther," Mayako always liked the sound of saying it.
My face has never gotten any more red then when Mayako took off her shirt, revealing her camisole."I love you more Mayako." I really tried to keep dirty thoughts out of my mind because I didn't want to be that kind of guy but the more I thought of it the more I realized that Mayako had a really nice body. And I didn't want to just think of her in that way but it couldn't help but cross my mind every here and there.
Mayako locked her fingers with Anther's, her hand entirely covered by his. It gave her warmth, going from her fingertips to her arm. For.some reason she was gradually becoming calm a bit, despite the fact she was just wearing a camisole and jeans. Mayako's face was still pink and she knew it---Anther was also blushing entirely too.

"I love you more," a giggle escaped from Mayako's lips, because it sounded silly how this talk was going to start out as an endless, 'I love you more' thing. She looked at the sky filled with stars again, a smile on her face. "Mm...nighttime is the best for some reason,"
"I-It sure is..." I was unable to take my mind or my eyes off of Mayako, she just looked more amazing for some reason, and we also had gone through a lot today. "H-Hey Mayako, I don't know if anyone has ever told you but you're really beautiful, and your body matches that up pretty well." I managed to put on a smile through my concentration.
Mayako blushed even more, and though it was dark she saw Anther smile. She didn't remember ever receiving a compliment like that, only from Anther. Embarrassed, Mayako tucked a strand of her hair behind an ear. Sometimes she did that without noticing. For some reason she talked in a soft voice.

"Well...your body matches well to your charmingly handsome face too," Mayako smiled back at him, poking a finger to his chest. She had really meant what she said. Mayako wrapped her arms around Anther as they lied in the grass together, pulling him closer.
"Hmhm, yeah I guess so huh?" I poked her back softly on her chest right above her belly button to play around. Well, at least I aimed for her belly button but on accident I touched her breast. I shot up as fast as I could. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" I had my hands together, bowing rapidly while my face reached a new level, forget seeing her with no shirt, this was something much different. The worst thing is because of what we were doing she would probably think I meant to do it.
Mayako's face burned. Her hands flew up to her shoulders, and her arms made an 'X' form in front of her. "It's...okay. I-If you say it was an accident, t-then it's an accident," she said to him, easing the hold on her own shoulders. She couldn't talk without stuttering---that's what happened whenever Mayako got nervous. Anther looked just as flustered as Mayako must have seemed, because it certainly felt that way.

Mayako held Anther's cheek, stopping him from bowing his head so much. "Anther, y-you said you didn't mean it, so I believe you said sorry...Hm, and if you keep bowing your head like that you'll get a crick in your neck," she laughed to at least ease the both of them.
"Hehe, yeah I guess so." At that moment I just fell over on my back, a faint smile on my face. I just made things really weird there, I hope she can get over it, hell I hope I can get over it. As I lay I put my hands behind my back, looking up above but still with my screw-up on my mind.
Mayako was still sitting up and looking out over the hills and all the beauty. A gentle breeze picked up and made the grass sway. "Hey, Anther. I have a random question. If you had one wish, what would it be? And no wishing for more wishes, that's cheating," the question was brought up because she found a dandelion by her side and plucked it from the ground.

Mayako sent the fluffy seeds flying away with her breath, to let them free to explore the air before landing. Mayako remembered she believed that these kinds of dandelions grant wishes if you got all the seeds off with one breath. She kinda does believe it even now, because of her inner child still lingering around in her heart.
"One dream huh? Well let's see that dream would probably be, hmm this is difficult." I moved myself a bit and continued to lay down but sat my head down on top of Mayako's lap. "Well I guess it depends, is it like a personal want or a wish for something deep and bigger because then I would have two. My bigger and deeper one would there to be no judging of people but my selfish one would be to have you only to my self all the time, no worries, only you and your addictive kisses."
Mayako smiled down at Anther when he answered. She briefly ran a hand through his hair since his head was on her lap. "Hmm, addictive? That's funny, I could've said the same thing about you," she giggled. Mayako really adored the kisses she received from Anther as well. She moved a strand of her curly hair behind an ear as she lowered her head toward Anther's. Then Mayako's lips locked with his and that electrifying energy went through her body again, seeming to wake Mayako up in a way. The feeling never got old.
As Mayako placed her lips on mine I took both my hands and put them on the back on the back of her head, gently holding her lips to mine ever closer and longer, the feeling rushing through me once again. Unknowingly, this time I started to use my tongue a bit, thinking it would make it feel better. I didn't really go overboard, just some subtle movement with it.
Mayako slightly sensed Anther's tongue when they kissed, and she could feel her cheeks turning a tone of pink. Knowing Anther, he always had something up his sleeve. She didn't pull away and put distance between their lips, instead she continued the kiss. Mayako had that feeling again where her face was becoming so hot, dizziness was emerging in her. Just slightly for now. This was growing more into a passionate kiss rather than their usual affectionate ones, which was something Mayako needed to get accustomed to if Anther decided to do so more often.
After a moment I realized that Mayako hadn't stopped after I changed the kiss a bit, which was a relief considering I really enjoyed doing it. It felt kind of different then our usual kisses did, it felt more passionate, not just an affectionate little kiss that we did whenever. My head began to tilt on its own it seemed, just enriching the kiss ever more then it was.
Mayako lifted her head for a brief moment, their noses brushing as she looked into his eyes. She leaned down again, meeting Anther's lips again and taking in their taste. Her face was red and she felt it. Mayako didn't realize it either, but her head tilted to the side. Her hand reached up to the back of her head where Anther's hands were, and she held several of his fingers on his left hand. The warmth spread up to her fingertips. Mayako pulled away again but just barely, their lips almost touching. She was letting this blazing heat from her face cool down. She smiled sheepishly when she saw his blue eyes.
(Happy 700 :D )

As she pulled back I looked deeply into her eyes and fondled our now combined fingers. "Look at us, the only two people that can get even hotter by getting cooler." I noticed our noses were touching, slowly I moved my side to side, rubbing hers for fun. I let out a soft laugh while doing it, it felt kind of funny to me.
Mayako giggled when Anther rubbed his nose against her's and she did the same just to hear him laugh a little more. It was such a comforting sound. He was like no one else in many ways, and she loved that about him. "You're making me feel all dizzy from this, you know," she flashed a smile. "I bet you already noticed because of the color on my face," she said. Mayako used her free hand to run a hand through his black hair, tousling it up a bit as well.

((Thanks :D I got a snow day today so I have the time to reply))
(Me too, High five)

"Yeah I can tell, we need to chill out but you know this stuff just feels too good to stop ya know?" I loved when she ran her fingers through my hair, it was such a comforting feeling, like I could fall asleep right there but I wouldn't. I had never really thought about it but I guess my hair is really soft, good job hair, I owe ya a solid.

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