Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

I was a little bit surprised that she would actually call me that, it felt really good to be called that. I leaned over a bit and kissed her on the cheek. "Good night too, baby girl..." I placed my head back down, a smile still on my face as I drifted off into a deep sleep, her body heat giving me perfect comfort.
Mayako woke up the next morning, feeling perfectly well-rested and peaceful as the sun rays shone through the blinds and onto her face. "Mm...Anther, wake up," she managed to turn her body around to face him. Mayako set her lips on his forehead as a 'good morning' kiss. She smiled, just seeing his adorable sleeping face made her grin. "Rise and shine, my Anther," she whispered to his ear.
At the familiar sound and feel of Mayako whispering I woke myself up. "Hm, or just go back to sleep with me, my Mayako." With a smile on my face I put my arms around her and pulled her on to my, having her lay down on my chest, her warmth slowly waking me up.
"Hmm, maybe~" Mayako returned the smile at him. She snuggled a little bit further into Anther, enjoying how the warmth from his skin felt. "Ah, but I have to go work my shift today," she was saddened by the fact she wouldn't be around him again. Mayako glanced at the clock. She sighed with relief; she had a lot of time until her shift at the flower shop began. "Well, I have time to spare," Mayako smiled. She lifted her hand and placed it at Anther's jaw. "I like the sound of 'my Mayako' by the way," she said, and gave him a kiss.
"Oh do you? Well I guess that works, it's fun to say that so I guess we both win. My Mayako my Mayako, where thou are thou Mayako." I let out a laugh, I was usually pretty loopy you could say in the morning, everything just seemed to be funnier and I was just more happy with myself.
Mayako laughed with Anther, happy to hear him be like this and she was just purely happy being with him. As her head was cozily resting on Anther's chest, she closed her eyes and started singing one of her favorite songs that got into her mind. "Feel your every heartbeat, feel you on these empty nights...calm the aches, stop the shakes, you clear my mind," Mayako sang. She opened her eyes, realizing what she did and not knowing why. "Sorry, it's a song called Better Than Drugs by Skillet. Just started singing it for some reason," she grinned timidly.
"Not bad not bad, I haven't listened to Skillet in quite some time but they're pretty good." laid my head by lazily still laughing at all that was going on. I got up on the bed and turned myself around, and then went dead wait and fell on to the bed backwards, my hair dangling off the end off the bed. "It's such a lazy morning."
"But that's what makes the mornings the best," Mayako said, lying on her stomach beside Anther. She pulled most of the blanket toward her body, leaving Anther without much to cover him with she smiled playfully. "Comfy~" Mayako giggled after her words, and she turned her back on him. "This blanket shall be mine," she joked, curling up her body.
I decided to play along with Mayako. "Oh you're not getting that blanket without a fight!" I started to stand up, ready to make a move , but then my morning laziness kicked in. "Ugg, fights over." I Went over to one of her sides and laid down strait, my head on the back of her shoulders and my feet dangling off the edge of the bed. "Ah this is comfy."
Mayako laughed. "Aha! I win~" she joked. She was really liked this funny, childish side of him---she always has. "You're so cute, Anther..." she said. "Hey, do you need me to kiss you so you're not half-awake anymore or something?" Mayako giggled. The idea sounded like it would work for the both of them, so she turned on her other side so she was facing Anther. She gave him back some of the blanket too. "Honestly, I think I'm in the need for a 'good morning' kiss," Mayako's smile grew.
As Mayako flipped around i continued to rest my head but now it was right in front of her chest on the bed and not as comfy. "Yeah I could go for one of those too, but I don't know where to get one, can you help me find one." I closed my eyes and leaned my head out just a bit to signal her.
Mayako saw the signal and smiled. "Sure, I have one for you," she leaned toward him and their lips met. The kiss woke her up like she thought it would because it always did. The prick of energy began course through her body, in a way that it felt satisfactory. Mayako wrapped her arms behind Anther's neck to draw herself in closer.
As Mayako rapped her arms around me I also started to do the same, putting my arms around her and slowly turning us both, ending up with me on top of her. I started to get lost in the moment, the kiss had woken me up long ago but I couldn't seem to stop. As I did the other night my tongue started to do subtle movements, making sure not to go overboard unless she wanted me too.
Mayako felt the slight presence of Anther's tongue in the kiss once more, and let him continue the subtlety of it. Mayako moved her head to the side, more than it already was. Despite how lost she was in this moment, she pulled back a little to speak. "Well, that seemed more than a 'good-morning kiss' didn't it?" Mayako couldn't help but smile.
"Yeah I guess it was a little more then a good morning kiss but I think it was a pretty good one none-the-less." I leaned back in and continued, just not able to stop. I started to get back into it, my tongue starting to do its now normal feeling thing. Unknowingly I started to move down, kissing her neck but not like before, this was a bit more passionate and longer with me just not able to stop kissing.
Mayako winced a small squeak just as Anther kissed her neck, a little more passionately than when he gave her pecks on her neck. "A-Anther...! My neck," she muttered softly to him. The touch from his lips on her neck felt good in a way, and her skin tingled in response to it. "You already know my neck is sensitive," Mayako said. The passionate sort of kisses from Anther still felt pretty new, so she still needed to get used to them. "Are you that attracted to it?" she offered a little smile.

((Really sorry, my older sister was tutoring me for algebra))
I stopped for a moment to look up at Mayako. "Well I think it's kinda funny and cute that it's so sensitive. But also I think it's nice to do, plus I just like doing it." I returned back to kissing Mayako's neck, hearing her little cute sequels go on the more I did it. With my hand I began to rub her arm softly, feeling her warm skin start to cover with goosebumps from the feeling.
When Anther began to brush his hand against her arm, and she was sure he could sense the goosebumps on her skin. Holding Anther's jaw, Mayako gently lifted his head to face her's and she made contact with his lips. Slowly, Mayako created faint but present movement with her tongue in the kiss and let him know that for a moment. She pulled away before Anther got a chance, smiling teasingly.
I was a bit surprised that Mayako got so into it and would start to use her tongue, I knew she would like it at some point. As Mayako pulled away just to tease me, which just made me want to do it more like taking food from an animal. I started to move my lips back and forth, giving her little peck like kisses to sort of tease her back but I couldn't take it anymore. I went back in and started to get into my passionate kiss.
Mayako tilted her head to the side. This feeling was much different than their affectionate kisses they normally shared. Her arms that were around his neck loosened, and her hands rested on Anther's shoulders. For the second that she was given the chance she leaned back, and Mayako opened her eyes and gazed into his eyes. She chuckled at what was happening right now, her heart was racing. "Look at us, it's already morning and we can't keep our hands to ourselves," Mayako smiled. She caught a glimpse of the clock. Still a little more time until she would have to leave and get ready.
"Well yeah I guess so, but there's really nothing wrong with that now is there?" I put on a rather jokingly devilish smile. I noticed Mayako glancing over at the clock, I knew she was seeing when she had to leave for work again. "Hey, it's alright, we'll get to see each other again, and it sounds like they're worried about you being sad at work, you should have some fun with it alright? For me." I took her hand into mine and squeezed on her fingers tight.
Mayako smiled, tightening Anther's fingers too. "Okay, I will. For you," she replied. With him just being above her she searched into his eyes again---they could always leave her in a distant daydream where Mayako felt absolutely peaceful. She was such a sucker for Anther's blue eyes. " more kiss?" Mayako questioned. She smiled at Anther.
"I guess I still have one more in me." I leaned forward and started to give a rather quick kiss but it started to form into another passionate one, I just couldn't help myself at this point, it felt too good and even more right. I managed to stop myself before I began to use my tongue or go to her neck, I figured why not save that for later when she needs it.
Mayako smiled after their lips broke apart from each other. "Well, I think that'll last me a good while," she giggled. Mayako sat up with Anther, and also slipped her hands away from him. She looked up at Anther, grinning softly. "I'll see you after my shift. I promise I'll be happy for you," she got out of the bed, stretching a little. "Until then," as she walked past him Mayako trailed her hand across his shoulders to be a little bit flirtatious, just because she felt like doing so. Mayako waved her fingers at Anther before walking out of the bedroom, then the house.
As I watched Mayako leave my heart sank, but I knew she had to go but only for a little bit. I laid my head back down just thinking of her as I stare at the ceiling. And before I could even think for longer I fell into a deep slumber.

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