Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

When Mayako walked back to her apartment and showered, all she could think about was Anther. If she thought about it, why shouldn't she be happy? She met a unique guy who makes her smile and makes her feel just fully cheerful. She grew to love Anther, a nd he grew to love her as well. Mayako got dressed, and left a bowl of cat food for Oreo before walking out of the building. She got on her motorcycle and drove to the flower shop.

"There's my niece! How are you feeling today?" Saika asked once she entered. "Great!" Mayako smiled. "Well, that's good to hear! Let's put in a hard day's work," her aunt said. "Yeah," Mayako nodded.

Mayako finished her shift, and this time she kept the smile on her face because she was reminded of the promise she made to Anther. Before mounting on her motorcycle, she pulled out her cell phone and called Anther.
I sat up quickly at the sound of my ringtone going off. "Crap, did I really sleep this late?!" I went over to my nightstand and answered the call, my other hand rustling with my newly formed bed-head. "Hey Mayako (yawn) You're shift's over I'm guessing" At the thought of her shift being over made me happy, it was quite lonely in bed without her.
Mayako smiled at the sound of Anther's voice. "Yeah, my shift is over," she answered. "Is there anything you wanted to do right now? There's only one day until the anime convention," she tucked a lock behind her ear. Mayako remembered something. "Hey, I bet Isamu is eager to spend time with you~. Remember at the end of the party? You said we would spend time with him some time. I seems like he looks up to you or sees you as a friend," she said. Isamu was just an innocent and carefree kid, Mayako was happy to have him as a little brother. "We could go take him to the zoo. Well, only if you want to go,"
(Sorry for the wait)

"Oh yeah the kid, why not, I love the zoo myself." I remembered that kid from the party, he was a fun little guy it seemed and he was completely innocent so I guess so. "Yeah I guess we can do that, as long as I don't fall asleep again that is." I let out a soft laugh at my remark, I liked sleep too much.
((Nah it's alright))

Mayako smiled at Anther's comment. "Well, I can take a best guess at where Isamu's at. Shouldn't be too far from here, but we'll need my motorcycle," as she said that she took a seat on her vehicle. She was thinking about how the travel would go. Isamu was far too little to be on a motorcycle, and it wasn't built for three passengers. "Ah, I know! You don't mind if I take my motorcycle back to my apartment right? I'll meet you at your house, and we'll walk to the restaurant and see Isamu there and we walk a bit more. Is that fine with you?" Mayako questioned. Putting Isamu to ride on a motorcycle seemed way too risky and dangerous.
"Yeah alright that sounds pretty good. I'll see you then baby girl." I hung up my phone and sprang out of my bed like I was getting reborn. I walked over to my closet and scanned it as I stretched, throwing on one of my favorite Hurley t-shirts. And as I was about to close the doors to it I looked up at the top shelf and smiled at what I saw. I took the object and snuck it into my jacket as I shut the doors and went to wait outside.
Mayako slid her cell phone into her pocket and put on her helmet. Driving to Anther's house, she knew Isamu would be pretty excited to see them both. It seemed as though Isamu already looked at Anther as a a cool guy, so Mayako could tell the little one would like to talk to him. Imagining the look on her younger brother's face when he saw them Mayako chuckle. She arrived at Anther's house and took off her helmet, and as she saw Anther a smile grew in her lips.

"Okay, so you're ready to go?" she asked him.
"Hm, yeah let's get going." The grin on my face grew larger as I sat on the motorcycle and put my helmet on. As I put my arms around her waist I started to squeeze a bit to tease her. I wondered how it would go, I'm sure her brother will do something that I won't forget, that seems to be something Mayako is good at so I thought it might carry on.
Mayako slightly jolted when Anther decided to squeeze her waist a little, but then she chuckled and revved up the engine. She'd have to leave the motorcycle at the restaurant once they got there. Mayako backed out of the driveway and drove down the road, straight to her family's first restaurant, the one where her parents and brothers spent their time at most. She quieted the engine after finding space to park. "Well, this is it. C'mon, Isamu should be around talking to customers," she opened the door hand in hand with Anther. It was full of customers---a usual sight for Mayako. The hostess, one of her cousins, greeted them first. "Table for two?---Oh, hi Mayako," her cousin said. "Hey, Haruka. We're just looking for Isamu," Mayako said.

Though he was little, Mayako easily spotted him in front of a table with three people seated there, standing beside the waiter. Isamu was being trained to become a server one day. He was walking away with the waiter and by their direction. Isamu's smile lit up even more when he spotted Mayako and Anther.
I saw Isamu's face just light up with excitement so I couldn't help but smile a bit too, there was almost nothing as cute as him, except for Mayako but that's in a different way. "Hey kid, how you been doing." It must just be an absolute adventure for him to be at this restraunt all the time, meeting new people, already learning how to do a job, plus who never wanted to wander around a restraunt as a kid.
"Anther panther and Mayo!" Isamu exclaimed. "I'm doing great!" his eyes were practically sparkling because he was happy to see them both. Mayako went to eye level with her younger brother. "How would you like to go with Anther and I to the zoo? We came here just for you," she smiled. "Really? When can I come?" Isamu questioned, his eyes shifting from Mayako to Anther back and forth. "Right now, actually," Mayako responsed. Without second thoughts Isamu nodded with that cheerful broad smile of his. "Awesome!" Isamu said. Mayako gestured to Kazu who had been leading Isamu to give the message to her parents and Daichi their little serve-in-training would be absent. "Anzer, you like animals too right?" Isamu asked, looking up at him.
I couldn't help bug chuckle a bit, this kid was rolling in the adorable. "Yes, I like animals too Isamu," The way he liked to say names was probably one of his cutest things, my name was normally messed up but this kid does it right. As we began to walk out I remembered what I was going to do. I knelt down to his eye level and pulled out of my jacket an original gameboy with pokemon gold. "Hey Isamu, this is something I want you to have, it was my first gameboy and game. This thing is probably older then you are, and I want you to keep it nice and safe alright?" I smiled as I held out the gameboy to his little hands.
((Ahh I remember my first game xD Pokemon Blue))

Mayako smiled as she watched Isamu gasp at the sight of the game Anther had showed to him. This was a really nice scene to watch, a sweet one too because Anther was giving her little brother something that must have held a lot of childhood memories. "I can keep this?! Wow..." Isamu reached up and carefully held it in his hands, awe-struck just by looking at the game. To him, this old game was like a piece of rare treasure. "Thank you, Anzer! I'll never forget this and I promise to keep it safe," Isamu smiled, his eyes sparkling again. "Sis, he's a really cool guy!" he said. Mayako giggled. "I know,"
(Mine were donkey kong country, spyro, and crash bandacut or however you spell it :P )

"Hm, I try I try," It was nice to see him happy, I knew he would treat it well, I couldn't of anyone better that I could entrust my favorite childhood toy. "Say, we better get going," I put my hand on his head and gently pushed myself back up, ruffling his hair a bit.
Isamu laughed when his hair for ruffled, and he put the gameboy and the Pokemon Gold secured in his pocket. He held up his arms in front of Mayako. She knew the gesture and gladly picked him up in her arms. He was still lightweight and small for a five year old and a half. Mayakk didn't mind spoiling her little brother he was just too innocent to say no to. "Hey, Anther panther. What's your favorite animal mine is the tiger," he said. "My sis here likes spiders and snakes," Isamu chuckled. "The only person in the family who's brave enough to touch one!" he added.

"Well, I am different in more ways than one, Isamu," Mayako smiled. She recollected the time when she asked her parents numerous of times if she could get a pet snake. But instead they settled for a cat, which was still fine because Oreo became a part of the family.
"Wow Mayako, you really like sticking to those stereotypes huh?" I giggled a little bit. "Let's see, my favorite animal. Hmm, I'd say velociraptors, they're a type of dinosaur so I haven't really got to see one but they did seem pretty cool so I'd say they're my favorite."
"Vero...verocitraptor?" when Isamu tried to repeat the name of the dinosaur Anther had said it was just too cute. Mayako giggled softly.

"Velociraptor," she told her little brother.

"Hmm...veloziraktor?" Isamu replied. Mayako smiled again. "You'll get it one day," she assured. "Aww...I wish I could go back in time and make friends with a legosawrus," Isamu commented. Stegosaurus, Mayako thought, but decided to keep it in her head as she smiled at the adorable attempts. "Dinosaurs were cool but scary-lookin'! Anther, I think you'd win a fight against a T-Rex!" Isamu smiled.
"Oh really? I don't think I'm really that strong enough to take on a t-rex but I think I could do it if I try. But I'd probably need your help too." I looked over and smiled at him. "Say, we better get going to the zoo, but I don't know where it is from here." I waved goodbye to their family as I stepped outside and held the door for the two to get out.
((To be honest I thought they were already walking xD ))

Mayako waved goodbye to her family as well, and together they all headed toward the zoo."Yaay, we're here!" Isamu smiled. Mayako set her brother's feet to the ground as they stepped passed the entrance and Mayako paid for the three of them.

Isamu found the kiosk where it showed their location, much taller than him in comparison. "Well, we are here," he stood on his toes and pointed to the green dot. Isamu took a folded map from the side, holding it in his little hands. "So many animals to see...which ones should we go to first?" he turned to both of them, smiling.
I peered over Isamu's to see the map in his hands. "Well there is a lot to do there isn't there? I don't know what do you think Mayako, you can make the first pick for us." There were seemingly endless amount of animals in this park, Japan could away get some exotic from around the world, and not being too far from Tokyo there was also endless funding,
"Oh, hm..." Mayako pondered. "How about the tigers?" she smiled. "Alright!" Isamu cheered, and they started walking again. Though they were very regal-looking creatures, snakes and spiders still remained Mayako's favorite animals. "Hey, Anzer? I don't wanna ask for too much, but can I...sit on your shoulders? I've asked daddy before, but he would say 'sorry maybe next time'," Isamu said sadly. It was true, Mayako's father normally refused Isamu.

If it were something like playing baseball, he refused. If it were letting him in the bedroom after having a nightmare, he would simply tell Isamu to visit Daichi or Mayako instead. It saddened Mayako to see a sweet kid like Isamu to be denied repeatedly by his father.

((Happy 700th comment :D And 100th page))
(Thanks, and almost 1000th rp post too :3)

With that comment I realized how unwilling it seemed that their family was. "Hmm, get up here!" I reached down quickly and picked him up by the armpits, rapidly pulling him up and on to my shoulder. "But I'll warm ya, I might throw you in with the tigers, so you better be on your toes." I joked. We walked a bit as we approached the tiger exhibit and you could clearly see an albino tiger in there.
Mayako heard Isamu gasp at the sight of the albino tiger. "Whoa...tigers are beautiful," he said. "The cubs are adorable too," Mayako smiled. Just then the albino tiger had leapt into water, and swam around. It was in their part of the exhibit where there was a medium-sized lake for them. "Oh yeah, tigers do like to swim," Isamu smiled. Mayako noticed people's attention was turning more to the left, and she did too. There was a zookeeper, walking toward the crowd and carrying a white tiger cub.
I pointed over at the cub which I could see coming out. "Hey, look at that, it's so cute." The tiger cub couldn't have been more then a couple days old, its cub fur looked so soft and comforting. "He can't be much bigger then you Isamu, and he's barely a couple days old."
Mayako just smiled at the sight of the cub and Isamu was awed and excited at the same time. "Excuse me sir, can I pet him?" Isamu asked the zookeeper. "Well sure. He's a gentle one. Just started to open his eyes a little bit," the man said, and he raised the tiger cub, still holding the animal in his hands. Isamu slowly reached out, a smile growing on his face when he softly rubbed the cub's head. He was just really awed by this moment to touch an albino tiger cub.

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