Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

((Yesh! High five! :3 And I assume you watch Regular Show because of the whole 'I owe you a solid'? :D ))

"Okay...I admit that, yes," Mayako answered. "Hmm, but next time I want to see your face red for a change, " she giggled, though it was going to be difficult to make Anther blush with one of her kisses. She was gradually becoming more calm and soothed now just gazing into his deep cerulean eyes with the short passing moments. Mayako set her lips on his again but it was brief, like she was teasing him in a way. Mayako let out a chuckle.
(I do but that's not where I got the reference xD I just use it sometimes)

"You're gonna have to do a lot better then that if you want to make me blush." I could tell what she was trying to do and chuckled at the attempt, I got a free kiss out of it so I'm not complaining. "Oh Mayako, I can get you to blush in some many ways, you've got to come up with something to get me too. For example, I can just do this and it works." I leaned up and gave her one of my neck kisses and fell back down on her lap, a devilish smile crossing my face.
Mayako's hand flew up to her neck where Anther kissed it, averting her eyes away because her cheeks had gone pimk on her. "Ah, s-stop it!" she pouted, but she was simply joking. "And when I gave you that little kiss, it wasn't to surprise you I just felt like doing that," Mayako told Anther and she smiled. "Hmm, but you make it difficult to see you blush. Not fair," she said. It was almost like a challenge to do that.

((Coolz. Regular Show is still awesome anyway :]))
"Yeah I guess I do, the only time you alone made me blush was when you took off your shirt but I guess I asked you to do that so it wasn't just you. Doesn't count." I stuck out my tongue jokingly, this was kinda a fun thing that we had been doing about since we met each other, and I liked being a part of it honestly.
Mayako watched Anther stick his tongue out at her, and she laughed, thinking it was cute in a childish way. "I'll do my best to see you blush then," she grinned. Looking into his eyes a little bit more Mayako got something in her head. She sat up straight and looked behind her shoulder. "Anther, look!" Mayako pointed to a part in the night sky, and she knew Anther would have to sit up from his position. She gestured her hand for him to hurry. "Before you miss it!~"
"Alright alright hang on." I sat up as quick as I could, my head a little bit sore from falling off of Mayako's lap. I stretched as I walked over to Mayako, standing by her side and looking around for what she was trying to show me. "Where, where is it Mayako? I don't see anything."
Mayako smiled, taking her chance. Very quickly, she grabbed hold of Anther's hand and put her arm behind his neck and swiftly drew him close to lower his head. Without hesitation, she planted a soft kind of kiss on his lips despite how quick she moved to get a surprise out of Anther for once. Mayako hoped this plan would've worked.
I let out a soft laugh at the attempt. "Nice try, but it will take more than that to get me surprised." I leaned over and returned with a soft kiss myself, backing away quickly. I couldn't help but keep chuckling a bit at this, it was cute she was trying but its gonna take a lot more then just some quick kissing to get me surprised and or blushed.
"Booo," Mayako simply answered. "That's not fair," she sat down on the grass, picking up her shirt that was by her side and she dressed it back on. Her red face had gone away, and the cool air had started to get to her. She remembered the fact Anther liked the cold, and he might keep his shirt off if he really wanted to. Mayako lied down on her back, reaching for Anther's hand to signal for him to do the same with her. Mayako smiled at him.
I laid down next to her, smiling at her gesture. I stuck out my hand and grasped hers, interweaving our fingers together to form a tight grasp. "Cold I'm guessing?" I laughed a bit, it always made me feel special to be more resistant to the cold then others.
"Mm, yeah," Mayako chuckled, hugging Anther's arm with her free hand to feel more warmth. There was just no other feeling when she was with him. She didn't know why but she closed her eyes and went in for a kiss. She made the moments of it last longer, her lips asking for that reaction she always got whenever kissing Anther. As Mayako squeezed the hand that held her's a little, she slightly grinned and shivered in satisfaction.
After a few moments I backed up from the kiss, letting our lips be but just a few inches apart. Things were still running through my mind at a wild pace. "Say Mayako, I've seen that a you've been a little reluctant to do well dirty things, I don't mean it like I've been trying all the time it's just I've noticed! But anyway did you're 'friends' try to like abuse you in that way, you know." I knew that she knew what I meant, and I really hope she didn't get the impression that I was trying to do dirty things, it's just that I've done stuff that she might have carried through as dirty ,which I wouldn't mind doing, it's just that I don't want to force her to do that.
Mayako felt taken aback by the question, wondering how it came up but she decided to answer him anyway. "Well, no, but nearly...nearly," she said. She wanted so bad to forget about it and sometimes this was a curse how well her memory could recollect things from far back. "Now you must know why Daichi was so protective of me when he saw you then, huh...?" Mayako added. Neither of her parents had known what happened, only Daichi and that was it. If Mayako had told her parents, the issue would've gone a lot deeper than it should have and she didn't want that. At least those 'friends' were far away from this town.
"Yeah, I see. Look this was just running through my mind so sorry if it was a bit random. But you know I've accidently done dirty this and I'm not gonna lie sometimes I want to, it's only natural, but I never know if you want to do that stuff or if you ever want ever. But you know if I'm doing something you don't like just change the subject or just tell me, and if you want to then hell just roll with I guess." I raised my free hand and let out a single laugh.
Mayako softly chuckled, closing her eyes and just lying there by his face for a moment. She wasn't sure of her standpoint on the topic, normally she would let her mind leave it alone because in the past she had no use or intention for it. Mayako must've forgot how late it really was; she was getting kinda exhausted and sleep was trying to lure her with dreams, but Mayako forced herself to stay conscious.

"Hey,'re not tired yet?" she questioned.
I looked over at Mayako. "Well when I come to think of it, yeah I guess I kind of am tired, and it's pretty late too." Now that I was thinking about it I let out a huge yawn and patted my eyelids pretty fast. I flipped over and put my face into her stomach jokingly, the rest of my body laying strait. "I could almost fall asleep here..." I pretended to fake snore while on her stomach, my face completely covered.
Mayako laughed lightheartedly, because he was purely being funny and the sensation of Anther's head on her stomach kinda tickled. "Well if you fall asleep on my stomach, I would literally have to sleep here with you," she giggled, holding herself up from the grass by placing her elbows there, so she could see Anther's face a bit more. "Can I stay over at your place this time? I'm not sure why but I feel like going there after this," she said. "Hmm, I know something that'll wake me up a bit~" Mayako added. She smiled, hinting that she wanted a kiss from Anther.
I saw Mayako's signal and a grin grew on my face. I stood up and offered a hand, pulling her up and then immediately pulling her to my body, connecting our lips. After a few seconds I broke apart our lips and still had her pulled tight. "Yeah, let's go home before it gets too late." After just a second I kissed her once more, embracing the feeling of her lips.
Mayako locked her fingers with Anther's, taking in the kiss and tilting her head to the side a bit. She rested her free hand on Anther's arm. Though he had a lean stature, he had muscles and Mayako knew that from the first time she saw Anther without a shirt. She pulled away from the kiss, opening her eyes to see him very close by her face still. "Mm, yeah. But we can't even stay away from each other for long," Mayako squeezed his hand a little and smiled.
"Hm, yeah. Let's try and get home first, then we can do this all we want." I gave her a brief kiss before I started to walk back to the way we got in with her. When we were just five feet from the bush I remembered that I still had to get my shirt, I ran back to the hill and to Mayako as quick as possible, then threw it on. "Can't forget this." I let out a laugh before we walked through the bush and shortly arrived at my house where I unlocked the door and gestured her to go inside.
Mayako curtsied in a joking playful manner as she saw him open the front door for her. "Thank you, kind sir," she giggled, walking inside and also pulling Anther in toward her. Mayako stood on her toes and kissed his lips, not being able to resist the feeling. She leaned away and smiled at him cheerfully. "Well, we're here like you said, now what do we do again?" Mayako joked, letting out a little laugh.
"Hm what do we do here I wonder. Oh yeah now I remember." I had a joking smile on my face as I dragged us into my bedroom. I jumped right on to the bed, pulling Mayako on with me. I laid down face first on the bed, my body in one long figure with me laughing a bit for no reason into the soft puffy pillows.
Mayako laughed at how Anther was positioned, his face in the pillows. "You can be so silly sometimes," she smiled, placing her glasses on the nightstand. She lied down on her side right next to Anther, with her hand resting on her waist. "That's one of the things I love about you," she added. Mayako scooted closer to him and got herself comfortable with the warmth she felt emanating from his skin. She curled her body like she always did.
I leaned my head out to the side to see Mayako in her little ball starting to fall asleep. Though I was still very awake it was the kind of awake you got because you are really tired. I managed to get my self to the other side of Mayako and since I was just a tad bit larger then her, curled up in a ball that covered her back and placed my head just a little above hers. I slid my one hand under her and my other over her and held her upper stomach, pulling her closer and covering her hands with mine inside the ball.
Mayako opened one eye, feeling Anther's arms embracing her and she sensed he was making himself into the same ball form she had done. She slightly tightened one of Anther's hands that was holding her's in a playful way, to tell him she was still awake for now. Mayako's eyelids felt heavier with each bat of them, then she let out a yawn. "G' boy," Mayako muttered, both of her eyes now closed. She fell asleep in his cozy arms.

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