Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Mayako looked at the sky with Anther, wondering what he was thinking about. "Hmm, you want to watch the sunset, don't you?" she asked. She really did too and she couldn't deny the fact. Though Mayako personally liked the moon because it held it's own symbolism for mystery and serenity, plus the silver rays of moonlight were absolutely pretty. She liked sunsets aslso because of the way the sky turned different colors and ribbons of hues running across it.

"Out of curiosity, is there something you really like about them for a reason?"
"I really can't think of anything that makes me specifically like them it's just that I do." At that moment we reached the ramen shop. We walked in and went to the counter were the waiter was sitting, ready to take our order. "Hey, I'll take a beef ramen and what do you want Mayako?"
"Ah, same thing as last time. Beef," Mayako answered. She remembered when they first came here together, and Mayako was disheartened that she had to leave Anther for her shift at the flower shop. She was off today, but tomorrow she would have to work again. Thinking back on the moments they spent together days ago really made Mayako's smile grow. Everything was so eventful and she was glad to have met Anther.

"Hey, Anther. Remember when we went to the amusement park? You still owe me a ride in a roller coaster," she chuckled.
My mind almost went dead out the sound of that. Roller Coasters. "Now you're just being plain mean Mayako" I stuck out my tongue a bit to show I was playing around and then our ramen came out, still steaming warm. "Ok, let's get going before it gets too dark."
Mayako nodded. "Okay, then let's go," she smiled. "And do you really hate roller coasters that much?" Mayako included, as they walked outside, hurriedly toward the park. She remembered the time she suggested they go to an amusement park when they first met, and Mayako thought she saw something about Anther's reaction---and now. She wasn't very afraid of roller coasters she really found them enjoyable and fun. One thing was for sure, she absolutely hated mirrors and ghost children in video games. Mirrors were just untrustworthy, and so were the spirit children who ironically laughed innocently as they tried to kill the main character in a video game.

Mayako shuddered.
i put my hand behind my head and made a soft laugh. "Yeah me and roller coasters don't really agree you see." After just a bit more of walking we arrived at the entrance to the heaven that Mayako showed me, and with a couple more minutes of sunlight still available.
"Ah, we're back, special place~" Mayako sang merrily. She walked up to the hill with Anther, and once they got to that lone sakura tree she sat against the bark and began eating her bowl of ramen with the pair of chopsticks. Tasting the delicious herb flavors combine well with the beef, she chewed and swallowed it down. "Mm...Anther?" Mayako began, gazing over the sunset with a deep-in-thought face. "Why is it many disowned you?" she asked. Mayako turned to look him in the eye.

"When obviously, there's nothing about you that could lead people to do that,"
(Sorry, god of war was screaming my name over on the shelve :P )

I placed down my now empty bowl of ramen and returned to Mayako's eyes. "Well like I said before, my parent's thought I was a failure, I didn't want to go into law school so I flunked out, in regular grade school I just barely passed even though every year I was placed into honor History and got strait A's because that was always my favorite class. Also I don't know if it means anything but I've had a hunch, whenever I would hear them talking about my 'failures' the name Brian would come up which was strange because there aren't really any Brian's in Japan. I don't know it's just something I picked up."
"I see...but only if I had been there before, I would've done some protecting you myself," Mayako said, finishing her bowl of ramen. It felt frustrating how people from Anther's past were calling him a downright failure. "Nobody should be told that they're a failure, especially not you," Mayako said. She include toward him and rested her head on Anther's chest.

"Because you, Anther? I see you reaching your goal in the future, aimed high the way you wanted," she smiled.

((Yeah it's alright. Accidental nap there too))
I placed my hand on Mayako's shoulder as she lay, trying to ease her mind. "It's alright Mayako, what happened happened, we can't really change that. But the good thing is everything that has happened led me to here. Quite truthfully if I hadn't have failed out of Law school they wouldn't have kicked me out and I wouldn't have met you, I'd still be at that school. So it wasn't such a terrible thing after all." I always tried to look on the bright side of that situation, but there was still its dark side I had to deal with. It was cute how Mayako was trying to help but this was something for me to deal with but her support isn't gonna hurt me any.
Mayako closed her eyes, just imagining what it must have been like for Anther. Then she thought about how her family tried forcing her to own a restaurant and cook. "And if I hadn't developed my dream to become an artist, I would've been too busy working at a restaurant right now to even go to a music store," she said. "Then I wouldn't have met you either..." just saying it out loud made her sad of that chance. "Everything has been wonderful for me since then. Sure I have some other things to work out too, but...I have someone who can help me through it and make me feel, well, reassured," Mayako said. "Because I know I can trust you,"

This was something she was yet to tell Anther, the part about her life Daichi had mentioned to him before at the cafe.
I sensed that Mayako really had something on her mind. "Hey, what is it you want to tell me, I know that you want to say something." I was trying to think of any time that she tried or maybe wanted to say something and then I remembered back at the cafe, her brother was saying something about 'already going through that' or something. In either case I need to figure out.
Mayako looked up at the sky instead of Anther, her eyes appearing distant. "Remember what Daichi was talking about back in the cafe?" she asked, though she knew he would've remembered. "There was one time before when I really had the best group of friends I thought I could ever have...I trusted them very much," she started.

"Turns out I was being taken advantage of and I didn't realized it until it was too late," Mayako closed her eyes, wanting to forget because it hurt so badly but she knew it was hopeless. "I was just their pawn. An oblivious...stupid pawn in their game," Mayako added. She was near to crying but she brought forth all her willpower not to. She was mad at them for their betrayal---and most of all at herself because she believed them the entire time. There was no wonder why those 'friends' let out a few chuckles when Mayako exited a room.

This was why Daichi became even more protective of his little sister. When he found out how much Mayako's 'friends' actually deceived her, he swore not to let it happen again.
I sat there a moment trying to grasp what Mayako was saying. "Wow, it really must have taken a lot to get yourself to trust me." I clenched her tighter in my arms. "Those people are dumb, if they were doing that to you then they don't deserve to be your friends. You're unique Mayako, no one else like you. And that's what makes you special to me. And to top it off like a cheery, you're not half bad of a cuddler." I chuckled a bit to lighten the mood lightly since we both seemed to be in deep thought.
Mayako found herself softly smiling at what Anther said. "You're not half bad one either," she told him, opening her eyes again. "Besides, I always like doing this with you," Mayako added as she burrowed herself a little more into Anther, enjoying the feel of being encased in his arms. The stars were just starting to faintly unveil their shining presence in the midst of the night. Mayako admired the stars, finding one brighter than another the more she looked.

She trusted Anther, she knew she did. The thought of him ever lying hasn't crossed her mind. Mayako kissed his cheek, more like a thank you rather than anything else---and plus, she felt like doing so because Mayako couldn't resist either. "Thanks for being here when I need you most,"
"Glad to be. Look at us, today has just been too much of an emotional day huh? We just need to lay back and relax." I laid down on my back, bringing Mayako down with me still on my chest. The stars light was growing ever so brighter by the second with the receding sun. "Hey Mayako, what's the best thing that's ever happened to you?"
"The best thing that's happened to me?" Mayako repeated. "Well, you should know this already! It'," she answered. Though before meeting Anther, on the inside Mayako was just a cluttered heap of emotions and stress, though she put on smiles because she kept the problems to herself. Even if it was bad to do so, it just felt like to Mayako she didn't have anybody to turn to for help. Now Mayako had someone she loved, and he would comfort her by holding her in his arms and telling her those reassuring words.

"A lot has changed since I met's just unbelievably unreal," she said, looking up at Anther. She was happy it was real. "Now what about you? What's your answer?"
I put my finger up to my chin and did a quick thought. "Well there was this one day... Just kidding, it would be you Mayako but not you in particular. No the best thing that ever would ever happen to me is getting hungry that day and stopping by the music store, that's the whole way we met in the first place. So in turn you are the best thing that ever happened to me but getting hungry was the reason it was caused."
Mayako giggled. "You and your bottomless stomach," she joked. Though she knew Anther really liked ramen considering if she took his eyes off him for several moments, she would find his bowl of ramen entirely empty. Mayako chuckled a little at the thought. "Well I'm the happiest as can be since you're here," Mayako smiled, and turned back to the blazing stars that dotted the dark sky.

"Hey, Anther. Your nickname for me is baby girl. I want to have a nickname for you too, but I'm not sure what yet..." she tried to conjure up ideas as she spoke.
I laughed a little bit. "Well that's pretty simple isn't it. I call you baby girl then wouldn't it make since to call me baby boy... I mean if you like that..." I started to blush a bit, I was pretty open with doing cute things with Mayako but when it came to me I would usually get a bit embarrassed and red. I was never really sure quite why, it just seemed to happen.
As Mayako looked at Anther's face, she noticed he was blushing but didn't say it out loud, and instead smiled at him because it was cute."Baby boy, hm?" she said it so she would know what it sounded like coming from her mouth, and it sounded pretty good. "Ah, I got another one too! Lover boy~" Mayako giggled. "For now, I guess I'll stick to baby boy if that's what you really want. The color on your face is telling me so," she teased him but in a playful way. "Okay, since I've had my fun, I'll give you the chance to make me know how easy that'll be," Mayako chuckled.
"Yeah that is pretty easy, but choosing how can be quite difficult." I made a little devilish face at my words, playing along. "Ah! I know." I swiftly and silently snuck my hand under her shirt and started to tickle her right on hers sides where I knew she was the most ticklish.
Mayako emmited a little squeak by reflex as she felt Anther's hand on the bare skin if her waist. Mayako laughed, trying to lean over to her side as an attempt to escape the tickling but she was still wrapped in his arms. As she laughed her words could barely make it out of her mouth. "Hehehee! S-S-Stop---hahaha~" Mayako kicked her feet a little.

"I shouldn't have asked---hehehe," she actually caught Anther's wrist, somewhat by chance and accident. But Mayako lowered Anther's hand from her waist, then she locked fingers with him. The size of her hand was so much smaller and petite than Anther's, but his was like a warm blanket over Mayako's and she adored that. She smiled, looking into Anther's eyes.
"You're too cute sometimes Mayako..." As our hands interlocked I leaned in and gave her a kiss that I held for much longer. Sometimes these kisses would just let me be free, as if I was swimming in goodness. With my free hand I put it under her chin, making her tilt just a little bit to the side.
Mayako felt Anther's hand under her chin and she tilted her head slightly more too. Just enjoying and savouring their kiss she rested her other hand on Anther's shoulder, and her arm slowly curled it's way behind Anther's neck to pull him in. Mayako always liked the feel she got whenever their lips touched, and she could predict it was the same for Anther as well.

Mayako leaned back, her eyes slowly opening to meet Anther's. "One more?" she asked, smiling. She couldn't tell she was even blushing a bit, and didn't pay attention to the fact.

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