Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Mayako felt familiar hands on her hip and on her shoulder, and she distinguished Anther's voice. Her eyes slowly opened, seeing Anther in front of her. She didn't feel dizzy or hot anymore, her fever was gone. "Mm...I feel much better now," she smiled, sitting up and stretching. Oreo was lying on the arm of the sofa, and he meowed. "Sorry I was gone for so long before, Oreo," Mayako stroked the fur on his back, and his purr seemed like it was a way of saying he forgave Mayako.

She turned to Anther and grinned. "So are we ready for the costume shop?" she noticed he still didn't have a shirt, so Mayako quickly went to her closet and grabbed the Breaking Benjamin shirt that Anther gave her before. Mayako held it out for him when she returned to the living room.
I looked down to see that I wasn't in a shirt, so I took the one Mayako handed to me and threw it on. "Yeah, let's get going, we don't want anything we might want to run out. And say, who were we going to be, I suggested Kamina and Yoko and then you mentioned someone from Soul Eater, we better get an idea of what we want to get before we arrive there."
((Happy 600th post~))

"Hmm..." Mayako tapped her chin, thinking of the possibilities. "We can be Kamina and Yoko," she smiled. "I don't have her costume so it looks like I'll be buying something too," she added. It was two days until the anime convention downtown, and Mayako couldn't wait for it. "But to get to the costume shop, we need my motorcycle which is...still parked outside the painting room," Mayako said. For some reason she felt the need to hold his hand, so she did.

"Oh, and we don't need the umbrella. I don't mind the rain much. Plus, I think it's starting to clear up anyway," Mayako said, looking out from the window. The clouds weren't as grey and bunched together anymore, so it meant the sun was going to come out soon.
(Yay :D What do I get :3)

"Okay, let's get going to your motorcycle and then head." I walked out the door with her and we headed to that nearby building where her motorcycle was. I hopped on and put on my helmet as she did the same. "Alright I'm good to go when you are Mayako."
((A...chocolate chip waffle? xD With whipped cream?))

Mayako slid on her helmet, after taking the front seat of her vehicle. "I'm all set too," and she revved up the engine. It rumbled loudly if a growling creature. She went in the direction of where the costume was located, downtown. As Mayako drove, she was also thinking how very happy about everything that has happened to her after walking into that music store. Anther was such a sweet, one-of-a-kind guy who always managed to make her smile everyday, and made her feel safe.

"Okay, we're here," Mayako said.

I took off my helmet and observed the shop we were at and instantly I was attracted to something in the window. I darted to the glass viewing window and saw a perfect replica of Gohan's hair from Dragon Ball Z. My face and hands were on the window, I must have looked like a little kid. I slowly looked back around at Mayako, a little bit red in embarrassment "Sorry, I got a bit excited..." I could already tell my inner otaku was going to show.
((I'll make high-fiving my phone screen count as a real one xD ))

Mayako giggled at how adorably childish Anther was just now. She wondered what he was going to be like once they got to the actual convention. Like a kid on Christmas, cute, she imaged the thought to herself and smiled. She took Anther's hand and allowed the touch to spread warm comfort to her fingers. "It's okay, I was like the same when I first visited this store," she told him. It was the only time ever Mayako couldn't decide between two outfits. Or in that case, costume. "C'mon, let's get inside," she pushed open the door.

There so many sections with the labels of the anime or video game name at the top in bold letters, and below it were the different costumes ranging from all sizes.
As we walked in I could see the seamlessly unending rows of picture perfect anime and gaming costumes. "Woh, this is absolutely amazing..." I started walking through the first isle, not even looking for our specific costumes, I was just looking at all the amazing costumes from so many animes I spent so much time watching since I was a kid.
"It's heaven for people like us, huh?" Mayako smiled at him. "Now if only there were some pocky and merchandise here..." she included, reading the label names above their heads as they walked. "Aha, found what we were looking for," Mayako pointed to the costumes, perfect-conditioned costumes that looked as if they phased through a screen and came right put from the anime itself. Mayako really had to give props to the people who made these costumes. They were so precise.

Mayako picked out the Yoko costume, size small, plus the wig. "Okay, there's a changing stalls over on the right. I'll be in there so if you just wanna keep looking around, just say so," she started walking away. But Mayako looked back and blew Anther a kiss. She chuckled.
"Alright, I'll keep looking." I blew a kiss back as I took the Kamina costume off its rack and held it up to my body, thinking this one would fit, but I'll try it on after I see Mayako. I walked around some more costumes, seeing some from Naruto, Ao No Exorist, and then some games that I had played such as Corvo from Dishonored and Solid Snake. I really enjoyed sneaking and assassin games for some reason, I guess that's why I like Naruto quite a bit. After a few minutes I needed to clear my head from all this amazingness so I headed to the dressing rooms and saw the door to Mayako's stall opening.
((Watching mah show Pit Boss sorry for this wait you're gonna go through -w-))

Mayako stepped out from the stall, in full Yoko costume. She could deal with the fact that most of her skin was bare and she would be kind of cold, but it's how the character dressed. She already had a Black Rock Shooter costume, and the people who recognized her character smiled and asked for hug or badass pose in a photo. This Yoko costume was pretty similiar to that.

"Soo, what do you think?" Mayako asked, putting her hands behind her head. She winked and stuck out her tongue a little, for a playful look. "This looks okay?"
I dropped the costume I held onto the ground after I saw Mayako. "Wow, you look amazing...." I blinked and rapidly went to pick up the costume from the ground. "Okay so I guess it's my turn." I went into the dressing room that was right next to Mayako's and I began to change, but I wouldn't have the hair since I would just do that later on before we go to the convention. I walked out with everything down to the sword and sheath as I made a heroic pose.
Mayako smiled as he stepped out, briefly looking over his costume and how it appeared on Anther. "Now you look even more badass, Anther," she told him, taking one step closer to him and placing her arms on his shoulders. "We're definitely buying these," she laughed. Honestly, Mayako hadn't thought Anther would actually drop his Kamina costume earlier when he saw her, but she found it kind of funny. It was cute how they were going to cosplay as an anime pairing at the convention, she really loved the idea.

Mayako pulled down his head toward her's close to a kiss but nearly there to one. Similar to the time at the aquarium before. "I think these costumes fit us pretty well, don't you think?" Mayako grinned.
"Yeah, this works really well..." I gave her a quick kiss before pulling back because I'm pretty sure the cashier wouldn't appreciate two people making out in his store. "Ok so you want to look around some more or just head to the checkout? Either way I'm gonna change out of this real quick." I stepped back into the changing room and quickly got out of my outfit, placing back in it's bag before stepping out to hear Mayako's response.
((Sorry!! Accidental nap there))

"Ah, as much fun as it seems seeing you amazed by the costumes, I think I'll just go to the checkout," Mayako answered, and she walked back into her stall to change clothes again. It really was as of Anther had become a kid again in here by walking into the shop. Perhaps she would see that later at the anime convention. "Okay, I'm done," she stepped out in the Breaking Benjamin T-shirt and shorts again.

"Hey, after this, what should we do? Go to your place or mine?" Mayako questioned. They walked toward the cashier together.
(Lol that's kinda cute :3)

"Well let's see. we have to go to your place to see the painting because I promised not to peak while you were asleep sick so I haven't gotten a chance yet." I put my costume on top of the counter along with Mayako's. As I was pulling out my wallet I took one last large look around at the place, so many items from so many animes that I was just DYING to have, maybe another time I told myself. I took the stuff from the man and walked outside with Mayako and our new costumes.
((Falling asleep on accident? xD I feel rude since you waited and stuffs))

"To my apartment it is," Mayako mounted on the motorcycle, and after Anther did as well, she went down the road.

They finally approachex the tall building that was an apartment. "Home sweet home," she said as she stopped the engine. Mayako gazed up at the building. "Well...a new home I have to get used to, but still," Mayako added, taking the helmet from her head. She shortly ran a hand through her hair to sort of get rid of some cowlicks that were probably here and there. From the reflection of the shield on her helmet, Mayako spotted this gravity-defying curly cowlick right on the top of her head. And a persistent one too. "Stupid cowlicks..." she muttered.
(No no you're fine, it's just cute when people accidently fall asleep :P )

I clutched my hand over my laugh "That's pretty unlucky," I couldn't help but just laugh a bit. I stepped inside and stretched my arms behind my back like I usually do before letting out a huge sigh of relief. I paced around a bit, waiting for Mayako and then she stepped in. "Alright so where is this painting of yours? I'm, dying to see."
"Ah, right. I'll go get it," Mayako said, then walked to her bedroom---and on the way trying to avoid bumping into Oreo who was trying to pounce on her feet. She found her completed project, and carried the canvaas over to Anther with the blank side to him. "Now I want your opinion," Mayako smiled, and she spun the canvaas for Anther to finally see. "Ta-dah~"

The landscape took place in a forest, that was just in between summer and autumn, when the weather was simply warm and not too chilly yet, and when the leaves began to shed a new color. In the center where the tall trees didn't crowd, the sky seemed to glow of a sunset with hues of orange, yellow, and scarlet red. And the sun was just on the horizon, peeking over a row of mountains you could clearly see in the distance. There was a single white dove, flying past. Mayako put thought into this landscape because it described Anther.

"Do you like it? It's supposed to symbolize you,"
"Wow Mayako, this is almost perfect, but there's one thing that you forgot that is the most important thing about me." I walked over to her and set down the canves and then I pulled her in for a tight hug, a single tear rolling down my face. "It's forget you..."
Mayako heart skipped a best as she heard his words. She looked at the side of his face and saw the tear. "Anther..." Mayako threw her arms around him, and hugged him back just as tightly. "Anther, don't cry," she said. "Now you're gonna make me start crying soon too," Mayako sniffed. "I love you, Anther...I feel whatever you do," Mayako added. It was difficult to see with all the welling up tears beginning to distort her vision. She rested her chin on Anther's shoulder, and as she blinked her tears fell too and she softly chuckled that wasn't one from humor or solemnity.
I started to hear Mayako stutter as if she was going to cry as well. I placed my hand on top of her head as I felt warm tears soaking through my shoulder sleeve, she was crying too. "I love you too Mayako... " After a few seconds of us just softly crying on each other, I started to sing through the tears. "Monster, how should I feel? Creatures lie here, looking through the window.."I trailed off, hoping Mayako would continue.
Mayako's mind clicked and she recognized the song as Anther sang. She began where he trailed off for her to finish. "That night he caged her, bruised her and broke her...he struggled closer, then he stole her," Mayako softly sang. This brought back the memory of when they two of them were in Anther's house and he got out his guitar to play a song. The song they were singing now.
"Violet wrists and then her ankles. Silent Pain. Then he slowly saw their nightmares were his dreams. Monster, how should I feel, creatures lie here, looking through the window." I don't why but it just felt good to sing with Mayako, not only was she pretty good at it but it just felt more complete then when I sang alone.
"I will hear their voices...I'm a glass child, I am Hannah's regrets," Mayako sang. "Monster, how should I feel? ," she closed her eyes, feeling eased by hearing Anther's voice. Her mind was rewinding back to everything they went through together. The laughs, the sadness, the worries. And all the things that were more to come. I love him...from the bottom of my heart. He's important to me. More than I can explain, Mayako thought.

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