Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Mayako looked back into Anther's the blue depths of his eyes, his compassionate eyes that seemed to always leave her lost in her daydreams. She inched closer toward Anther, placing head on Anther's chest as she curled her body up since that's the way she normally slept. "I don't know about you, but I'm really sleepy right now..." she said. "So far this has truly been an amazing birthday," Mayako smiled, closing her eyes.
"Glad I could help with that." I made a soft smile as I closed my eyes and laid down on my back, placing my arm around Mayako's curled body and pulled her closer. I let out a huge yawn, placing my other hand in front of my face to cover it. "Yeah, I'm kinda sleepy too, we should get some before tomorrow." And before I even knew it I was fast asleep with Mayako's curled body still in my arm, pulled closer to my body.
Mayako realized he had already gone to sleep. "Good night, Anther..." she whispered to him sweetly, and kissed his cheek before going to sleep herself.

There were three knocks on the door that made Mayako's eyes open, and she turned to look at the clock at it was morning. "I'll go get it," she told him softly. She slowly sat up, and got out of bed, all the while stretching her arms. The knock repeated against the entrance to the apartment room. "Coming," Mayako walked past the sleeping Oreo and opened the door. She saw her older brother standing there with a familiar stuffed animal in his hand.

Mayako let out a small gasp. She hadn't seen that in forever. "Mr. Cuddles!" she exclaimed.
I felt that Mayako's warmth had gotten up from the bed and it steadily woke me up from my sleep. I sat up and wiped my eye, trying to she what was happening. I was still half asleep and had a lazy voice. "Huh wha- what is it Mayako, is something there." I couldn't really tell the figure that was standing in the doorway but I knew someone was there from the looks of it.
Mayako glanced behind her shoulder, hearing Anther. "Ah, it's my brother, but just stay there, okay?" she answered back to him. She didn't want either of them arguing so early, she didn't like seeing Anther or Daichi provoke each other with insults and comebacks. Mayako looked back at Daichi, but he seemed different today. She couldn't find the distinctive 'I'm better than everyone' look that was usually in his eyes. He just seemed...calm and quiet. And even though he must have heard Anther from the room, his face didn't change to disgust either. "Didn't I lose him?" she pointed to the stuffed penguin, who she named Mr. Cuddles. She hadn't had that toy since she moved out of her parent's house when she was fourteen. Mr. Cuddles had been a gift to her when she was five. Daichi sighed heavily. "You didn't. I kept it," Daichi replied. Mayako frowned. "Wait, why?"

"After you left, I could tell you weren't coming back. And I barely ever see you so...this was the only reminder of you," she was just dumbfounded hearing his answer. Daichi rarely ever showed his soft side, it had been years since he had. "So have it," Daichi gave Mr. Cuddles to her. "Mom and dad want you to come at the house later. Be there at six," he said. Mayako knew why. In her family, special occasions were normally arranged to be celebrated at six. "Okay..." she nodded.

"Happy birthday, sis," Daichi hugged her before turning, and walking away.
I recognized that voice that was Mayako's brother, but it seems that he walked out the apartment. I stood up and walked over to Mayako and stood next to her, looking outside the doorway. "Well well, kids got a soft side to him. Now if only he could figure out some respect he wouldn't be a half bad guy." I threw my arm around her shoulder. "Say, if you don't mind telling me before we go back to sleep, what made you really leave home?"
Mayako sighed, closing the door. "I left because...I just got tired of the arguing," she said. She sat down on the sofa with Mr. Cuddles in her arms. "My parents kept telling me I should have been doing things 'more productive' than art, since they didn't really think it was a dream I could live off from," Mayako was really proud of her artwork, she got compliments from others many times before. But it still hurt her how her own parents didn't want her to follow a dream she was obviously passionate about. "It was the family business they wanted me to get into, which I obviously didn't," she explained.

"We own a lot of restaurants around, and I bet if you asked even twenty members of my family, they would say they work in the culinary field," Mayako added. It was basically just Saika and Mayako who weren't in that field. "It was emotionally exhausting..." she put her head on Anther's shoulder. She couldn't smile even if she tried.
I put one hand on her head and another on her hand. "I know how you feel, I didn't know what I wanted to be when I was with my parents, but they wanted me to go in their field too. They're bothlawyers and I never really liked that kind of stuff. They kept pressing me to go to law school but I never ended up going, so I was pretty much dead to them." I started to realize what Mayako was really feeling, I knew the same pain as well. I started to make a faint grin. "But you know those people that complement you on your work, they're right, you are really talented with what you do, it's just hard to get started with that kind of stuff, believe me I know too. Look I can always help you with this now, in fact I have an idea off the top of my head. You see I went on a lot of cases with my parents and I met a lot of people around here during those times and I know tons that really appreciate artwork. Maybe we can go see one of those people sometime alright?" I cuffed my hand that was on hers, keeping it warm and secure. I started to hum a bit, it was a song that was familiar to me that I had listened to since I was a kid.
Mayako listened to Anther, and as he held her hand she smiled. He always knew how to make her feel better. "Thanks, Anther," she wrapped her arms around him. It felt better to tell him this, and she also learned something about Anther too; they both had in common that their parents didn't agree with their dream. "But I have to be at my parent's house at six. For my birthday," this was the first time in four years she wasn't celebrating it with her aunt. So something must have been up.

"I don't want to imagine being without you there, so will you come with me?" Mayako asked him.
"Of course I will. Besides I'm sure you're brother has told some crap about me to them so I'd like to set that strait too if that's the case." I stood up from the couch and stretched my back and reached for Mayako's hand to help her up. With her hand, I walked over to the bed and got back under the covers just ready to go to sleep. As I went under I watched Mayako go into her curled form like she usually does, I wiggled over to her and got under her arm and leg, warm and content. "Night baby gi..." I was fast asleep before I could finish my sentence.
((Ah wait when they woke up I meant morning like when the sun was shining and not to have confusion the party is at six pm I should've been more detailed :P ))

Mayako giggled as she watched him fall fast asleep. It was pretty cute. "G'night..." she replied softly. Her eyelids fell and soon after, she fell asleep too.

The sun rays filtered through the glass of the window, and it shone on Mayako's face. "Mm...Anther, wake up," she gently nudged him. "I have the day off today," she stretched her arms and legs out, smiling faintly. It was a good rest. "We have a lot of time until the party, so what should we do?"
As I heard my voice I sat up, my hand on Mayako's leg. I lazily tried blowing the hair out of my face but it didn't work too well. "Well I don't know, but I have to go home and work out at some point today so that's one thing. I'm not too sure." I let out a large yawn and proceeded to give Mayako a good-morning kiss.
Mayako put her hands on his shoulders as she returned the good morning kiss to Anther, and it felt like it woke her up a bit more. She pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Okay, you want to meet up somewhere afterwards so you can take care of your work out business?" Mayako questioned. "Not sure of where it should be yet, though," a short chuckle followed after her words. Oreo slipped into the room, looking up at them both when he meowed.
"Oreo you get up here too, I guess you're a bit jealous you didn't get a good-morning kiss huh?" Oreo jumped up on the bed and ran his body across mine, his tail intertwining with everything it could. I softly grasped his head and kissed him on the temple. "There you go." I let out a soft chuckle, I was never much of an animal person but Oreo was a special exception for some reason.
Mayako giggled, gently stroking Oreo's fur of black with white patches. The cat purred in response to it. "You little sweetie pie, Oreo," she smiled. He was a very friendly feline. She looked up at Anther, and remembered something. "Oh, I think I'm going to start painting today, Anther. I set a project for myself that I haven't even started yet," Mayako said. "I was going to paint a landscape that symbolizes someone I know," a smile grew on her face as she said it.
"Oh really, and who might this person you know be?" I saw the smile that she started to make and knew it had to be something at least important. There was a chance that it was me but I doubted it a little bit but you never know I guess. Oreo came back this way and I laid on my back, letting him climb all over me which made me laugh every here and there when it tickled a bit.
"Hmm," Mayako tapped a finger on her chin jokingly. "It'll be a secret until I show it to you," she smiled, holding a finger to her lips. She kinda figured Anther already knew, but decided to play along anyway. She saw how Oreo climbed on Anther's chest and she laughed. "Isn't he cute?" she giggled. "Normally he's shy around people at first, he must like you," Mayako grinned. It was the same for her too, when she first adopted Oreo, the feline warmed up to her pretty quick.
"Yeah I guess he does." After a moment of petting him on my chest he jumped off and scampered out the door to do, I don't know, cat stuff. After Oreo left the room I turned and sat on the side of the bed, cracking my knuckles and neck which seemed to get me up usually.
"Bye, Oreo~" Mayako called as her cat left the room. She sat up and pulled tue covers.away from her body, standing to the floor. "Hey, Anther. What was that song you were humming the last time we were awake? It sounded nice," Mayako smiled at him. She gathered up her pencil, and the cup of paintbrushes of different sizes from the shelf on the wall. She also picked out some several paint bottles she planned using for the canvass.
"Oh um that old thing, well I'm not too sure of the name but it's from an anime I watched a while back called elfen lied. It's always been really catchy and I don't know why." I sat up and got my shirt of the closet door and threw it on me. I went over to Mayako behind her back and I grabbed her waist with my hands. "Hey, we'll meet up later alright. If you or me come up with something then call alright?" I gave her a kiss on the cheek from behind and headed for the door outside, petting Oreo on my way out.
The kiss on her cheek made Mayako smile and somehow it gave her a bit more inspiration. "I'll call you later, Anther," she said, smiling. She started sketching her idea on the canvass with her pencil, the way she always started so she would fill in colors and shades later. And a good symbolic one... Mayako thought, pondering on the many elements she should put into the landscape.
I walked out the door and was on my way home down the sidewalk, just thinking about Mayako as always. "I wonder what the painting will look like, I'll just have to wait and see I guess..." I approached my house and unlocked the front door, walked in, and threw my shoes over in the corner. I went over to the tv and turned it on, a re-run of DBZ was on and I thought that would be a good thing to watch while working out. I got into my shorts and workout-t and began my normal workout, watching the characters fight it out in the Cell saga. As I was doing my pushups I watched them and thought, wow wouldn't it be cool if I could get my biceps like that. But that's not really what I wanted, I liked my body the way it was, skinny and a bit muscular, not like some disgusting body builder. After I was done I sat on the couch, panting and wiping the sweat off my forehead. I pulled at my phone and just stared at it, waiting for her call even though she might not.
Mayako just finished her piece, and with an exhausted smile she looked it over. She put effort into this like all her other works, but this time she contributed more into it. She was told she had a precise hand when it came to filling in details, and Mayako used that to the best of her ability. "This is great, this is great...hope he likes it," she took of the paint-stained white apron and hung it over the folding screen.

Thinking about Anther, Mayako pulled out her cell phone. And she dialed his number in.
I was sitting there as the episode came to a close and the commercials started to roll in, then a strange vibration started to come, my phone. I looked at the number and it was Mayako, man I missed her already. I clicked accept and put the phone up to my ear. "Hey baby girl, what's good?" I usually said 'whats good?' for no apparent reason, I guess I used it one day and it just stuck but I liked it well enough.
Mayako smiled at the sound of his voice, she really loved it and for some reason also liked the way 'baby girl' sounded coming from Anther. "Many things," she answered. "Like for one, I get to talk to you right now, my painting is finished, and I found out there's an anime convention coming up in three days and it's just downtown," Mayako told him. Oreo, who seemed to appear out of nowhere leaped into her lap and she jumped in her bean bag seat, usually she realizes when Oreo enters a room.

"And we could go to the mall or something before it's six o'clock. If you don't want to that's fine," Mayako added, scratching her cat behind the left ear. Mayako wasn't the type of girl who could spent five hours buying clothes, it just seemed alright to her. Not terrible but not great. But if Anther was still there, he'd make it interesting.

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