Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Mayako watched her brother squeeze the bridge of his nose in frustration, eyes shut tight. He always did that whenever he was trying to keep himself calm. Daichi folded his arms. "I hear from Aunt Saika Mayako's been away a lot, and especially with you," he pointed at him. "I'm questioning why the hell someone like you is even tolerable around my sis," Mayako listened to Daichi talk as of she weren't in the room. "You should have a good reason...unless you're just trying to use her like your own little tool. She's experienced enough of that already," at that point, she wanted to shut Daichi up. Mayako didn't like talking about those days---she didn't even like the fact it was mentioned.
I started getting frustrated with this guy, I wasn't sure about this situation they were talking about but it sure made me mad. I instantly stood up and took this guy by the collar because I was done taking his shit. I looked strait in his eyes and used a soft but serious voice. "Look I'm not sure of what days you are talking about but I don't want to hear any shit from you. Mayako means everything to me and is the most kind and caring person I have ever met in my life. Yeah she spends a lot of time with me, why you may ask, well I'm not even sure myself why she does but I can guess that part of it is that she is tired of assholes like you. Now if you'll excuse me my coffee is getting cold because of your crap." I sat back down and took another large drink, not looking up from the mug.
Daichi grunted. "You're not even worth my time..." he said, shaking his head. Mayako noticed how he was dusting off his collar, as if Daichi thought Anther's hands left crumbs of dirt on it. Mayako heard him getting a couple of footsteps away, she didn't really want to make eye contact with her brother.

The footsteps got farther and the door to the cafe opened then closed, signaling that Daichi left. But Mayako couldn't help but look at Anther the whole time. She was still kinda stunned over what she heard him say to Daichi about her. "I'm sorry about that..." she told him. Mayako didn't hate Daichi to the bone, they simply didn't get along. "He wasn't always like that,"
I set down my mug and looked at Mayako, figuring that she had heard everything I said. "Yeah it sure seems like, guy doesn't know how to have a little respect for someone. Anyways you better eat up, look at the time it's almost ten o'clock and you know what that's pretty close to." I couldn't wait for it to be twelve yet, I had everything pretty much planned but what I knew from our experiences something would go in a different direction.
Mayako smiled a bit and got what Anther was hinting about. "My birthday..." she mumbled. Mayako had almost forgotten about the parfait in front of her and she scooped up some of it with her spoon. The sweetness of it and the layer of flavors dancing around her tastebuds eased her. She was kind of wondering what Anther had up his sleeve for her birthday gift, though being with him ju st proved to make her happy enough the curiosity went into her mind. Mayako didn't want to stay solemn and quiet like this for too long, those two things never seemed to fit her.

"This is pretty good, Anther! You want to try some?" she asked, holding out a spoonful of the parfait. As she did this she took out one of the chocolate pocky sticks from her dessert with a free hand. It had a thin layer of whipped cream on it, which tasted delicious when Mayako bit into it.
"Sure why not," I took the offer and ate the scoop of parfait off the spoon in Mayako's hand. It moved around my mouth, spreading this rich and tasty flavor through ever area. "Say this is pretty good, but I think I'll stick to my coffee." I picked up the mug and took the final drink out of it, letting out a satisfying 'ahh' of relief. I set the mug on the end of the table and put my hands on my lap, seeing as the final hours of Mayako's age coming to an end. "So when you're ready I'm ready to go, there isn't much time left before this place closes and I have to do something." I wanted to make her feel suspicious as to what I was going to do for her, I'm sure she will never guess it.
"And what is that something?" Mayako asked, tilting her head a bit. She was already getting curious, normally Anther would tell her things openly. "Being secretive I see," she offered a little smile, helping herself to another spoonful of the parfait. "C'mon, can I know? Or at least go with you?" she questioned him. Now Mayako knew what it was like to be in suspense. Like the time she was going to shoe Anther that special place but she refused to give out hints of any kind. Mayako found it kinda humorous, and smiled.
I let out a few chuckles, now she knew what it felt like to not know anything about where we're going. "Nope, you're just going to have to wait for about another two hours or so. In the meantime you can try and guess all you want but I can be certain that you won't figure it out." I continued laughing a bit about all of this, she really had no idea and I found it kind of adorable.
"Aww, fiiine," Mayako said childishly, pretending to pout. If she really thought about it, she liked the fact she was being kept away about knowing this secret. It would be more of a surprise when he revealed it to Mayako and coming from Anther, she wouldn't be able to expect it. So two hours... she thought. Since it was going to midnight at that time, and the next day, maybe it had to do with her birthday.

"Okay, Anther, I just wait until then," Mayako didn't realize the smile lifting in her lips. "What should we do to kill the time? I'm pretty much finished now,"
I put my finger up to my lips, wondering what to do. "Well I don't really know. Well I guess I know something but I really don't think that you would agree to it. You see the neighbors at my house have a pool and they went on vacation not to long ago and they said I could use it any time. And you see I would like to go swimming which I figured you'd agree to but the thing is that I don't want to have to walk you all the way home and back to get a suit because that would waste a lot of time and a you see a I-a.... you get the point right?" I started to blush, I wasn't sure if she knew what I meant and if she did I REALLY didn't think she would agree to anything like that, she just didn't seem like that kind of person.
Once Mayako saw him blushing as a hint and understood what he was trying to say, she turned red too. Mayako only knew of it because of it happening in some movies. "I-I'd prefer wearing a swim suit, and I could just change really quick... In fact, I-I wouldn't mind if I jumped in a pool wearing clothes, really," she said. She really hated how her nervousness would easily show by the way she spoke, but that has always been a part of her. Mayako really wasn't the type of girl who cared about that sort of thing about getting her clothes drenched.

"What about you?" she asked Anther.
I was still pretty blushed but I stuck out my arms. "Yeah yeah yyeah, that's fine I just didn't really know if you were someone who wouldn't care about her cloths or whatever I'll just shut up now. Man I must sound like a real pervert now huh, BUT NO I-i'm not like that I swear it's just that ugg." I wasn't going to win this at this point, I just sounded really stupid most likely and I had no idea how she responds to these kinds of things.
Mayako listened to Anther, the wrong things slipping from his mouth. He was still nervous, so much that he had to keep himself from talking altogether. Her pale cheeks were still a bit pink too, so she didn't blame him. She smiled at Anther. He's so unbelievably cute, she thought. "Well, we only got two hours! C'mon, I don't want to waste time," Mayako stood up from their booth and reached for his hand.
I closed my eyes and let out a faint laugh, then grabbed her hand and proceed to walk out the door, placing the money for our food on the table as we left. We walked down the street for but a minute and there was my house and the neighbors. "Alright Mayako, since you're going in with your cloths I guess I'll suffer as well." I used the spare key the couple had gave me and went through the gate in the backyard. There I turned on the back lights and the ppol lights, eliminating the pool, then I took off my shirt. "Ok you ready?"
"Ready," Mayako nodded cheerfully. She hadn't been swimming in a long while, and that was because she couldn't find the right time or she wasn't in the mood for it. But this time was different. Anther was with her, so that meant Mayako was never in a grumpy mood. She pulled off her glasses and set them on the concrete.

Mayako broke out in a run toward the glistening water, feeling like a kid. As she was in the air she brought her knees to her chest. "Cannonball!~" she exclaimed, and she plunged into the pool. Mayako heard the faint distinctive sound of bubbles rising. At first the water surrounding her body felt cold but then she quickly adjusted to it. She broke through the surface for air, and smiled at Anther. "C'mon, the water's fine," she signaled for him to jump in.
My teeth made a large smile as I sprinted to the edge of the pool and then at the last second I jumped in and made a cannon shape, splashing the water and me landing safely under it. I opened my eyes underwater, something that some people were just able to do without getting hurt, and I reached out, grabbing Mayako's leg playfully.
Mayako felt him tug at her leg from underneath. "Hey!" she laughed. She went below the surface and opened her eyes, and they were making eye contact with each other. She grinned at him. She slowly took his hands and drew herself close to Anther, locking her fingers with his. It was a silent communication and telling by showing, Mayako was really liking it. She wondered what Anther was going to do, or what he planned to do. Maybe she should've went to a pool with Anther a long time ago, she was having fun with this.
While underwater and during our stare I pulled her closer to me, sort of like we normally did but it was a little different. I put my lips as close as I could to hers and kissed, making sure none of the water would get in the way. It was so different under the water, it was silent but not the same kind of silent above, it was hard to explain. The area around us was always warm here too like there was just a nice feeling all around along with the feelings that we were already having.
Mayako held the kiss and tilted her head a bit as her eyes were closed. Meeting lips with Anther underwater felt new to her, but it felt great to her. In a way it was more like she was in a dream because it felt like they were floating. After a moment, Mayako broke away from Anther's kiss, and swam up for air since she needed it. She took an inhale, looking around everywhere. It was a full moon in the dark sky, and it was a night without clouds. There was silver streams of moonlight casted on them, and it was in a way beautiful.

Mayako saw Anther come up beside her, and she turned to him. Anther looked irresistible at that point, with his hair entirely drenched and him without a shirt on.
When I arose from the water I brushed my hair out of my face and shook it a bit like a dog but not as hard. I looked over at Mayako who seemed really interested in something but I didn't really know. I was just enjoying the cooler night air on the upper half of my body, cooling the warm water on me. I swam over to Mayako and went behind her, placing my arms around her and lifting just the lower part of her shirt. I reached out and started to tickle her now exposed stomach as I laughed a little bit myself.
Mayako jolted in reaction to the surprise tickling and began giggling. "N-Not this again...!" she said in between laughs. Mayako knew Anther must have always found this amusing, and though she was the one being tickled she also smiled because she got to see him smile. Mayako turned around, trying to keep Anther from reaching her stomach by putting her arms in front of her like she was defending herself. Mayako smiled.

"Try and catch me!" she stuck out her tongue a little after her words like a playful child.
"Oh I will," I had a large grin on my face as I began to try and get around her once more to see if I could get around her arms but she just kept going in a circular motion too so that wasn't going to work very well. After so many spins I decided to give up. "Alright alright Mayako you win this time, but you better expect that I'll be back for more sometime." I let out a couple laughs then got on my back and started to drift around the pool.
As Anther was drifting on his back Mayako grinned, having an idea in her head. Sh ducked underwater and swam until she saw Anther from beneath, and broke through the surface right beside him. She gently put her elbows on his chest, her chin rested in one hand. Mayako smiled, a merry childish smile.

"Y' be honest, I could spend every day with you and I'd still love it," she told him. "You're that important,"
As Mayako rested her elbows on me if felt kinda good, really any kind of contact we had made an amazing feeling to it in one way or another. "Nah, I'm not all that great really. But look at you, you mean absolutely everything to me. You're such a good person it's almost not real but the best part is it's real." I had a large smile as I said everything, I really couldn't be more happy with anything at this moment. Trying not to lose my balance on the water I moved my one arm next to Mayako and grabbed her lower back, pulling her a bit closer to me.
Mayako smiled back at him, blushing a bit because of what he was telling her. The sensation of his arm around her back gave her that little spark of electricity on her skin, and it felt incredi ble as always. Mayako leaned her face toward him and kissed Anther's cheek. "There isn't anywhere I'd rather be," she said. Mayako really felt that way, she cared for him a lot.

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