Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

I let out a small chuckle and a grin crossed my face. "Alright Mayako, I guess I can bear having to wait a little bit." I pushed myself off the bed with my arms, standing in front of Mayako, just a few inches between the two of us. In an instant I threw my arms around her and pulled her in tightly against my chest. My mouth moving very close to her ear, I whispered "Be back soon..." I said it ever so softly into her ear, it was a combination of sadness and hope at the same time.
Mayako felt Anther's warn breath tickle her ear, his voice sounded simply attractive in a way. Mayako smiled, hugging him back. "I will," she promised. She liked these tight hugs because it felt like he really cared for her, and Mayako cared for him. "I'll see you in a little while," she freed her arms away from Anther, breaking their embrace. Her body always felt a little bit colder when she did that.

Before walking out, Mayako glanced back and flashed a smile at Anther. Then she led herself out of the house.
I stood there in the doorway, watching her as she led herself out, shutting the door in front of me. I had a faint smile and a slow wave, even a few seconds after she had already gone to her ride. I felt like I could almost just stand there and wait for her return, nothing really had any value to me, only she did. But I knew that I had to do something to pass the time in-between us being apart. I went over to my room again, looking over in my closet but I really didn't want to put on a shirt yet. I threw myself into bed, my arms spread apart as if she was going to jump in them, my eyes staring at the seamlessly endless ceiling. "Come back soon..."
With the helmet on her head, Mayako softly waved to the closed door of Anther's house. Don't be sad, Anther. I'll drive back here as soon as my shift is over, she thought. And she rode off on her motorcycle, her heart feeling empty. And instead of happy she was just saddened being without him. It's like when you're having a lot of fun somewhere, and you're told to go even though you wish you didn't have to. That sort of feeling.

Mayako sighed softly, parking in front of her house. She needed a quick shower and change of clothes after not being able to yet, so she did---having the extra time to squeeze in.

Though Mayako felt freshened afterwards, it didn't really alter anything of what she was thinking. Mayako finally went to the flower shop.
Shira was ready to tease Leon for blushing when he asked that...horrible question. Shira shivered. She had the body for a dress (and she would never admit it) but she hasn't worn one since her high school graduation. Even then she had been so colorful in her clothing choices that no one noticed what she was wearing. "Like your 87 year old grandma with a hunchback and some serious thunder thighs." She replied. That was a lot better to her than a pretty little princess.
As I laid there on my bed, just thinking about her non-stop, I noticed my guitar sitting on the foot of the bed. I reached over and grabbed it, laying back down I put my hands into place on the guitar. I closed my eyes and tried to think of a song to play, then I just started singing randomly. "No I don't mind, no I don't mind, I don't mind the rain. The simple things and subtleties they always stay the same. I don't mind, that I don't mind, no, I don't mind the rain. Like a widows heart, we fall apart but never fade away... fade away..."My eyes started to go blank, like I wasn't thinking anything but really I couldn't be thinking any more. All that seemed to run through my mind was Mayako, her voice, her smile, her eyes, it was all that really mattered to me right now, some might called me obsessed, I would agree. But it was more then obsession I just couldn't think of what to really call it...
Time went into her shift. Mayako brushed her fingers against the soft petals or a red rose bouquet, remembering what it felt like to comb her hand through Anther's hair before. Her aunt walked up to her, and instead of asking what was wrong for about the third time, she said, "Your shift is over,"

Mayako perked up by those words. She smiled. "I'll be back home in a little while!" she said as she merrily race-walked out the exit door. As she walked she texted to Anther: 'My shift is over! I'll be at your house to drive you to that place I was talking about'

Then Mayako mounted on her motorcycle, and drove toward Anther's, feeling cheerful again because she was going to spend more time with him. More memories, more moments. Mayako hadn't been this excited about seeing someone before.

Once Mayako reached Anther, she knocked on the door.

Leon tried to image what he was told and started opening laughing because it just sounded silly. "I think you'd look pretty in a dress," he said. Shira had the figure for a dress, probably a size smaller than any average woman. It was cute, because Shira's frame was really petite. But when it comes to althletic sports, she proved to be as tough as an ox, which was cool in Leon's eyes, because most people wouldn't have expected that from her.

"Oh, we're here," Leon smiled. Walking in to the air-conditioning felt cold but incredibly good against his skin. "Which place you wanna go to first?"
As I lay there on my bed, fallen asleep while playing my guitar, I heard a really loud banging on the door. I quickly shot up and scratched my chest after my rest was over. Waling to the door I grabbed my phone of the nightstand and saw that Mayako had texted me. She was here! I quickly ran over to the door as fast as I could and swung it open. Without even saying a word I threw my arms around her and pulled her in tight, just like I did before she left before.
Mayako actually expected Anther to smile and say, 'Hey, what's good?' so immediately being pulled into his arms caught her off guard but she always liked his hugs. So Mayako wrapped her arms around the nape of Anther's neck like usual. Mayako felt that his chest was bare. "You ran out here so fast you didn't bother putting on a shirt," she giggled. She liked the fact that he was happy for her arrival, and she was just as happy about seeing him.

"That's cute," Mayako grinned, looking up at him.
"Hmhm, yeah I guess I did didn't I? Oh well, it's not like it's hurting anything really." As she walked in I shut the door behind her and let go of my hug, still looking into her eyes. "Well it's time to show me this special place, let me go get a shirt on," I went into my room and into the closet. I put on a dull white t-shirt that had Hurley printed all over it in different fonts and colors. I walked back into the room with Mayako. "Alright I'm pretty much set to go, how 'bout you?"
"Mhm!" Mayako nodded with a smile. "Best place is my opinion. I go there whenever I feel like I can't think," she said. She gave Anther the extra helmet and she put her's on her head as she stepped outside. The sun was bright as always and it was a cloudless day, the sky was a nice blue color. It was also a little breezy now, too. Mayako got on the motorcycle, motioning her hand to tell Anther to hop on.

Behind the helmet she smiled at him. He's so cute and fun, she thought.
I hopped on the back of her motorcycle, ready to go see what this mystical place is that she was speaking of, I hope it's pretty cool and knowing her it would be. I rustled my head around in the helmet, trying to get it to feel right with my hair, it was always something I was proud of, my hair, it made me feel really unique. And Mayako seemed to like it so that was more then enough reason to like it too. "Okay, let's get going!"
Mayako revved up the engine, and drove off toward the place. It was a really special place for her, she had known it even as a kid. When she had to move to a different town with her family, it always broke her heart how she wouldn't be able to see it anymore. But this town was where Mayako was born, so for the time being, she was happy to visit the place. And especially show it to Anther so they could share that happiness. She drove around the forest park, and stopped where there were a lot of low leaf-filled trees and bushes shrouding a path.

"We're here," Mayako took off her helmet with a smile on her face. Pushing the bushes and branches away, she revealed the place. It was a vast field with emerald green grass formed into steep rolling hills of all sizes. Wildflowers grew in bunches near the surrounding ring of trees that encircled this place. And on the tallest hill in the center, was a full-grown cherry blossom tree that had white petals.

"So, what do you think?" she asked Anther, excited for his answer.
I stood in awe at this place that Mayako has shown me. The lushes grass flowing in the soft breeze, the vibrantly colored wildflowers buzzing with bee's, and the cherry tree that marked the peak of the hill, this place was nothing less then one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. "Wow Mayako... this place is beautiful, truly stunning, I guess that's two beautiful things you have shown me. This place, and then you, but this place is nothing close to being compared to you." I placed my hands behind my head, just taking in the full effect of this land.
Mayako blushed as she listened to last part of Anther's sentence. Even if they were dating now, her cheeks still turned pink by being called beautiful. She hadn't thought of herself that way, she just thought she was...average. "C'mon, if we get to that hill, we can look over the horizon. Plus there's a lake you can see far off in the distance. Everything about this place is just...incredibly dream-like and surreal," Mayako smiled, taking Anther's hand. The grass swayed from the soft breeze as if they were dancing to nature's song. Mayako listened to the wind's language of whispers, and she breathed in, her eyes closed. "You can't get a place like this anywhere else," she said. "That's what makes this so valuable,"
As we got to the top of the hill, over-looking all of the land, I tightened my grip on her hand. "Yeah, that's what makes you really valuable too, there is no-one else like you anywhere,"I started to get a bit blush at the fact that we were just alone again, we could really say and do whatever even if it was kinda stupid. He presence just seemed to lighten up everything, even the darkness that is inside of me. I just wanted to hold her and never let her go, it was almost an addiction but it wasn't that, no, it was something much more.
"I could say the same for you," Mayako smiled feeling the warmth in her cheeks again. Still holding Anther's hand, she sat down on the grass and gently pulled him with her. She rested her head on his chest, similar to the time when they cuddled the night before at Anther's house. "I just wanted to do this, it feels comfortable," Mayako smiled.

She looked into the horizon, and as she did a breeze picked up and loosened some petals from the tree. It fell upon them in swirls, landing ever so softly.
I let out a chuckle ever so slightly. "Yeah, I like it when we lay together anyway, it feels comforting to me too, the warmth of your head just seems to warm me up as well." I looked down at her and took my other hand and started to run my fingers through her hair. It was soft and elegant, but yet the curls would loop around and then bounce back into place, it just felt nice to do this. I looked back up at the horizon, still running my fingers ever so slowly through her hair, and let out a soft sigh of relief.
Mayako smiled, the sensation of Anther's hand in her hair felt really nice. "It's amazing how much affection you can develop for somebody. I thought I'd be alone, but I was wrong," she nestled herself into Anther, curling herself into an almost-ball shaped form. The sun rays spilled onto their skin, like molten gold in the air, and the breeze cooled them.

"Anther...thanks for everything. For spending time with me like this and making me feel happier,"
Shira flushed with the compliments that Leon gave her. She wasn't used to being treated like a girl with other guys. She decided she liked this change, only because it wasn't all the stereotypical girls made her gag about. It was nice, Leon was nice. Her stomach answered Leon before she did and she put her hand on it, the heat in her cheeks intensifying. "I'm a little hungry." She muttered.
I looked down at her, in that ball shaped form she almost seemed like a small kid cuddling with there favorite dolly or something. "Hmph, you're adorable Mayako. I'm laying here thinking how I could have ever gotten with someone like you. You're cute, funny, adventurous, it's almost perfect." I slowly rested my head on hers, feeling the full warmth of her. I closed my eyes and took a deep gulp down my throat. "I love you..." I said it ever so softly, my head still resting on top of hers.
Leon smiled when he heard Shira's stomach growled. "Actually, I am a bit too," he admitted. Running in the soccer field earlier worked up his appetite---normally doing exercise made him hungry afterwards. "I think I could go for some dumplings. C'mon, I can smell food from up the escalator," he pointed onward. So far the day with Shira has been really cool. Leon got compliments of his culinary skills, learned some details about Shira, saw how great she was at sports, and now they were going to have fun here.

Mayako thought she heard Anther say something to her, his voice was so soft it was hard to tell. But she could've sworn that one of the words she thought her ears perceived was 'love'. Her mind clicked and conjured up the sentence that could've held 'love' in it. Her heart instantly quickened. Her face felt extremely hot, just wondering if Anther had said that.

Before Mayako could've said anything, she fell asleep in his arms---or more likely, passed out because of the heat on her face.
After a moment I opened my eyes, seeing Mayako on my chest fast asleep. My fingers were still running through her hair, it was a soothing feeling really, but I took my hand and felt her cheek, it was so smooth and flawless, but oh so warm as if she had blushed herself to sleep. A few chuckles escaped, and I kissed her on the cheek. "I hope that cools you down a little bit. While she was still on my chest, I scooted over to under the full shade of the cherry tree where little sun was getting to us. I laid down completely, with her head and right arm lying across my chest. I closed my eyes and embraced the feeling of the world around, and how Mayako felt on me. "I guess we could use a rest..." I fell into a sleep with Mayako, hoping she would wake soon.
Mayako woke up. She blinked away the tiredness surrounding her eyes. She realized the sky that had once been blue was now an apricot orange. And the blazing sun had sank nearly below the horizon, casting a bright glare into her eyes. She had dreamt that she and Anther went on a date, in some place she couldn't really remember. It was pretty hazy. One detail that she did remember was that he kissed her and said, 'I love you'.

"Anther..." Mayako whispered, nudging him gently. "Wake up,"
At the slight nudged I awoke to see the approaching sun-set and that Mayako had finally woken up. I propped my back up, allowing it to pop from laying on the warm grass. "Hmm, hey there Mayako, you kinda fell asleep on me, so I decided why not get you out of the sun with your red hot blushing face, hehe..." I looked up at the now dusk sky, the beautiful array of colors that were filling up the world were being touched by the last rays of the sun. I let out a soft yawn of awakening, then looked at her, still lying on my chest with her arm and head resting there.

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