Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Mayako rushed close to Anther after he collapsed from slipping. She tugged onto Anther's left arm, trying to help him stand upright. She looked at him, eyes worried. "Are you okay? That was quite a fall," she dusted off Anther's shirt then paused, both of her small hands upon his shoulders. She smiled sheepishly, noticing there wasn't much of a distance between them. But Mayako searched for any inflictions on his face, and Mayako remembered this was like their time at the skating rink. "If there are any bruises I can kiss them again for you," she grinned.
I looked down at her, she saw just being more adorable then I could handle. "Hey it's alright but I do think that I might need a kiss to make things better," I went in and kissed her on her lips, embracing the way she made me feel. I wanted it to be more a short kiss but it seemed to go on forever and ever, not like there was anything wrong with it. I leaned back, breaking the kiss. "Wow, I must surprise you in a lot of ways hmm?" I let out a small chuckle at her, she seemed shocked and blushed at the same time.
Mayako thought the kiss was rather tender and her heart fluttered. Every time Mayako received kisses from Anther, it felt like she was put in a place where time could only slow down a bit. "But y-you keep me guessing that way," Mayako responded. "I like that," she offered a little smile. "You get me every time," Mayako chuckled, this time not minding her glowing pink face. She interlocked her fingers together with Anther's left hand. She was soothed by doing that.

"I might be able to surprise you, one day, Anther," Mayako commented, gazing up at him. She grinned cheerfully.
"Hmm, alright I'll be waiting for that moment Mayako." She seemed to really like these surprises and that made m pretty happy because I liked doing them and it defiantly had it's rewards a lot of the time. I put my hand up to her red cheek, she was so adorable when she was embarrassed. "hmhmm, you are so red Mayako, it's pretty cute of you." I had a soft smile and just stared into her eyes.
Mayako giggled. "If you keep talking to me like that I'll be the color of a neon rose," she answered. Where Anther's hand was on her cheek she put her hand over his. "You're not giving yourself enough credit though, you look adorable when you blush," she said, blissfully lost in his cerulean gaze. Mayako would say that they're flirting with each other, and smiled at the thought if that. She seemed to like it, since it was Anther and he was a unique guy in her eyes.
"Hmhm, maybe so, but now I have to see you neon rose at some point in time." I chuckled at her, she became warmer and warmer ever second as if she was going to melt my hand. We seemed to be lost in an endless gaze of each others eyes never to be unlocked. I took my hands and put them behind her back and pulled her for a comforting hug, I just had to see her get more red, it just seemed to be one of the most adorable things I may ever see.
Mayako smiled as she burrowed herself into Anther's hug, enjoying it. Her face turned to a very hot point which she didnt think would ever happen to her. "Now I'm neon rose, aren't I?" she chuckled at herself, glancing to her left and seeing her reflection from the tank beside them. She returned her full attention back to Anther, and like the way ivy climbs up the bark on a tree, Mayako reached her arms up and wrapped them around his neck.

"I want to see you like that too, but later, so it seems more like a surprise," Mayako pulled Anther's head down to her's, a near kiss but the distance between their lips were only thumb's length away. From a passerby it already looked like they were kissing. "What should our next date be?" Mayako smiled at him. She never discovered this flirty side of her until now.
"Hm, I'll be waiting for that surprise so you better make it good," I chuckled "So about this other date, so what you're saying is that we are together now huh? You always seemed so shy about it, what brought out this other side of you cause I like it." I let out a soft laugh and grin, she was changing out of her shy self into someone that whats to be flirty huh? Well I like it and I found it pretty cute.
"A-Ah, I'm not sure what brought it out," Mayako answered, averting her eyes in embarrassment. "And maybe we are together..." she added, looking at him again. I'm still the same old me when it comes to this... she thought. She offered Anther a faint smile. Mayako lowered her arms, and reached for his hand.

"Can we keep going on ahead, Anther?" Mayako questioned. She was still thinking about what she said earlier, about this entire thing being a date. Maybe I actually do think that. I need to keep considering these feelings that I have... Mayako thought. Romance was something she hadn't really experienced, so it felt new to her.
"Yeah we better get going before we get kicked out for being 'indecent' knowing people." I accepted her hand and walked to the next room of tanks, this time is was quite the opposite of the last room, the tank was on the floor. These creatures were something to see for sure. They were more like bottom feeders and not just a few 70 or so, no this was around 200 or so of these bottom feeders, just easing the bottom of the shallow tank. I knew Mayako would be excited about this room. While the bottom feeders were on the bottom, the wall was full of color changing jellyfish, they went from green to blue to red and on and on, it was truly beauty. I stood there speakless with Mayako.
"Whoa...!~" Mayako mumbled. "A lot of work put into building all these tanks..." she said. The the color changing jellyfish caught her attention, a smile grew on her face. "Ah, more of the jellyfish!" she watched the creatures with childish, sparkling eyes. "Out of all of them, I think the blue ones are the best," she told Anther. Mayako was glad to be here with Anther, getting in touch with her childish side that missed visiting these aquariums. "Hey, there goes some puffer fish," Mayako pointed to one that was swimming by a realistic coral decoration that had multiple hues and shades on it.
I looked over at these puffer fish and just had a childish look on my face. "Hehe, yeah... So Mayako, ho about you come over tonight. I'm not sure how you are about anime here but one of my favorite movies, Spirited Away. I don't know if you know it or even care about it but just wondering." I really hope she would come over, I had felt lonely for so long in life that I just wanted some to be in the same house, plus I just wanted to be with her there.
Mayako couldn't help but gasp when Anther mentioned the name of one of her favorite animated movies. "Spirited Away? I love that movie!~" she had gotten excited. "Sure, I can come over," she accepted eagerly, her heart full of blithe and liveliness. "Are we going to watch it with snacks like popcorn or candy?" Mayako grinned. She watched Spirited Away a lot as a kid, one of the things that opened her eyes to more of the imagination in her mind.
Shira smiled. "Sounds like you had a lot of fun as a kid." She said, trying to remember her own birthdays. She was born in January so she was always younger than every one else in her class. Her mom would never have the time to keep her out of school and she would go to the mall with her grandmother. Usually the only thing they bought there was food since her grandma was a very judgmental woman never let Shira buy anything she wanted to buy. Even now she didn't know why people celebrated birthdays. Teenagers who always wanted to feel so much older than everyone else always said growing up sucks, and while you can't take these kids opinions on it you could always listen to someone who was actually an adult agree with them. Why celebrate leaving all of those fun, carefree years behind?
"Most of the time I had fun, I suppose... But at school, it was really difficult," Leon replied. "I got made fun of by the other guys because of how I look," he drew an invisible circle around his entire face with an index finger, gesturing the feminine appearance that he was born with. "Though I was really shy back then, I learned to protect myself. Physically," he said. "And so," Leon added, shrugging his shoulders. "Here I am, still training every day to stay in shape," he smiled.

"What about you? What was your childhood like being in school?" Leon questioned. He was rather curious for Shira's answer.
"Yeah sure we can do that. The movie comes on in about half an hour on tv so we better get going if we want to catch it." Hand in hand we walked towards the exit of the building where our rides where. "Alright let's hurry and get there quick." I let her go as she walked to her motorcycle and started it up where as I got my board from the side of the building and was already on the way. I turned on my board backwards and screamed out to her "I'll meet you there," I wanted it to sort of feel like a race or as least a rush of some sort, but either way it was going to be ok.
Mayako nodded. "Okay!" Mayako called back, driving along the road as he was riding his skateboard down the sidewalk. She briefly smiled at Anther though she knew he couldn't see it behind the helmet she wore. When Mayako arrived at Anther's abode, she parked in the driveway and got off her pitch-black motorcycle. Taking off the helmet, her ponytail bounced with liveliness. She grinned playfully. "Movie time~"
Shira flashed Leon a look of confusion. Where he grew up he would have been the kind of guy every girl got hot and bothered over. Although she could understand if some of the boys made fun of him and the look washed away. She tried to think about her childhood and only fondly remembered one thing and decided she would tell Leon this part instead of the dark rest of her childhood. "I was well liked among the boys because I was pretty athletic and that scored me some friends. The girls made fun of me and called me a lesbian because of the way I acted. I think they were just jealous that I had a lot of secret admirers in my day. You could say I'm your counterpart. 'Sides that I had a really great group of friends that stuck with me until today. Not too interesting huh?"
"Well I wouldn't say your lil' story was boring---I'm glad to know we have another thing in common: we both got teased for something," Leon said. A loud beep sound went off from the oven, signifying the oven was finished baking the macaroon shells. "Ah, they're finished," he flashed a smile. Leon slipped on his oven glove and took out the pan full of fluffy-looking shells. "These are for the top and bottom part of the macaroons. Take some and move 'em on that plate if you will," Leon instructed.

He then opened the fridge and got out the creme that was now cooled and ready. With a spoon he picked up a bit of creme, offering it to Shira. "Go on, taste it. Tell me if it tastes good, miss judge," he smiled at her.
"Alright let's go in," I unlocked the door and stepped inside with her. I turned on the lights and one by one they started to flicker on. I fell down right on the couch and turned on the tv, trying to find the right channel that the movie is going to be airing on. I patted down on the seat next to me to tell Mayako to sit down next to me. "Alright let's get this started,"
Shira did as Leon instructed and her eye only twitched a little in response to how hot the shells were. She toughened up and took it anyway, half enjoying being able to do something. Leon's voice snapped her out of it and she was about to ask what he said when she saw him holding out some of the creme. Shira bit her lip and smiled, remembering how it had tasted when she was whisking before. Gratefully she took the spoon in her teeth and pulled it away from Leon's hand, holding it herself. Her thumb came into contact with the cool spoon as flavor exploded on the tip of her tongue. She popped the spoon out of her mouth and sighed, opening her eyes to look at Leon. "Judge gives it a 10." She stated, smiling.
Mayako took the seat next to Anther on the couch, a little grin on her face. "Hey, Anther..." she started. "What do you think things were like for you, before we met?" she was pretty curious. Mayako recollected the time when they sitting on this very piece of furniture together, hugging each other and near to crying. There's nothing here for me but you... she thought of Anther's words that day. It made her heart quicken, because she knew he wouldn't have lied about that.

Leon laughed warmly, out of joy from Shira's answer. He liked the blissful look on her face when she tasted the creme, it was a good compliment toward his cooking, and plus, Leon thought it looked kinda cute. "Glad to hear that, Miss Judge," he smiled.

"Oh, and don't touch the macaroons shells while they're hot, use the end of this spoon," Leon added. "Sorry, I mentioned that too late," he rubbed the back of his blonde hair, embarrassed. "Now you burned your lil' delicate hands 'cause of me. Great going, Leon," he sort of chastised himself.
Shira held back a snort and smiled at Leon. She had never been called delicate before, when she really was. Most times people forgot that she was so short and young looking that they tended to treat her like a full grown man, drinking and rough housing with her. She taught herself to keep up with them and soon became accustomed to this treatment, forgetting how nice it was to be treated delicately for a change. To continue this she held up a red thumb and pouted. "Kiss it." She whined, laughing a little and breaking her pout. It didn't hurt all too much in the first place.
"Alright, as you wish," Leon took Shira's hand and pulled it toward his face. Then he set his lips upon her thumb, eyes closed. He opened his blue eyes again and cast them up at her, his hand still masking her's like a blanket. He flashed Shira a cheerful smile. "That better now?" Leon questioned. "You got soft hands, y'know,"
Shira's throat tightened and the contact made an electric shot zip from her thumb to her stomach and back up to all of her fingertips. She had always taught herself to hold down feelings like this, but looking into Leon's blue eyes made her realize something. She may have had one bad experience with a man as a kid but that didn't mean all guys were like that. She sighed with this and smiled at Leon. "Much better. You have soft lips."

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