Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

"We can go now if that's fine," Mayako answered. She climbed on her motorcycle and dressed her helmet onto her head. "Hop on, there's something in the backyard I think you might like," she added, patting the seat behind her. If Mayako thought about all her worries she kept bottled up to herself before meeting Anther, it tore her apart on the inside. Now that he was here a lot of things were better. Mayako had faith in Anther. She would have fun and laugh with him, or even cry with him or comfort him. Mayako grinned, just feeling happy.
I had a large smile on my face as I hoped on to Mayako's cycle. I was also really curious as to what she was excited about to show me in her back yard. I held on tight and said ready and we were off. I looked around at the cities sites as we were on the way to her home. At a red light I leaned up on her. "So, can you give me a hint as to want to is so important you need to show me?"
Mayako figured to tell Anther in the form of a riddle, to give him slight hints but keep it a secret. "It offers a nice view, and lies between trees. One of the most relaxing things to be on in my opinion," she said. The red light turned to green and Mayako drove down the road again.

Once they got to the house, Mayako got the keys from her pocket and turned the lock. "Oreo~" she called for his name after opening the door. The black-white cat had been lying on the windowsill as if waiting. Oreo leaped off the ledge, perfectly landing then curiously stepped toward Anther's feet.

"By the way, Anther, this is my cat, Oreo," Mayako stroked the feline's back and he purred. "Don't worry, he doesn't bite. He's a big ol' sweetheart, really. Isn't he adorable too, though?"
I looked at the cat and just thought that she had it, it just seemed like something she would do. "Hey oreo." I stuck my hand out and pet the cat right behind the ears which he seemed to really like. "Ok can we go see this thing now, my couriosity is going to kill me about any second now!"
"Okay, okay. Calm down a bit," Mayako giggled. She took off her shoes and socks, going past the living room and through the kitchen. Normally her aunt would be on the couch reading something, but Saika wasn't there. Mayako caught a little yellow sticky note attached to the fridge. It said: 'Out for errands. I'll be back in an hour and a half or so. -Auntie Saika'. So that's why she's gone, Mayako thought.

Mayako opened the door to the backyard and went outside. She stepped off the porch and into the grass that tickled her bare feet. She loved that feeling as a kid, and still does. "Behold, the lovely garden~" Mayako spun in a brief circle, smiling. She pointed to the hill behind her. Between two sturdy-looking trees was a hammock. "See from up there. You can see a lot of houses in this neighborhood, plus a clear view of the horizon,"
I followed her and looked all around her garden. It was really pretty and I could tell that they put some good time into making it so. "Wow this is really pretty back here Mayako," I walked all the way up to this hill she spoke of and just fell down into the hammock. Hammocks were truly amazing, I was always one to enjoying laying down and relaxing, embraces things, and hammocks helped me with just that. I patted the hammock, signaling Mayako to come lay too.
Mayako grinned, sitting by Anther's side and lying down in the hammock with him. She gazed into the sky, the big puffy white clouds traveling ever so slowly and peacefully. The sun peeked past some clouds, and it shone rays through the tree leaves above them. The sunlight felt warm on Mayako's skin.

"Being on these things makes me wish days could be more like this...calm, and steadily going through life with just tranquility. Like those clouds up there," she pointed upward. "Don't you think so too?"
I looked up into the clouds with Mayako, gazing in its embrace. "Yeah" I put my arm behind her head, just enjoying the time here. "Hmph, being here with you, these couple of days, this is the best isn't it? I mean it just feels correct somehow." The rays of light gently flowed through the trees, softly touching our bodies in the days glory, I was never much of a day person, but I couldn't imagine a better use of my day today.
Mayako snuggled into Anther's chest as his arm was behind her head. She had the sense that she needed to, and it felt right."It does feel natural being around you..." as she said it the hammock was slowly rocking back and forth a bit.

"I know you don't have your guitar with you, but...can you sing me something? One of your songs?" Mayako asked. She smiled at him, cheerfully and excited. "I want to hear what your singing voice is like," she added.
I looked down a bit in disappointment. "Well the truth is Mayako I haven't written any songs. Either I can't think of how to finish them or even think of an idea to start them. I just haven't hit any real inspiration you know. I have practiced singing a lot of other artist songs, like Hollywood Undead, Linkin park, people like them ya know." I felt her warmth on my chest, it felt me with calmness and peace. "So I guess if you have a song you want me to sing I can do that,"
Mayako simply smiled. "That's alright. Oh, how about the song Points of Authority by Linkin Park?" she said, watching clouds go by. That one looks like a dragon eating an apple...and wearing a boot on the tail, she thought childishly. Mayako had a habit of imaging things from the shape of clouds like every kid must have done at least one time in their life. "Though I like a lot of their songs, In the End, Breaking the Habit, and Points of Authority are my top three," she said.

"Will you sing it for me?"
Shira inspected the ring as Leon continued working with the dessert. She had a feeling there was more to the story than he was letting on but didn't want to pry. It was a gift as it is that she was even getting this close to a stranger. She probably hasn't even known him for more than an hour and he's already comfortable around her. Sometimes her outgoing personality scared some people. "Well I don't want to give you a sob story. I'm an only child, I'm happy, I'm good at sports and my mother is probably the most pushy woman in the world." She bent her finger and wagged it in Leon's face, imitating her mom. "One day Shira you're going to see, no one's going to marry you and you'll just buy cats and die! Then whose going to come and change my lightbulbs when I need them? The nice boy next door? I don't know him!" She shook her head and dropped her finger, running her other hand through her hair. She was glad she was in Japan and away from that crazy woman.

"Where is dad anyway?" She asked quietly enough that he could ignore the question if he didn't want to answer it.
Leon paused by the question, temporarily stopping his process of making the macaroon shells. He wondered how his face looked when he glanced at Shira. Probably surprised or sorrowful. "Let's simple say...he's gone," Leon answered, continuing his work again. "Lost a long-term brawl against something," his blonde hair fell in front of his eyes as he gazed downward.

But Leon looked up and put on a smile. "But it's alright now, it happened a very long time ago..." he added. "And don't worry about what your mother said, I'm sure someone'll marry you. From what I gather you're really cool,"
"Hmm well sorry Mayako but I don't really know that song to well. But there is a song that I could sing for you pretty well if you wanted me to. It's Lion by Hollywood Undead, it has to be one of my favorite songs of all time." The clouds seemed to make shapes, like they did when I was a kid. I pointed up but didn't say anything, ha it's a monkey with a guitar. "So what do you think, is that alright instead?"
Mayako nodded, shielding her eyes from the sunlight that shone on her face. "Sure, go for it," she answered. There was a soft breeze that came by and rustled the tree leaves. The aroma of different flowers traveled their way and she smiled a bit. Nothing could be more peaceful than this... Mayako thought, feeling very happy. She sat here on this hammock tons of times before just to relax or think for inspiration, but that was when she was alone. Now she's sharing the hammock with Anther by her side---the moment was wonderful.
"Alright but I don't know how good it will be." I coughed in my throat softly to clear it out. I put on a very soft voice, almost like singing to a baby, and began to sing."I am the lion and I want to be free, do you, see a lion when you look inside of me? Outside the window just to watch you as you sleep. How can I sleep at night if there's a war inside my head? Cause I found a lion lying right beneath my bed. I will not hide myself in the tears that you have shed. Cause I am the lion and you are dead." I took a pause from my singing, but I'm not sure if I meant to or not, I just went into deep thought, that song always made me. I was still in my soft voice. "Hey Mayako, I just realized something. Back at the arcade, we tied on the match so really I should return the favor too." I leaned over on my side and gently kissed her, her lips also being very soft and comforting.
Though Mayako was a bit surprised, she calmed down under Anther's gentle kiss and closed her eyes. She leaned forward a bit, and her hand found itself to the side of Anther's face. His skin feels warm... she thought. Mayako grinned a little as their lips were still pressing together. She pulled away, looking into his eyes.

"Okay, be honest. That was an excuse so we would kiss, wasn't it?" she questioned, smiling happily.

((Sorry I was at a parent teacher night thing :[ It sucked))
"Ok well yeah, you got me on that one. But you can't say you didn't like it." I looked into her eyes mysterious glare again, getting lost in thought again. Then I laid my head back on the hammock again, staring at the endless white of the clouds. I leaned back on my side to look at Mayako again, she seemed to be in an odd trance as well, between surprised and comforted. I made a large grin at her, just taking in the moment.
"What is it?" Mayako saw the wide grin on his face and couldn't help but smile too. "Trying to know my thoughts again? Because you just read my mind a few seconds ago," she released her hand away from Anther's cheek. She chuckled at how accurate Anther was though, saying that she enjoyed the kiss. "Guilty as charged..." Mayako had an embarrassed laugh.

"I'll say something: being around you makes me feel a combination of things. I mean that in a good way," Mayako said. "And hugging you is like hugging a stuffed animal. Just comforting," she grinned.
I giggled at what she said, it was just cute the way she was acting. "Hmm, yeah I guess so. So combination of things, now it's my turn to be the detective, what would those things be, if you don't tell me I might have to hug it out of you." I was playing with her now, I felt like after all we have done the least we could do is have a little fun teasing each other and just chilling out.
"Hugging it out of me? I don't see how that's so bad, but I'll tell you anyway," Mayako smiled. "Being around you makes me feel...happier than I normally am. You make me feel really calm and safe," she explained. "Hmm...comfy and reassured too..." Mayako added this when she looked to the sky with a dreamy face. "And the last one?" she turned to look at Anther.

Mayako lifted a finger to her lips and winked. "That one's my secret alone," and she couldn't help but laugh.
"Oh a secret, tell me come on please." I looked at her and started to laugh a bit at the situation, although it did make me feel really good to know that she felt good when I was with her as well. "Since you gave most of the information I can't do much but I'm still gonna try and get it out of you." I pulled her onto her side and started to hug her warmly and passionately.
Mayako laughed as she was being hugged rather affectionately by him. "Anther!" she said his name in between giggles. Mayako was thinking how cute he was being right now, that she was going to let herself be hugged since she liked the warm feeling she was getting from it. The hammock started to rock back forth due to their movement. Kind of slow, like the way a baby crib peacefully moves.

Mayako laughed, her face in his shirt. "I think you're going to have to try harder than that to get the secret out of me,"
"Haha alright I guess I will then," I started to roll around in the hammock even more until I accidently flipped the thing and having me land right on my back with Mayako on top of me, but I was still laughing over the whole thing. "Well was that good enough hahaha," I had to get it out of her sometime or else I would die from curiosity,
Mayako put her hands to the grass and lifted herself up from Anther's chest to look at his face. "Thanks for cushioning my fall~" she grinned playfully. She really liked the sound of his laughter, it made her feel at ease, plus it was a contagious sort of laugh he had. "And since you want to know..." Mayako started. "The secret is that I also feel attraction between us..." she turned pink at her own words. Mayako sat up, one hand to her face like she was trying to hide.

"I mean, I-I'm not much of the person who's involved with that kind of stuff...I just---I don't know, I can't explain," she rubbed her shoulder. "I just feel that way for some reason,"

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