Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

((I got a little scene coming up after they play this game of air hockey :3))

"Really? My parents couldn't get over the fact that I loved art. But as we grow, I guess we learn to know what we want to do with our lives. And I'm sure that's how I ended up the way I am," Mayako said. "By the doesn't matter to me if your hair is too short or long," Mayako smiled. "You're still gonna be you. And that's what I like about it," she told Anther. From the distance she looked into his eyes. "One of a kind guy..." she had mumbled it really quietly. But to change the subject, Mayako grinned and said, "Are you going to get the puck or what?"
I sort of spaced out as she stared at me. "O-oh yeah," I took the puck out the pocket and threw it back into play. I had to score this next time, I wasn't gonna let her get the last laugh. I struck it hard to the other side, hoping she couldn't hit it. As the puck made its epic journey into her goal I started thinking of what she said, she was probably the only person I know that truly liked me, or even accepted me for that matter. And she seemed so, so normal and perfect, I'm not sure what anyone was thinking when they didn't accept her, especially her parents.
"Nice shot!" Mayako told him. He seemed deep in thought. And she felt as though she was too. Mayako was surprised that Anther was even single, being the way he was. Mayako had met plenty of people and made friends out of most of them, but nobody made the affect on her the way Anther did. In a way it was odd since she couldn't really explain their bond. They weren't exactly 'just friends' because they hold hands often and receive kisses on the cheek. But they're not a couple, all at the same time. But in fact she was used to holding hands with him and such. Anther was really makinf Mayako think.

"Anther, can we play that game over there when we're finished with this one?" she pointed to one of the newer games where a group of guys stood around. She hit the puck with more speed.
"Yeah sure, why not." I concentrated hard on the puck but I somehow got lost in my thought and it scored. I looked down in disappointment but with a grin. I looked back up at Mayako. "Alright lets go over there and check out what this is all about." I started to walk over to the machine but really couldn't really make out what this was. "Hey, Mayako, what is this game anyways?"
"One of those cool action two-player games where you play as these thieves and you're running from the cops. The more you hit, the better the score. Pretty much a survive-the-longest situation," Mayako explained. "This one is from the newly released game too. Chaos of the Mirror," she said. One if the guys playing who wore a baseball cap and had red hair sounded really frustrated.

"Damn! Who's this Ako guy breaking all my scores?" he slammed his fist on the machine. "I dunno, but he plays a hell lot better than you," one of his friends snickered. "Oh shut up," the red-haired guy said. "Hey, can we get next?" Mayako grinned as she asked them. The red-haired guy glanced at her, then got a smile to his face.

"He can, but not you," he responded. Mayako frowned. "And why not me?" she folded her arms. "You're a girl," he had a smug grin on his face, and Mayako already wanted to punch it off. "Excuse you?" her brows furrowed. "I'm a customer here, just like you. I have the right to play any game in this building, and you can't stop me just because you're saying I can't," Mayako remarked. "No point in you tryin', dollface, you're only going to get the lowest score. Besides, this Ako guy is too tough to beat," the red-haired guy said.

"Oh yeah? Well this guy happens to be a girl. And you're looking right at her, lanky bastard," she took one step closer to the guy, and even though he was taller her eyes were fierce and annoyed; if you searched you could probably see a fire burning in her eyes. "You ready to show these guys up, Anther?"
(Happy 300 post Moonlit :3

I took a large gulp, I really didn't know what I was doing and I didn't want her to get shown up by these kids, and neither did I. "Alright but I'm sure exactly what to do." I placed my hand on my side of the controls and started looking over the machine, these things usually had some form of instructions of what to do in game. I found them and had a mindset of what I was support to do, easy enough I guess. "OK I'm good, let's go." I nodded my head and grinned at her.
Mayako smiled at Anther. The guy who now stood behind her offered the plastic gun that came with the machine. "If you can prove you're really Ako by beating the highest score, then I'll take back what I said earlier," as the red-haired guy finished, Mayako snatched the gun controller from him, and he still had that confident look plastered on his face. Mayako glanced at Anther. "Let's do this," she said. With a push of a button she initiated the start of the game. Mayako got the first hit on a cop, getting a headshot that gave her ten points. "Ooh, I'm shaking," the guy snickered, voice oozing sarcasm. "Beginner's luck,"

"I'll kick your ass at this game," she remarked.
I had never seen Mayako so serious, she must really have some pride in being good at this game and I find that pretty cool. So I finally figured it out and held my gun up to the screen. I spotted two cops very close together and I quickly pulled twice to pick up a double kill. "I actually did it, sweet." Now the real fun would begin, defeating these two guys that are messing with my Mayako. I looked over to her quickly again. "Let's finish these dorks hmm?"
Mayako smiled. "Yeah," she nodded. She dodged a shot from one of the cops by moving away from the screen. "This game is also motion-orientated, Anther," Mayako told him. She got five points for a style kill, getting an enemy while sliding over to an obstacle for cover. Her health bar was still full and unscathed. The guys were mumbling behind the two, but Mayako didn't listen close enough to distinguish their words---she was roo focused and having too much fun. She grinned. "You're pretty good at this, Anther,"

((Oh thank you for the congrats xD I didn't see it until now))
"Thanks, I guess I am doing alright, but nothing compared to you." I tried doing some of these style move that she was doing and I was racking up points really fast. I could just here those dorks in the background slowly changing there attitude from cocky to little children being amazed at how tall everyone was. Yeah, something along those lines. "So what now you guys, still feeling brave enough to say your better?"
The one wearing the baseball cap who decided to start all this cleared his throat. "Well I take back what I said. You clearly are the score-breaker around here, so I was wrong," he said. "Both of you make a damn good team I'll give you that too,"

After collecting the long line of tickets, Mayako grinned. "We were just having fun," she took Anther's hand as she told the two guys. "C'mon, Anther. Let's go to the Dance Dance Revolution," she smiled at him.
Shira cleared we throat and nodded, the warmth in her cheeks intensifying. "Thanks. I think I spent less time in the kitchen as a kid than I thought." She felt the beat of the whisk in her arm so methodically that she couldn't even feel her arm after a while. "So what was your childhood like?" She asked, hoping to steer the conversation away from her.
"My childhood? Hmm," Leon said. He remembered it exactly, so he thought, Why not share a little story? "I wasn't exactly the type of kid who you would think always played games of tag or hide-and-go seek," he started. "You'd see me sitting inside reading," Leon offered a laugh at himself for it. "Grew up with five sisters, younger and older with no brothers. I was like their dress-up doll sometimes being forced against my will," he rubbed the back of his hair, slightly blushing because saying it felt embarrassing.
I sat down my gun and started walking over to the dance machine, I'm pretty sure that my life is now over. I had about no sense of rythem when it came to dancing and I'v never really tried this game before but I've heard of it many time. "Al-alright." I at least got to feel a little proud that we showed up those guys and that I did really good with Mayako, she was just full of surprises.
"How about this song?" Mayako selected one of the songs that was on medium mode. "To make things a little interesting, tell me your likes and dislikes as we do this. I'll do the same too," she smiled. Multi-tasking was a but difficult for her, so it would be a challenge---but Mayako liked those. "Be ready, Anther~" and she started the song. It was the Hare Hare Yukai song from the anime Haruhi Suzumiya in Mayako's opinion, very catchy.
(Its funny because it is actually really catchy xD )

I let out a soft sigh, I guess this wouldn't be too bad. I've heard this song countless amounts of times from TV and just people listening to it in general so at least I know what I would be dancing to. "Alright I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be for this, start it up if you would please." I looked down at the game pad, trying to imagine what it will be like to do this, and if I'll actually be able to do it well at all. Either way I'm sure Mayako will take full enjoyment in watching me do this to why not.
((Yeah every time I hear the word melancholy or hare we start humming the song xP))

Mayako smiled and started the game. "Here we go~" she said. And once the lyrics began, Mayako sang along to the song under her breath. "Okay, you first, Anther. Name one of your likes that I don't know," she stepped upon the top arrow, the left, then the center but with a little late timing because she wasn't used to the pattern or rhythm yet.
I started to try and move my feat to the correct arrows but it was harder then it looked, at least to me. Then she started again with her figuring me out questions, at this point they were just kinda cute as I knew they were just a way to learn stuff about me. "Hmm let me think, one like that I know you don't know is the fact that I really like the cold. I could stand out in the middle of the arctic ocean with my shirt off and just embrace it. Now, what about you." I started to pay attention to the arrows it was telling me and I was missing my step or tripping every second it seemed, wow I must look really stupid.
Mayako had imagined what she was told and sort of giggled, and in result of that she missed a step. "Well I like oreos and peanut butter together," she replied. "It was because I was bored one day and just experimented with the tastes of food," Mayako jumped on the center of the dance pad, then moved her right foot to the bottom arrow. Mayako noticed Anther was struggling with the dance. "You got this, c'mon," she put an encouraging hand on his shoulder. "Feel the rhythm~"
With Mayako's hand on my shoulder I gained a bit of confidence. I tried to think of the music more and not just the arrows, and then once I got into the song my feet followed the arrows a little better then before. "Thanks," I looked into her eyes and smiled, she really helps me through different things, even video game dancing.
Mayako smiled back at Anther, seeing his confidence for this game build. He's such a great guy, she thought. "No problem," she jumped on the top arrow. She liked dancing, she wasn't afraid if doing it in public even if it were part of a game. To Mayako, it was simply fun showing moves. "Alright, now name one dislike you have," Mayako said, successfully obtaining a seven perfect combo.
"Dislike, I don't even have to think about that one. Suits. I really hate dressing up unless it's for a good reason. Except ties, I would wear a tie all the time if I could but I'm not sure why really." I payed close attention to the screen, it was getting close to the end of the song so there was probably going to be some huge final move or something like that. "So ah what about you?"
"Crows. Crows are definitely my worst enemy," Mayako answered. She shuddered at the thought of seeing an entire flock of crows simply watching her, then chasing her out of nowhere. "And I'm not even sure why, maybe it's because their eyes seem like they watch every move. And I really don't like the way they sound," she told Anther, shaking her head. "Ooh! The final move! If we both get a perfect our score will skyrocket," she smiled.

"I'm ready,"
"Alright let's do this." I readied myself watched for the super combo of arrows. Then the climax of the song happened and my feet went wild. Left, up up, double sides back, left, left... I got lost in the dance.Then I ended this song with my hand in the air and my feet on the sides. "Yeah good job Mayako!" I went over and hugged her in excitement, this was really surprisingly fun.
Mayako was caught by surprise, being pulled into Anther's embrace. Automatically she put her arms around him in joy too, with a slightly pink face. "That was a good workout!" she smiled, laughing a bit. They got a lot of tickets for their efforts. Mayako collected them, grouping them in her hand them placing them in the plastic cup they got from Dez as a holder

"Which one do you wanna do next, Anther? Since I picked DDR, you can choose this time," Mayako grinned.

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