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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb chuckled softly as he felt himself picked up and in Asher’s arms. He felt the arm under his head protectively and rested his head against Asher’s chest. “Oh I’m quite comfortable thank you.” Kaleb replied, a contented smile on his face. As Jordan led the way upstairs, he glanced down at Carlos and chuckled. “I’ll do it as often as you like handsome.” Jordan replied, turning the corner to head up the next set of stairs that would take them to the first floor.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“Good.” Asher followed behind Jordan, thinking about the possibilities of life with these two in it. For so long, he thought maybe it was just going to be Asher and Jordan with the occasional other person or people. He never thought of keeping them around for very long. He never thought about wanting to keep them around. But he liked having Kaleb around. “I think this makes you officially the strongest person I have ever met.” Carlos reached a hand up and tapped at Jordan’s jaw. “Which is saying something, because I’ve met me.” He ran the hand down Jordan’s neck and to his shoulder and down his arm. Delectable arms. Such durable, robust arms. And he was definitely distracted now. Distracted by muscle as usual. “Kaleb, my love, did you know that arms could be this strong?” Asher was laughing behind them. “I think he’s enamored,” Asher mused to Kaleb. "Not that I blame him."
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan looked at Carlos, feeling him tap at his jaw. “Oh is that so? Never been picked up before have you? Because I’ve met some strong people. I’m surprised you haven’t.” Jordan admitted. He felt the hand run down his neck, down his shoulder and then down his arm as he walked up the stairs, coming to the first floor door. Kaleb looked at Carlos and shook his head. “No dear. Though I know your arms are very strong.” He replied before he looked at Asher. “I think so too, and I don’t blame him one bit. Although I may be enamored with another too.” Kaleb said softly, a pink tinge on his face.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“I am learning that everyone in that QZ was holding out on me.” Carlos rolled his head to the side to better speak to Kaleb. “Except for you, baby. Though, you were a little, and I am not blaming you for it at all.” He moved back to center where he kept his head up. He was too excited to rest there. “No, I have never had this before. I was the strong person. But now I have you.” He went back to running a hand up and down those muscles. Asher also flushed a light pink. Enamored of him? What was it with these men and making him feel like this? He went from Pittsburgh where everything honestly was rotten to the constant compliments of Jordan and now the little drops with Kaleb. The drops of affection. Implied feelings. “Wouldn’t that be something if we managed to find more people in this world worth being around.” He paused at the top of the stairs and smiled at him. “So, you wanna walk or would you like to keep this ride going?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Both Jordan and Kaleb chuckled as they heard Carlos. Kaleb smiled at him and he nodded slightly. “I know I was, and I’m glad I’m not anymore.” Kaleb told him as Jordan felt the hand running up and down his arm. “Well now you have me.” Jordan said as he stopped, and moved to set Carlos down. “So.. do I get a stair toll from you now?” Jordan asked with a smile in his face. Kaleb looked at Asher when he spoke and nodded. “What fun that would be. And I do like this ride, perhaps we can keep it going. Unless you need a break.” Kaleb said, not wanting Asher to over work himself carrying Kaleb.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos took very little time to steady himself from being carried. He held onto those strong arms, feeling those muscles, and shoved Jordan back against the wall. He placed his hands on either side of Jordan like he did in that first room. “I would say that’s well deserved.” He pressed an instantly intense kiss to Jordan, one hand moving to his chest to keep him pushed against the wall. He liked strong. A lot. Asher, aware that the others were not going to be the ones opening doors, backed into the door to the next floor and opened it with his elbow. He leaned his head out and peered around. “It’s clear in case you two are listening.” Pulling his attention back to the one he knew was actually aware of their surroundings, he answered, “I can probably manage to the next room or so.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

As Jordan set Carlos down, he felt those hands on his arms before he was shoved back against the wall. He looked at Carlos with a grin on his face as both of his hands were on either side of him. “Oh go-“ Jordans voice faded out as he was kissed instantly and intensely. He grinned into it and kissed back, feeling the hand on his chest keeping him pushed against the wall. Kaleb rolled his eyes as Asher brought them into the hallway. He looked around and noticed a big hole in the floor. “Let’s avoid that side of the hall.” Kaleb suggested before he heard him. “The moment you need to set me down, you can. I don’t want you to overdo.” Kaleb added.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos kissed him until he couldn’t breathe, and then he pushed a little but further, because he was that kind of guy. He stopped, gasping for breath, hand rubbing Jordan’s chest. “How’s that for a stair toll?” Was he paying attention to the part where Asher said it was clear out there? Not really, but he trusted Kaleb more than anyone else in the world, and if Kaleb was going to have Asher wrapped around his finger, he could trust them both out there at least enough for some extra special tolls. Asher clocked the hole and nodded. “Other side it is.” He turned them around the other direction and started walking. This was one of the many business buildings in these cities. It had desks and chairs along the hall walls like they were moving them out of the way. He stepped into the first room with the door open. “Need is a harsh word,” he said with his voice low when he saw nothing in the room. “Though it is going to be hard for us to do any searching since those two are back together.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan was out of breath as well, the kiss so intense and it lasted a little longer. When Carlos pulled away, he was out of breath too and he chuckled breathlessly as he felt the rub to his chest. “Mm. That was pretty good.” Jordan replied, and decided that he trusted Asher and slipped a hand up behind Carlos’ head for another kiss. This one just as intense as the last. Kaleb listened to Asher and heard that low voice and snorted quietly. “It certainly will be difficult now that they’re back together again.” Kaleb agreed. He was quite content in Asher’s arms but he’d be content walking too.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Second kiss meant they were out of stair toll territory and just in distracted territory. This was familiar waters. In fact, this was his favorite terrain. Beautiful men with some zest. He tore his lips away after a while and trailed kisses down Jordan’s neck and ended them with perhaps a not so gentle bite. “I believe our men have left us,” he spoke with ragged breaths.

Asher sighed and paused inside this room and gently put Kaleb down. “If we weren’t having to be the only responsible ones, I would offer to carry you longer. But since they appear to have gotten distracted again, it is probably best that I have my hands free.” He waited with Kaleb though to make sure that he was stable enough before he disappeared to search for supplies.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan bit his lip when Carlos tore his lips away and felt the kisses trail down his neck, and then the not quite gentle bite. "I think they have left us.. So I guess the real question is, do we find them or wait here for them to come back.." Jordan whispered, leaning in this time to trail kisses along Carlos' jawline and down his throat, nipping against his collar bone before pulling back slightly.

Kaleb heard the sigh and chuckled quietly. "I understand, and it is the burden we share with men like them. They're just lucky we love them enough to let them be so distracted all the time." Kaleb said with a sigh as he steadied himself against the wall and nodded that he was stable enough. "You go see what you can find, I'll be right here waiting for you."
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos hummed at the touch of the kisses. Teeth. “I think they are both truly capable people,” Carlos answered in a low rumble. He captured lips in his teeth before graciously giving them back only to start the intense kisses again. Hands running across chest and the sides of neck and down back. He toyed with the hems of clothing for the fun of it.

Asher bowed his head and promised, “I won’t be long. Just like before.” He slipped away and disappeared into the room. It wasn’t very large which meant that his route took maybe a minute to complete as he moved directly to the usual spots, opening with one hand any drawers that may contain something, and always being prepared to move just in case. He never was able to move past his life of traps. That was not something Jordan could kiss away as much as he might have liked. After finding a smattering of supplies, he was back with arm out. “Alright, shall we continue on?”
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Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan heard Carlos' hum and response, before he hummed himself at the capture of his lips in the other's teeth, and then the intense kisses started again. Jordan smirked into the kiss as he kept going. He pulled away for a moment to breathe. "I think so too." He said, before he restarted the kissing again as he felt Carlos toy with the hems of his clothing.

Kaleb nodded as he leaned against the wall with a smile. "Okay." He replied as he watched Asher disappear into the room. He waited for about a minute before Asher was back and Kaleb happily took the arm. "We shall continue on." He replied, ready to move onto the next room in the hall. He glanced back at the hole before looking forward.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

What Carlos was learning quickly was that breath around Jordan was hard to keep. This man somehow stole all the air away. This man was something else. Carlos wished more than anything that they were not traveling right now, because there were things he wanted to try. Things he wanted to explore. He couldn’t do that if they were always having to get up to be on the move somewhere else. But also, he loved the travel. He loved seeing new places. It was a hard life that he lived. Clearly. He grabbed Jordan’s hands and pinned them to the wall above their heads as he grinned before kissing Jordan again. Still. Always. In moments like these, Carlos was lost in it. Utterly lost. He could almost forget everything else.

Asher left them to the next room, though he too looked back at the ominous looking hole in the ground. “I hope the floor looks better this way otherwise we may not have much to check in this building. He stopped at the next room and like before promised to return quickly. He disappeared into the room, checked, and found some supplies. He was good on silencers now. He found a sharp implement that he thought might be useful for some of the rest. He came back with a handful of various bullets that they could disperse among them later. He put out his arm as though he were offering to escort Kaleb somewhere. “I found some bullets which should be useful. Otherwise, this room did not have a whole lot.”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan was quite enjoying his time with Carlos, it was interesting seeing how the other was all in just as he was. In fact, it was great to him. He felt hands grab his and pin them over their heads. He grinned back as he kissed Carlos as deeply as he could with his hands over his head. He was getting lost in the moment with the other man, wanting him to move closer but not able to move himself.

Kaleb nodded to Asher's words. "I hope so." He replied as they moved to the next room. He waited outside as Asher checked it, and sighed softly as he came back with some bullets, but not much else. "How many more rooms do we have before we interrupt our boys?" Kaleb asked as he looked ahead, he didn't see many but if these last two had so little, was it even worth the energy to look at them?
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

The control was Carlos’. That was what he wanted. He always had control in situations like this, because no one else knew what to do with it. However, it felt different than when he was with Jordan. He felt proud of himself for maintaining that control. Of course, he was certain that he was enjoy this equally as much if Jordan took over. It almost felt like this clearly more experienced man was giving it to him though. That was also a win. Maybe he was worthy or something like that. Carlos eradicated the gap between them, so many parts of their bodies touching and moving as one. He let the hands go so that he could bring them to Jordan’s cheeks, inch their way to the back of his neck and head to deepen the kisses.

Asher considered Kaleb’s words. “It’s possible that this floor is pretty picked over, but I doubt that the one above this would have been gone through with the hole in the floor. That is a bit daunting to your average person.” He grinned. “Not me of course. I am never daunted.” He looked down the hall. “Couple of options. We proceed with the… handful of rooms, you wait here and I speed through them, or we skip them and tell our boys that their make out session has come to an end, because we need to keep moving forward. What do you think?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan had given control to Carlos, curious to see just what he was going to do with it. He felt Carlos' body touch his as that gap between them vanished. His hands were released as he felt Carlos place his hands on Jordan's cheeks and travel to the back of his neck and head. He felt the kiss deepen as his own hands traveled up to run through Carlos' hair, feeling it run through his fingers as they kissed.

Kaleb listened to Asher and chuckled, thinking about the floor above them and how this floor was probably picked over. He shook his head as he looked at the grin on Asher's face. "Of course, you're never daunted." He replied as he thought for a moment about what they should do. "Well. I think it would be smarter to skip these rooms and interrupt their make out session and move to the third floor." Kaleb said, turning towards the stairwell door.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

“I think you’re right,” Asher answered. The more he thought about it, the more practical it seemed to go ahead and move up those stairs. “Can’t promise they won’t be deep into whatever it is that they decided to do instead of being useful and productive members of this team.” He said the last words loudly in the hopes that the other two might hear them. It was not that he wanted to break them up before they got there necessarily, but also, yes, that was kind of it. This was still new for Kaleb. Watching his man full on with another one was still very new. Not everyone could be like Asher and see that for the first time and have the kind of reaction that he did. In fact, he had never met anyone else who did that.

Carlos may have gotten a little enthusiastic. A little. He couldn’t help it. He had not learned how to moderate yet. He had not learned how to do a lot yet. He was still in the stage of being utterly swept away by it all. As the words rang through the air and settled in his ears, he laughed. His fingers played with the hems of the fabric on Jordan’s body. He nipped at the other’s neck and pulled away. By the time that the other two came back in, he was just all over him and not also doing anything else. He turned his attention to them. The vision of Kaleb made him smile. “Hey beautiful blue eyes. Find anything fabulous?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb chuckled as he heard Asher's words and it was rather loud and of course on purpose. He appreciated that because he wasn't sure if he'd like to have seen anything more than the passionate kissing he'd seen between him and Jordan so far. Kaleb moved with Asher back towards the stairs and when they did enter the stairwell, the two were all over each other but then Carlos had turned to look at him. "Nothing great, we're going to head up to the next floor."

Jordan was more than happy to go along with the enthusiasm of the other man until he heard Asher's words. Jordan chuckled as he felt the fingers playing with the hems of the fabric. The nip to his neck sent shivers down his spine before he watched Carlos pull away. He moved in and kissed him before he heard the door open and the others coming back in. "Hey gorgeous, we moving on?" Jordan asked as he looked at them with a smile.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher rolled his eyes at their entirely useless but still horrendously attractive men. “We are moving on,” he answered. “Are you?” Without any further ado, he picked up Kaleb and started walking up the stairs. It was like they always were together. He and Jordan were always playing games. They were always challenging each other in honestly very flirty ways. This time, the game had the added bonus of having Kaleb and Carlos in them. That made it even better. Asher liked so many people all at once. It was almost overwhelming. Carlos, still leaning against Jordan, laughed as Asher took Kaleb away. He waved as he watched them go. “Well, okay then.” He peered over at Jordan. “Shall we join them, Red?”
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb chuckled as he heard Asher's words before he gasped softly at being picked up yet again by Asher to make their way up to the third floor. He looked back at the others when he saw Jordan laugh and smile. "We are and yes, we shall." Jordan said as he felt Carlos still leaning against him. He grinned and shifted so he could pick up Carlos in his arms again and made his way up the stairs behind Asher with a smile. "Perhaps we should help them with this floor as well beautiful." Jordan said as they walked.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos, living his absolute best life in Jordan’s arms, groaned loudly which turned into a sigh. “I guess if we must.” Asher from up ahead rolled his eyes so much that they could see it happen from behind. “But only because they are the cutest things in the entire world, and we can’t leave them alone for too long.” This too made Asher roll his eyes, and he realized that yes, having two Jordans was better than one. He looked at Kaleb and spoke softer. “Do you think they will even be of any use?” He stopped at the top of the stairs and peered down at the other two.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Jordan heard that loud groan that turned into a sigh and chuckled. “That is absolutely true, they are the cutest things and we absolutely cannot leave them alone for long.” He agrees, looking down at Carlos real quick. Kaleb looked at Asher and chuckled. “Probably not. They’ll go off to one side of the hall and be all over each other.” Kaleb said as Jordan got to the top of the stairs. He set Carlos down and grinned. “Stair toll first and then we go check this floor.” Jordan said, looking at Carlos and winked.
Carlos Da Silva and Asher McCoy
Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter | 23, 30 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Asher gently placed Kaleb down and leaned on the door as he waited for the other two to be done with whatever it was that they decided was a stair toll. He was highly amused, and though Kaleb was new to being okay with Carlos being Carlos, Asher was long past that problem. That never really was a problem when they were faced with it. He just did a lot of watching like he was doing now. Carlos eyed Jordan and grinned. “Oh, sure.” He leaned in close, his lips bushing against Jordan’s. “But.” His fingers glided across cheek and down neck. “What if I don’t wanna?” He stepped away, barely concealing a laugh. He winked at Kaleb.
Kaleb Price and Jordan DeShay
Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler | 25, 28 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb looked at the other two as he was set down. He leaned on Asher a little so he didn’t put as much weight on his leg. Jordan looked at Carlos, seeing him eyeing him. He felt the lips brush against his and the fingers glide across his cheek and down his neck. Then Carlos stepped away. “Oh is that so beautiful.” Jordan said with a chuckle, arm reaching out to snag Carlos’ to bring him back for a kiss. “You owe me one otherwise.. I might just be all sad about not getting that kiss.” Jordan told him, allowing his grin to fall into a frown.

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