♥Lies Of The Gorgeous People♥ ┼Truth In Only Those Who Accept It┼

((It's fine Star :) Maybe its a sign?! xp.. I added a male character Demonic! Hopefully the genders even out))

As Tammy looked to her schedule she saw that she had orchestra next,! Great that means I'll have to haul it all the way across the schoolshe thought to herself as she closed her binder. As she looked up, she saw a guy walking into class (Cory) she pulled a few loose strand behind her ear and looked to the teacher as the bell rang listening for hints on their assingment a.
(Why is Alex crying?)

Tony grabbed the bottle and laid bag on Gerards bed. He took two out, and popped them into his mouth, and threw his head back and swallowed them, sipping at Gerards glass of water. He sighed, and gave the bottle to Gerard, before walking back up to his room, tripping and hitting his head on the top stair, knocking himself unconsious. Princess, Frank's dog, heard the loud boom, and ran to her daddy. She licked his face continousily, before whining loudly, then starting to houl. Gerard told her to shut up, but she didn't stop, and Gerard found Frank on the stairs. He quickly picked him up, and took him down stairs, laying him on the couch. He called an ambulance, afraid of what had just happened.
((lol maybe. if anyone can stand Cory being a jerk :P ))

Serenity sat down in history and opened her book yet again. a peice of paper was placed in front of her and she smile. aced the test again. she tucked the paper into her binder and continued to read.

Cory took a seat in the far back corner of the room and started jotting down miscellaneous rhythms in a composition notebook. one of his few hobbies was to put together music for his guitar. he had an exceptional singing voice as well, but her never sang in front of anyone.
((Challenge accepted xD ))

Tammy listened to Mrs. Rynhars; she already knew what the teache was teaching. Tammy had remembered the lesson about complex sentences from last year; this class was just a chill class until the assignment was due, then Tammy paid attenion. She took a blank piece of notebook paper out and started to write the harmony and melodies for the song Viva la Vida; a song she would most likely be performing on her cello for festival
Cory frowned and crumpled up the paper before starting a new melody. unless it was for the whole orchestra ensemble, he hated playing anything that he had not written himself. he was planning on playing his celloo for the festival, but simply couldnt write a peice he liked. now he found himself working on a peice for his guitar when he very well knew he didnt want to play it with out lyrics. he would never sing in front of anyone though, as was one of his defensive ways. he frowned as switched to trying cello melodies.
Upon hearing the crinkling of paper, Tammy turned around to see a guy looking frustrated. She smiled polietly and turned back around, and quickly glancing at the clock on the wall. She saw there were 5 more minutes of class, so he started to play attention. Tammy finished the melodies and harmonies to Viva la Vida just as the teacher started to talk about ther assingment
Lea walked through the detention door to find the teacher completely knocked out. Lea rolled her eyes and sat down. No one else was there but that maybe because the teacher is always asleep and kids have better things to do. Lea looked at Xavier and sighed. He had a special charm to him. She was tempted to let her wild side have fun with him but held back remembering that clearly she would just scare him off like the other jerk. She sighed and looked down. She hated having to fake her personality just to get someone to like her but it seemed no one liked the real her.
Cory spotted a girl smiling at him, then jotted down the assignment before closing his notebookand stacking his stuff in a neat pile. He wanted to get out of class as soon as possible.

Serenity had read her book the entire hour, making it about a quarter of the way through. She wrote down the assignment then opened her book again and started reading while she walked again.
Xavier sat down and took out some paper, and began to write, he looked at Lea and smiled, "Whats your favorite hobby?" He asked not looking up at her, just scribbling words down the crossing them out quickly, and writing again.


Because someone TOLD Tony to love her.

Taylor sniffled and turned her phone on, hoping to have a text from Tony, but her hopes were crushed when she saw he didn't text back.

Kat walked into Class only to find a boy (Cory) scribbling on paper, and a girl turning around a few minutes later to smile at him, she smiled and took a seat in the back, so she wouldn't get in the way of the flirts. (Lololololol)
Lea took out a sheet off paper as well ignoring him. She was silent scribbling away at the paper before she gave it to him.it was a sketch of him and you could clearly tell as well. It had looking down at his desk with his hair covering his face a bit as he was writing just like he was now.she smiled a bit proud of her excellent drawing of him."That's my hobby ...you can keep it." She said and looked out the window.
Cory took out his notebook and gave the music another try. he tapped his pencil and managed to come up with a decent melody. he wasnt sure how to expand on it, but he knew if he didnt use this rhythm he might not find one he liked.

Serenity was still reading in class.

(sorry bout the lazy post...)
Alex sniffled when her phone buzzed, Tony was calling. She hesitated letting it ring a little bit, then she answered, "Hello?" She said with a quiet tone. In no mood let him hear her cry.

Kat walked past Cory's desk and sat down a few desks behind him. Ethan and Nathan walked in and laughed when they saw Serenity. They sat behind her, their dirty tricks about to take place, Kat bit her lip and twirled her hair with one finger. Angel was in the hall, She wrapped her fingers around the fire alarm and pulled hard, The sprinklers in every room went off covering everyone in cold wet water, The teacher ran out and shouted at Angel, Angel ran off, the teacher yelling at some guard's to catch her, then he left the room.

Kat laughed and tapped her pencil on her lips, Nathan crumpled a piece of paper then hit Serenity in the back of the head with it. "Sorry." He called out with a gorgeous smile.
"Darlin.....I'm sorry, that i don't know how to think for myself....I'll get better.... I won't listen to Gerard when it comes to my personal issues.....I'll figure it out for myself....and what I think is right....is you....." Tony said, biting his lip.
As Tammy heard the fire alarm, she sighed to herself and looked into the halls, still in her seat. She quickly slid her phone out of her pocket, she put it back hoping she didn't get it too wet. Wondering whether to leave the classroom, she shrugged and put the hood of her hoodie up.

Collin looked up at te sprinklers that were dispensing cold water, he chuckled to himself and looked at all of the girls trying to save their makeup that was plastered into their face. Collin closed his notebook and looked around the room, it felt very nice to him
Serenity simple turned to him and spoke with a calm voice, "it fine." she closed her book and set it on her lap under the desk so it wouldnt get wet.
Kat walked out of the room ,but not before making sure, the teacher was really gone, then she ran down the halls, To Valerie's Class, she saw Collin and winked then, whistled for Valerie.

Valerie stood up fast and walked to her, The bell rung signing school was over.

Kat then smiled and beckoned Collin over with one finger.

Alex teared up and smiled "Okay." She whispered and sniffled again. "Can you meet me at the park?" She asked with a glimmer of excitement.
Collin looked over to Kat, he smiled and slid his things into his locket and throwing his backpack over his shoulder. Collinflattened his partially wet hair down and put his hands in his pockets
Serenity stood up, water dripped from her long her. she was soaked from the sprinklers, and though she didnt show it, slightly agitated with the guy who had sat behind her. she walked out of the classroom and went to her locker to retreive a few things before she left.

Cory cursed out loud, his work was ruined by the sprinklers. now he would have to rewrite the music he had been working on.
Kat smiled and bit her lip, And walked across the hall waiting for Collin to catch up, she quietly talked with Valerie.

Nathan and Ethan Pushed Collin out of the way because they knew he was after Kat, They laughed and went over to Kat, pushing her around a little bit, Kat spoke under her breath, and Ethan shoved her, She stumbled backwards into the lockers, she went at him hard punching him in the chest, Ethan took a step back, Kat turned to walk away, but Ethan grabbed her hips and pulled her into the air, "Let me go Ethan!" She said and tried kicking him. "Why?" Ethan jeered. "Because i *Freaking* Said"
Serenity watched a strange scene unfold near her locker. the gorgeous group was acting up again and her agitation grew. she wanted so much to yell at them for harrassing their friend, but held her tongue. she wasnt strong enough to fight back if things got physical.

Cory stomped to his locker, infuriated. whatever shmuck had thought it funny to pull the fire alarm had just ruined his best attempt at writing a cello solo.
Nathan laughed at Ethan Dropped Kat, He pinned her against a locker and put his hand on both of her cheeks pressing her lips together. he was bigger and stronger. She struggled but he held her back, He smiled "Aww, Poor Kat, Doesn't want a Kissy." Kat shook her head trying to get her face free, but her pressed harder.

Xavier laughed as the sprinklers went off and he grabbed Lea's hand and stood up, his feet squishing in some puddles on the floor. then he slipped and fell on his butt, but he continued to laugh.
at this point Serenity was getting fed up. she slammed her locker, walked up behind the guy who was torturing the girl, and kicked him as hard as she could in the back of the leg. "hey scumbag, why dont get a real life that doesnt revolve around torturing people who are HUMAN just like YOU. YOU are PATHETIC." she spat. she was sick and tired of watching this crap happen. she, despite her lack of strength, would show people that they didnt have to put up with it. it was about time someone stood up.
Ethan dropped Kat at his feet, she whimpered quietly. The hallway hushed and Ethan turned around to face the girl. a mischievous smile spread across his lips. "Better watch yourself." He grumbled under his breath pushing her back slightly, Kat grabbed his legs and knocked him onto his back, Ethan groaned then Kat jumped up "Run, Hurry." She said pushing at her for her to run, "Really, Run!" She snapped loudly as Ethan began to regain his footing.

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