♥Lies Of The Gorgeous People♥ ┼Truth In Only Those Who Accept It┼

Tony had throw his phone on the floor, when he laid down on his head. He heard his phone vibrate against the floor, and he looked down. Random number. He picked up his phone, and texted back. "Hi, Who's this?" He set his phone on the other pillow on his bed, and sighed, turning on the tv.
(And demonic you didn't answer me)

Lea got up and shot a glare at anyone who looked at her like she was crazy. She sighed and walked off crossing her arms.
Serenity stirred, "wah...?" she looked up. a light blush painting her face, she was embarrassed to have fallen asleep in the hall. she stood up and dusted herself off. "thank you for waking me." she said politely before opening her book and reading as she walked down the hall.

He would probably a Juvenile Delinquent(: and what do you mean? You girl could be a Bookworm :3

Angel felt her phone vibrate and she quickly put it on Silent and Replied: Alex..

Xavier laughed and walked down the hall and smiled as he brushed past Lea.


How you doinn?
(Ok ok geez >…>)

Lea looked up at Xavier and stood."I'm not sleeping ... i just beat a guy up ok." She crossed her arms. She leaned on the lockers and looked at him."what's you're name?"
tony felt his bed vibrate, and he looked at the text, and frowned. "Hey....I'm sorry for everything that Valerie told you about.....I just....I can't control it sometimes....and seeing all these new pretty faces.....it all over wellemed me....and because of that, I got slapped, then punched in the face.... for what my roommate Gerard told me to do..... He told me, to ask you out...because girls like you, didnt come around very often....but girls like Lea, are everywhere....." Tony typed then set his phone down, and watched South Park.
((thats pretty fitting xD he is one of those people who hates socializing cuz he thinks everyone will betray him.))

Serenity became so absorbed in her book that as she walked, she made a turn to another hallway a bit to soon and ran into the wall. she fell back and landed right on her butt. she turned red with embarrassment and wondered if anyone had seen.
Xavier looked down at her "Xavier." He said with a smile his hair covering his eyes "You?"

Alex text him back: So you are only doing this because you friend told you to? Why don't you use your own mind and not someone else?

Ethan had seen the girl fall and laughed , he walked over and held out his hand "Don't worry, Not to many people saw that sweetheart." He smiled and helped her onto her feet.
Tony bit his lip, the nodded. "I"m not only doing this, cause Gee told me too....I'm doing what he said because I couldn't make a right decision.....I didn't want to *freak* it up again.... My brain really really hates me sometimes.... Will you be my one and only, Alex? I'll tell you everything you want to know about me....starting with, when I lived back in Jersey....with my parents...." Tony texted back, going to take a shower.
Serenity turned her head and blushed in embarrassment. she didnt want any pity from someone as "important" as a guy from the gorgeous group. "thank you for helping me up." she said calmly. "i dont really care what these people think of me." she lied. she had always been one concerned with her outward appearance, hence her blouse and knee-length skirt.

((i posted my male chara so check it out if any of you feel like.)
((Sorry I left a little bit I fell asleep Ok, I will tomorrow)))

Collin returned Kats look. He looked up at the clock as it rang. "Off to science" he mumbles under his breathZ he walked with his friends to their lockers and grabbed his wary science book before head to that classes direction
("There are girls like Lea everywhere " ugh seriously though now I don't see her unique and cool like I pictured -.-)

Lea looked up at him."A guy lied to me and said he was gay just to get rid of me..." She sighed a bit."Hey.... wanna hang out in detention with me?" She asked with a bit of hope in her eye as she peered up at him.
Alex rolled her eyes. No Tony. Is you are only doing this because you cant think for yourself then forget it. she replied and turned her phone off and put it in her pocket and headed out of the school again.

Kat walked to class her books in hand went off to her English class passing Collin without looking back at him.

Ethan smiled "Wel.. thats good." He said examining her wardrobe, "Well gotta run." He said and walked off when the bell rang, Nathan walking behind him.
Tammy walked to English alone; only becuase her friends were too busy trying to flirt. She didn't really flirt much, so she didn't mind if they did. As she walked into her class, she saw an empty table kind of in the back of the classroom, she say on the side farthest from the door and took a pencil out and looke at the clock; she had an extra 3 minutes before class started so she sat back in her chair.
Tony groaned, and threw his phone against the wall, he watched as it snapped in half. Tony growled in frustration, and walked down stairs. "Gerard? Do you still have some Xanax?" Tony asked as he walked into Gerards bedroom. Gerard looked up from his sketch book and nodded, then narrowed his eyes. "You. Are not allowed to Overdose. You hear me, Iero. Do not Overdose..." Gerard said sternlly. Thats exactly what Tony wanted to do. Kill himself....but with Gerard right there...he wouldn't be able to..
Serenity frowned. she had noticed him looking at her outfit. it was casual yet girly....a favorite of hers. did she look weird? she probably looked like a nerd. why did she even care? people like them were far out of her reach anyway. she sighed, she could never be one of them, she was a book worm. quiet, conservative, and she had little tolerence for people who felt themselves better then others. she picked up her book and went into her history class.

Cory was sitting out near the back of the school with his guitar. he let a small smile play on his lips as he strummed out one last tune. he packed away his guitar, and as though it were an object, his smile as well. his lips settled into a relatively flat expression as he walked back into the school building. he dropped his guitar off in his music locker, though it was only meant to hold his cello. he carefully fit it next to the other large string instrument and made his way to english.
Lea smiled a bit."Cool." She walked over and took his hand blushing a bit. She started to walk to detention. She sighed a bit thinking maybe this could work maybe it could really truely work.
((shoot, just noticed your chara go to English and she plays cello right coedy? im totally not copying/stalking or anything. )
Alex felt tears well in her eyes as she got into her car, she sat the for a minute holding them back. She sniffled and started the car, she started to drive home, only one tears slipped down her cheek causing a chain reaction of other tears. she tried blinking them away but she was to scared about crashing, she slowed down and, she stopped in front of her house and wiped away her tears, she got out and locked her car, She went inside her house and sat on her bed, she pressed a pillow to her face and started to cry.

Angel saw Alex begin to cry and she smiled a bad smile, she whispered to Nathan and the both smiled and slipped back inside the school.

Xavier held her hand, his hand larger then hers. and walked to detention with her.

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