♥Lies Of The Gorgeous People♥ ┼Truth In Only Those Who Accept It┼

(I'm so pathetic I'm like teary eyed for Lea right now T.T)

Lea slapped him."I get your not interested but you don't have to lie! If you wheel gay wich I have 3 gay friends you wouldn't have even looked at me twice! "She yelled and kicked him hard in the back behind running off.(Now she is alone there's no other scene boys)
Serenity just grabbed an apple from one of the shelfs, dropped exact change in front of the lunch lady and sat at an empty table. she opened her book and took a bite of her apple. she had wanted to wait on reading The War of the Worlds, because she liked to save the better novels for summer, but she simply couldnt resist the allure of a good science fiction novel. she held the apple in her mouth and brushed a lock of her long golden brown hair away from her eyes.
Nathan saw her look at him and he smiled Then kept talking with Ethan

Alex Drove down the street and stopped at Wendy's, She got food and ate, Valerie called her, she answered and put her on speaker Phone "Yes?" She asked with a mouth full of Hamburger "I'm sorry, Alex." She said softly "Its alright Val. But hey cant talk okay? Ill be back soon, Bye." "Bye." Valerie said softly and hung up, Alex ate then started her car again. She drove down the street again Parking in the school parking lot, She looked down at her phone and sighed, not wanting to get out of the car.
Harry gasped, and Tony fell out his chair, onto the ground. He groaned. He called Gerard back. "Thanks. You got me slapped..." Tony said, then hung up on the artist, and Harry helped him to stand, and get back in his chair. Tony groaned again. Great, what else was he gonna mess up today. He got up and ran after Lea. He grabbed her arm and pulled her close. "Please, Just hear me out....I'm sorry.....I'm really sorry, for lying to you....Your really hot...but.....I just.....Gerard...he....." Tony hung his head in shame and let her go, sulking back to his hang out.
Kat saw him and blushed, She took a bite of her Banana, and walked past The guy, letting her hand drag across his table and she smiled back at him biting her lip, then she walked off towards the lunch line again.

Alex saw the girl kick him and she felt bad, but didn't show it. She got out of her car and walked into the school and past them, a smile spread across her lips and She saw Valerie sitting there, she saw the drama and she put her Sleeve over her mouth, "Alex." She smiled and hugged Alex.
(YES! !! PLEASE! ! T.T)

Lea screamed and grabbed Tony slamming him into a wall.(make him a bit phyco to...)

She turned him to face her and punched him until he had a busted lip.
Serenity looked over as she heard a clatter. there was some sort of commotion at a nearby table. Serenity sighed, got up and threw her apple away. she closed her book and walked out of the cafateria in search of somewhere quiet to read. she had never understood cliques and high school drama. she read a lot of books, sure, but she figured the drama should stay in those books. she had never really belonged to a group. she was smart, but didnt express it the way nerds did. she wasnt athletic or, not that she knew any better, gorgeous for that matter.

((i added a pic for Serenity if anyone cares. its the first time i actually managed to find a good pic thats not anime.*proud of myself* :D )
Tammy saw his smile and stood up, she threw her apple away and sat back down. She drummed her fingers on her table and aighed softly; as she looked at the clock, she remembered she needed to be in the gym for gymnastic practice at 1:20, and it was 1:10 currently. She took the hall pass from her back pocket and stood up, then started to walk across the cafeteria to the doors that led to her locker, the only bad side about walking across the gym was that she had to walk past the gorgeous group, she took a deep breath and walked past them, pretending like she was walking to someone, but she wasn't. Tammy quickly rushed or the the cafeteria and to the locker rooms to change into her gymnastic clothes and rush into the gym. Tammy stretched and hopped onto the beams, just to start with the simple routines.
Tony sighed, and got up, leaving the school, driving home. He wished that he could just do over the last 1 and a half, and hadn't flirted with Lea....or Kat....
Collin looked at Kat as she let her hand drag across the table. Collin resisted he urge to grab it, an he did. He watched her walk to the lunch line and smiled to himself, and to her; he started to eat his pear as he hear a girl scream, he looked over to see a girl punching a guy, he looked at the two, and didn't know what to do. He had an ...errr... Moment and looked at Kat, and winked.
Serenity made her way to the commons/lounge area(i dont know what everyone calls it...) and sat down, leaning against the wall. she opened her book with a small smile and began reading again.
As Tammy finished the beams, she ran back into the locker rooms and changed; she also separated herself with a little bite oD perfume. Tammy ran walked back into the cafeteria and sat downnext to her friends, notching she still had 5 more minutes if lunch yet, she eased up and drummed her fingers on her table once more and put her hand under her chin. She looked to the lunch line, seeing it was getting shorter and shorter by the minute, she was trying to focus of the fall festival, even though it was a month away. Tammy played the cello, so there were a lot of preps or her to do and help te other orchestra members try to complete before festival; like learning new songs, notes, and different ways to play the song.
Collin smirked as Kat blew him a kiss. He smiled and turned away as she got her lunch so h wouldnt distract her. Hopefully this girl wasn't te sterotypical 'Gorgeous girl' that everyone talked about. Collin secretly hope he would have a glad with her, he chuckled to himself and looked at his sister. He tried to avoid eye contact with her, becuase she would always figure out what e was doing.
Serenity let out a yawn. her eyes grew heavy and she dropped the book, still open, onto her lap. her head tilted to the side slightly and she fell asleep. she had stayed up really late the night before in order to finish the book she was on.
(Yes it is Xavier)

Kat walked past Collin again biting her lip, She looked back At Collin, his friend across the tale was watching, but she directed another kiss to Collin, The brushed her hair away from her eyes and walked back to her table slowly.

Xavier walked into the school, late. As usual, He opened his locker a girl next to his lock was asleep on the floor, he smiled then put his books inside and slammed the Locker door "Wake up, its not the library you can't sleep here."He laughed and kinda nudged her with his foot.

Alex took out her phone, she took out Tony's Number, She typed it in and sent him a Text. Hi
(aw come on guys no complaining. Serenity doesnt even belong to a group and i didnt say anything. anyway, i have guy character i could add but he is like a rock and roll kinda person, what group would he be in?))

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