♥Lies Of The Gorgeous People♥ ┼Truth In Only Those Who Accept It┼

Lea smiled a bit reading it. She did the same having hers say."I'm Lea but my friends call me Star because of my chest ... guess I was busted looking at you huh?" She folded the paper into a small square "accidentally "knocking it off her desk with a pin so it didn't look suspicious. She straightened up after he read it moving her hair so he could see the stars tattooed to her chest..
Tony slid it towards him, with his foot, and picked it up, reading it. His eye brows raised, and he smirked. "Thats hot *winky smiley face ( ;) )*....I love girls with tattoos...and piercings....Yea....I saw you...but its okay, cause your really pretty..." Tony got up to sharpen his pencil, and he used her desk to stand up, laying the piece of paper all folded neitly on her desk. He watched her read it, as he sharped his pencil, then sat back down at his desk. He check his phone for the time, and breathed out, deciding he would skip next pieriod.

(@Demon Valery's even prettier now ^-^ her and Alex, I think are tied now in Tony's head...)
(Changed Valerie Btw.)

Valerie sat in English class, and sneered at the two of them passing notes, she quickly took out her phone to text Alex. She kept doing her work, annoyed by the girl and him flirting even though he was flirting with Alex Also, Player, Was the first word that came to her mind.
Tony could feel eyes on him, and turned around seeing Valerie. He quickly turned around, and slumped in his seat, laying his head on his desk, he felt like *crap* now.
Lea looked at him blushing a bit. She turned the paper over writing "You should see the rest their everywhere you just have to find them. I'd ask you to join me in detention later but you would probably decline. "She slid it in his desk when the teacher was turned away.
Tammy stood in the possition of right forward; that was her usual position. She quickly checked her shoes and nodded in satisfaction. Tammy ran across the middle of the field as center passed her the ball, she weaved through all of the defense, so finally she was a few feet from she goal. Tammy took a deep breath of kicked the ball into the back of the net; "GOAL!!" her ram shouted, she giggled with pride and thanks. She gave everyone a high five that gave her a high five; Tammy shook her body quickly and focused. This time center passed it to the other wing, she stood back diagonal from her her teammate; waiting for the bl to come to her. The defense kicked the ball; it landed in Tammy's feet, she smiled and pressed forward to the goal, stopping at the goal box, and kicking the ball in the net. Scoring yet another goal.
Tony read the note despite his feelings, and blushed. His insticts told him to purse this....but Alex and Valerie.....He bit his lip. "I"ll think about it....text me, so we dont get in trouble for passing notes...."Tony said slipping it to her, after writing his number down, checking his phone. He breathed out, and wrote the things on the board down, then laid his head back down.
Valerie sneered at him when he turned around and then she kept writing, Just thinking about how mad Alex was going to be. Don't even try anymore Dude. She thought to herself. writing so hard her pencil broke, she growled then walked past the two the sharpen her pencil, Not facing Tony, She quickly sharpened it, only to give him a hateful glare when she turned around to walk back to her seat.
Lea pushed that note into her Jean pocket and waited for the dreadful class to end.she flipped her pen up in the air many times not caring if and when the teacher caught her.
Tony sank farther into his seat, staring at his arm. Stupid mother....ugh...Tony raised his hand, to be excused, and the teach reluctantly nodded. He walked out of the class room, with his messanger bag, and walked to the corner of the school that the scene kids hung out. He finnally found his designated seat, and slumped down in it groaning. Harrison looked over at him, and raised an eye brow.

"I hate my stupid brain....I can stop this feeling....deep inside of mee..Sorry...broke into song for a second. I can't stop the flirting. Its tearing me apart...maybe I should just go home, and paint with Gerard, clear my head, so I can figure out, what i'm gonna do.." Tony said trying to think.

Harrison was confused. "Wait, What?"

"You know those girls that passed by...the new scene chicks? Well one of them I really really like, another ones really pretty.....I flirted with the first one, and then I went to English, and there was a hot chick sitting next to me, and I caught her checking me out, so instictivly I flirted with her...but the 2nd girl, Valerie was sitting behind me, watching me flirt with Lea, the 3rd girl....And she's like bestfriends with Alex, the first one....and Valerie probably told Alex to don't even try to flirt with me, cause i'm a player.....I don't like being this way, Harry....." Tony said sighing, falling out of his chair, and just laying on the grass, groaning.

Harrison shook his head. "You got your self into this *crap*....You have to get yourself out...." Tony nodded at Harry's wisdom, and pulled out his phone, turning on some music to clear his head, so he could think.
Alex sat at the lunch table with Dakota, Valerie, and Kristen, Valerie kept talking about Tony, Then Alex broke "Shut the H*ll Up Valerie!" She yelled, Valerie jumped, not seeing that coming, her eyes wide and she bit her lip to hold back here Apology.

Lea stood and walked out of the class. She walked outside after putting up all her books and saw Tony. She walked over since he was in her normal hang out anyway and sat down. "Hey." She said in a sweet soft voice.ei
(Tony left the class room, in the middle of class, and walked outside, he's been outside sence then. Him and Harrison have been sitting outside, on the side of the school closer to the front of the Band Hall. They didn't go to lunch. )
Lea looked a bit concerned suddenly and sat next to him."You seem down. Why?" She asked and reached down playing with his hair.
Tammy ran into the lockerooms and changes into her days clothes, then dried off all of her sweat, and made herself made smell better than gym class. She put the shoulder bag over her shoulder and walked back to her locker to grab her lunch and head to the cafeteria. As she was walking, she passed the scene kids, Tammy smiled politely and kept on walking to the cafe. Approaching the cafeteria, she walked to a semi filled table with the other athletes and jocks. She quietly ate her lunch of turkey, ham, and cheese sandwich. Occasionaly she would give inpu in last nights game, or major athletes that were in the NBA, WMBA, NFL, and more. She took a few sips of her water, and smiled to her friends across the table.
Tony just sat there, and shook his head. "It doesn't concern you...." Tony said as he breathed out. He come to a descision.....he had no flipping idea....Alex or Lea....He had to decide now....Lea was dangerous...like playing with fire but Alex.....she was something else....Tony would think about it, and talk to Gerard about it. Gerard was always good at solving Tony's problems.

(Calm down....I was just playing dumb...I say that stuff all the time...cause its funny...)
Alex stood up, and decided she was going to buy lunch, She walked o=down the hall, passing the scene kids, herkeys on her fist, She unlocked her car and got inside slamming the door hard, she turned on the car and drove off, leaving slight black skid marks on the road.
(holy cow ive been gone 3 hours and this miraculously started up and got away from me. xD ))

Serenity walked up to the library counter with a large stack of books and set them down with a thud. the librarian just raised an eyebrow as she began to checkout all the books. "my, my Serenity, have you finished every book in the library yet?" Serenity rolled her eyes, "of course not, you know i dont read anything non fiction unless its science related." the woman finished checking out the books and placed them in a bag. the books were heavier then she thought they would be, but Serenity didn't really care. she stored the bulk of them in her locker, taking only one with her as she went down to lunch.
Tony looked up and watched Alex leave. She looked Poed....Tony bit his lip. He stood, and wandered off, calling Gerard. When Gerard finnally answered, Tony was in distress. He told Gerard all about his problem, and Gerard sighed. "Pick Alex. Girls like her don't come around very often...." Tony nodded, and breathed out. If only he had her number. He would call her, and tell her that he was done with flirting, the only girl he wanted to be more than friends with, was her. He walked back to thier hang out, and sat down.

"I'm sorry Lea....but....." Tony had to lie to her...."But i'm gay...." He said, shocked as it slipped out of his mouth. He stared down at his shoes, and Harry looked up in shock.
Collin sat across from his sister, and next to his friends. He looked across their cafeteria and smiled, "So many teens" he said to him self "And I only know a quarter of them", as he continued to looked around te cafe, he saw Kat. Thinking she was pretty, he smile absent mindedly; Collin slowly turned his attention to his friends and nodded his head, as if he had been listening the whole time.

Tammy saw Collin looking at the Gorgeous People. She sighed, knowing that he'd probably get his heart broken if he had a crush on one. She finished her sandwich and started to eat her Fuji apple as she bit into her apple, the delicious juice squirting into her mouth. Tammy bit a chunk it of her apple smiling in satisfaction, she looked around the cafe also. Knowing she shouldn't look to te gorgeous people; she did anyway. Tammy's eyes fell on Nathan with a smile, but quickly back to the people sitting at her table.

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