♥Lies Of The Gorgeous People♥ ┼Truth In Only Those Who Accept It┼

Alex sniffled and turned away when he threw up, once he was finished she punched him on the shoulder, Hard

Big Boy and the rest of the dogs fell asleep outside her door, around 11:11 a animal turned the corner, Big boys ears pricked once he smelt the foul scent, he saw the large black blur knock over Her trash can and start to eat the vile food, Big boy bared his teeth stepping over Cooper, then he lunged for the animal, making a loud aggressive sound, and started to bark a low deep bark, the animal jumped out of the way and quickly ran back across the street, barley avoiding a semi truck and ran back into the woods, Big boys fur blistered and his teeth were drawn back into a snarl still.
Serenity woke in the middle of the night listening to the dogs growl. there was noise, and she figured they were getting in her garbage, and her ankle hurt too much to do anything about it. she would have her parents clean up in the morning. she grabbed the pain pills from her night stand, swallowed two and went back to bed.
Big Boy growled and let out a loud huff, then went and curled up on the door step, Cooper laid beside him and Big Boy wrapped his tail around cooper in a fatherly protective way. Crystal rested her head On Big boys back, Ash put hus muzzle under Cooper
DemonicPheneomenon911 said:
Alex sniffled and turned away when he threw up, once he was finished she punched him on the shoulder, Hard
Tony wimpered, when she punched his shoulder, and slowly sat up. "What was that for..."Tony asked, rubbing his arm, then groaning, cause of his head.
Alex leans in and kissed his forehead "For scaring me. Why? Why would you do such a Stupid, Stupid Thing?" She grabbed his arm tightly and sniffled her eyes slightly red from the tears. "Please, Please" She begged putting epithets on the last plead, "Never do it again." She whimpered quietly feeling her throat tighten as she spoke the last word.

Lets time skip our characters and let Alex and Tony, and I'm also making another RP(: Its anime, you guys may take a liking to it(: ill message you the link if your curious
"I-I did it before I called you....I couldn't live with myself. I wanted to overdose...but Gerard would stop me, so...I just took 2, and called you.....After you hung up on me the first time, I threw my phone at the wall..and it cracked down the middle...so I don't have a phone anymore...." Tony said wrapping his arms tightly around her, kissing her lips gently. "Your the first one to even care...." Tony said with tears in his eyes. "I promise, love...I'll never do it again..." Tony said nuzzling her neck.
Alex began to cry but quickly wiped away her tears and kissed him back, she sniffled and put her head on his chest and held his hand tightly, a few tears sliding down her cheek.
Alex felt a warm tingle and looked into his eyes, grabbing his hand tightly she stood up pulling him onto his feet, she bit her lip and smiled at him, her eyes glittering with a bad idea.
Alex smiled and wrapped her arms around him and kissed his lips, she UN-wraped her arms and then took his hand walking across the field towards her home.
(Got it :) So, Skip to the very end?)

Anthony was breathing hard, some how they'd ended up on the floor, him on bottum. Tony hated behind on bottum, he felt so manly deprived. He slipped front under her, and sat down on the couch, trying to steady his breath, pulling on his boxers. He laid back, and laid down on the couch, then yawned. "That was......wow..." Tony said smiling. He couldn't let up his smile.
Alex sat on the cold floor panting, she rubbed her forehead and then stood up, not bothering about those tight clothe son the floor, she Ran upstairs her clothes in hand, and she walked into her room.
Anthony didn't want to sit downstairs, so he he set his clothes on the couch, and ran up stairs behind her. He smiled, and wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her cheek gently.
Alex kissed him back and then went to her closet and pulled out a rather large shirt, and slipped it over herself. Looking at Tony she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

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