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Realistic or Modern Let's Grow Old Together (Soulmate RP)

tomato modest

it feels like i'm drowning.

When you are born, you age until the year of 18, but after that, you are no longer able to age. Do you want to know why? You only begin to age once you meet your soulmate. Then you are able to grow old together forever. Many people are still in search of their soulmate, while others want to keep away from them to have immortality. What about you? Will you find your soulmate?

@Sharkiee @Haus Of Alaska

Eron had about 30 years ago killed his last soulmate. Now at this point he was looking for the new one. The thing was, he coukd never really tell until he started dating them and could sense the aging. This made it very difficult, but he'd manage to do it so far and he was sure he could do it now. He had a system of doing this though. He'd cut his arm and the day after they start dating. He'd know when he's aging when the scar begins to fade. If they weren't his soulmate, the scar would never fade because scars fade over time. He wandered the city of Chicago, looking.

@Beloved @Haus Of Alaska @Sammi @Nai @Deviced @Genieva Von Bubbles @Ophirius

(I'll make my starter for Rose later because i really gotta go
:P )

Saint Alexander Pierce

He woke up early that morning, not even sure what day it was but his clock said 7:30am. Never fucking get enough sleep he thought as he sat up with a groan and ran his fingers through his hair. He unlike some people really wanted to find his soulmate and have a normal life. He'd never found one before and part of him believed he just didn't have one, Maybe he got screwed over in that department just like everything else. He started to grow hungry so after he was done sitting there being sorry for himself he got up and got dressed in some dark red skinny jeans and a Santa Monica shirt with some black boots before grabbing his bag with his keys attached to it and heading out the door towards the cafe he went too every morning. His hair was just sort of brushed up slightly though it was still very messy and he was wearing his silver eyebrow 'stud' if you could even call it that and his lip rings.

(Same as what he's wearing in his sheet picture)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/f64e7ab5f38bdcfbd14e78b42b47f13d-d4be5zz.gif.664fd3e6e4f58927830f31bf8d8ece7e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/f64e7ab5f38bdcfbd14e78b42b47f13d-d4be5zz.gif.664fd3e6e4f58927830f31bf8d8ece7e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/f64e7ab5f38bdcfbd14e78b42b47f13d-d4be5zz.gif.664fd3e6e4f58927830f31bf8d8ece7e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/f64e7ab5f38bdcfbd14e78b42b47f13d-d4be5zz.gif.664fd3e6e4f58927830f31bf8d8ece7e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vex Alexandria Jones

She sighed quietly as she hadn't slept all night, she was up thinking about what her soulmate would look like and the fact she worked today which really annoyed her. She worked in the pet shop as a cashier and to clean the enclosures, It was easy work but it was also boring as hell, that is when she wasn't trying not to have a panic attack from having to talk to people. She eventually got herself up and got a cup of coffee, she was wearing rainbow skull pajama pants and a t-shirt she kept from her ex-boyfriend which ended up not being her soulmate much to her disappointment as he was a really sweet guy, Part of her even considered giving up the soulmate thing and just living forever with him but there would always be that curiosity to find out what they looked like so they eventually broke it off though on good terms and she even dogsits for him when he's out of town.​



  • f64e7ab5f38bdcfbd14e78b42b47f13d-d4be5zz.gif
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Skyler sighed as she looked at her clock. 6:47. She never got much sleep, but this night had been especially sleepless. The night before, the boy she had been dating broke up with her. He didn't say it, but she new why. They weren't soulmates. Sky thought that was okay. If you aren't soulmates, you never age, and you never die. But some people wanted to grow old with the one they loved. Why couldn't she just find love and never age!? She threw a pillow at the wall. She had to admit, she didn't love him, but he was a good friend, and she thought that was enough. She started strumming her ukulele mindlessly. Skyler was quite fond of making her own songs, and loved sharing them with people. She had a girlfriend before who played guitar, but, alas, they weren't soulmates, and she left. Skyler was left to wonder why she couldn't just date a non-soulmate, and not grow old, but still be with someone she loved. The problem is, when someone isn't your soulmate, they don't love you forever. The ones who love forever don't last.
Jade sat down in a small pasture, thinking about all the past lovers she had. She was just waiting to find her soul mate. She wanted to age. She wanted to be with someone she loves forever. The only thing she had now was her German Shepard puppy Grover and a baby calf she had rescued not to long ago from a mother who has rejected her because she only had 3 legs. Jade stroked the fur of the puppy as she watched the calf try to make her way towards the path of grass a few feet away. Jade got up and went to assist the calf, acting as a 4th leg.

Later on Jade had left to go meet up with her brother at the mall, and his soul mate, which Who she hated with a passion. She stuck in her ear buds and turned it to full vollume so she didn't have to hear anyone around her. She turned on Cry Baby by Melanie Martinez and skipped down the street, swinging her keys around her finger. She knew she should have ridden her skateboard to make time faster but she was enjoying this stroll. She got to look at the pretty sights.
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Ellie La Croix

Ellie personally really enjoyed The Zebra Lounge. Its a little hole in the wall bar that is almost impossible to find without a little direction. Truthfully, Ellie had stumbled upon one day by accident after running away from a group of suspicious old men who were following him (the truth was they were going to ask him to play his cello for them, but because they all used to be wrestlers and looked rather intimidating, Ellie feared the worst). When Ellie had first shown up asking to play a gig, the owner laughed and turned him away because nobody in the night crowd would want to hear some classical cello shit while getting shit-faced.

So Ellie asked if he could play for the day crowd instead, and the owner found that he didn't really have a reason to turn him away. He tried, claiming that he probably couldn't even play, but twenty minutes and one Neighborhood medley later and Ellie had the job.

He was there now, quietly playing for the small group of people gathered there. Most were hungover and avid drinkers, looking to start early, but some of them were sober enough to enjoy his soft music and peaceful expression.

Rhys stumbled out of the club as the sun was coming up. He had spent the night partying and as he climbed into

the closest cab, he checked his phone and had no messages.

He was drunk and high and just wanted to sleep. With a groan he relaxed against the back seat and closed his

eyes after giving the cab driver his address. His phone in his pocket and non-responsive. He had gone out with friends

but as usual he out partied them.

He got out of the cab after paying and went to unlock the door to his apartment building, he had the penthouse at the top.

He just wanted to sleep now as he was coming down off his high.

(leaving it open to be contacted by anyone)

Kim Jun Seo

A sweet cascade of warmth spread along the edge of the landscape, its glow irresistible and innocent as it woke the city to life. The light from the sun created shadows and the warmth from it created coldness. Contrasts just as clear as the early morning sky that stretched itself out above his dark pileum.

In the distance, the contours of birds could be seen, sailing the blue sky blithely as the humans below awoke to their daily struggles and endless oceans of thoughts and opinions. All of it was captured in the frame of his camera, slender fingers holding it steady and gently stroking its lifeless features and corners as he viewed the world through his third eye. A refreshing breeze swept past the rooftop that he stood on, its slight chilliness ever so imminent as it pierced through his clothes. With a simple, almost too simple movement of his finger, the world stopped for a second. Then without his consent mother nature continued her daily routine and yet another day dawned upon them all. His chocolate gaze was no longer lingering on the morning sky but the display of his camera. This morning had now been captured and perpetuated akin to many other things that he had photographed. As a matter of fact, he had a full photo album with pictures of people, scenery, and animals. But no matter how many photos he snapped or how many moments he captured time would not revert. Neither for him or the dead.

With a sigh, Jun Seo crouched and put the camera away in his red backpack before swinging it over his shoulder. It was light weight as it only contained the camera and a notebook, an advantage for someone like him who roamed the city day and night. As of now, though, some sweets would sit well before anything else. With that goal in mind, he strolled his way to the exit and left the scene behind.
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Kelly awoke to the sun shining through her window, groaning she tried to roll over and find a spot of the bed where the sun wasn't in her eyes, But since she had left her curtains open that night, she quickly found the task to be impossible. Sighing she sat up and stretched before getting out of her bed and looking out the window. It was beautiful day out and she decided to make the most of it.

"Who knows i might even find my soulmate" She muttered to herself with a laugh.

Kelly changed into a long black t-shirt styled dress with a picture of the moon on it and a pair of light sheer black tights. After washing all of the makeup from yesterday of her face, she applied some eyeliner and mascara and decided to leave her hair down so to ensure minimal effort. She moved downstairs and ate a slice of toast before moving into the hall where she pulled on her black boots and grabbed her backpack containing her essential items for a day out of the house. As she headed for the door, she grabbed her oversized red plaid shirt which she has kept from a previous relationship. She sighed sadly as she pulled the plaid shirt on,Her ex- John held a special place in her heart and she thought they were good for each other but after a few months of not aging, they agreed that being friends was the better option. Well in saying agreed, it was more like John decided and Kelly had no choice in the matter. Stuck in her thoughts of the past, she left the house and headed towards the local coffee shop, on the decision that she would grab a coffee then sit in the park till she thought of something to do. She rooted through her bag and grabbed out her cigarettes, placing one to her lips, lighting it as she walked.

He groaned as he landed on his bed with a Thump. He was already falling asleep when he pulled out his phone and fired off a text to Saint

Hey dude,

Know your awake, wanna get lunch later?

gonna be starved at this rate


And with that he fell asleep, snoring as he crashed out


Saint Alexander Pierce

He was about to walk out the door when he got a text from Rhys and looked down at his phone with a small grin

[To: Rhys]

[Yeah, I'll pick you up...What do you want to get?]

He send back before getting his shoes on and heading out the door in search of something...Anything, to do. He'd been so damn bored the last couple days that he'd gotten somewhat depressed so he wanted to find something to do.

@Haus Of Alaska @Beloved
Skyler wanted to do something, or just talk, but she was so scared of finding a soulmate that she didn't really have any friends. She decided to go to the mall, as people watching always seemed to ease her mind. She enjoyed imagining their life story. She also liked to watch the children, unworried about what would face them when they turned 18. She got there and strolled around, when she saw a group. There was a boy and a girl walking next to each other, obviously should mates. Next to them was another girl, similar looking to the boy, probably his sister. The girl was beautiful... Styler looked away. No. But she couldn't help but follow the group for a bit, eventually getting dangerously close. She never followed people for long, as to not be creepy, but she couldn't stay away from this girl.
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Kelly pulled her earphones out of her bag and connected them to her phone as she put on the pretty reckless album. Medicine began to play through her earphones and she mouthed along the words as she walked. As the cafe came into view, she put out her cigarette in the cigarette bin attached to the wall of the bookies and looked around her at the few shops around her. A smile grew on her face as the chorus came on and she quietly began to sing the words. Suddenly she hit something solid and stumbled back. "Oh I'm so so sorry" She said apologetically as she ripped the earphones out of her ears. "I wasnt paying attention". She looked up at the man infront of her quite embarrased.


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