Leicester Academy


Vincent laughed a bit at Elliot, watching him wipe the ice cream off of his cheek "Doesnt feel so good now does it?" Vincent questioned with a little smirk, he liked being with Elliot truthfully, he was nice to be around, he was funny, sweet and just utterly adorable. Vincent smiled to himself as he thought of these things then stood up "Well. Are you ready for the Aquarium? It's not far from here just a five minute walk." Vincent said taking a hold of Elliot's hand warmly.


Elliot giggled and smiled after"Actually it does feel good."he said and laughed a little then finished up the ice cream that was in the small bowl and tossed it into the garbage can.Elliot smiled once again and looked up at Vincent"Yeah.I hope we get to see a shark or something."he said and smiled when Vincent took hold of his hand.Their hands were warm once they came together and Elliot felt warmth brushing over his cheeks lightly as they began to walk together.He looked up a couple of times at Vincent before keeping his eyes in front of him trying to spot out the Aquarium as he he even knew what it looked like anyway.What does an Aquarium look like inside?"he asked the taller male as he fluttered his eyebrows and grinned softly "Or is that a stupid question?Eh"he added and looked down.

Vincent chuckled slightly at Elliots words when he had said it felt good "Well then I guess i'll just put ice cream on your face for now on." Vincent said only joking around. As they walked Vincent listened to Elliot talk about the aquarium and hopes of seeing the shark tank "Well its pretty big inside, as soon as you walk in when you look down there is already a mini ocean filled with sting ray's, baby sharks, a huge turtle and more and thats only the first floor. Its pretty hard to explain." Vincent said with a smile.

(( I just decided to put a whole bunch of picture up x) ))


An grabbed a handful of the jelly beans since Athalia had been so gracious to offer them. As he began to put on in his mouth he drew his hand back. He was thinking. He felt awfully rude for not asking her anything about herself and just taking her candy. "I-I want to ask something of you. Tell me about yourself?" An felt rather weird being so forward with this girl. He wasn't usually like that with people except his parents. They brought out the best in him. Maybe the candy was sign of change? He placed a jelly bean in his mouth and waited for an answer.


Soleil had been fooling around in the library this whole time. One of her little safe havens. She was content with how her school life was already beginning. She smiled to herself and placed the book she was reading down on the table. Stretching, she rose from her seat and proceeded to walk out the library. Twisting her hair around her fingers, Soleil came across the boy who had sat next to her in class. He had been the one drawing! Curiosity had won over her usual introverted behavior and she tapped the guy on his shoulder. "Hi! Umm I sit next to you. I wondered... I mean I'm still wondering... hold on." Soleil turned away from him and inhaled deeply, blowing out a long breath. Turning around she said, "I wanted to know what you've been drawing!" Inwardly, she gave herself a high-five. This was a proud moment for Soleil.
Suh watched as the mass of people flowed from the auditorium, while she sat waiting for the jumbled mass to leave she closed her eyes for a while, after what seemed like some time she opened her eyes and shifted her sights toward the door. Rising slowly she absently strolled from the room before seeing the crowd once again, she maneuvered through catching a quick glimpse of the huddled collection around the board. Taking a mental note to return there later Suh made her way toward the open court yard.

Apparently, sometime had passed because she had heard a bell and seen some students scatter among the campus grounds, Suh looked and and watched as everyone congealed and became settled. " I can assume...I missed the first section.' She whispered with an mellow demeanor, Suh made her way to a bricked place to sit, it had a nice view of the court yard and she assumed she could relax here until the break was over. Reaching down into a slit of a pocket, her fingers pulled up with a small black case, sliding her finger under the latch and popping the top she retrieved one of her little "guilty pleasures". Suh began to gaze out over the open space as the blue glow flickered ever so often.

( I hope I can still reply,I am sorry I have been absent, but I can say I'll post more often...)
Alex got up and walked in the auditorium and on stage. She singed say something by great world loud and beautiful hoping someone would hear. Alex wanted a guy friend and she need one now..

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James felt the tap on his shoulder and turned around, he was a little surprised to see the girl with the brown hair behind him. When he heard her request he immediately felt a little embarrassed but it was soon replaced by excitement. It was really the first time someone outside of his family took interest in his drawings. "Uh...y-yeah sure" he sputtered reaching into his bag and pulling out his black notebook, quickly flipping to the page that had her face on it. "Uh I hope you're not creeped out, it's just that you have really beautiful features." He watched her facial expressions wondering if she might like it or not.

"Me? Beautiful features? N-no! That's just....." She wanted to finish that sentence with the word impossible. Soleil didn't think anyone could find a girl like her pretty at all. Nevertheless, Soleil began to swoon. He was like one of those guys in her otome games she played a lot. Focus, she thought to herself. 2D love is not the same as 3D, she said inwardly. Sighing, she took a better look at the drawing of her. It was fascinating. Her hair looked tamed in the drawing, compared to how wild it really is. She was loving every aspect of the drawing. "Woooooooow! I look so.... gosh I look pretty! The hair, my face, it all looks so beautiful!" She was trying hard not to blush. To distract herself from the itching feeling of wanting to run away because of nervousness, she held out her hand. "I want to introduce myself properly. I'm Soleil. It's nice to meet you." She gave him a nice big smile.

James couldn't help but smile at this girl, she had a manner about her that just made him feel happy. Plus the complements on his art helped a lot. James smiled at her remarks "I draw it as I see it." he smiled again "If you want you can keep the picture itself." James stood there gazing at her finding it difficult to peel his eyes away from hers. "u-hm....where's your next class?"

Soleil had to pull herself from the mesmerizing gaze of Mister Blue Eyes here. The looks he was giving her were sending shivers up and down her spine. Looking away, she pulled out her schedule, she searched among the list for her next class. "Ummmmmm it is...... History! What about you?"

James didn't need to glance at his schedule he knew he wanted to be with this girl...though he checked it, just for good measure. He smiled realizing he totally lucked out. He looked at the girl and smiled again. "Looks like we're going to the same place, wanna walk together?" He took a couple steps before turning back towards Soleil waiting patiently.
Alex looked at her schedule and ran down the hall to get to history. She looked behind her and saw some guys chasing her. " maybe from...kicking there...equipment.." she thought then smiled. " lets run.. boys..". Alex ran down the hall made a sharp turn and hid for awhile. They couldn't find her so they returned to the gym. She looked at her map then ran down the hall, as soon as she turned to look back she ran dead into a boy, (james @Kai'zen Makaira ). She tumbled on top of him and layed there for about 2 minutes till she realized what happen. Alex used her arms to hover over the boy. " um hi there.." she said with her face turning red. " im alex and you are?" she continued with a smile acting as if nothing happened and as if she is totally not on top of him at the moment, which she was.
James was completely blindsided by the human cannonball of a girl that just took him out, he shook his head in an attempt to get rid of the dizziness he felt he tried to sit up but soon realized that she was still on top of him. "Uh I'm James..James Saintclare uhm pleasure to meet you?" He sat up on his elbows averting his eyes from her gaze. "This girl is pretty too." He thought to himself looking up at Soleil his eyes gently pleading for help.
Alex sat on her knees infront of him gathering her books. " im sorry...didn't mean to interrupt you and your friend here.." she said because of the way he was looking at her , made her think of the face she made when pleading for help. Ofcourse she knew that was never something you did to a girl friend and even if she never had the chance to be a girl friend. " I was running from some jocks...were tugging at my shorts and I kinda high kicked one and kicked all their equipment....long story..but I think I lost them." she replied with smile and looked at him with her face red. She looked at him with a little twinkle in her eyes. Alex noticed one of her drawings beside him of a dragon she drew. It was very detailed and very beautiful. " um can you hand me that.." she asked politely.

@Kai'zen Makaira
James made eye contact with Alex registering something that seemed....different. He snapped back to attention after hearing her request. James knelt down and saw the picture, he paused for a moment taking in all the details, reaching down and gingerly picking up the picture trying not to touch the lines. "This is very good." He stood up straight and looked up at Alex smiling. "How long have you been drawing?" He handed the picture over to Alex before bending down to pick up his own things keeping his sketchbook in his hands. He stood up and slung his bag back over his back. looking at both the girls feeling bad for starting to judge Alex before really meeting her.
"um...well since I was 10 then I attended an arts school till I was 13..in london.. actually.. learned to sing also, but im also good at mechanics." Alex said getting up slipping the picture in her sketch book. "you draw?" she asked with a smile. Alex took one of her drawings of the night sky out and wrote her number on it. " couldn't help to try.." she thought to herself and said "I really love this one ive drawn it 3 times.. one my mom had and I have one hanging in my dorm , but it's painted . Then you can have this one." She said handing it to him. "its to payback for all this...". Alex had a crush on him and she just meet him. She felt dirty and disguised as she slowly walked away.
James took the picture happily, gazing down at it to take in all the details, and yes he noticed the number. He smiled and looked up to see the girl walking off. James tried to say something but he just fumbled with his words. eventually he was able to speak up just before she left, "H-hey, what class are you going to now? Oh and uh..yes I draw aswell" James instantly felt how out of place that statement was but he really hated watching the girl leave. At the same time he also didn't want to make Soleil feel awkward. As soon as she came into his head his mind turned into a raging storm of thoughts and emotions eventually he let out an exasperated sigh and face-palmed himself trying to quiet his thoughts. "Good lord, first day and I'm already a wreck." he thought to himself he looked to Soleil trying to figure out how she felt about the current situation by her expression. He watched but didn't really notice anything.
" um.. histo-" Alex saw the jocks and gave the boy she just meet, james , a slight kiss on the cheek. " but I gotta go...I don't wanna be you know late..." She yelled as she ran down the hall looking back waving as her hair flowed behind her. The jocks looked at James then ran after Alex. She turned the corner then went into her history class and sat down. "eh.." 
@Kai'zen Makaira
"Myself?" Athalia looked at the walking people with calm eyes, not really sure as to what she can, will and should tell An. "I'm not really sure what to say, except for the fact that I get away with lots of things." She chuckled lightly, picking up a blue and red jellybean, and squishing it a little before putting them in her mouth. "Being totally ladylike is not my style. Well, I guess there's more..." She hummed while thinking, her fingers tapping on the table. "What do you want to know?"
James turned a little pink after being kissed on the cheek, but was shaken out of his stupor when she ran away waving. He sighed "Late huh, wait did she say history?" James snapped back to attention when he saw the jocks run past in the direction Alex just went. "That's trouble." He wasn't sure but just in case he grabbed Soleil's (@DozenRoses) hand and took off with her in tow. With his speed they caught up to the jocks quickly stopping right in front of the room their history class was in. "This could be trouble." James walked in still holding guiding Soleil through the aisles. he picked a spot bewtween Alex and Soleil so he could still be with his two friends. He turned to Alex "What's the story with those guys, why are they after you?"
"Hm...I took a football and drew one of their faces on it good detail by the way and stuck a knife in it and wrote idiot on the back of the ball..shredded their clothes..and ruined some equipment.." Alex said with a smile as she saw the jocks run by and she let out relief. " they hit my but and was like hey sweet thing." She continued with a long sigh. " but I..kinda have a crush on you now so th- I mean kinda have a friendship with you..yea you" Alex layed her head on her desk and head banged at least twice. She looked at him with a piece paper stuck to her head without noticing. (@Kai'zen Makaira)

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James laughed gently pulling the paper off of Alex's head. "Wow, wasn't that a bit much, I mean yeah they are jerks but that's alot for payback." James paused a moment as he heard the part about her having a crush/friendship with him? He smiled chuckling to himself, it was honestly the first time a girl actually approached him about having a crush on him, at his old school they just whispered and giggled never really bothering to say something. For that he had a newfound respect for Alex and not just for teaching the jocks a lesson. "Well Alex it's my pleasure to make your aquaintance." He looked down grabbing his sketch pad and pulled out a couple pictures he'd drawn, one was a dragon that was spewing flames from it's mouth the word Pride written with the flames. One was a upraised fist with the word strength under it, and the last was completely different, it showed the night sky and the face of a kind motherly sort of woman was made out of stars. "I think you'll appreciate these more than My previous art teacher, he was kinda a jerk...let's not talk about that. You can keep them too if you'd like."

Soleil had frozen up at the emergence of the new girl. Between the kiss she had given him, the way he had turned pink, and him grabbing hold of Soleil's hand, she didn't know what to do with herself. Then she heard the magical words from Alex.....
crush. She felt exasperated! Soleil had never been one for romance, but she recognized this new emotion easily. Jealousy. But she didn't have the right to be feeling that way at all. James was his own person, free to feel whatever he wanted to feel. She had no right to interfere. But Soleil wanted out badly. She found herself in a situation she was unfamiliar with and that made it even more scary. So Soleil did the best thing she could think of. She got up and began to gather her things as quickly as she could. Struggling with all the items in her hand, she had almost made it out the door, but she tripped over the leg of a chair. Soleil was beyond frustrated at this point. Kneeling down she tried to gather the items once more.


"Anything you're willing to tell me honestly. I'm not sure how these things work. I don't have a lot friends back home. So I don't really hold conversations with people my age. I always stuck around my family." An chuckled. He was enjoying himself with Athalia a lot though. She made the effort worthwhile. And the candy was a plus too.
James was alerted by Soleil's movement his right side, he turned watching her leave with a perplexed look on his face. That lok soon turned to concern when he saw her trip and drop all her things. James sighed wondering how he got himself into this situation. he stood up and walked over to Soleil kneeling down next to her helping her gather her things, as he picked up some items he looked at Soleil noticing a look of despair on her face, he quickly picked up the rest of her things and grabbed her hand, leading her out into the hall. once they had gottenfar enough from the classroom's door he let her go turning around and looking Soleil right in hers eys. "What's wrong? " there was genuine concern in his voice that his eyes mirrored. James was the kind of person that hated seeing his friends upset and would try his hardest to make them feel better.

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